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Division of South Cotabato



Name: _______________________________ Grade &Section: _____________ Date: ____________

Direction: Read each item/question carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the space
provided before the number.

_____ 1. What is the meaning of the first underlined word in a given situation?
Mrs. Perez, our Math teacher, gave us a surprise quiz. When she is about to record our grades,
she couldn’t find her record book.
a. list b. book c. journal d. apply

_____ 2. Maria and Jose are best friends. Maria likes dancing while Jose loves rock music and playing guitar.
What is the simple sentence given in the situation.
a. Maria and Jose are best friends.
b. Jose likes to play guitar.
c. Maria and Jose play guitar every Saturday.
d. Maria likes dancing while Jose loves rock music and playing guitar.

_____ 3. What kind of sentence is this, “Mark sells sampaguita in the church every Sunday while Lisa stays at
home playing video games ”?
a. compound b. complex c. simple d. interrogative

_____ 4. What is the meaning of the underlined word as it is used in the sentence.
Lea has chased the role of Jasmin, the witch in the mini play.
a. part b. character c. circle d. actor

For item 5 only. Daphne was a beautiful nymph. The sun God, Apollo, fell in love with her but she rejects him.
One Apollo saw her and pursued her. Daphne sought shelter behind a big tree. She was out of bunch from
running. Now, as she leaned on the tree, she looked back with frightened eyes.
Was Apollo still running after her? She threw herself upon her knees and prayed to be saved from her
pursuer. She rose with outstretched arms. Then, her fingers fluttered gently, as it blown by a gentle breeze.
Little by little, she was changed into a beautiful nymph to a laurel tree. Slowly she broke into a smile.
Now, she was safe, Apollo could not carry her away anymore.

_____ 5. What is the possible ending of the selection?

a. Apollo was running after Daphne.

b. Apollo, the sun god fell in love with Daphne.
c. Daphne, a beautiful nymph changed into a laurel tree.
d. Daphne sought shelter into a big tree.

For item 6 only. Read the doctor’s prescription below.

Acute Bronchitis
A. Tricany;l Expectorant – ½ tsp. 3x a day
B. Klaricid Suspension – 4 ml. 2x a day
C. Benadryl Expectorant – 2 tsp. Every 4 hrs.
If fever persist, give a child 2.5 ml tempra drops every 4 hrs(after meal) in 48 hrs. If the fever does not
subside, bring the child to the clinic between 8-10 am

_____ 6. If the baby takes Tricanyl Expectorant at 8:00 AM, what time must she take for the next dosage?
a. 12:00 pm b. 4:00 pm c. 2:00 pm d. 4 days

_____ 7. “The meeting may now come to order”, is an expression to be used to __________.
a. ask how many agrees with the suggestion
b. put something forward for consideration
c. formally open the meeting
d. support the motion so that it can be voted on

_____ 8. What is the first step in conducting an interview?

a. Be a good listener
b. Review your notes
c. Plan the interview carefully
d. Ask your questions clearly and one at a time

For item 9 only. Soil is very important to plants. Plants depend heavily on the soil for root anchorage and for
essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potash. They also depend upon the soil for water and
other mineral nutrients.

_____ 9. What is the detail that supports the big idea, “Soil is very important to plants”?
a. Soil is dependent on the animal manure.
b. Soil depend on plants for fertilization.
c. Plant is dependent on the soil for root anchorage and nutrients.
d. Plant is dependent only on the sunlight.

For item 10 only. Men, women and children love to catch fishes. It does not necessarily mean catching different
species of fish like tuna, milkfish, salmon, or mackerel. It means catching all kinds of living animals in the water
like lobster, shrimps, oysters and clams.

_____ 10. What is the main idea of the selection?

a. Fishing is fun.
b. Catching all kinds of animals in the water.
c. Men, women and children love to catch fishes.
d. Tuna, milkfish, salmon and mackerel are the best fishes of all.

_____ 11. He is heading towards north, ______? What is the appropriate tag question for this?
a. wasn’t he b. isn’t she c. isn’t he d. aren’t he

For item 12 only. A dolphin is a mammal like cats, dogs and people. It has warm blood. It cannot breathe under
water. Like other mammals, its babies are born alive. It gives milk for its babies.

_____ 12. What is the key concept of the paragraph?

a. A dolphin babies born alive.
b. A dolphin is a warm blooded animal.
c. A dolphin is a mammal.
d. A dolphin breathes under water.

