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Prepared by: Kyle May B. Gayoma

Aloe barbadensis var. variegata

Aloe has been a common burn remedy

since the Greek physician Dioscorides
discovered its medicinal properties
circa six B.C. The plant began originally

grew in Eastern and Southern Africa,

making its to temperate zones via
trade routes.
Aloe Vera for Burns: How it Works
Aloe Vera is a very effective way to alleviate the pain caused by a burn. Aloe contains enzymes that
reduce inflammation and increase blood flow to damaged tissues. Because it contains
antibacterial compounds, aloe can also assist in avoiding infection. Aloe helps new skin cells form,
accelerating the healing process. It was also found to speed wound healing by increasing
circulation in the blood vessels of the skin, allowing oxygen and nutrients to be delivered to the
affected skin sooner and more quickly. In addition to healing skin, preventing blistering and
scarring, Aloe provides instant relief, taking the throbbing and sting out of kitchen burns,

sunburns, and any other type of minor burn. It is a very gentle substance, and can be used on all
areas of your body. Allergies to aloe are very rare. However, you may want to try it on a small
portion of your skin first. Aloe is generally very soothing. Irritation is not normal and is a sign that
you may have an allergy.
How to Apply Aloe for Burns
Aloe for burns can be used in many different forms. It is often available in a spray, liquid, gel,
lotion, cream, or capsule. Although all types are effective, Aloe is most potent when taken
directly from the plant. You can cut off a portion of the plant, and then wash it. Then you can
squeeze out the gel and put it on the burn. When buying Aloe products, be aware of the fact
that some Aloe gels only contain trace quantities of Aloe in them. Look for products containing
a high percentage of stabilized aloe vera gel. Aloe should be spread on a burn after the area
has had some time to cool off (cool running water helps). The gel dries to form a protective
layer over the burn, reducing the chance of infection. After applying aloe, leave the affected
area uncovered and clean. Re-apply two to three times per day as needed.

Aloe for burns: try this natural treatment the next time you get yourself a minor burn. Don’t
reach for cold water, butter, or any other common tricks; go right for the aloe instead
Origanum Vulgare

Oregano as used as herbal medicine has

its earliest beginnings even in early
Egyptian times and has been
traditionally used as herbal remedy for
skin burns, cuts and bruises. Because of
the minty flavor of oregano, it is also

used as herbal remedy for sore throat,

asthma, colds, coughs and flu.
Oregano Tea Preparation:
● Chop fresh Oregano leaves
● add 1 tablespoon for every cup of water
● boil for 15 to 20 minutes c
● let it steep then strain
● take one cup once a day until condition improves

Dried leaves are more potent. To make tea, steep 15g of oregano

leaves in 250mL of water.

Aromatherapy uses essential oils — highly concentrated extracts from

the roots, leaves, seeds, or blossoms of plants — to promote healing. It’s a

practice that can be traced back to at least 5,000 years ago.


The oils can be inhaled using a diffuser, or diluted in a carrier oil and

massaged into the skin. Some are used to treat inflammation or


infections while others are used to promote relaxation and calm.

In clinical settings, researchers have focused on aromatherapy for anxiety, depression,
pain relief, nausea, and insomnia. In a 2017 study, for example, aromatherapy with

lavender was found to promote sleep and reduce anxiety for patients with heart disease.

In 2017, researchers rounded up a group of female

c nurses working night shifts, curious to

see if aromatherapy massage would help their sleep. It turns out, after massage with
sweet marjoram essential oil, and drinking a glass of warm water, their sleep quality

If you’ve heard inhaling scents can help with stress, there may be something

to that. Though more research is needed in this area, a 2013 study found that

pregnant women who inhaled linalool (found in mint) and linalyl acetate (found

in lavender) felt calmer after just 5 minutes.


Note: It’s important to consider others in the area when using aromatherapy.
Some essential oils can be dangerous for pregnant women, children, or pets.

Do not apply them directly to skin, and avoid prolonged exposure without
Thank you!

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