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TEST REPORT Performed by Model Date

Hyundai Tucson NX4 Aljoša Skočir

- Excessive noise Tucson 2021 NX4 11.10.2021
from B pillar

Problem description
There's an excessive amount of noise coming from the driver's side pillar B at speeds above
80km/h. The nature of sound is similar to noise when the window is not fully closed. It's
different from regular/expected wind noise therefore very disturbing. The most noticable is at
the highway speeds around 120-130km/h. Once you hear it is impossible to ignore it and
daily driving on the highway can turn into a really stressful experience.

Even though the dealer replaced factory sealings around the window frame and the doors on
the driver's side, the problem persisted. I decided to help them tackle the problem down.

Remark: The noise is noticeable only on the driver's side. Passengers sides are fine.

Fig. 1: Noise source - Factory sealing on window frame

TEST REPORT Performed by Model Date

Hyundai Tucson NX4 Aljoša Skočir

- Excessive noise Tucson 2021 NX4 11.10.2021
from B pillar

Problem solution
After many tests, we found out that the noise is coming from underneath the factory sealing
around the window on the driver's side at the height of the drivers head. The problem was
solved by using B type (shape) self-adhesive sealing put around the factory sealing on the
window frame. One half of B type sealing must go under the factory sealing and the other
half stays outside, having two functions; one is to present additional cover to the outer part of
the factory sealing and second visual as fitting pipe. Because the color is the same (black as
on the factory sealing) this represents an elegant and non-invasive solution. It fixes the noise
problem drastically yet without a great additional cost.

Fig. 2: B type of sealing used in fixing factory sealing.

Fig. 3: B type sealing combined with factory sealing on the window door frame.
TEST REPORT Performed by Model Date

Hyundai Tucson NX4 Aljoša Skočir

- Excessive noise Tucson 2021 NX4 11.10.2021
from B pillar

Fig. 4: B type sealing combined with factory sealing on the window door frame at the spot of
source of noise.

Solving problems with noise is a complicated task. First you have to find the source and then
perform numerous tests in a trial and error manner which consumes a lot of time. Luckily, for
my case I was able to find a solution. However to solve that noise problem other methods
can be used as well. One is to use silicone sealant instead of using B type sealing rubber. As
I wanted the most non-invasive method I started with B type sealing rubber and got
surprisingly good results. It actually solved my noise problems. I plan to add B type sealing
around all factory seals in my car.

Upon a request I can provide video and images of performed tests and the solution if

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