_____ 13. In writing a composition, what should be the first thing to follow?
a. introduction b. body c. conclusion d. details

_____ 14. Distinguish the meaning of the underlined word caused by stress.
Ombudsman conducts Values Enhancement Seminar to public school teachers to enrich or
refine the conduct of teachers.
a. manner b. mood c. point of view d. decision

_____ 15. Supply the missing tag question.

Mathematics _______ difficult to learn, is it?
a. isn’t it b. was it c. is it d. are they

_____ 16. What is the meaning of the underlined word?

How many years would a centennial celebration mean?
a. thousand b. hundred c. million d. decade

_____ 17. What event in the story that introduces and develops conflict or problems experienced by the
a. rising action b. climax c. exposition d. falling action

_____ 18. What event in the story wherein it is the highest point of interest and it is mainly the turning point
of the story?
a. Ending b. climax c. falling action d. exposition

_____ 19. What is the first step in conducting an interview?

a. Greet interviewee courteously
b. Ask question briefly, clearly and politely
c. Listen to the answer attentively and sincerely
d. Avoid asking question which invite yes or no answer

_____ 20. Choose the appropriate phrase to complete the sentence.

Just pass ______ that alley to get there.
a. Along b. inside c. at the back d. in the middle

_____ 21. Which is the appropriate phrase that tell direction to complete the sentence.
The drugstore is just _______.
a. to the left
b. a few blocks away
c. inside
d. in the middle of

_____ 22. Write the appropriate tag question on the blank to complete the sentence.
They worked, _______?
a. do they
b. are they
c. didn’t they
d. were they

_____ 23. What is the appropriate affix to be used in the sentence?

Her good ____ is easily seen through her manners.
a. –ness b.-liness c. –ly d. –ily

_____ 24. Choose the clue word around the underlined word.
My amigo is good to me. We play together all the time. We make each other happy.
a. cousin b. father c. friend d. brother
_____ 25. Complete the sentence by putting the correct stressed word in the blank.
I will _______ my finish artwork to the class.
a. pre’sent b. prese’nt c. present’ d. p’resent
_____ 26. Complete the sentence with the correct interrogative.
_______ can we do to pacify her from her depression?
a. What b. When c. Why d. Who

_____ 27. Complete the sentence by putting the correct suffix in the blank.
Dennis and his father are having an argue____.
a. –ers b. –ment c. –less d. –tive

_____ 28. What is the event in the story that ties up the loose ends or shows where the problem is solved?
a. falling action b. rising action c. exposition d. resolution

_____ 29. Fill in the blanks with the correct words in the reported speech.
Musa said, “I prepared the visitor’s lunch”. Musa said ____________ I helped him look for his
lost money.
a. that she had
b. that they had
c. that she was
d. that she did

_____ 30. Choose the appropriate main idea of the selection.

He made friends with the street children begging for food and money. Raffy learned to live in the
streets. Poor Raffy became a street child in Manila, sleeping during the day and roaming around at
a. He made friends with the street children.
b. Raffy learned to live on the streets.
c. Raffy became a street child in Manila
d. Raffy begging for food and money in the street.

_____ 31. Which is an imperative sentence?

a. Do you pray frequently?
b. Talk to him.
c. Do you play always?
d. I cannot take you with me.

_____ 32. Complete the sentence below.

Some plants and animals are special food because ____________.
a. they live near each other
b. they help each other to survive
c. they are creatures of God
d. they are needed by people

_____ 33. Select the best answer to complete the sentence.

The bees cannot sting the ratel because ___________.
a. the ratel run fast
b. the ratel seeks shelter under a net
c. the ratel hides beneath the leaves
d. the ratels skin is tough and its fur is thick

_____ 34. What is the function of the underlined stressed word in the sentence, “An adult butterfly flew about
in the garden.”
a. verb b. adjective c. noun d. pronoun

_____ 35. Choose the correct tag question to complete the sentence. They were not ready, ___________?
a. weren’t they b. aren’t they c. were they d. do they

_____ 36. What is the meaning of the underlined word?

The poor boy starved because he did not have any food to eat.
a. happy b. hungry c. angry d. glad

_____ 37. Which is the appropriate main idea of the paragraph?

Raffy was the eldest of four in the family. He loved his parents very much. Both parents worked,
but they always found enough time to spend with each of their children. When Raffy was five years
old, his father taught him how to read and write. He also learned how to do choices from his mother.
a. Raffy has a loving and responsible parents
b. Raffy was the eldest in the family
c. He loved his parents very much
d. He also learned how to do chores from his mother

_____ 38. Supply the missing tag question.

These slippers are yours, _________?
a. isn’t she b. aren’t they c. are they d. was they

_____ 39. Select the implied idea in the paragraph.

Know the Islamic perspective on how men and women should interact. In particular, learn about
the proper type of behaviour that is required between the family members, and who is considered
“Mahram” relative and who is not, as what this term means.
a. Islamic perspective on how men and women interact
b. Learn about practice and share Islamic etiquette of dealing with the opposite sex
c. Behaviour between family members to be considered
d. Proper type of behaviour that is required between family members is to be considered

____ 40. Identify the considered climax in the given sentences.

a. Let us get some money to build their places
b. The couple wanted very much to eat boiled white squash
c. There was once a childless couple that liked very much to eat boiled squash
d. The baby and the gold vanished and the couple lived as poor and childless

_____ 41. Which is an affirmation statement?

a. The blind man plays a piano.
b. The blind man was not playing a piano.
c. The blind man wasn’t playing a piano.
d. The blind man weren’t playing a piano.

