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CGC1D: Geography of Canada, Grade Nine, Academic

Unit 5 - Activity 1: Energy Megaprojects & Alternatives

Megaproject Research Chart

Energy Megaproject: Darlington Nuclear Refurbishment Name: Melisa

Darlington Nuclear Generating Station is a Canadian nuclear power station located in

Clarington, Ontario. It is a large nuclear facility consisting of four CANDU (Canada
Deuterium Uranium) nuclear plants with a total production of 3.512 MWe (net
Project Facts
capacity) when all units are working. It is the second largest electricity utility in
▪Purpose of project
Canada and offers around 20 per cent of Ontario's energy consumption, perfectly
▪Why built in current location
adequate to serve a city with a population of 2 million. It was built in 1982, on the
▪Potential Energy production
shores of Lake Ontario about 70 km east from Toronto and the power station
kilometers “deep” in a field, far away from roads, homes, building, and anything that
it could possibly danger. It is owned by Ontario Power Generation Inc. (OPG) which
is owned by the government of Ontario, but some key people are Wendy Kei and
Chair Ken Hartwick.
Darlington Nuclear Generating Station has 14,200 jobs per year. All 4 generating
plants generate 3,740,000,000 watts and only 20% is used for all of Ontario's energy
consumption. In an interview, Ken Hartwick stated, “Darlington Nuclear Generating
station will provide quality jobs for Ontarians, produce a stable supply of medical
▪Contribution to area, province
isotopes for the world's healthcare system, and deliver economic benefit through
▪Economic contribution
direct and indirect spending”. Studies show that the continued operation of the
nuclear generating station will create a major/long term increase to Ontario's economy
and is estimated to increase Ontario's nominal GDP from 2017-2055 by a total of $75
billion. In 2014, they got awarded, “Local Economic Impact Award (Clarington
Board of Trade)”.
Darlington Nuclear Generating Station is all about being eco-friendly and sustainable.
There isn't much wildlife near the generators and the chances of birds or other flying
wildlife getting injured from the station is close to non since there isn't anything
dangerous on the outside and there is security and guards all around to make sure
Environmental Impacts nobody gets hurts either. All employees are highly trained and everything in the
▪…when being built buildings are made with emergency stop buttons that stop units in less than 2 seconds.
▪…on habitat/wildlife They also have a team of people who studied wildlife activity near the station and
▪…on humans/way of life built a nesting area for snapping turtles so they could settle, that was one of many
▪…on local ecosystems species. Here are some awards they have won related to the environment; 2012:
▪…other Environmental Achievement Award (Environmental Earth Angels), 2009: William H.
Howard Conservation, Education and Outreach Award (Wildlife Habitat Council),
2008: International Corporate Habitat of the Year Award (Wildlife Habitat Council),
2007: 20th Anniversary Signatures of Sustainability Award (Wildlife Habitat
Council), and 2005: International Corporate Habitat of the Year Award (Wildlife
Habitat Council).

Application Questions

1. Explain whether this energy megaproject is sustainable. Use the information you researched to support your
answer. (200 words)

Darlington Nuclear Generating station is sustainable and tons of things they do can support this. First, many
companies working with them such as Aecon are all about sustainability and wouldn’t support this company
and facility if it wasn’t. The 4 units produce carbon free energy. since nuclear plant activities do not
produce greenhouse gases, acid gases or particulate air emissions, nuclear power is a much safer choice
than fossil fuels. In addition, high nuclear fuel density means low emissions of greenhouse gases and air
pollution from the entire nuclear power plant life ( i.e. uranium mining and refining emissions accounts for
production, fuel processing, plant construction, decommissioning, and waste management). The buildings
have changed out all their fluorescent lights to LED ones which is a big change given, the control centre is
all lights. They have also stopped using paper to reduce waste. A lot of other partnerships they have help
come up with new ways to improve local environment and biodiversity. About a year ago, the station
opened an educational salmon hatchery to support Lake Ontario. Nuclear fuel is highly thick. The amount
of nuclear fuel that is required is about 1 million times greater than many standard electricity sources, and
thus not as massive as one would expect. It also ensures that very little waste is generated.

2. Knowing what you know now, would you construct this type of energy megaproject today if the
opportunity presented itself? Explain your answer. (150 words)

I would 100% construct an energy megaproject like Darlington Nuclear Generating Station because even
though its expensive at first and it takes a while to construct, it has so many benefits and pros. It is a
sustainable and eco-friendly way to generate energy for a couple provinces. It is a way to reduce emissions
of greenhouse gasses into our atmosphere, while giving 14 thousand jobs annually. It is also an amazing
way to increase the economy and have it contribute so much. It creates very little waste while generating
huge amount of energy. If I was to construct something like this, I would really be inspired by a company
like this one since they are one of the biggest and most sustainable nuclear generating stations in Canada.
They also earn Ontario Power Generation Inc. Tons of money so they can engineer more ways to improve
the workplace and environment around it. Another facility I'd want to be like is Bruce Nuclear Generating
Station, as they’re the 13th largest globally and double the size of Darlington’s but similar economically.

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