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Flexible working and gender roles

Lesson code: VF39-AEDC-LTI UPPER-INT+ (B2-C1)
British English

1 Warm-up
Look at the pictures. With your partner, briefly discuss what you think they show.

2 Key words
Match the words on the left to the definitions on the right.

1. reinforce a. a possible work career or contract

2. gender b. a regular trip between work and home
3. a job prospect c. continuing, lasting for a long time
4. tackle d. male or female
5. persistent e. the difference in what people earn e.g. between women and men
6. a commute f. to confront or challenge something
7. wage gap g. to increase in number or hours e.g. from 1 to 5
8. expand h. to make something much stronger

3 Before you read

Discuss in pairs whether the statements are true or false. Then read the article to check.

1. Flexibility at work is one of the main reasons for accepting a job offer.
2. Working from home makes it easier to focus on household duties.
3. More jobs with flexible working arrangements make it harder for women to find work.
4. Working flexibly is more likely to damage your career prospects if you are a father.


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Flexible working and gender roles

Flexible working can reinforce gender

January 10, 2019

1 Flexible working is becoming a must for many. traditional gender roles men working longer,
One recent report found a quarter of UK workers women increasing their care duties.
have refused a job due to a lack of flexibility. This
6 Even employers expect women to use flexible
number jumps to 40% for millennial workers for
working to address family demands, while men
whom work-life balance and flexible working is
are expected to protect their working time, which
key when evaluating a job prospect. Many also
can help develop their careers. This could explain
hope that flexible working can help tackle the
why research found that flexible working led to
persistent gender wage gap.
income premiums for men but not for women.
2 There's no doubt that the ability to control when
7 When mothers use flexible working, they are also
and where you work can be really useful for
more likely to face flexibility stigma the idea that
balancing work with family life. For example,
they are less committed and less productive.
being able to work from home means you can
According to a recent UK survey, more than a
avoid (sometimes very long) commutes. And, in
quarter of mothers experienced negative career
some cases, it can help you mix care or
consequences, such as lower pay and damaged
household work alongside your job. Flexible
career prospects, due to working flexibly. For
schedules allow workers to avoid peak traffic and
fathers, this was about one in ten.
make tag-team parenting where one starts early
and does the school pickup, while the other does 8 This does not mean that flexible working in itself is
the drop off and works later a possibility. a problem. But, equally, we cannot expect that
flexible work will automatically help reduce gender
3 Studies have shown that giving mothers access to
inequality. To enable a better use of flexible
flexible working arrangements reduces the
working, a few things need to be in place:
possibility that they will drop out of the labour
market after giving birth to their first child. It will • When gender norms are more progressive,
also decrease the likelihood that they will reduce flexible working is less likely to lead to
their working hours after the first or any further traditional gender roles being reinforced.
childbirth. Reduced working hours and moving • If more people work flexibly and overwork is
into part-time jobs are the most important causes less common, then flexible working is also
of the continuing gender wage gap, so this likely to result in better outcomes.
flexibility may help to reduce it. • Flexitime, where the number of hours worked
4 But there are downsides to flexible working as it per week/day is set within boundaries, seems
can lead to people working more overtime, to result in better outcomes compared to
according to research. Plus, men, on average, are complete autonomy over your working time.
more likely than women to work longer hours. • We need to challenge organisational cultures
They also tend to worry about work when not at that favour work above everything else, with
work and worry less about the demands they face long hours considered to be synonymous with
in the house. productivity and commitment.
5 Many women, especially mothers or those with • We need to challenge some of our ideas of men
care responsibilities, do not feel like they can and women's roles at home.
expand their working days. And, when mothers 9 These changes are needed, especially if flexible
work flexibly and work from home, studies show working is to help reduce the gender wage gap
they increase their time and activities in the and create a better work-life balance for all.
household in a way that fathers do not. This
shows that flexible working may even reinforce Adapted from: The Conversation by Heejung Chung


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Flexible working and gender roles

4 Checking understanding
Answer the questions.

1. How can flexible working help you save time travelling to work?

2. What is `tag-team parenting'?

3. What are the drawbacks of flexible working?

4. How is flexible working different for mothers and fathers?

5. Currently, does flexible working tend to reinforce or weaken traditional gender roles? How?

6. What is the `flexibility stigma' and who does it affect the most?

7. According to the author, which of the ideas below will NOT help flexible working reduce gender
a) changing our attitudes towards the roles of men and women
b) having full control over the number of hours you can work per week
c) changing work cultures

5 Find the word

Find the words/phrases in the text which mean ...

1. something that is necessary (noun, P1)

2. together with, combined (preposition, P2)
3. the act of taking somebody/something to a place (two-word noun, P2)
4. not do something you were planning to do, leave (phrasal verb, P3)
5. responsibilities towards your children and home (plural two-word noun, P5)

6. additional money to your salary (plural two-word noun, P6)

7. loyal, willing to give your time and energy to something you believe in (adjective, P7)
8. new and modern, encouraging change in society (adjective, P8)

6 Talking point
Discuss any of the questions below.

1. Do you think flexible working is a good idea?

2. Is there gender inequality in your country?
3. Who do you think has life easier, women or men? Why?


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