_____ 42. Identify the main idea in the paragraph.

“We must be very careful when we play or deal with others. There are games that are safe and
games that are unsafe. There is fun that is appropriate, there is also fun that is inappropriate.”
a. There is fun that is appropriate
b. There is also fun that is inappropriate
c. We must be very careful when we play or deal with others
d. There are games that are safe and games that are unsafe

_____ 43. Which of the following is an appropriate ending of a story?

a. The storm strikes but both girls came to realize they can’t handle the boat.
b. Lisa and Marie had tried their very best to sail their boat.
c. Lisa and Marie proved they are able sailors by skilfully handling the boat back to harbour.
d. Lisa and friend Marie persuaded each other to go sailing in Lisa’s new sailboat.

_____ 44. Choose the best key concept of the paragraph.

Many farm crops are very specific in their temperature requirements. Examples are melon,
squash, sweet potatoes and beans. They grow best in warm temperature. Slight rain can destroy
them. Pechay, mustard, kangkong, and raddish, on the other , grow well during summer and can
also withstand rain.
a. many farm crops are very specific in their temperature requirements
b. plants can grow in warm temperature
c. slight rain can destroy plants
d. there are plants which could withstand rain

_____ 45. Identify the explicit idea in the paragraph.

If you are injured after an attack or sexually assaulted, go to the doctor and get medical
treatment as soon as possible. You do not have to tell anyone who caused the injury, but it is better
for your treatment if you tell the doctor exactly what happened.
a. Get medical treatment if you are sexually assaulted or hurt
b. Sexual assault should be reported to proper authorities
c. Do not tell anyone who caused the injury
d. Tell the doctor what exactly happened

_____ 46. Select the correct reported statement on the given direct statement:
Monino asked, “Do you know that many people nowadays view the computer as the extension of
the human brains? ”
a. Monino said that computer is capable of storing data
b. Monino asked if you know computer
c. Monino asked if she has access to computer
d. Monino asked May if she knew that many people nowadays view the computer as the
extension of the human brains.

For items 48-50.

A man came into a wood one day with an axe in his hand, and begged all the trees to give him a small
branch which he wanted for a particular purpose. The trees were good-natured and gave him one of their
branches. What did the man do but fix it into the axe head, and soon set to work cutting down tree after tree.
Then the trees saw how foolish they had been in giving their enemy the means of destroying themselves.

_____ 48. Select the best ending of the story.

a. The men set to work cutting down tree after tree
b. The trees were good-natured and gave him one of their branches
c. Trees gave him a small branch which he wanted for a particular purpose
d. The trees realized how foolish they had been in giving men the means of destroying

_____ 49. Explain the scenario of the fable by choosing the answer based on choices.
a. a place full of vegetables and fruits
b. a place beside the beautiful garden
c. a place surrounded by varieties of flowers
d. a place with bountiful tall trees

______ 50. The moral values in the sentence is ________.

a. never ask for more
b. trees were good-natured
c. cutting trees is helpful to our needs
d. showing a selfish desire for wealth as possession is not good

Division of South Cotabato

Name: _______________________________ Grade &Section: _____________ Date: ____________

Direction: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer . Write the letter on the
space provided.

