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STUPA = A stupa fs q xeliguaxy , a shirne containing the / SEMAIOS HY 2 holy ox aalated pexson 0 artifacts (remain) assodated with -them, oxiginaling tn India priow +o the 5 centuxy BCE as tombs of “holy men and evolvin aftecwaxds into satied sites dedicated -o0 Buddhas (563 - 483 8Cé) and latex, Buddhist axbats Csatnds), bodhisattvas Cenlightened ones), othex signiffcant saintly fgunes , os local defties. St fs @ hemispheuical structure witha spive on the top, sometimes sftuated at the top, sometimes sttuated of the base +hat vautes tn Shape and size sw.ounded ky a walkawa fox Vicrtasus. Some stupas , Such ag the Great “Stupa at Sanchi, India ox the Boudhanath Stupa at kathmandu, Nepat owe lange, osinate structures while Other are maxe modest. The Constructfon oO} Stupas 00 laxge seale ano assocfated with Buddhism, began throughout India duting the eign of Ashoka the Great (268-232 Bce) oa the Mauxyan empire (322- 185 BCE) afte hic conversion +o Buddhism. Priox to Ashokar sefgn ,thexe were eight stupas dedicated +0 Buddha Cand containing his cuemated siemaing} at different sites , which Cossuelated to impasctant events in his life. In an aoxts to spread Buddhism and encouxage -the enléghtment a) his subject, Ashoka had -the wemains dlfsintevicd and ondeued the conctrucHfon o% many mosxe upto 4,000 stupas , each sediving 2 certain alorment 04 the xemains which empoweed -the stsucture yotth mystical enexgy . STUPA :- * The woud supa fs devived from the soot stup, meaning +o heqp and suggests the mound shape and method of constructton of these editfces . * The inital -functon of Supa Was the venetatfon and Safe guaxding atthe selfces of Buddha- They evolved into lage hemispheutcal mounds with features such as +he Torna — Galew the Vedica - Fence Uke enclose the Heumika — A sguaxe platfosim with sailings en he “top othe stupa. the Chatvayasthi- Paxasol os canopy: * Sanchi, Baxhut, Chaukhandt, Deasxkothux, Dhamek stupa at Samastth, Vaishali, Watanda, Lambhax axe Some well known stupas. Stupas Show the divexsi tres to Shapes but unity in 4lechique and purpose - The oxtgin al models of Stupa wete those safsedin brick and stone. TIMELINE :— C 600BCE ~ c. 300 BCE + Stupas ane tombs fb holy Me constructed heaps eautth & stone- 62 BCE — 232 BcE * Reign oY maunyan king Ashoka the Great who decrees “thousands Y Stupas built aeross Sndfa in honox 4) Buddha- C+258BCE — 232 BceE : Ashoka ovexncees the construct an % the Great stupa at sanchr; sends Buddhist missfonasitec Jo Othex countrfes who bring the fosm and -functfon 04 the Stupa with them. STUPA AT SANCHI The Great Stupa at Sanchi %> one oy the oldest stone stuuctune ia indfa,and an impoxtant monument of Indian Architectune + It was oxt?ginally commision ed by empexax Ashoka To 3rd centuaxy BCE. Sts nucleus was simple hemisphenical brick structwte built oven the stelfes | Buddha- slocation? Sanchi Town, Madhya Pradesh, India ‘Height? 16-46m Cdome of Great stupa) + Constwucton started 7 94d centuxy BCE * Architectural style * Buddhist. * Diametey # 36-6m Cdome of Great stupa) Sn the most baste sense , as an axchitectuxat xepresentatfon of & sacted buifal Ste, a stupa-—no mater where tt fe located in the wosld an when it was built ~has three fundamental features. Or heroteph ewal mound Canda) @A sguate 4 ailing Chaumfka) and @A central pillax supposing a -bipple umbrella fium Cchattri)- * A hemicpheuical mound (Anda) *— The anda's domed shape (green highlights) uecallr 2 mound 0 dixt tha! was used +o cover