You are on page 1of 21

type name

start start
end end

begin group perfomance_summary

select_one year year
select_one quarter_list quarter
select_one month_list month
select_one county county
select_one sub_county sub_county
select_one constituency constituency
select_one community community
select_one project_type project_type
text project_id
integer exp_contribution
integer actual_contribution
calculate community_contribution
note community_contribution_display
end group

begin group membership

integer m_members
integer f_members
calculate total_members
integer v_members
note total_members_display
end group

begin group mproject_performance

begin group banana_group
integer bb_harvested_target
integer bb_harvested_achievement
calculate bb_harvested_percentage
note bb_harvested_percentage_display
end group
begin group peanut_group
integer pp_target
integer pp_achievement
calculate pp_percentage
note pp_percentage_display
end group
begin group milk_group
integer mcollected_target
integer mcollected_achievement
calculate mcollected_percentage
note mcollected_percentage_display
end group
begin group goat_group
integer m_production_target
integer m_production_achievement
calculate m_production_percentage
note m_production_percentage_display
end group
begin group cow_group
integer m_acquired_target
integer m_acquired_achievement
calculate m_acquired_percentage
note m_acquired_percentage_display
end group
begin group rabbit_group
integer pf_rabbits_target
integer pf_rabbits_achievement
calculate pf_rabbits_percentage
note pf_rabbits_percentage_display
end group
begin group fish_group
integer fh_target
integer fh_achievement
calculate fh_percentage
note fh_percentage_display
end group
begin group crush_pen_group
integer as_target
integer as_achievement
calculate as_percentage
note as_percentage_display
end group
begin group brick_group
integer bp_target
integer bp_achievement
calculate bp_percentage
note bp_percentage_display
end group
end group

begin group impact_information

integer db_target
integer db_achievement
calculate db_percentage
note db_percentage_display
integer fb_target
integer fb_achievement
calculate fb_percentage
note fb_percentage_display
calculate mb_target
note mb_target_display
calculate mb_achievement
note mb_achievement_display
calculate mb_percentage
note mb_percentage_display
integer bnf_income_target
integer bnf_income_achievement
calculate bnf_income_percentage
note bnf_income_percentage_display
integer b_income
integer b_improved_houses
integer b_hh_assets
integer no_children
text recommendations
end group

begin group photo_signatures

image project_photo
text sec_name
image signature_sec
date report_date
end group
label hint choice_filter

Community Interest Group (CIG) Performance Summary

Financial year:
Sub-County: county=${county}
Constituency: county=${county} and sub_county=${sub_co
Community: county=${county} and sub_county=${sub_co
Select project type:
Project ID:
Expected Total Community Contribution (Kshs)
Actual Community Contribution to date (Kshs)

% Community Contribution is: ${community_contribution}

Group Membership
Enter number of male CIG members
Enter number of female CIG members

Enter number of vulnerable CIG members

Total CIG membership: ${total_members}

Performance of the Micro-Project

Banana Growing
Enter the target total number banana bunches to be harvested by June 2015
Enter the actual total number banana bunches harvested to date

% total number banana bunches harvested to date is: ${bb_harvested_percentage}

Peanut Processing
Enter the target average quantity of peanuts to be pro (Kilos)
Enter the actual average quantity of peanuts processed (Kilos)

% average quantity of peanuts processed per month is: ${pp_percentage}

Milk Cooling
Enter the target amount of milk to be collected per day (litres)
Enter the actual amount of milk collected per day (litres)
% actual amount of milk collected per day is: ${mcollected_percentage}

Dairy Goat
Enter target average number of cups milk production per goat per month by June 2015
Enter actual cups of milk production per goat per month

% actual cups of milk production per goat per month is: ${m_production_percentage}

Dairy Cow
Enter target average number of cups of milk to be acquired per month per beneficiary by June 2015
Enter actual average number of cups of milk acquired per month per beneficiary

% actual average number of cups of milk acquired per month per beneficiary is: ${m_acquired_percentage}

Rabbit Rearing
Enter the target number of rabbits to be acquired using project funds by June 2015
Enter the actual number of rabbits acquired to date using project funds

% actual number of rabbits acquired to date using project funds is: ${pf_rabbits_percentage}

the target total number of fish to be harvested
by June 2015
Enter the actual total number of fish harvested

% actual total number of fish harvested is: ${fh_percentage}

Crush Pen
Enter the target average number of animals sprayed per month by June 2015
Enter the actual average number of animals sprayed per month

% average number of animals sprayed per month is: ${as_percentage}

Brick Making
Enter the target number of bricks to be produced by June 2015
Enter the actual number of bricks produced