Test I.A. Choose the best key concept of the paragraph below.
_________1. A dolphin is a mammal like cats, dogs, and people. It has warm blood. It cannot breathe under
water. Like other mammals, its babies are born alive. It gives milk to its babies.
a. A dolphin is a mammal
b. Warm blooded animals
c. Babies born alive
d. Breathing under water
_________2. What is the correct plural noun?
a. Shoes shop
b. Shoe shops
c. Shoe’s shop
d. shoe shop’s
_________3. What is the correct plural noun?
a. travel agency
b. travel agencys
c. travel agencies
d .travels agency
_________4. What is the correct plural noun?
a. mother-in-law
b. mothers-in-law
c. mothers – in-laws
d. mother’s in-law
B. What kind of sentences are the following?
_________5. The caregiver takes care of sick people.
a. simple
b. compound
c. complex
d. compound complex
_________6. Lightning flashed all night but It didn’t rain.
a. simple
b. compound
c. complex
d. compound complex
_________7. People like to collect tropical fish because they have beautiful shapes and colors.
a. simple
b. compound
c. complex
d. compound complex
_________8. Newspapers inform us about a lot of things and readers enjoy reading them.
a. simple
b. compound
c. complex
d. compound complex
_________9. Choose the correct answer as to what ill happen next in the situation read.
Tricia was an honest girl. While she was having lunch at the school canteen, she found a wrist-water
under the table. She picked it up. What could happen next event?
a. She will find the owner of the wristwatch and return it.
b. She will bring it home.
c. She will keep it secretly.
d. She will give it to her mother.
_________10. Illegal loggers continuously cut tress in the forest. Kaingeneros burned down trees, sometimes
resulting in forest fire. If this continued, what will happen to our forest?
a. It will be denuded
b. It will be overgrown
c. It will become fertile
d. It ill be mantled
_________11. Soil is very important to plants. Plants depend heavily on the soil for the root anchorage and for
essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous patash. They also depend upon the soil for water and other
mineral nutrients.
a. Plants depend heavily on soil.
b. Soil has nutrients needed by plants.
c. Soil is very important to plants.
d. Essential nutrients
_________12. Which of the following is the correct form of nouns to be used in the sentence?
The dentist told me to always brush my_______.
a. tooths b. teth c. teeth d. teeths
_________13. Celebrities bring several _______ in their shootings and studio sets.
a. cloths b. clothes c. clothing d. clothes
_________14. What cause-effect relationship is perceived in the sentence?
The rain continuously poured for three days.
a. The flood occurred suddenly.
b. No flood all around
c. The people feel happy.
d. no worries.
II. A. Choose the appropriate conjunction that would form the following complex sentences.
15. The director cuts the scene ____ he was not satisfied with the acting of the actress.
a. so that b. unless c. because d. until
16. We can’t start the program ______ the music is complete.
a. before b. unless c. so that d. whenever
17. Dancers are dancing thoroughly _____ everything will be alright during the presentation.
a. unless b. so that c. until d. where
18. I will not be announcing anything ______ the decision has been finalized.
a. unless b. so that c. although d. until
19. Predict what will happen next.
Bernadette is a very studious child. She loves school works and does her assignments and projects
promptly. She comes to school regularly. As a matter of fact, she is a candidate for honors. What do you think
will happen when the school year ends?
a. She will top the class.
b. She will do nothing about it.
c. She will be very confident pupil.
d. She will continue to study hard.
20. Martin was born to a rich family. He was given everything he wished for. Sadly, his parents were
always out of the houses on business. If this continued, what do you think would happen to Martin?
a. He will be misguided.
b. Nothing cares for his parents
c. He is longing for the attention, love and care of his parents.
d. contented of what he have now.
21. Many crops are very specific in their temperature requirements. Examples are melons, squash,
sweet potatoes and beans. They grow best in warm temperature. Slight rain and destroy them. Pechay ,
mustard ,kangkong and radish , on the other hand, grow their temperature requirements.
a. Many farm crops are very specific in their temperature requirement.
b. Plants can grow in warm temperature.
c. Slight rain can destroy plants.
d. There are plants can withstand with rain.
22. Examine the passage and answer the following question.
What would be the effect of poverty?
a. Unemployment of many people.
b. Rapid increase of population
c. shortage of food.
d. polluted cities
23. Complete the sentence based on the passage above. __________________ because of increasing
number of people in the country.
a. There is a problem on housing.
b. Date rate increases.
c. Many overseas contracts go back to the country.
d. many are physically fit.
II. B. Complete the sentence with correct conjunction that could form the following complex sentences.
24. Filipinos are still admirable _________ crimes are still committed by some.
a. because
b. so that
c. although
d. until
25. The program will be held in the field _______ audience will be bigger than expected.
a. so that
b. where
c. unless
d. until
26. The suspect was held captive ________ the police came to the rescue.
a. so that
b. because
c. unless
d. after
27. Do not talk to the driver _________ the vehicle is in motion.
a. if
b. by
c. hen
d. upon
28. She should nave on the contest ______ she had reviewed well.
b. so
c. if
III. A Infer what will happen next.
29. Dino felt hungry. He dropped the ball and ran to the canteen. He raced to the display counter and
looked around. What do you think will happen next?
a. He will buy a slice of bread and eat it.
b. He will look for the food and ill run away.
c. He will continue playing.
d. He will be going home.
30. Looking around where the passengers were, Karl that everyone else on bus had dozed off including
his uncle. What do you think would Karl do?
a. He would also go to sleep.
b. He would wake up the passengers up.
c. He would ask the driver to stop the bus.
31. Choose the correct subject to complete the sentence.
________________ are among the methods of preserving food.
a. canning and salting
b. baking and grinding
c. drying and selling
d. conserving and displaying
VI . A. Analyze the series of direction in experiments. Then fill in the blanks number 1-3 the series of
procedure. 32-34.
_________32. Taste the solution
_________33. Squeeze 16 calamansi halves into one glass the remaining 4 into other glasses
_________34. Cut each calamansi into 2.
B. Write the main idea of the passage on the blank provided below.
35. Ants live in colonies. Each colony is made up of a queen, a drone, and workers. Some workers are
nurses. Other workers are food gatherers, and some are soldiers. The soldiers guard the colony against
the enemies. Every ant in the colony has its own work to do.

