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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan(S.Pd.)

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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan(S.Pd.)

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―It‘s not whether you get knocked down, it‘s whether you get up‖

-Vince Lombardi-

―Do what you can with all you have, wherever you are‖

-Theodore Roosevelt-


This research paper is dedicated to:

1. Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW who gives me guidance and

strength especially to finish my graduating paper.

2. My beloved parents, Muhamad Mahmud and Maryani. They used to motivate

the researcher and support to keep doing this research consistently.

3. My beloved sister and brother, Zulfa Annisa and Muhammad Jordan

Ardiansyah. Thanks for the support, love, prayer, and everything.

4. Everyone who supports the researcher to finish this research and cannot be

mentioned one by one.



Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

In the name of Allah SWT, the lord of the world, the master of the day

after the creator of everything in the universe, the Most Gracious and the Most

Merciful who always gives such deeply enjoyable, faith and healthy to the

researchers so the researchers can finish this research. Peace and Salutation be

upon our great Prophet Muhammad SAW for his guidance that taught the

researchers to the principles of the unity of God and he also guides us from the

stupidity to the cleverness and from Jahiliyah era to the Islamic era.

However, this research will not be finished without support, advices, help,

and encouragement from several people and institution. Hence, the researchers

would like to express special thanks to:

1. Prof. Dr. Zakiyuddin, M.Ag., the Rector of State Institute of Islamic

Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

2. Prof. Dr. Mansur, M.Ag., the Dean of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty of State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

3. Norwanto, S.Pd., M.Hum., Ph.D., the Head of English Education

Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sate

Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga

4. Dr. H. Sa‘adi, M. Ag. as the counselor of this research who gives

great attention, suggestion, correction, and guidance for this research

from beginning until the end.

5. All lecturers and staffs of State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) of


6. Mrs. Isnaeni Agustia, the English teacher of MTs Ibnu Mas‘ud Jambu

7. My beloved family, Muhamad Mahmud, Maryani, Zulfa Annisa,

Muhammad Jordan Ardiansyah who always give me love, support,

advice, and everlasting prayer

8. All my best friend of FFF friends (Ulfi, Utami, Umami, Sofi, Fajar,

Khavid, Rivki, Hanafi), thanks for your love and support.

9. My best friends in boarding house, Nurul Umami and Ulfah Nurul


10. My best friends, Devia, Debby, Vany, Norma, thanks for always give

me support.

11. My beloved partner, Thomas Aji Fadhila Akbar who always give me

support and love.

12. The big family of MTs Ibnu Mas‘ud 01 Jambu, and the students of VII

A class.

13. All friends in English Education Department 2015.

Finally, this research is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge

and information to the readers. In addition, the researchers are pleased to accept

more suggestion and contribution from the readers for the improvement of the


Salatiga, 12 Maret 2020

Devi Nurul Aulia


Aulia, Devi Nurul. 2020. The Use of Guessing Game to Improve Students
Speaking Skills of Seventh Grade of MTs Ibnu Ma’ud 01 Jambu in
Academic Year 2019/2020. A Graduating Paper. English Education
Department. Teacher Training and Education Faculty. State Institute for
Islamic Studies Salatiga. Counselor: Dr. H. Sa‘adi, M. Ag.

The objectives of the studies are to describe the use of guessing game to
improve students speaking skills at the seventh grade students of MTs Ibnu
Mas‘ud 01 Jambu. This research was also intended to identify the significance
improvement of students speaking skill at the seventh grade students of Mts Ibnu
Mas‘ud 01 Jambu after being taught by using guessing game.
This research used classroom action research. To describe the significance
improvement of students speaking skill, the researcher used pre-test and post-
test. The researcher used two cycles; each cycle consists of two meetings. The
meeting consists of planning, action, observation and reflection. The subject of
this research were 17 students of VII A at the MTs Ibnu Mas‘ud 01 Jambu. The
data were collected qualitatively and was supported by quantitative data. The
qualitative were gained through observation and documentation. Meanwhile, the
quantitative data was collected drom pre-test and post-test. The researcher used
SPSS 20.00 for analyzing the test.
The researcher found that the students become active in teaching and
learning process. The results of this research in each cycle show that the
calculation from t-test from the t-test cycle I and cycle II were increased. The t-
test from cycle I is 6.019 and t-test from cycle II is 7.628. It means that t-test in
cycle II is bigger than t-test in cycle I. The number of students (N) of this
research is 17, based on the quantity of this research: the t-tabe (N-1) in cycle I
is 1.745 and shown that the t-test is higher than t-table (6.019>1.745). While in
the cycle II the t-test is higher than t-table (7.628>1.745). It means that the
improvement is significant.
Keywords: Improve, speaking skill, guessing game


COVER ................................................................................................................... i

LOGO ..................................................................................................................... ii

TITLE PAGE ....................................................................................................... iii

DECLARATION .................................................................................................. iv

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR’S NOTE ................................................................v