the Buddhas semains. HH hag a solid core and cannot be entered: Consistent with thei sym bolfe associatfons, the cautiest, Stupas contained actual” setics a) Guddhas * the selies chambex , busied deep inside the anda,%s called as 4abena. Ove the Hme .thic hemfspheufcal mound has taken on an even grandex symbolve associatfon : the mountain home o +he goss at the center a the universe- © A squae ailing CHaxmika) ¢— The haumika fe ineprred by a sguane sailing ax -fence that swou.counded the mounlafo #mound a dba, making Hasa saeed bunidl sfte +A central pillax cuppostiog a tripple umbrella form Cchattra) 3— The thdtra tn twin was denived from umbreliag that weve placed overt the mound to protect TH from the Clements: Just as the anda symbolizes the vatue expanded over Hme, the central piilax +hat holds the umbrellas has come to smepresent the pivot 0 the unfvexse , the axFal mundf along with which the divine decends from heaven and becomeg accessible +0 humanfty - And the three cirellax umbrella Like disks represent the three Jewels on Triamtha of Buddhiom, which are the key to a twue undexstanding a the faith ; Buddha, (b) Dharma (buddhist teachings ot seligious laws) and ¢) Sangha Cmonaste community) - Asound these three coue buildin g blocks were added secondany -featuntes - * Enclosuwe wal with decorated gateways ¢toranas) at the candingl divections ?— The walls-~ with tte trademark -three horizon al stone baxg— cuyiounds the entire struatuwie + * Civeutan texyace (Medhi) >— The tewace fs susuounded by a similax three ~ b ave vailing ~ suppostis anda and saices H oO the grounds i+ Ukely sexved as a platform fox siftuak crccumbulatfon- K s Rom r TI Vedika. 7 eT TTS {cma PLAN OF STUPA OF SANCHI 7 -}—_——-chatavas stairway, . — Hax mika. Walkway 7 Anda Tevanas ELEVATION oe chnatul VIEWS OF STvPA AT SANCHI PILLARS -— Ashokas Pillaxs Cstamblas) ane the best specimens of the Mauryan Art + The wee made ow of single stone cut out from grey chunat cand stones. The symbols wexe erecled *~ UY) As a sysnbol of state U) To commemaxdte victosuires iit) To propogate impexfal seimons. There wee about 90 pillars installed at oiff{exent places of Sndia- Sore of the places with pias axe Rampuxva, Lausiya, Nandangarth, Sainath and Sancht. These pillaks ane usually instatted in -front of stelg tous Shrines os plate of worship. The talk and well propoxttoned pillans ut th slightly tap exing monolithfe Shafts and standing free in space and complete anol independent es aio axe admittedly the best repesentaitver a} the coud ast of Maurya. The Mauxyan columns are chivelled out w grey Chunnax sand stone and have a lustxour polish due -+p +he application perhaps OY silicfous vaxnich onthe stone- A study of -the wokmanship oy the columns and -the frouning animals shows that +thexe wasa Chronological sequence in the jostallatPon o4 these columns ASHOKA PILLAR ?—— Pillars built between 6&- 232 Be by king Ashoka had stgni freant Pmposelance in anchtlectut al hfstosy of Sndia- These pillars are a soufes of columns dispered throughout Northein India by Ashoka - Ashoka played a mMajot stole In spreading Buddhism by olepicting he Buddhist ed?dts an his pillars by which were constuucted after he converted 4o Buddhism+ He sefected violence anal made sux e his subpect Were happy + The pillan spread throughout his empire and each pillax explained Ashoka’s eddieds- “They also gath eve tofor mation about +he empiie- Aramafe and Greek languages were dlepicted on pillaxs located on the bosideus @ ~the empire +0 cdeclaxe the whoever way