36. State the moral lesson found in the story.
One day, two mothers went to see King Solomon. They were quarreling about a baby. “ This is
not true. The baby is mine”, said the first mother. King Solomon got the baby and asked a soldier to
get a sword. “ I shall cut the baby into to,” said the king. Please do not cut the baby . Give it to her, “
cried the first moyher.” You may cut the baby into two,” said the second mother.
“Go away the baby is not yours, “ shouted the king to the second mother. Then he gave the
baby to the first mother.
_________37. Who served as a judge in the story?
a. The second mother
b. The first mother
c. King Solomon
d. The soldier
_________38. What is the possible ending f the story?
a. The second mother is imprisoned.
b. The second mother run away in shame.
c. The soldier cut the second mother into two.
d. Many people watched the drama and cried.
_________39. What is the correct order of the events in the story?
I. King Solomon called a soldier and told him to cut the baby into two.
II. The true mother asked the king not to cut the baby into two.
III. The mothers approached King Solomon and each claimed the baby.
IV. King Solomon gave the baby to the true mother.
V. Read the doctor’s prescription below. Write the letter of your choice for the questions below.
Acute Bronchitis
A. Tricanyl Expectorant ……….. ½ tsp. 3x a day
B. Klaricid Suspencion …………… 4ml. 2x a day
C. Bendryl Expectorant …………. 2 tsp. every 4 hours
If fever persist give a child 2.5 ml Tempra drops every 4 hours (after meal) in 48 hours, if the fever
does not subside, bring the child to the clinic between 8; 00 – 10:00 A. M.

40. If the baby takes Tricanyl Expectorant at 8:00 A. M., what time she take for the next dosage?
a. 12: 00 P. M. b. 4: 00 P. M. c. 2: 00 P. M. d. 1:00 P. M.
41. For how many weeks will the medicine be taken?
a. 1 day b. 2 days c. 3 days d. 4 days
42. How many times in a day should Bendryl Expectorant be taken ?
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6
VI. Arrange the following sentences using numbers 1-4 to form the story.
My First Elevator Ride
_________43. From the ground floor, we entered a cubicle where all people are all standing.
_________44. One day, my uncle brought me to his office at the 20th floor of Ayala Building.
_________45. Once in a while, the door opened and the people got out while some came in.
_________46. A man in uniform keep on pushing buttons ith numbers which are lighted.

Do you know what a dolphin is? A dolphin looks like a very large fish but is not a fish. It does not
have a scale like a face, it does not breathe through gills. It breathes through a hole on top of his head. Fishes
are cold when you touch them. Dolphins are warm.
A dolphin is a mammal like cats, dogs and the people. It has a warm blood, it cannot breath
underwater . Like other its babies are born alive. It gives milk to its babies.
The dolphin is also a special in another way, It is very smart and friendly. It can perform tricks and is
always very playful. Except for human beings, the dolphin is the most intelligent mammal.

47. Why dolphin is not a fish?


48. What a dolphin is like?

a. ___________________________________________________________________

49. What makes dolphin a special mammal?

a. ___________________________________________________________________

50. Write a three sentence summary of the passage shown above.

Division of South Cotabato

Name: _______________________________ Grade &Section: _____________ Date: ____________

Direction: Read each item very carefully. Choose and encircle the letter of the correct answer for each question.

Maddy has always been very independent. She likes to do things by herself. Her parents will be a little late this
evening. Maddy has a girl scouting activity tomorrow. Her uniform needs some ironing.
1. What will Maddy do?
a. She will do the ironing.
b. She will do the washing.
c. She will do the eating.
d. She will do the writing.

2. Who is the girl who likes to do things by herself?

a. Martha
b. Maria
c. Maddy
d. Madonna

3. What indefinite pronoun used in the sentence “Nothing is impossible with God”?
a. Everything
b. Nothing
c. Anything
d. Something

4. What is the effect when Beng sleeps very late at night?

a. She wakes up late in the evening.
b. She wakes up early in the evening.
c. She sleeps early in the morning.
d. She sleeps late at night.

5. The weather is getting cooler, and the dews glitter in the morning. The breeze makes me shiver. What is the main
idea of the selection?
a. A storm is coming.
b. Christmas is nearing.
c. Strong winds are blowing.
d. All of the above.

6. What is the correct usage of words in the sentence?

a. If I were a bird, I will visit many places.
b. If I were a bird, I should many places.
c. If I were a bird, I would visit many places.
d. If I were a bird, I was visit many places.

Raul and his friends have to cross several busy streets on their way to school. His friends ignore safety signs and
are overconfident. They laugh off the advice of their teacher on the importance of the following traffic rules and road
signs. They say that no accident will befall them, because they know how to take care of themselves.

7. Who ignore the safety signs of traffic rules?

a. Raul and his family
b. Raul and his friends
c. Raul and his enemies
d. Raul and his neighbours

8. What attitude they have shown?

a. ignorance
b. sadness
c. angry
d. determined

9. Lito was driving along the highway when his car’s front tire blew out. He got off the car and walked to the nearest
telephone booth to call for a mechanic but failed to get one. He locked the car and waited for a bus to pass by the
intention of leaving the car as it was getting dark and it was starting to rain. Lito became _______.
a. hopeless
b. discouraged
c. worried
d. happy

10. From the story read, what is the importance of the plants to man and animals?
a. They provide foods.
b. They provide medicines.
c. They are the source of livelihood.
d. All of the above.

11. Mr. Smart wrote homework for each pupil which landed right at the pupil’s door. What would likely to happen?
a. His pupil would watch television instead.
b. His pupil would not mind their homework.
c. His pupil would answer their homework.
d. His pupil would throw the homework on the flooded streets.