% actual number of bricks produced is: ${bp_percentage}

Impact Information
Enter the target number of direct beneficiaries
Enter the actual number of direct beneficiaries to date
% actual direct beneficiaries to date is: ${db_percentage}
Enter the target number of female beneficiaries
Enter the actual number of female beneficiaries to date

% actual female beneficiaries to date is: ${fb_percentage}

The target number of male beneficiaries is: ${mb_target}

The actual number of male beneficiaries to date is: ${mb_achievement}

% actual male beneficiaries to date is: ${mb_percentage}

Enter the target average monthly income to be earned p(Kshs)
Enter the actual average monthly income earned to date(Kshs)

% actual average monthly income earned to date per beneficiary is: ${bnf_income_percentage}
Enter the number of beneficiaries with increased income earned from the project
Enter the number of beneficiaries with improved houses out of proceeds from the project
Enter the number of beneficiaries with increased household assets acquired through proceeds from the project
Enter the number of children in schools and other learning institutions supported by proceeds from project earning
What recommendations does the group have for the project this month?

Take a picture that best represents the project and the community members engaged in it.
Name of the CIG Secretary
Hand the phone to the Secretary and ask him or her to trace their signature on the screen using their finger. When h
Report Date
relevant calculation constraint

and sub_county=${sub_county}
and sub_county=${sub_county} and constituency=${constituency}

(. >= 0)
{actual_contribution}*100 div $ (. >= 0)
{exp_contribution}, 0)

(. >= 0)
(. >= 0)
${m_members} + ${f_members}
(. >= 0)

${project_type} = 'banana'
(. >= 0)
(. >= 0)
round(${bb_harvested_achievement}*100 div ${bb_harvested_target},0)

${project_type} = 'peanut'
(. >= 0)
(. >= 0)
round(${pp_achievement}*100 div ${pp_target},0)

${project_type} = 'milk'
(. >= 0)
(. >= 0)
round(${mcollected_achievement}*100 div ${mcollected_target},0)

${project_type} = 'goat'
(. >= 0)
(. >= 0)
round(${m_production_achievement}*100 div ${m_production_target},0)

${project_type} = 'cow'
(. >= 0)
(. >= 0)
round(${m_acquired_achievement}*100 div ${m_acquired_target},0)

${project_type} = 'rabbit'
(. >= 0)
(. >= 0)
round(${pf_rabbits_achievement}*100 div ${pf_rabbits_target},0)

${project_type} = 'fish'
(. >= 0)
(. >= 0)
round(${fh_achievement}*100 div ${fh_target},0)

${project_type} = 'crush_pen'
(. >= 0)
(. >= 0)
round(${as_achievement}*100 div ${as_target},0)

${project_type} = 'brick'

round(${bp_achievement}*100 div ${bp_target},0)

(. >= 0)
(. >= 0)
round(${db_achievement}*100 div ${db_target},0)
(. >= 0)
(. >= 0)
round(${fb_achievement}*100 div ${fb_target},0)

${db_target} - ${fb_target}

${db_achievement} - ${fb_achievement}

round(${mb_achievement}*100 div ${mb_target},0)

(. >= 0)
(. >= 0)
round(${bnf_income_achievement}*100 div ${bnf_income_target},0)

(. >= 0)
(. >= 0)
eeds from the project (. >= 0)
eeds from project earnings (. >= 0)

using their finger. When he or she has completed their signature, ask them to hand back the phone.






list_name name label

year 2010_11 2010 - 2011

year 2011_12 2011 - 2012
year 2012_13 2012 - 2013
year 2013_14 2013 - 2014
year 2014_15 2014 - 2015

quarter_list q_1 Q1
quarter_list q_2 Q2
quarter_list q_3 Q3
quarter_list q_4 Q4

month_list 1 January
month_list 2 February
month_list 3 March
month_list 4 April
month_list 5 May
month_list 6 June
month_list 7 July
month_list 8 August
month_list 9 September
month_list 10 October
month_list 11 November
month_list 12 December

project_type banana Banana Growing

project_type peanut Peanut Processing
project_type milk Milk Cooling
project_type goat Dairy Goat
project_type cow Dairy Cow
project_type rabbit Rabbit Rearing
project_type fish Fish Farming
project_type crush_pen Crush Pen
project_type brick Brick Making

county kakamega Kakamega

county vihiga Vihiga

sub_county butere Butere

sub_county kakamega Kakamega
sub_county lugari Lugari
sub_county vihiga Vihiga

constituency matungu Matungu

constituency mumias Mumias
constituency butere Butere
constituency lurambi Lurambi
constituency ikolomani Ikolomani
constituency malava Malava
constituency shinyalu Shinyalu
constituency lugari Lugari
constituency vihiga Vihiga
constituency sabatia Sabatia
constituency emuhaya Emuhaya
constituency hamisi Hamisi