CERTIFICATION PAGE ................................................................................... vi

MOTTO .............................................................................................................. vii

DEDICATION .................................................................................................... viii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ..................................................................................... ix

ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... xii

TABLE OF CONTENS ..................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF TABLE ............................................................................................... xvi

LIST OF FIGURE ............................................................................................ xvii


A. Background of the Problem .........................................................................1

B. Research Questions ......................................................................................3
C. The Objective of the Study ..........................................................................4
D. Signification of This Study ..........................................................................4
E. Hypothesis ...................................................................................................6
F. Research Method ..........................................................................................6
1. Research Design .....................................................................................6
2. The Subject of the Research ...................................................................9
3. The Steps of the Research ....................................................................10
4. Technique of Data Collection and Research ........................................12

5. Data Analysis .......................................................................................15
G. Paper Outline ..............................................................................................16


A. Review of Previous Research.....................................................................17

B. Supporting Theories ...................................................................................18
1. Concept of Speaking ............................................................................18
a. Definition of Speaking ...................................................................18
b. Component of Speaking .................................................................19
2. Concept of Guessing Game..................................................................21
a. The Nature of Game .......................................................................21
b. Types of Game ...............................................................................22
c. Guessing Game ..............................................................................23
d. Kinds of Guessing Game ...............................................................23
e. Advantages and Diadvantages of Using Guessing Game ..............25

A. The Procedure of Research ........................................................................27

1. Cycle I .................................................................................................27
a. Planning .......................................................................................27
b. Acting ...........................................................................................28
c. Observing .....................................................................................29
d. Reflecting .....................................................................................29
2. Cycle II ................................................................................................30
a. Planning .......................................................................................30
b. Acting ...........................................................................................31
c. Observing .....................................................................................31
d. Reflecting .....................................................................................31
B. The Minimum Standard of Success ...........................................................32


A. Research Finding........................................................................................33
1. Cycle I ............................................................................................33
a. Planning .............................................................................33
b. Action .................................................................................35
c. Observation ........................................................................37
d. Reflecting ...........................................................................45
2. Cycle II ...........................................................................................45
a. Planning .............................................................................45
b. Action .................................................................................47
c. Observation ........................................................................48
d. Reflection ...........................................................................55
B. Discussion ..................................................................................................56

A. Conclusion .................................................................................................59
B. Suggestion ..................................................................................................60




Table 1.1 List of VII A Students of MTs Ibnu Mas‘ud 01 Jambu ...........................9

Table 1.2 Research Schedule .................................................................................11

Table 1.3 Students‘ observation Checklist .............................................................12

Table 1.4 Teachers‘ Observation Checklist ...........................................................13

Table 4.1 Students‘ Observation Checklist in Cycle I ...........................................38

Table 4.2 Teacher‘ Observation Checklist in Cycle I ............................................38

Table 4.3 Students‘ Score of Pre-test and Post-test in Cycle I...............................41

Table 4.4 Count of Passing Grade Pre-test and Post-test in Cycle I ......................42

Table 4.5 Descriptive Statistic Cycle I ...................................................................43

Table 4.6 Paired Sample Test Cycle I ....................................................................44

Table 4.7 Students‘ Observation Checklist in Cycle II ..........................................48

Table 4.8 Teacher‘ Observation Checklist in Cycle II...........................................49

Table 4.9 Students‘ Score of Pre-test and Post-test in Cycle II .............................51

Table 4.10 Count of Passing Grade Pre-test and Post-test in Cycle II...................53

Table 4.11 Descriptive Statistic Cycle II ...............................................................54

Table 4.12 Paired Sample Test Cycle II.................................................................55

Table 4.13 Table of Data Analysis .........................................................................56


Figure 1.1 Cyclical Action Research based on Kemmis and Mc. Taggard .............7



A. Background of the Problem

English is one of the international languages used by many people in the

world. Using English is the easiest way to communicate with people from other

countries about many aspects in human life such as technology, economy,

social and politic. In Indonesia, English is used as foreign language. Learning a

foreign language is an integrated process that the learner should study the four

basic skills such as listening, reading, speaking and writing. We use it to

understand our world through listening and reading to communicate our

feeling, need, and desired through speaking and writing.

Speaking is one of the English language skills which is important in our

life because that is a tool to communicate with each other. It means mastering

speaking skill in English is one of the main goals in learning English. As the

curriculum stated that one of the objectives of the English subject in Junior

High School is that the students are able to use that language to communicate

with others in all contexts. Meanwhile, Burns (2012:37) believes that for most

foreign language is not easy thing to undertake because learning to speak a

foreign language requires more than knowing grammatical and semantics rules.

According to Bygate (1987:3), speaking is a skill which deserve attention

as much as the literally skills in both native and foreign language. From this

statement, when students speak in a confident and comfortable way they can

interact better in real daily situations. Because of this, the purpose of the

project was to encourage the development of students speaking skills.