12. I played computer games last night. I went to bed late. I did not study my lessons. I got up late. I went to school
without eating breakfast. In class, I could not listen to the lesson because I was hungry.
What is not a cause of my going to bed late?
a. Played computer games.
b. Had been playing games
c. Enjoyed my computer
d. Studied my lessons

13. If Mr. Smart was writing on the board, he could still tell what the class was doing behind him because he had ___.
a. three eyes
b. hidden camera
c. photographic mind
d. eyes in the back of his head

14. For several days Datu Puti and his men _____ toward the north.
a. sail
b. sails
c. sailed
d. used to sail

15. Describe the characteristics of the Nimbus Cloud.

a. thick, dark and heavy
b. thick, dark and sticky
c. thick, dark and windy
d. Thick, dark and gluey

16. What will be the consequences of the cigarette smokers?

a. Many people will get sick.
b. Smokers as well as non-smokers may die of lung cancer.
c. Smokers will get healthy.
d. Smokers will have a longer life.

17. In writing a composition, what are the 3 parts?

a. Introduction, body and conclusion
b. Introduction, body and setting
c. Introduction, body and characters
d. Introduction, body and plot

18. Complete the sentence with the appropriate degree of the adjective “ Africa is the second ____ continent in the
a. largest
b. larger
c. large
d. larged

19. What is the basis in making an outline?

a. key points
b. whole paragraph
c. conclusion
d. context

20. Complete the sentence with the correct indefinite pronoun “ ______ is excited to see the Chocolate Hills.”
a. Everybody
b. Anybody
c. Nobody
d. Somebody

21. What will be the possible effect when the weather is very hot?
a. Many people jump for joy under the sun.
b. Many people go to the beach.
c. Many people do not eat hot foods.
d. Many people wake up late in the morning.

22. How can you revise the ending of the story of Cinderella “that they love Happily ever After”.

23. What is the best tells that will probably happen next in the situation?
On the farm, everyone is asleep. In the east, the sky is getting brighter. The stars are beginning to fade. A
rooster starts to crow.
a. The sun rises
b. It will rain.
c. The sun sets
d. The race started.

24. Differentiate advertisement from propaganda.

a. Advertisement is a public announcement while propaganda deliberates attempt to lead people to accept an
b. Advertisement is a private announcement while propaganda deliberates attempt to lead people to accept an
c. Advertisement is a public announcement while propaganda deliberates attempt to lead people to ignore an
d. Advertisement is a private announcement while propaganda deliberates attempt to lead people to ignore an

25. Complete the sentence using the adjectives according to their order in a series.
She will also buy her ________ dress for the party.
a. One, expensive, large, yellow
b. Expensive, one, large, yellow
c. Large, expensive, yellow, one
d. Yellow, large, one, expensive

26. Greg’s grandfather had a sudden heart attack and was in a coma stage when the ambulance arrived. There was
heavy traffic on the way to the nearest hospital. Greg and his mother didn’t know what to do. The prevailing mood
is ______.
a. fear
b. anxiety
c. hopelessness
d. happy

27. We were glad that baby, our youngest sister, was helping us water the plants. With the small pail, she was able to
water all my mother’s roses. Then my gazed moved to where the cacti plants where. They were also watered.
She said, “They got very dry”.
Which of these is a pleasant effect of Baby’s helpfulness?
a. She used the pail correctly.
b. Mother’s cacti were watered.
c. Mother’s roses were watered.
d. The dry soil was watered.

28. What could be the possible cause of having a landslide?

a. Cutting down trees
b. Planting trees
c. Burning trees
d. Reaping fruits

29. Raul and his friends have to cross several busy streets on their way to school. His friends ignore safety signs and
are overconfident. They laugh off the advice of their teacher on the importance of the following traffic rules and
road signs. They say that no accident will befall them, because they know how to take care of themselves.

With that attitude, what will happen to them?

a. They will be safe.
b. They will be guided.
c. They will be prone to accident.
d. They will enjoy walking.

30-31. Connect the appropriate traffic rules and road signs.

Column A Column B
1. a. No parking

2. b. Stop

32. Which is not an example of an advertisement?

a. “Number 1, Love Radio, Yes! FM
Number 2, Love Radio, Yes! FM”
b. Just Do It
c. Dito Sa Jollibee Beeda ang Sarap
d. Nobody Got You

33. Arrange the adjectives according to their order in a series.

Ms. Philippines is __________ contestant.
a. Brown- skinned, beautiful, tall, young
b. Tall, beautiful, young, brown-skinned
c. Young, beautiful, tall, brown-skinned
d. Beautiful, tall, young, brown-skinned

34. Infer the mood in the event through the character of sleeping beaut.
a. excitement
b. suspense
c. fear
d. joy

35. By remembering the collage pictures you have made, what does family members do?
a. The family are having fun.
b. The family are having their lunch.
c. The family are watching movie.
d. The family are helping one another in the household chores.

