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Quiz 8 Nov 2021

Chapter 4: Communication in Organization

Group : 8
Name and Student Id :


(2020.09.004 DHUMY)
Answer all questions

1) Define communication in your words ( 2 marks)

- The act of transferring information from one place, person, or organisation to

another is known as communication. A sender, a message, and a recipient are all
part of every communication. This may appear to be an easy task, yet
communication is a difficult issue. The message's path from sender to destination
might be influenced by a variety of circumstances. Our emotions, cultural
context, communication medium, and even geographic location are among these

2) Explain in details the communication process(10 marks)

The communication process is a series of actions or steps taken to successfully
communicate. There have involves several functions in the communication
process, such as the sender of the communication, the encoding of the message,
the actual message sent, the decoding of the message, and the receiver. At its
core, the aim of communication is to transmit information from one person to
another, so that the sender and receiver understand the message in the same
way. All these functions are vital to a successful in communication.
The communication process starts when the sender has an idea to be
communicated. The idea will be influenced by complex factors surrounding the
sender. The sender must begin by clarifying the idea and purpose. Then, in
communication process, the sender must be encoded into words, symbols, and
gestures that will convey meaning. Because no two people interpret information
in the exact same way, the sender must be careful to choose word, symbols and
gestures that are commonly understood to reduce the chances of
misunderstanding. Therefore, a sender must be aware of the receiver
communication skills, attitudes, skills, experiences, and culture to ensure clear
The message transmission in communication process, the sender must choose the
medium to transmit the message. Messages can be transmitted in a verbal,
written, or visual manner. For clear communication to occur, the medium and
message must match. Example for verbal communication is by radio, phone
conversation, podcast, voicemail message, intercom, and in person speech. After
that, communication example for written is communication by email, text instant
message, report, article, essay, memo, blog, and tweet. Then, communication
example by visual is drawings, paintings, photos, body language, font type, and
When the message reaches the receiver, the message must be decoded into its
intended meaning. Therefore, the receiver must translate the word, symbols, and
gestures as the sender intended. Because no two people interpret information in
the exact same way, incorrectly decoding a message can lead to
misunderstanding. Successful decoding is more likely when the receiver creates a
receptive environment and ignores distractions. Alert receivers strive to
understand both verbal and non-verbal cues, avoid prejudging the message, and
expect to learn from the communication. Such as, the receiver record, or make a
note message from the sender information.
The important part of the communication process is feedback. Feedback occurs
the sender and receiver check to ensure the message was understood as intended
and can be verbal or non-verbal. For example, the sender can elicit feedback by
asking, “Do you want anything?”. The sender can also improve the feedback
process by only providing as much information as the receiver can handle.
Receivers can encourage clear communication by providing clear, timely,
descriptive, and non-judgmental feedback. For example, the receiver can shake
his head up and down to confirm “yes” his have a question.
The noise shows the barrier in communications. There are chances when the
message sent by the sender is not received by the recipient. Such as, anything
that distorts a message by interfering with the communication process. The noise
can take many forms, including a radio playing so loud in the background,
another person trying to enter your conversation, and any other distractions that
prevent the receiver from paying attention.
3) List down 3 barriers in communication and suggest solution to overcome each of the
barrier(12 marks)

- Among the various barriers in communication which I can give in terms of

Cultural barriers. Working in a diverse team is naturally more productive,
creative, and profitable. However, certain individuals with diverse backgrounds
might be difficult to communicate with. There are several generations,
ethnicities, races, and other factors to consider. This means they have different
values, work ethics, standards, and priorities. The solution I would like to
suggest to overcome this cultural barriers by doing celebrate members from
other cultures on your team by organising a variety of interesting activities and
educational opportunities about the local culture. This must be enjoyable for one
team, and it may also help the other team better understand the other. In
addition, if you deal with individuals from various cultures, please encourage
them to prepare a guide or "user manual" that includes critical information
about how to work effectively with them as well as their communication options,
such as how they like to accept praise and criticism. Last but not least, another
solution to overcome this barriers by using a people analytics tool, such as F4S,
to assess each team member's work style and preferred communication style,
and then use the culture tool to switch between different cultures to identify
possible friction areas. For example, in Culture A, a little low motivation for
"reflection and patience" may convert to an exceedingly low motivation in
Culture B, where the typical worker scores better on "reflection and patience."
This indicates that the Culture A team member may come out as rushed and
impatient while working with a Culture B team member, and being aware of this
can help to prevent conflicts from arising.
- Emotional barrier requires a perfect balance of emotions and facts. Emotions
such as anger, frustration, humour can cloud a person’s decision-making
abilities. The solution is remove yourself from the situation for a bit to give
yourself time to cool off. Because if you while you are angry, you will likely have
trouble processing logical statements but if you remove yourself for a period of
time that long enough to make you calm yourself down, you will get a much clear
picture of what is going on. With that when you come back, you will be able to
communicate more clearly and make better decisions. Always be calm so that
you can make your ideas clear before communicating.
- Poor listening, which is defined as a lack of concentration or paying close
attention to the speaker, is harmful to effective listening. It can be caused by a
variety of psychological or physical factors, including visual or auditory
distractions, physical pain, insufficient volume, a lack of interest in the subject
matter, stress, or personal bias. How to improve listening skills?, There was a
way out. The first option is to use general distractions, which can include things
like background noise or other individuals interfering. To improve your listening
skills, try limiting these types of distractions. Aside from that, there are
environmental aspects to consider. Listening can be hampered by factors such as
room lighting and temperature. To make a meeting room or other workplace
more productive, make sure it's light and chilly, as this can help people stay
alert. Then there are cognitive limitations. It can be difficult to focus well if you
don't get enough sleep, are hungry, are disorganised, or haven't prepared for
your task. Make sure you get plenty of sleep and consume a nutritious diet to
maintain your mind as sharp as possible.

4) Suggest 3 channels to communicate with big group of peoples from difference

location(6 marks)

- Among the 3 channels to communicate with large groups of people from

different locations is Web -based communication, such as video conferencing,
this communication is one of the three channels to interact with large groups of
people from different locations. It allows individuals in different locations to hold
interactive meetings. Because other Web -based Communications, such as
information on a company’s Web site, are ideal for providing transaction details
(such as order confirmation) or obtaining contact information, this is the case
(such as a customer’s phone number and address). Next, Message Boards and
Forums allow the public to post information to the central area in real time.
Finally, face -to -face meetings are personal and dynamic exchanges that provide
the most comprehensive communication and are still the preferred means of
commercial communication.

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