dravelting +hfs way has now entered the lands o king Ashoka- Why a Pillax ? A few hypotheses state that Ashoka tised the pillars +o communfeate hfs Buddhist messages: the idea oF oie a pillax probably came. from the Persian artts+ who came, to Sndta in search of wet and bringing with them the {orm ap p7llax ASHOKA PILLAR: — * HISTORY of CONSTRUCTION? — The 4wo types of stones used 1) columns constwuclfon were sied and white sandstone from mathuva and but, coloured fine grain sandstone from chuna, Voranasi- The pillars were constructed by the Crattsmen 6} +he Same xeghoo and +he stones were casuifed from +he place of extractfon to-tne place Whee pillars ane found The -fowt pastts of the pit avs were developed fo such a way that +hree secifons were. made tna single piece to thal ©) the monolithte shaft The masterpieces ey Mavxyan ast axe tne crowing animals Mndt are aihox shown eveded ax seated above. the beu~shaped totus petals - The shaft ?s ctrculax io sectton and +aqpesitog towords the top. The capital has three pants (a) bells (c) sculpture in the wound (b) abacus The most beautiful fs the Sarnath pitta - ASHOKA PILLAR, SARNATH =~ Tre Saxnath L¥on Capital isthe most celebrated of dhe monuments a) Ashoka - The Lion Capital OF Ashok a located in Sarnath, Vaxranast is the natfonal emblem aj Sndfa and symbolized the visit o| king Ashoka to Sanath: hes 50m long ai pila has four \fons at the top along with dhamek stupa The calm aura in tne swuoun ding areas has attvacled monks fost meditation - These axe foux animals al the, base 0) the Ashoka pillar, a bulla lion, elephant, a horse. with "Satyamev fay ate’ uptitten below symbolizing four phases 0) Buddhas tye. ASHOKA PILLAR ASHOKA CHA KARA ANIMAL SWLPUTURE cons) ABACUS INVERTED LOTUS MONOLITHIC SHAFT BUDDHIST ROCK-CUT ARCHITECTURE :— The Kock-cut structuses present the most spectacular Pieces ey ancient Indian aut specimen. most op the wock-cut structures wexe sxeldted +o vaxfour sieli gi oug communities: The best examples ay this ate Chaftyas and Vibaxas: BUPDHIST kOck- CUT ARCHITECTURE CHAITYAS VIHARAS Temple Residential Woxkship place Quaxteis for monks. Rock cut axchitecture occupies av impos tant place fo the hi 9 Indian Architecture. The ock- tut axchitectune differs -from tradffonal building in many ways + The xock-cut ant fe moxe similar to sculpture “than axchitecture differs -from traditfonal build structures wee produced ey eutitn 9 out Solid socks - Buddhist axchitectuxe in Aneclent Sndfa was a goed combinatfon oy traditioo al structuke thank modein concepts of time. Thewe axe mainly two typer a) distinct architecture elated 40 caveg,)-e Chaftyas - were the places of wosship in Buddhism and Vinaras — were dwewing Place “a monks. VIHARAS ‘— * Vihavas wexke monasteites constsucted to she monks. Vihavas were dwelling places v by wan deving monks oluxtfog the Hainy season but eventually they evolved ito centens of leauniog and Buddhist axchitecture through J donation of wealthy lay Buddhrets - * Many vibavas , such as Nalanda ,wete wee wosld -famous , and -thein Buddhist 4eachtngs wove transmited +o othex pats of Asia including China and Thel,whexe buddhfsm continued -+to -flowsfsh - Vihavas wexe mostly tonstuucted with britke 0+ canved out of xocks- ° usualy, Vibawas were build to set a plan, they have a halk dedicated -fos Congretfonal pray ex with a verandah on -three sides 0% Qn open countyauds Sw Ounded a HOW of cells and a pillaxed vexandah in front. These cells sewed as dwellfng places fax the monks. * Thece monastic buildings built of buicks wexe self- contained units and had a chattya hal ax Chaitya mandix attached -to a stupa~ the chief object of worship. “The height o -the monashies wee accosiding Yo human propositfons shad subte intexfous, had Shrines, halls, entrances, cells and open CoE te VIHARAS ?