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Domingo, Xavier


A.1 What would make our class discussions a space where you feel brave and

Personally, our classroom discussion does already make me feel brave and safe. Being
with the Juniors and Seniors that mainly come from the College of Arts and
Communication I can say that they made me feel a sense of inclusivity maybe because
it’s due to their degree program, where they are required to think deeply about how
communication processes relate of today’s important issues. As Communication Majors,
I suppose that they understand the importance of effective communication and that it
can bring people together across different contexts. Also, as I have observed for quite
some time, they know how to communicate with caution and respect for others’ beliefs.

A.2 How do you find our community of inquiry sessions? What has gone well
and what can be improved?

I would think of our community of inquiry sessions as engaging, lively, and meaningful.
It is engaging and lively in the sense that we are taking part in the learning, not just
sitting down and watching lecture videos. Also, I like how I’m kind of pressured to
actively participate in the sync sessions because of my classmates, that is where I start
to become more confident and fight my introverted personality. Moreover, I think there
is no need to improve on our community of inquiry sessions, however, it would be
better if the chat sync session transcript was in pdf in a larger size.

A.3 What goal would you like to set for yourself for our next community of
inquiry sessions?

Based on our recent community of inquiry sessions, I am still having my “what if”
moments. What if I answer wrong or what if I made a non-sense idea? I would like to
work on that, and I want to participate more actively than ever.

A.4 What further insights or reflections do you have about the prompt (see
below) and/or about our discussion? Again, our question for discussion was
“If you could know how your life would turn out in the future, would you
want to know?”

Although, the idea of knowing how your life would turn out in the future is a childhood
dream come true. I admit it is tempting but I would not. I believe that uncertainty is
what makes life exciting. Exceeding the limits of our future prevents us from ever
realizing what we are capable of. Uncertainty is what makes us humans embrace it and
learn how to live with it.

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