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Name: TOLENTINO, Nicole Van B.

Date: January 22, 2021

Year and Section: MM-2A CBA106 – Strategic Management

Amidst the pandemic happening in the world currently for almost two years already, we
are all faced with the new normal. This new normal has also made us adjust to pre-pandemic
habits and things that we were used to, such as online learning, work from home, the mandatory
use of facemasks, social distancing, and other day-to-day activities.

Given that this semester break, I could have vacant days that are academic-free, I made
sure to spend those days wisely by being productive even if it meant that sometimes I could not
go outside because of the increasing cases of COVID-19 in the country. And because I aim to be
effective, I always try to plan my days ahead of time. Planning and time management were my
strategies that made my goal successful in spending my time wisely so that I will not miss doing
something and before I regret it when classes have already started. I effectively used and applied
those strategies by listing down the things I will do and categorizing them into two categories:
needs and wants. Needs are those things I first prioritize to do and accomplish, such as
submitting requirements for valid id, renewing a passport, accepting editing commissions to earn
extra money. Wants are those things I want to accomplish for satisfaction and to past leisure time
such as organizing files on my computer, meeting with my friends, cook new dishes I learned
from Tiktok. Time management was also vital in my planning as it made me sure that I could
schedule my time accordingly to the activities that I was going to do. I made a habit of waking
up early to have extra time to rest between the day-to-day activities I planned on doing.

The utilization of these strategies has made me learn lessons that I can apply and be
useful for me, especially as a business student in my future career in the corporate world. To do
these planning and time management strategies, one must have the characteristic of being
disciplined. And I think having discipline, even if in small things, is vital as it ensures that we
move forward from our goals. And in business. Discipline can promote appropriate behavior by
adhering to company rules and protocols that will eventually contribute to a good and good flow
of the run of the business itself. Lastly, discipline can also lead to efficiency, which is vital for a
company because disciplined people will work promptly to produce good quality products and
services. Discipline necessitates focus, time management, and orderliness, contributing to
productive labor.

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