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Module 1 TBW Assingment

By Darius Godfrey

One of the biggest takeaways that I have gotten from taking these TWB mini-
courses is understanding the biases that we as humans have and understanding how to
work on said biases to be more fair and inclusive. I found it quite impactful at the very
start of this course when they had individuals explain who they think they are as well as
what people see them as. As a general population, I feel that we have a very poor time
looking at one another as equals or as people, rather we make assumptions about what
we think that individual is going to be. They discussed how people will make remarks
about one's skin color, ethnic background, or body shape creating a sense of bias
before ever even talking to the person. We have created a world, especially on the
internet, where we let the smallest of things create these large biases and I feel that
these sorts of problems have really divided us as a species. If we took the time to care
for one another and all work to improve ourselves through experiences and lessons
such as the ones in this course I feel as though we can create a much more united
community of humans on our earth. Bias is something that is shown in many different
ways, some of which are intentional and others are completely subconscious. This can
make it very difficult to overcome some biases since they are ones that are deep-rooted
into our minds solely off on how we were raised to think. It's amazing to think about how
for one person an action or phrase can be seen as something meaningless or
completely harmless since they were not raised to think anything otherwise, but for
another person, it can be seen as hurtful or derogatory. I feel that it is extremely
important for us to take a step back while talking to another individual and think about
their background and how they may have been raised it will allow for us to get a better
understanding of where a person is coming from. Often times when we do not
understand something it is because we lack information the same can go for
interpersonal interactions often times these biases occur because the person doesn’t
know anything different than said bias. It seems as though every person can be biased
as well as fall victim to bias I believe it is up to us the individual to understand these
biases and try to conduct ourselves in the most fair and reasonable manner that we
can. I think one of the biggest creators of bias is our cultural background or our
upbringing since those are where most biases tend to take shape and begin to form.
When you are a child if you are given a piece of information it will stick with you for the
rest of your life and since you do not have much of your own experiences in life yet
these ideas or biases can be very easily implanted into you subconsciously at a young
age without you even realizing that it's wrong. In our reading The Cultural Mindset by
Afsaneh Nahavandi they explain to us how cultures of people are created and kept alive
stating "Another characteristic of culture is that it is transmitted from one member to
another; older and longer-tenured members teach their culture to younger newcomers,
whether they are children or new immigrants. Culture is both actively taught and
learned." (Nahavandi 2.3) Since culture is something that is handed down from one
person to the next and taught throughout generations it can become very simple for
biases to be created since you are being taught the ideals of those before you who may
have their own reasons to create a bias. Often times people will grow up with a
prejudice bias against another group of people solely based on information that was
given to them by someone older without having ever interacted with a person within that
community. For my future job I want to be a financial advisor and a very large part of this
job is being able to create strong interpersonal relationships with your clientele, so
understanding how biases work and are created can help me try to avoid them when
speaking with future clientele. In this job you need to look at the person's background,
how they live, how they wish to live, and what goals they want to achieve and try to
create a gameplan on how they can achieve what they want in the most efficient way
possible. If you or the customer let your outside personal biases or opinions take over
then they could get in the way of you being able to create a lifestyle that you can truly
enjoy while still reaching all your goals.
Work Cited

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557271217?cfi=%2F4%2F4&menu=table-o - Writerden. Writerden
- Valuable Academic writing services. (2021, June 9). Retrieved
October 18, 2022, from

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