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Nombre: Stefanny Tumbaco Flores

 Find the video:
On YouTube, by searching for “English Through Videos: Future Predictions – Family Guy”.
Or by clicking the link on the website where you found the activity (
 Watch the video. When the video is paused, write predictions about what will happen next.
 Use “might…, will…, or be going to” with your predictions.

1. I think the man will crash the car. _

2. I think my dad's going to have a new car

3. my sister has to Canada to pursue her studies

4. hires on a trip to Mexico

5. be in classes in the afternoons.

6. I'm enrolled in some sport.

7. give me a dog.

8. give me a cat.

9. maybe we changed homes.

10. Live for a time with my grandparents.

11.   I'll have godparents.

12. have a grandchild.

13.   I'm going to live in my house.

14. give me video games.

15. _ family trip.

16.   take to the streets.

YouTube: English Through Videos
17. going to a concert.

18. go to see a movie.

YouTube: English Through Videos

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