Speaking in English is referred as an interactive process of constructing

meaning that involves producing, receiving and processing information

(Brown, 1994:149; Burns & Joyoe, 1997:14). Furthermore, Richards (1990:4)

states that the mastery of speaking skill in English is seen as a priority for

many EFL learners across the world because learners often evaluate their

success in language learning based on how well they have improved in their

spoken language skill. Consequently, different approaches have been

implemented in order to increase the performance of the speaking skill in EFL

learners, especially for young learners.

Students learning language is considered to be successful if they can

communicate effectively in their second foreign language. Hanfeld (1999:7)

says that speaking is a kind of bridge for learners between classroom and the

world outside. In order to build the bridge in the speaking activities, the teacher

must give them practice opportunity for purposeful communication in

meaningful situation. It means learning to speak in a second language will be

facilitate when learners are actively engaged in attempting to communicate.

Thus, the teacher must give the learners practice to actualize their speaking

skill. By mastering speaking, they can carry out conversation with others, give

ideas and change the information with interlocutors.

In fact, students in junior high school including the seventh grade

students of MTs Ibnu Mas‘ud Jambu still meet difficulties in speaking English.

There are some problems or factors why the students still meet difficulties in

speaking English such as lack of vocabulary, problem with their confident and

cannot speak fluently.

From those problems, the researcher considers that it is necessary to find

out an alternative way to create an interesting technique which is suitable to

students condition. One of alternative ways to create learning English

especially in speaking English becomes fun and joy is using game, and the

researcher chooses guessing to improve students speaking skill. Based on the

explanation above, the researcher would like to conduct a study entitled “The

Use of Guessing Game to Improve Students Speaking Skills of Seventh

Grade of MTs Ibnu Mas’ud 01 Jambu in Academic Year 2019/2020”.

B. Research Questions

Based on the background above, the researcher formulates some

problems that will be discussed, as follow:

1. How is the implementation of guessing games to improve students‘

speaking skills of seventh grade of MTs Ibnu Mas‘ud 01 Jambu in the

academic year of 2019/2020?

2. Is there significant improvement of students speaking skills using guessing

game of seventh grade of MTs Ibnu Mas‘ud 01 Jambu in the academic

year of 2019/2020?

C. Objective of the Study

1. To describe the implementation of using guessing game to improve

students speaking skills of seven grade of MTs Ibnu Mas‘ud 01 Jambu in

the academic year of 2019/2020.

2. To find the significant improvement of students speaking skills using

guessing game of seven grade of MTs Ibnu Mas‘ud 01 Jambu in the

academic year of 2019/2020.

D. Signification of This Study

The writer expects that the result of this study can contribute for

academic and praactical fields, as follows:

1. Theoretical

a. The result of the research can be used as an input in English teaching

learning process, especially in teaching speaking.

b. The result of the research can be used as the reference for those who

want to conduct a research which is related to this research.

2. Practical

a. For teacher

The benefits of this research are that:

1. English teachers are able to make the lesson fun and easy to


2. They are able to improve the students‘ speaking skill

3. The result can improve the teacher professionalism quality as an


b. For students

The benefits of this research for students are that:

1. They are expected to have better speaking English, they will have

chance to practice English without stressing and learn it with


2. Students are more confident in front of class.

3. They are able to improve their speaking skill

4. They can explore their creativity and appearance in speaking


c. For researcher

The researcher gets precious experience which can be used to

improve speaking and learning quality in other situation and provide

information also starting point for other researchers in improving the

other technique in helping students on their speaking skill.

d. For MTs Ibnu Mas‘ud 01 Jambu

The benefit of this research for MTs Ibnu Mas‘ud 01 Jambu is

that the English teachers can improve their skill in teaching speaking

and students can improve their speaking skill. These improvements

automatically can increase the quality of MTs Ibnu Mas‘ud 01 Jambu.

e. For the reader

The writer hopes that the reader can utilize the information

clarified as the result to extend their understanding about increasing

speaking using guessing games.

E. Hypothesis

By conducting this research, the researcher proposes a hypothesis:

Using guessing game can improve students‘ speaking skill at the seventh

grade students of MTs Ibnu Mas‘ud 01 Jambu in the academic year


The success indicator of this research is taken from the passing

grade (KKM) of English subject in MTs Ibnu Mas‘ud 01 Jambu. The

passing grade is 75 and the target of the passing grade is 85%.

F. Research Method

1. Research Design

In this research, the researcher uses classroom action research

(CAR). There are some definitions of action research from some

experts. The first is from Hermida (2001:1), Classroom Action

Research is a method of finding out what works best in your own

classroom so that you can improve student learning. There are many

ways to improve knowledge about teaching. Many teachers practice

personal reflection on teaching, others conduct formal empirical

studies on teaching and learning. Classroom Action Research is more

systematic than personal reflection but it is more informal and

personal than formal educational research.