36. Asses the texts taken from the fable and identify its mood.
“I found my fate. This is my fate, “Brown deer thought.
a. coward
b. negative
c. resigned
d. positive

37. Write the correct form of the verb in the sentence.

They (run) _______ toward the house now.
a. runs
b. run
c. running
d. ran

38. What is the possible outcome if the man will not be following the road signs and
traffic rules?
a. accident
b. live longer
c. be happy
d. be healthy
39. They ________ their native Borneo in search of the new land.
a. leave
b. leaves
c. left
d. used to leave

40. In writing a composition, how many purpose of writing do we have?

a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6

41. The female eagle ____ an egg every two years.

a. lay b. lays c. laid d. Lain

42. Which is not a step in making an outline?

a. Do not capitalize the first, last and all important words in the title.
b. List down each main topic.
c. Put a Roman numeral and a period before each main topic.
d. Write the parts of the outline in words or phrases.

43. Which is not a possible cause when Donna felt a terrible toothache?
a. She eats too much cake.
b. She eats too much candy.
c. She eats too much fruits.
d. She eats too much ice cream.

44. Plants give off the oxygen which men and animals breathe in to live. Plants need
carbon dioxide to make food. Animals give off carbon dioxide. Therefore, ______.
a. plants need animals
b. animals need plants
c. plants and animals need each other
d. plants and animals do not need each other

45. “Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone”, rewrite this sentence to passive voice.
a. Alexander Graham Bell had invented the telephone.
b. The telephone had been invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
c. Alexander Graham Bell was invented by the telephone.
d. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.

46. An hour later, the tide starts to come. The waves reach higher and higher on the
shore. Soon, everything will be washed away. So, Carla runs home to get her camera.
What will happen to Carla?
a. Carla wants to get a picture of the waves.
b. Carla wants to take a picture of herself.
c. Carla wants to take a picture of David.
d. Carla wants to take a picture of their creation.

47. The church leaders _____ a seminar on environmental cleanliness and

beautification next week.
a. is going to attend
b. was going to attend
c. are going to attend
d. we’re going to attend

48. Create your own collage advertisement using two or three propaganda techniques.


49. Mang Dinong luckily won two million pesos in a raffle draw. Don and Nato felt very happy because they can now
continue studying. Their mother can put up a store. Mang Dinong can buy another tricycle. The whole family went to
church together.
The mood of the family is one of _________
a. joy and thankfulness
b. optimism
c. good luck
d. discouraged
50. Compose a two- to three- point outline about your city or province.



Division of South Cotabato


Name: _______________________________ Grade &Section: _____________ Date: ____________

1. Identify the adverb used in the sentence, “My brother runs fast.”
a. fast b. runs c. Lydia d. runs fast

For question no. 2 please read the selection.

A kind-hearted young man lived alone in his house. One day, he heard a little boy crying outside his
windows. The young man found out the boy was being teased by the bigger boys. The man went out.

2. Why was the boy crying?

a. The boy was teased by the bigger boys.
b. The young man teased the boy.
c. The young man scolded the boy.
d. The boy was hungry.

3. The young man as described in the story is ______________.

a. kind-heartedb. meagre c. cruel d. short
4. The following are the information needed to fill in a bio-data, except one.
a. Personal profile b. Educational Attainment
c. Number of Cars d. Work Experience

5. ________________ refers to the exact words of the person speaking.

a. Indirect discourse b. Direct Discourse
c. Interrogative Discourse d. Declarative Discourse

6. This refers to the truth known by actual experience or observation.

a. fact b. opinion c. fantasy d. judgment

7. _____________ is a belief or judgment shared by many people without sufficient reason.

a. fact b. opinion c. real d. truth

8. The following are parts of an application letter, except __________________.

a. heading b. greeting c. discourse d. body

9. What do you call the group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or a pronoun as objects of

a. declarative phrase b. prepositional phrase

c. preposition d. adverbial phrase

10. This is a set of books which consists of many volumes containing articles on different topics arranged alphabetically.
a. The Yearbook b. The Encyclopedia
c. The Thesaurus d. The Atlas

11. The ___________ is a book of synonyms and antonyms.

a. Yearbook b. Encyclopedia
c. Thesaurus d. Atlas

12. _________ are printed or electronic documents with spaces in which to write or enter information.
a. forms b. labels c. answer sheet d. name plate

13. Rewrite the sentence by inserting the given adverb at the end of the sentence.

I saw him to parties alone. (never)

Answer: I never saw him to parties alone.

14. Interpret the situation then write a conclusion. Encircle the letter of the correct
The house is dark. The plants have dried up and the gate is locked.
a. The family is asleep.
b. The family is on vacation.
c. The family is in the backyard.
d. The family is at work.

15. The employers would like to see your work experience in a biodata because
a. they are interested to know your work history.
b. they are willing give you a high salary.
c. theywill promote you as supervisor.
d. they will offer you free meal.

16. The speech is recast into the opposite speech. Identify the correct speech by encircling the letter of your answer.

Nancy asks, “Who named the Philippines?”

a. Nancy asks who named the Philippines.

b. Nancy asks who named the Philippines?
c. Nancy asks the person who named the Philippines.
d. Nancy asks, “Who named the Philippines?”

