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SSC- Primary and Permanent

„ Full coverage, metallic,

STAINLESS STEEL CROWNS definative restorations
„ Available as:
pretrimmed (Unitek),
precontoured and
festooned (Ni-Chro ION
SHAN LAL , DDS „ Durable and cost
Director, Pre-clinical Programs effective

Pediatric Dentistry

Steps of preparation and

Indications for use of SSC placement of SSC
„ Restoration of primary and young permanent „ Evaluate pre-operative occlusion
teeth with multiple carious surfaces. „ Administer appropriate local anesthesia*
„ Class 2 lesions where the caries extend „ Place rubber dam (clamp adjacent tooth)
beyond the anatomic line angles. „ Removal of caries (if present)
„ Restoration of primary teeth after pulpotomy „ Crown preparation
or pulpectomy procedures.
„ Selection and trial placement of SSC
„ Hypoplastic teeth.
„ Contour and crimp (if necessary)
„ Hereditary anomalies (D.I., A.I.)
„ Evaluate post-operative occlusion
„ Pts. with special needs.
„ Cementation
„ As an abutment for space maintainers or
prosthetic appliances.

Crown preparation Occlusal reduction

„ Occlusal reduction „ 169L tapered fissure bur
„ Inter-proximal „ Place depth cuts and uniformly reduce
„ Buccal and Lingual (limited to occl 1/3) occlusal surface by 1-1.5mm.

Occlusal Reduction Proximal Reduction
„ 169L tapered fissure or thin tapered
diamond bur.
„ Break proximal contacts at appropriate
depth in single sweeping motion.
„ Vertical proximal walls with slight
convergence in an occlusal direction.
„ Feather-edge finish line.
„ Common error - ledge formation.

Proximal Reduction SSC - Crown Preparation

Buccal and Lingual Reduction Crown selection and Try-in

„ 169L or diamond bur „ SELECT smallest crown „ PLACE or seat crown
„ Limited to occlusal 1/3 that restores pre- from lingual to buccal.
as a 45º bevel. existing proximal „ Push crown over the
„ Round off all line contacts. buccal bulge for a snap
angles. fit.
„ Occlusal dimensions of
„ Occasionally, an SSC should be same as „ Check margins for close
exagerrated mesio- cervical adaptation
pre-op. tooth.
buccal or cervical bulge extending 1mm
may warrant more „ Most commonly used subgingivally.
buccal and lingual molar SSC is size 4. „ ‘Blanching effect’
reduction. „ Remove dam and check

SSC - primary molar Crimping and contouring
„ Linguo-buccal „ Snap fit. „ Crimping and
seating of crown. Contouring involves
bending the gingival 1/3
of the crown’s margins
inward to establish a
tight marginal fit and
„ Pliers - #114, 417
„ ION crowns require
least adjustments.

Crown cementation Cementation

„ Rinse and dry crown „ Remove excess
„ Prepare glass ionomer cement.
cement and fill crown to
2/3 with all inner
surfaces covered.
„ Seat crown completely
„ Remove excess cement
from margins
„ Rinse and floss inter-
proximal areas
„ Check occlusion

SSC - primary molar SSC - Primary molar

SSC - Primary molar

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