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Baglione, Writing a Research Paper in Political Science third edition, © 2016

Mellynia (2101633051) – LB66

Finding a Topic: Using Multiple Techniques to Find a Topic That Is

Interesting to Multiple Audiences

Technique Your Answer

Why did you choose your major? I have been passionate about the socio-political
world since childhood and have been very
interested in the world of embassies and the
international system.
What are your career aspirations and why? My career aspirations are to become part of the
embassy staff in Indonesia or the Indonesian
Embassy because in my opinion diplomacy
activities either bilaterally or multilaterally are
interesting things to do directly and combine my
hobby, traveling. So while traveling, I can also
see what has existed between Indonesia and the
various countries I have visited.
What are your extracurricular activities and My extracurricular activity is photography,
why do you enjoy them? because photography especially nature
photography makes me learn an art that is
visualized with just an image, and when I
beautify it with an adobe device or something
like that, I feel that the result of the image brings
happiness to me.
Favorite course and why? I like the Indonesian Foreign Policy course
because in my opinion foreign policy analysis is
something unique where in its determination
there are many factors, even psychological
Baglione, Writing a Research Paper in Political Science third edition, © 2016

factors that make me see it as unique and

interesting to analyze.
Favorite part of course and why? I like the part in understanding models of
decision making in Foreign Policy Analysis
where I can understand the various psychological
models and factors that can influence the making
of a policy which I find unique is also interesting
to analyze.
Which current events are most interesting to The most interesting current events in my
you? Why? opinion are President Trump and the first lady
who is currently infected with the COVID-19
virus. What I find interesting is the background
to the cause of Trump's health and the first lady
and the controversy that lies within it.
What are your personal concerns about My personal concern about politics is the trade
politics? war that occur in the political world of US and
China with various impacts and efforts, like
example de-dollarization.
What political debates or issues do you like I like to read about the de-dollarization efforts
to read about? How, if at all, are any of these that are being carried out in order to reduce the
relevant to your interests, activities, career
value of the US Dollar currency as a global trade
hopes, and concerns?
transaction which attracted me to further analyze
it to become my concern in making my thesis in
the future.
What issues have you identified as When I searched through various sources, the
interesting to you from searching through
issue that was very interesting to me was the
various sources (newspapers, news sites,
journals of opinion, and others)? global de-dollarization trend that was carried
out by most countries in the world to the US
currency to weaken the US dollar.
Why are these topics interesting to you? I find this topic interesting because the term de-
dollarization has actually appeared since the
Baglione, Writing a Research Paper in Political Science third edition, © 2016

1970s but got more concerned in the last year

and being carried out by several countries around
the world. This policy also includes a sharp
reduction in US debt holdings, increasing the
global non-dollar trade community, and
increasing the value of gold against the dollar.
Why are these topics interesting to scholars, As I mentioned earlier, this topic becoming a hot
policymakers, and citizens? To which
conversation in the political world seeing that
concepts and theoretical or ideological
debates do they relate? some countries and even international
organizations such as the G20 member states
have reduced the use of US dollars in global
trade. In my opinion, the concepts and theories
related to this debate are realism in power
transitions theory in which China as the most
dominant country and its allies are trying to
make this effort to defeat the US in the ongoing
trade war. In addition, neo-gramscianism is also
an appropriate concept in describing de-
dollarization as a counter hegemony of the US
dollar currency.
Baglione, Writing a Research Paper in Political Science third edition, © 2016

Generating Questions and Identifying Their Types

This worksheet helps you think through two topics. If you only have one, please eliminate the
last column. If you have three, then change the pay layout to landscape and add a column. Look
at the examples in the book to help you.

Candidate Topic 1

Specify the topic The topic that I will research is the de-dollarization
efforts that have been, are being, or will be carried
out by Indonesia in cooperation with China. My
focus is also to analyze the advantages and
disadvantages for Indonesia in undertaking de-
dollarization with the US, especially in the socio-
economic and political aspects.
Why interesting to For scholars, this topic is very interesting to
multiple audiences? research further regarding any background or what
(answer separately for has caused various countries to want to get rid of
scholars, policy makers the value of the dollar currency in global trade.
& citizens)
For policy makers, it’s interesting to analyze both
psychologically and in a model because every
country has a different background or the same goal
with different reasons in choosing the decision not
to depend on the US.
For citizens, this is interesting because de-
dollarization will certainly affect economic stability
which may have an impact on the social sphere.
Why important to This topic is important for scholars, policy makers,
multiple audiences? or citizens because de-dollarization are part of the
(answer for separately hegemony challenge where as I mentioned earlier,
scholars, policy makers de-dollarization are part of the counter hegemony of
& citizens)
the US dollar.
Baglione, Writing a Research Paper in Political Science third edition, © 2016

Public policy questions What are the policy consequences of Indonesia if it

continues to carry out de-dollarization in the long
Theory-advancing Why de-dollarization being developed in
questions Indonesia's trade policy through cooperation with
If one question seems Why is Indonesia making de-dollarization in an
appealing, think it effort to cooperate with China?
through more. Revise
if preferred answer is in
the question.

Puzzling? Looking at the research questions, I would like to

study about the background that makes Indonesia
want to undertake de-dollarization efforts in
collaboration with China. Apart from that,
Indonesia's goals and state interests in cooperating
with China in realizing de-dollarization efforts. I
still see that there are many scholars who have not
discussed this in detail, so I will try to complete
them with topics in my research proposal.

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