Distinguish each statement if it tells a fact or an opinion. Write F for fact and O for opinion.
____________ 17. Diplomas are official documents.(F)
____________ 18.I think we should retrace our steps.(O)

19. Describe the heading of an application letter.

a. it contains the complete address of the sender and the date
b. it contains the signature of the sender
c. it contains the message of the sender
d. it contains the address of the receiver
20. Underline the prepositional phrase in the sentence.

The girl climbed over the wall.

(The girl climbed over the wall.)

For numbers 21-22.Distinguish the reference material described by the statements. Encircle the letter of your answer.

21. Which reference material will you use to locate the different countries in Asia?
a. .Yearbook b. Encyclopedia
c.Almanac d. Atlas
22. Which ready reference will you utilize in order to find the most important event that happened in Brunei last year?
. a. Yearbook b. Encyclopedia
c. Almanac d. Atlas

23. When filling out forms, people must write only the facts and true information.
a. true b. false c. maybe d. possibly

24. Write a sentence(1 only) using the adverb yesterday.


25. What conclusion can you give based on the following information? Circle the letter of the correct answer.
The teacher placed some paper clips, iron filings, nails, corks, magnet and rubber bands on the table.
a. The teacher will go home.
b. The teacher will perform an experiment.
c. The teacher will take her recess.
d. The teacher will play inside the room.

26. Based from our lesson, who should you put in the space for personal references?
a. Your mother because she knows you well.
b. Anyone who is not related to you but can give good information about you.
c. Everyone, which includes your parents, siblings, friends, and colleagues.
d. Yourself.

27. Which speech is correctly punctuated?

a. Mary asked, “Can I submit our project tomorrow?”
b. He says Mt. Apo is the tallest mountain in the Philippines.
c. Dhang, asks Leonor When will we visit Helen?
d. Pinky asked me Can you, name the provinces in Bohol?

(For numbers 28-29) Write two facts you learned about the topic “The Computer”.

28. ______________________________________________________________
29. ______________________________________________________________

30. Write the given letter part correctly.

3286 leverizast
Malate manila
august 21, 2008


31. Complete the sentence with the correct preposition.

Mico has lived her ___________ December last year.
a. on b. at c. during d. since

(For numbers 32-33) Rewrite and correct the subject card below.


Melody and Harmony
Bonfiglio, Gelyne
34. Supply the missing data.

School: _________________________
School Year:2015 – 2016

Name: __________________________ Grade: _______

Address: ________________________
35. Underline the correct adverb in the parenthesis to complete the sentence.

The rain fell (soft, softly)

36. What is the best conclusion for this situation?

Rita went to the hospital. She brought with her a basket of fruits and some flowers.
a. Rita is a nurse.
b. Rita went to the hospital because she is sick.
c. Rita visited her sick friend in the hospital?
d. Rita lives in the hospital.

37. If you are applying for a job, why is it necessary to submit a biodata?
a. Because employers will hire you immediately.
b. Because employers will use it as a source of information.
c. Because employers collects papers.
d. Because employers will give you a high salary.

38. The sentence, Aunt Veron said, “The way to be a friend is to be one.”, is an example ofa/an _____________.
a. Indirect Discourse b. Direct Discourse
c. Interrogative Discourse d. Declarative Discourse

(For numbers 39-40) Select inside the box the corresponding opinion about the given fact. Write the letter of your answer
on the space provided before the number.

a. Garbage collection may not be a serious problem in the

b. It appears that many entrepreneurs are making money out
of junk.
_______ 39. Garbage is a big problem anywhere.(a)
_______ 40. Smoke belches pollute the environment.(b)

41. In which part of the application letter are the words Yours truly, Very truly yours, and Sincerely yours are written?
a. heading b. signature c. closing d. body

42. Which sentence used the preposition between correctly?

a. He sat between his two brothers.
b. He sat his two brothers between.
c. His two brothers sat between.
d. His two brothers between sat.

43. Into what news heading is the example given belongs to?

Regine and Ogie at CCP Concert.

a. General News b. Sports

c. Editorial d. Entertainment

44. Why are forms important?

a. It serves as a record of data.
b. It records the opinions of group members.
c. It records stories in the community.
d. It don’t serve its purpose at all.

45. In what sentence does the adverb seldom used correctly?

a. The pupils come to school late seldom.
b.The pupils seldom come to school late.
c. The pupils come to school seldom late.
d. The seldom pupils come to school late.

46. Choose the best evidence that support the statement, “Books are travel agents.”
a. Books will lull you too sleep.
b. Books will develop your vocabulary.
c. Books will bring you to different places through reading.
d. Books are the key to learning.

47. One sentence in each pair gives a fact and the other gives an opinion. Decide and write F if it is a fact and O if it is
an opinion.
_____ I love water.(F)
_____ Drink about six – eight glasses of water each day to be healthy and strong.(O)

49. David studies his lessons everyday. He gets high scores in his test. He makes his
assignments and submits his projects on time. Write a 2 to 3 sentences conclusion about David’s character.

50. Create a fact from the given opinion.

Opinion: The Philippines is a beautiful country.

Fact: ____________________________________________

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