Here is the figure of classroom action research model based on

Kemmis & McTaggart

In this study, the researcher uses some steps as Kemmis &

McTaggart (1988:11-14)states. There are two cycles in this action

research. In each cycle, there are four procedures that discuss bellow:

a. Planning

In this step, the activities are:

1) Prepare materials, making a lesson plan and design the step

doing action

2) Preparing a list of students‘ named and scoring

3) Preparing teaching aids

4) Preparing sheets for students‘ and teachers‘ observation sheet

5) Preparing pre-test and post-test.

b. Action

In this step, the activities are:

1) Giving pre-test for students

2) Teaching material

3) Giving chance for students to ask any difficulties

4) Giving post-test for students

c. Observation

This phase involves the researcher in observing

systematically the effects of the action and documenting the

context, action, and opinion of those involved. Observation can be

systematically used to observe and investigated like the students‘

feeling, thinking,and something they do in teaching learning

process using mingle game.This observation writes something that

happened in the classroom.

d. Reflecting

At this point, the researcher will reflect on, evaluate and

describe the effect of the action in observation to make sense of

what happens and to understand the issue you have explored more

clearly. The researcher may decide to do further cycles of action

research to improve the situation even more.

2. The Subject of the Research

The subject of this research is the seventh grade students of MTs

Ibnu Mas‘ud 01 Jambu in academic year 2019/2020. There are two class

groups of seventh grade, but the researcher only focuses on VII A class.

The number of students in VII A is 17 females.

Table 1.1

List of VII A Students of MTs Ibnu Mas’ud Jambu in the

Academic Year 2019/2020

No Students’ Name

1. AAD

2. HRF

3. HNF

4. NC

5. WMM

6. AF

7. AR

8. MA

9. NAK

10. SFI

11. SF

12. ASA

13. AJH

14. M

15. ENA

16. MJ

17. Z

3. The Steps of the Research

In conducting the research, the researcher carries out the steps

summarized in the following research schedule. The research schedule is

shown in the table 1.2

Table 1.2

Research Schedule

No Date Activty Place

1. January 3rd, Asking permission and Administration

2020 confirmation to the headmaster rooms of MTs

of school 01 Ibnu Mas‘ud


1. January 7th, Meets the English Teacher of Class of MTs

2020 MTs Ibnu Mas‘ud 01 Jambu and Ibnu Ma‘ud 01

observe the learning activity Jambu

2. January Meets the English teacher of Teacher room of

10th, 2020 MTs Ibnu Mas‘ud 01 Jambu to MTs Ibnu

discuss about lesson plan and Mas‘ud 01

schedule doing cycle I and II Jambu

3. January Doing action (cycle I) Classroom of

21st, 2020 VII A

4. January Doing action (cyclr II) Classroom of

28th, 2020 VII A

4. Technique of Data Collection and Research

To carry out of the research, the researcher has several techniques

of collecting data as follow:

a. Observation

According to Kusnandar (2011:43) ―Observation is an

activity of giving total concern to research object to know the

effect of action has reached the target‖. The purpose of

observation to explain the situation in class activities, individual

involved in some activities and relation between situation,

activity, and individual. Observation is used to know the process

and the action the guessing game to improve students‘ speaking


In this classroom observation, the researcher used the

observation check list (√) and takes not to get the data or monitoring

students condition and what happened in the teaching and learning

process such as students‘ activities, students‘ attention and students‘

respond. It was given to know the students‘ improvement in learning

process, especially in learning using guessing game.

Table 1.3

Students’ Observation Checklist

No The Students’ Activity Yes No Description

1. Pay attention

2. Asking question

3. Responding to question

4. Acomplish task

5. Being enthusiast of

speaking class

Table 1.4

Teacher Observation Checklist

No The Teacher Activity Yes No Description

1. Preparing the material


2. Geeting students‘ before

the lesson begin.

3. The teacher checking the


4. Giving motivation.

5. Reminding previous


6. Giving on explanation of

the material.

7. Use guessing game to

teach speaking skill.

8. Giving opportunity for

asking the question.

9. Help students‘ difficulties

during learning.

10. Giving feedback after


b. Test

Test according to Kusnandar is a question a given to

someone to express the level of a person. According to Douglas

(2001:401) ―Test may be constructed primarily as devices to

reinforce learning and to motivate the students‘ performance in the

language‖. To get the data, the researcher proceeds with the test

wich consist of pre-test and post-test. The function of pre-test and

post-test to get the information about the students‘ ability in

speaking before the treatment. Meanwhile, the aim of post-test is to

know the result after the treatment is given (Muijs, 2004:18).

c. Documentation

According to Arikunto (2010:274), documentation is an

activity to look for a variable like notes, transcribes, books,

newspaper, etc. In this study, the researcher uses photo as the

documentation of the research.