— The site fost shuuctwral Vihanas has to -fulf7l the two conditfons ¢- i) Ruoximity 40 some villa iw) fnough Seclusion -to ensuse the prope atmosphee -fos me ditatfon- Accoxding +o Pali texts, -the vihaxas include 2 0) Living Rooms. (2) Paivate dwellings ¢ partvenas)- (3) Seuvice eo fo pathama salas). (4) Aggi salas CHalls wtih the fire places) ©) kothaks Cporches) (6) Stoxe houses (4) Passages AtHached +o bathstooms @® weus. (@) Shed attached +o waus. (ie) Open courtyard - (QU Shivae- (n) Rectan gulax halls- CHAITYAS #— Chaityas wee places ay worship Chaitya dexived from sansksit woud chita on a sacred spot- The tradiffonal chaitya was a grove of tree in the middle of which small tumuli o{ earth had been built over the ashes ax stelfes a the Buddha- Buddhist monks fnstead o wand eHing and begging -fose atms staited setting down axound Such chaityas. Monks io vihavas exected stupa along with vibauac also cated Chatty a Goutha- “The plan consists a) an apsidal ended hall with closely placed pillaxs at each side , forming aisles 0X ambutatories. A Stupa shrine fs plased Fn apse, forthest from -+the entrance. The Ho0fs axe semicivculan fn sectfon and sibs sxepresent tne ostginal timber membexs o} the prototypes axe cut -from the rocks. The xfacade noxmally contains above a tow entrance portico; a horseshoe shaped windou filed with mock-eut on wooden traceuy with admits light to intesfox. BASIC CHARACTERISTICS °— * Accomodates Supa * Apsidal Plan “No diviston between nave and chattya te space fos tongregatfonak soivice pot cleanly defined . * Vaulted healt * Colonadeg * Side Afgles. CHAITYA AT KARLE ?—— * The asitginad chaitya hall was GY woxuship probably a wooden shed wHha thalched (00f and asmau stupa at one end- * Dwting monsoon this proved +o be inadequate sheltex ana monasiie congregaifon -found 7 necessary +0 move to thaplaces that af 4exeol better protec fion + Th?s they sought in oatusal caves by @ ascecits fos. cermtunfes, known a9 vaxshavatika ox permanent change The Great Chaitya ox prayex hall at kayle is a key Buddhist archetype. © stis entered ya a cowetyaral 5 tn which stands a huge Simha Sambha’— a column beasing an inscriptfon and @ bell-shqped capital topped by -fowe Yons) + The facade 4 the cave has a wide shorseshoe shaped window - Snsidethe hall the nave and afsler ave sepaxated by collonades, and there 7s @ lange Buddhist monument known as stupo The caves poxch ?s adorned with some of the finest Sg 4 ancfent India jocluding depictfon oF 'mithunas’ Ccouptes)- CHAITYAS 2 arcuirecturaL FeATURES * wooden constructfon inspired from vedfe peifod Imttated in natural stock + Supplemented with wooden susxfaces fox e-g Sereens ete. Chal] ienbex construction) - + Shows Sfmilaities +o Roman concept of column and axch, but no evidence of any selatfan- Reclangulax halls with finely polished intexfox walle Well propostfoned pilaxe with capitals axound 55. Semi- clucul ax #00} - Pillax had three pautr? prop, base bw eol tn ground and shaft *Stupa at the end + Extensive use a mottfs, decordfive and symbolic. * Chaityar wee almost 4+0meters long, ISmetete wide and 15 metexe high. NIHARA CHAITYA AT KARLE VIEWS OF PILLAS AT KARLE CHAITYA DETAILED VIEWS OF KARLE CHAITYA

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