community mirere Mirere

community namulungu Namulungu
community kholera Kholera
community khalaba Khalaba
community indangalasia Indangalasia
community lung’anyiro Lung’anyiro
community mayoni Mayoni
community malaha Malaha
community lubinu Lubinu
community makunga Makunga
community eluche Eluche
community masinjira Masinjira
community musanda Musanda
community eshikalame Eshikalame
community isongo Isongo
community khaunga Khaunga
community bungasi Bungasi
community mabole Mabole
community bumamu Bumamu
community lukohe Lukohe
community shirotsa Shirotsa
community muyundi Muyundi
community bushieni Bushieni
community eshisiru Eshisiru
community buchangu Buchangu
community emukaya Emukaya
community indangalasia Indangalasia
community eshibuli Eshibuli
community murumba Murumba
community lunenere Lunenere
community malinya Malinya
community makhokho Makhokho
community shiveye Shiveye
community shibuname Shibuname
community savane Savane
community muriola Muriola
community shivikhwa Shivikhwa
community lukhokho Lukhokho
community mahusi Mahusi
community mutsuma Mutsuma
community shilongo Shilongo
community shitochi Shitochi
community shidodo Shidodo
community shiasaba Shiasaba
community museno Museno
community lukusi Lukusi
community mugomari Mugomari
community buyangu Buyangu
community marakusi Marakusi
community mwamba Mwamba
community lugari Lugari
community munyuki Munyuki
community musemwa Musemwa
community musembe Musembe
community magui Magui
community chagenda Chagenda
community kidundu Kidundu
community lusiola Lusiola
community mbale Mbale
community bukulunya Bukulunya
community kivagala Kivagala
community ebusiratsi Ebusiratsi
community maseno Maseno
community emusutswi Emusutswi
community ebubayi Ebubayi
community ebuhando Ebuhando
community ebukanga Ebukanga
community kiptemes Kiptemes
community kitagwa Kitagwa
community mulundu Mulundu
community mwembe Mwembe
community gavundunyi Gavundunyi
community senende Senende
community kapsotik Kapsotik
community gimomoi Gimomoi
community muhudu Muhudu
community ajigo Ajigo
county sub_county constituency


kakamega butere
kakamega butere
kakamega butere
kakamega kakamega
kakamega kakamega
kakamega kakamega
kakamega kakamega
kakamega lugari
vihiga vihiga
vihiga vihiga
vihiga vihiga
vihiga vihiga

kakamega butere matungu

kakamega butere matungu
kakamega butere matungu
kakamega butere matungu
kakamega butere matungu
kakamega butere matungu
kakamega butere matungu
kakamega butere mumias
kakamega butere mumias
kakamega butere mumias
kakamega butere mumias
kakamega butere mumias
kakamega butere mumias
kakamega butere mumias
kakamega butere mumias
kakamega butere mumias
kakamega butere mumias
kakamega butere butere
kakamega butere butere
kakamega butere butere
kakamega butere butere
kakamega butere butere
kakamega butere butere
kakamega kakamega lurambi
kakamega kakamega lurambi
kakamega kakamega lurambi
kakamega kakamega lurambi
kakamega kakamega lurambi
kakamega kakamega lurambi
kakamega kakamega ikolomani
kakamega kakamega ikolomani
kakamega kakamega ikolomani
kakamega kakamega ikolomani
kakamega kakamega ikolomani
kakamega kakamega ikolomani
kakamega kakamega malava
kakamega kakamega malava
kakamega kakamega malava
kakamega kakamega malava
kakamega kakamega malava
kakamega kakamega malava
kakamega kakamega shinyalu
kakamega kakamega shinyalu
kakamega kakamega shinyalu
kakamega kakamega shinyalu
kakamega kakamega shinyalu
kakamega kakamega shinyalu
kakamega kakamega shinyalu
kakamega lugari lugari
kakamega lugari lugari
kakamega lugari lugari
kakamega lugari lugari
kakamega lugari lugari
kakamega lugari lugari
vihiga vihiga vihiga
vihiga vihiga vihiga
vihiga vihiga vihiga
vihiga vihiga vihiga
vihiga vihiga sabatia
vihiga vihiga sabatia
vihiga vihiga sabatia
vihiga vihiga emuhaya
vihiga vihiga emuhaya
vihiga vihiga emuhaya
vihiga vihiga emuhaya
vihiga vihiga emuhaya
vihiga vihiga emuhaya
vihiga vihiga hamisi
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vihiga vihiga hamisi
vihiga vihiga hamisi
vihiga vihiga hamisi
vihiga vihiga hamisi
title form_id
Monthly Community Interest Group (CIG) Project Report monthly_project_report

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