5. Data Analysis

In analysis data, the researcher uses mixed methods to analyze the

data (Creswell, 2009:173)

a. Qualitative Data

In analyzing quaitative data colected based on words from a

small member individuals‘ views are obtained and analyzed the data

for description (Creswell, 2009:173). In this research, the data

observation checklist in analyzed qualitative.

b. Quantitative Data

Quantitative data is used to process the data. The process

measurement based on:

1) Score the students‘ test

There are five components in scoring speaking. They are

pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and

comprehension. The researcher uses an analytical scoring

rubric to analyze the data related to the students speaking test.

2) Calculate the result of the test

After scoring of the students test, the researcher calculates the

data using test to determine there was a significant difference

in cycle I and cycle II. In order to know the result, the

researcher uses T-test. To getting T-test, so the researcher

needs to calculate mean and standard deviation. The researcher

uses SPSS to calculate mean, standard deviation an T-test.

G. Paper Outline

The research paper is arranged in five chapters. Each chapter

discusses different parts of the research. Chapter I is introduction. This

chapter discuss about background of the study, research questions,

objectives of the research, benefit of the research, hypothesis and success

indicator, research methodology and the research paper outline. Chapter II

discusses about Underlying Theories. The researcher explains more about

the theoretical frame work. This chapter also discusses more by reviewing

previous related research. Chapter III discusses about research

methodology. It includes research design, research setting, research

schedule, research subject, technique of data collection and technique of

data analysis. Chapter IV presents the research findings and discussion. It

includes the description and analysis of the data. The last chapter, Chapter

V is closure. In this chapter the writer concludes the research and gives

some suggestion for the next research related to this topic.



A. Review of Previous Researches

There is some previous research which is used in this research. The

researcher take four previous researches comparison.

There was a previous research from Dian Fitriana with title

―Improving the Speaking Skills Through Guessing Games of the Seventh

Grade Students‘ of SMP Muhamadiyah 1 Seyengan Yogyakarta in the

Academic Year 2012/2013‖. This study was aimed at improving the

students‘ speaking skills through guessing games. In reference to the

discussion in the previous chapter, it could be concluded that the

implementation of the games and the supporting action successfully

improved the students‘ speaking skills.

The second review from Devi Anggreyni with title ―Improving

Students‘ Speaking Skill Through Guessing Game Technique at Grade X-

1 of SMA Negeri 1 Angkola Selatan Tapanuli Selatan in the Academic

2013/2014‖. This research focused on applying the guessing game

technique in improving students speaking skill. It was done through two

cyclical processes. The processes involved fully by the teacher and

students. Based on the result of this research it can be concluded as that:

(1) Guessing game technique better improves thestudents‘ speaking skill at

the grade X-1 of SMA Negeri 1 Angkola Selatan Tapanuli Selatan; and

(2) The factors that influence the changes of students‘ speaking skill

are students‘ motivation, students‘ confidence and group discussion.

The third review from Rofi Robiyah with title ―The Use of

Guessing Game to Improve Students‘ Speaking Ability in the Academic

Year 2014/2015‖. Based on the result and discussion, it showed that

guessing games provided opportunity to formulate the question in order to

force the students to speak. This can be proved by the result of students‘

speaking ability.

The last review from Jannaton Ulya with title ―Improving

Students‘ Speaking Ability by Using Guessing Game in the Academic

Year 2013/2014‖. Based on the previous study, which proved that the

alternative of this study is accepted. It indicates that the implementation of

Guessing Game has given positive impact to improve students‘ accuracy,

fluency, and comprehension in speaking ability.

From the previous studies above, this research discusses about the

use of guessing game, the researcher looks at specifically on the technique

of guessing game. In this research, the students is divided into some group

and the leader of the group take a paper in front of the class to know the

topic or words that will be guess the other member of that group.

B. Supporting Theories

1. Concept of Speaking

a. Definition of Speaking

Theodore Huebner (1960:5) says; ―speaking is a skill used

by someone in daily life communication whether at school or

outside. The skill is acquired by much repetition; it primarily a

neuromuscular and not an intellectual process. It consists of

competence in sending and receiving messages.‖

Based on the statements above, it can be concluded that

speaking is essential to all interaction and it is an ability to

understand and master about how to send and receive a message.

Especially for students, they need to comprehend every question

which they are listened to produce answer in order to get

interaction in receiving messages or speaking.

b. Component of Speaking

According to Heaton (1990:70-71) speaking is a complex

skill requiring the simultaneous use of a number of different

abilities, which is often develop at the different rates. Either four or

five components are generally recognized in analyzing the speech


a) Pronunciation

The speaker must be able to articulate the words and

clearly to tell something in English language. As stated by

Harmer (2007:343), if students want to be able to speak

fluently in English, they need to be able pronounce phonemes

correctly, use appropriate stress and intonation patterns and

speak in connected speech.

b) Grammar

To speak something we must see a grammar first.

