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Chapter: Animal Tissues

Assignment 3: Classification of connective tissues, Proper connective tissues

1. Where is the excess unused nutrition stored in our body?

(a) Areolar tissue (b) Adipose tissue
(c) Mucoid tissue (d) Reticular tissue

2. In white fibrous connective tissue, collagen bundles are arranged in ___________ series
(a) Alternate (b) Parallel
(c) Random (d) Both (a) and (b)

3. In brown fat, the adipocytes are:

(a) Plurilocular fat cells with a number of small fat globules
(b) Monolocular fat cells with a number of large fat globules
(c) Plurilocular fat cells with single large central fat globule
(d) Monolocular fat cells with single small central fat globule

4. Which of the following statements are incorrect?

A. Reticulin fibers are not digested by pepsin
B. Old and mature fibroblasts are known as fibrocytes
C. Undifferentiated reserve cells present in connective tissue are Plasmacytes
D. Histiocytes are rounded or oval cells having filopodia
(a) A, B and D (b) C only
(c) C and D (d) A, C and D

5. Diagram given below describes:

(a) Yellow fibrous sheet (b) Dense regular connective tissue

(c) Dense irregular connective tissue (d) White fibrous sheet

6. Mummies of several hundred years ago have been found to have intact blood vessels
largely due to the resistant nature of ___________ fibers present in their walls
(a) Stem cell fibers (b) White collagen fibers
(c) Yellow elastin fibers (d) Mast cell fibers

7. ___________ connective tissue is present as a covering of testes and penis:

(a) Dense irregular (b) Dense regular
(c) Yellow fibrous (d) White fibrous

8. Pigmented connective tissue occurs in all except

(a) Iris of eye (b) Arachnoid layer of brain
(c) Choroid of eye (d) Piamater
9. Tendon is:
(a) elastic cord of high tensile strength
(b) inelastic cord of low tensile strength
(c) elastic cord of low tensile strength
(d) inelastic cord of high tensile strength

10. Proteinaceous fiber in areolar tissue that is formed rapidly in the region of injury is:
(a) White collagen fiber (b) Yellow elastin fiber
(c) Reticulin fiber (d) Fibrous fiber

11. Matrix of areolar tissue is made of glycoproteins and heteropolysaccharides known as

(a) Fibronectinoglycans (b) Glucosaminoglycans
(c) Meroaminoglycans (d) Glycosaminoglycans

12. Chordae tendineae that holds the bicuspid and tricuspid valves of heart in their position
are part of
(a) Dense irregular connective tissue
(b) Loose irregular connective tissue
(c) Dense regular connective tissue
(d) Loose regular connective tissue

13. Which one of the following possess semi-fluid ground substance?

(a) Areolar tissue (b) Adipose tissue
(c) Blood (d) Both (a) and (b)

14. Mast cells secrete:

(a) Haemoglobin (b) Hippurin
(c) Myoglobin (d) Histamine

15. ____________ fibers pick up silver stain and are called argyrophilic fibers
(a) Myofibrils (b) Yellow fibers
(c) Reticulin fibers (d) White fibers

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dream on ~~~~~~~~~~~~

1. B 11. D
2. D 12. C
3. A 13. D
4. C 14. D
5. C 15. C
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. D
10. A

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