Because grammar determines our understanding in the

speaking and if the speaker does not mastering grammar

structure, he cannot speak English well.Victoria Fromkin and

Robert Rodman (1998:14) state that grammar is the sounds and

the sound patterns, the basic units of meaning, such as words,

and the rules to combine them to form new sentences.

c) Vocabulary

Vocabulary is very important because it becomes basic

of learn English language. According Keith (2004:2)

vocabulary is single words, set phrases, variable phrases,

phrasal verbs, and idioms. If has limited vocabulary speaking

or conversation to be impossible.

d) Fluency

Fluency means speaking easily reasonably quickly and

without to stop and pause a lot. Meanwhile, according to

Gower et-al (1995:100), fluency can be thought of as the ability

to keep going when speaking spontaneously. When speaking

fluently students should be able to get the message across with

whatever resources and abilities they have got, regardless of

grammatical and other mistakes.

e) Comprehension

The last speaking element is comprehension. It can be

involve speaker and listener how they understanding what

speaker says and what listener listens. Comprehension is

defined as the ability to understand something by a reasonable

comprehension of the subject or as the knowledge of what a

situation is really like. According to Heaton (1991:35), good

comprehension refers to good understanding. If someone

language understanding is good, it will affect the speaking


2. Concept of Guessing Game

a. The Nature of Game

A game is an amusing activity. Most of students like

playing games. They can get not only enjoyment but also many

other benefits of playing game. Games help and encourage many

students to sustain their interest and work. Lewis (1999:28) writes

that games are fun and the students like to play it. Playing games

is a vital and natural part of growing up and learning. Through

games the students experiment, discover, and interact with their

environment. Games add variation to a lesson and increase

motivation by providing a plausible incentive to use the target

language. Games can provide their stimulus. The game context

makes the foreign language immediately useful to the children. It

brings the language life.

The descriptions above suggest that games are useful to

stimulate students in the English teaching and learning process.

Students are more relaxed in learning English language because

they feel fun and confident. It gives students an optimum

opportunity in using English and they seem less embarrassed.

Since it provides stimuli, games make English useful and

meaningful for the students.

b. Types of Game

It is important to know what types of game are available in

order to plan a lesson with balanced rhythm. Brewster and Ellis

(2002:173) explain four main types of games. They are accuracy-

focused games (language control), fluency-focused games

(communication), competitive games, and cooperative games.

Accuracy-focused games focus on individually practising new

language items and developing accuracy, often using chunks of

language which are memorized through constant repetition that

provide useful pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar practice.

The aim of these games is to score more points than others and

there is often a clear ‗winner‘. Fluency-focused games tend to

focus on developing fluency and collaboration with others. These

games are an important part of the ‗communicative‘ approach.

Collaboration is achieved by trying to create a context where the

students focus on getting a task done together, while of course

using key language, rather than simply practising language items.

c. Guessing Game

According to Klippel (1994:13) ―The basic rule of guessing

games is eminently simple; one person knows something that

another one wants to find out‖. In addition, according to Merriem

Webster ( 1986:1008),‖ Guessing games is game in which the

participates compete individually or team in the identification of

something indicate obscurely (as in riddles or charades)‖.

Based on the definition above, it can be concluded that

guessing games is a game in which a person or participant knows

something and competes individually or in a team to identify or to

find out it. This game can be varied by the teacher themselves. The

player holds the information and other should guess who, what,

where it might be. The thing that should be guess can be in form or

single word, phrase sentence or sentences.

d. Kinds of Guessing Game

There are some kinds of guessing game. Based on

Marsland (2012:22-23), there are many guessing games

based on the concept of one person ―knowing‖, and the rest

of the class ―guessing‖. These all involve ―yes/no‖ questions.

Below, there are some techniques of guessing games that using

―yes/no‖ questions:

a) I-spy

According to Marsland (2012:22), this involves the

―knower‖ giving the first letter of an object he or she can

see, and the rest guessing what it is. Each puzzle

traditionally begins with the form ―I-spy‖, with my little eye,

something beginning with A. Where ―A‖ becomes the students

chosen letter.

b) Twenty questions

Based on Marsland (2015:23), also known as ―animal,

vegetable, mineral‖ this involves providing the category of

an object, which is one of three headings given above.

The guessing students are then given twenty attempts to

learn something about the object before they have to guess

what it is. More advanced learners might include the fourth

option of ―abstract‖ for nouns of emotion, and so on.

c) The coffee-pot game

This is also frequently used in many language

classrooms, and can target any grammatical category,

although verbs are particularly suitable. In each question the

world ―coffee-pot‖ is used instead of the word which the

questionaire is trying to guess (and which the ―knower‖ might

have written down on a piece of paper), Marsland (2012:23).

d) Guess the word

According to Marsland (2012:23), this game is

suitable played by the students in thewhole class or in the

groups. Guess the word can be used for abstract nouns. It

involves one player that must give clues related with the

word and other students in the groups have to guess it. While

the other student in the groups try to guess, the player can

answer ―yes/no‖ about the right guess.

e. Advantages and Disadvantage of Using Guessing Game

According to Hidayat (2015:7), the advantages of using

guessing game technique in teaching speaking as follow:

1) Guessing Game can be used as a new technique in teaching

and learning process.

2) Guessing Game can make the students happy in speaking


3) Guessing Game create the well condition and enjoyable in the


4) Guessing Game can motivite the students to speak English


5) Guessing Game can make the students interested to speak

English with try to guess wordin the guessing games activity.

6) Guessing Game can show the possitive attitudes of each

students in the process of learning.

7) Guessing Game can enlarge knowledge, enrich vocabulary,

receive and send message, and also problem solving.

Based on the advantages of Guessing Game above, there is

also the disadvantage of it. The disadvantage of using this game

will happen if the teacher could not use the time effectively and

efficiently. So, the researcher should manage the time as well as




A. The Procedure of Research

The researcher used the Clasroom Action Research in collecting

the data. There were four steps in one cycle for doing actions research

those were planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. In this research, the

researcher collaborated with the English teacher who teaches VII A

students. The activities if each cycle as follow:

1. Cycle I

The researcher used Guessing Game as media in teaching

which can improve the students speaking skills. The topic is

descriptive text. The procedure as below:

a. Planning

At planning stage, the researcher planed what action would

be done in using abd appliying Guessing Game to teach speaking.

The activities were presented as below:

1) Selecting the materials with teacher based on syllabus.

2) Preparing the materials, making the lesson plans and designed

the steps in doing the action.

3) Preparing teaching aids with the theme descriptive text.

4) Preparing students, teachers observation checklist of the cycle

I, to know the situation of teaching and learning proces when

the media is applied.

5) Preparing the pre-test and post-test in cycle I

6) Preparing the list of students name and scoring of cycle I

Those preparations are designed to obtain the objective of the

teaching and learning process. Students are supposed to

improve their speaking skills throung the materials were given.

b. Acting

After the preparation has been done, the teacher does

teaching-learning process. In the acting phase as the

implementation of the preparation, the researcher presented as

written below:

1) Giving pre-test and post-test for students.

2) Giving and explained the materials about descriptive text.

3) Giving the example of the materials about descriptive text.

4) Giving pre-test for the students.

5) Explaining the materials and the implementation using

Guessing Game in descriptive text.

6) The teacher devides the students into four groups to discuss

the example of descriptive text.

7) Giving occasion for the students to ask any difficulties using

guessing game in the learning procces.

8) The teacher gives an example of how to use guessing game

by putting an image on the head, then students must give the

clue to the teacher so the teacher can answer.

9) The teacher gives some pictures to each group that contain

pictures of animals. Then, each student must guess the

picture, the activity is also carried out by other students.

10) Giving feedback and motivation for the students.

11) Giving post-test for the students.

c. Observing

The teacher observe the students and teachers activity by

using the observation checklist.

d. Reflecting

At this phase, the researcher tried to reflect on, evaluate,

and describe the effect of the action. Reflection looks for a sense

of the process, problems, and real issued in the action. Reflection

is an evaluation phase, it used to evaluate whether or not the

media can be the problem solving and improve students speaking


1) The researcher evaluated the activities that have been done.

2) The classroom teacher and the researcher discuss to make a

refelection of what will they do to repair the problem.

3) Analyzing the data from the observation checklist and

students score of the test in the cycle I.

2. Cycle II

The second cycle is done based on the refelctions result of the

cycle I. If the result observation shows the low quality of students

skills, thus it is needed another action in order to create an

improvement of students quality in the cycle II. The topic is about

descriptive text. The procedure are presented below:

a. Planning

In the planning of cycle II, the researcher will do some

activities are presented below:

1) Preparing the materials, making the lesson plans and designed

the steps in doing the action.

2) Preparing teaching aids with the theme descriptive text.

3) Preparing students, teachers observation checklist of the cycle

II, to know the situation of teaching and learning proces when

the media is applied.

4) Preparing the pre-test and post-test in cycle II.

5) Preparing the list of students name and scoring of cycle II.

The preparation was designed in order to gain the purpose of

the teaching-learning process. Students were supposed to

improve their speaking skills by the material which were


b. Acting

In the cycle II acting was quite similiar to acting in cycle I.

In this phase, the teaching and learning process is led by teacher.

The activities of acting phase in the cycle II are:

1) Giving and explained the materials about descriptive text.

2) Giving the example of the materials about descriptive text.

3) Giving pre-test for the students.

4) Explaining the materials and the implementation using

Guessing Game in descriptive text.

5) The teacher devides the students into four groups to discuss the
example of descriptive text.
6) The teacher gives a cross-text about descriptive text that is

pasted in front of the class to the students. The students must

guess with the right answer.

7) Giving pos-test

c. Observing

The teacher observe the students and teachers activity by

using the observation checklist.

d. Reflecting

1) Analyzing the data of this cycle.

2) The researcher evaluates the activities that have been done.

3) The teacher and the researcher discuss to conclude after

comparing the students‘ score between cycle I and cycle II to

find out how far the improvement of students‘ speaking in

guessing game.

B. The Minimum Standard of Success

The students success and failure in doing the activities in cycle I

and cycle II were assesed by refering to the criterion of the passing of the

Minimum Passing Grade (KKM). The passing grade of English lesson in

MTs Ibnu Mas‘ud 01 Jambu was 75. The teacher and the researcher

expected that there are at least 85% of the students who reached the

Minimum Passing Grade.



This chapter focuses on analyzing the collected data. The researcher collected

the data from the seventh grade students of MTs Ibnu Mas‘ud Jambu. The

researcher gave the details of the findings. This chapter was the main discussion

of the researcher conducted. It presented the finding of the collected data starts

from the beginning until the end of the research. The finding consists of the result

of the cycle I and cycle II.

A. Research Finding

The research consist of two cycles, each cycle cocsists of planning, acting,

observing, and reflecting

1. Cycle I

a. Planning

In this step, the activities are:

1) English Syllabus of Junior High School

English syllabus was the important one as guidance to arranged

the lesson plan. The researcher used English syllabus of MTs Ibnu

Mas‘ud Jambu. It can be seen in the appendix.

2) Lesson Plan

The researcher used lessonplan to control and manage the

teaching and learning process in this research. It is aimed to manage in

managing the time and activities during teaching and learning process

in the class. It can be seen in the appendix.

3) Observation Checklist

The observation checklist was arranged to know the students

and teachers activities during the teaching learning process.

4) Material

The material of descriptive text consists of meaning, generic

structure, languange feature, and example.

5) Teaching aid

The researcher prepared some instruments, such as

boardmarker, handout about descriptive text material, students

worksheet, and tools to successed the action.

6) Pre-test and post-test

The researcher used pre-test and post-test in the action. The

pre-test was done before implementing guessing game to know the

students understanding in descriptive text. Then, the researcher used

post-test was done after implementing guessing game to see the result

of the study before and after using guessing game. It can be seen in the


b. Action

The researcher conducted in two days. The action of the cycle 1

consisted of two parts. The first part was done on Tuesday, February

21st, 2020 and the second part was done on Thursday, January 23rd

2020. The pre-test were conducted on the first day, and post-test were

conducted in the second day. The researcher rolled as an observer and

observed teachers, and students activity in the teaching-learning

process. The researcher had a partner to take a photos and videos in

pre-test, post-test for documentation.

The first part of cycle I was conducted on Tuesday, February

21st, 2020 at 10.00 -11.30 a.m, the teacher and the researcher entered

the class. The researcher observe the teacher and students activity and

the partner took some photos in doing pre-test and post-test for

documentation. The teacher started the lesson by greeted and asked

about their condition such as the following short conversation.

The teacher mentioned the purpose of coming in the class, then

the researcher introduced herself to the students. After that, the teacher

cheecked the students‘ attendance list. After cheecking the attendance

list, the teacher review about the last material. Then, the teacher ask to

their students ―do you know about descriptive text?‖. Then the students

answer ―describe about something‖. The teacher said, ―Your answer is

good‖. Next, the teacher ask ―what is commonly described?‖. The

students said,‖about animal, place, person, famili, and etc‖. After heard

the answers from the students, the teacher explained about descriptive

text, generic structure, language feature and the benefit of descriptive

text. After that, the teacher gave a text and the students identified the

generic structure, language feature and the benefit. After finished, that

assignment collected at the teachers desk. Than, the teacher gave a

game using guessing game method where the game is used to guess an

image or word. The student divided into four groups and each group

gave a different picture to guess, as for the images that must be guessed

that are animals such as rabbit, fish, horse, mouse and cat. After that the

students are given directions to work on the first assignment in the form

of pre-test, pre-test is given to find out how far students' knowledge

about descriptive text.

The time was up, the teacher said that they still discuss about

descriptive text for the next meeting. After that, the teacher closed the


On Thursday, January 23rd 2020, at 12.30 a.m., the teacher and

the researcher entered the class. The teacher entered the class and

greeted as ―Assalamualaikum wr.wb?‖ and the student answered

―Waalaikumsalam wr.wb‖. the teacher said, ―Let‘s start our lesson

today by read basmallah and Al-fatihah together‖ and followed together

by the teacher and the students. After that, the teacher check the

students attendance.

The teacher asked the student about the materials that have

learned in the last meeting. The teacher-reviewed about the descriptive

text and gave feedback about their result of the pre-test. The teacher

said that there were students who were still confused about descriptive

text, so they must to keep paying attention.

Next, after the teacher knows there are students who does not

understand about descriptive text, the teacher returns to explain in detail

the contents of the material with the aim of all students understanding

and mastering the text discrete material. then the teacher gives a post-

test to determine the ability of students and the next meeting the teacher

will return to teach with the same material. All of the students to do the

test by themselves and they were allowed to open the dictionary. The

techer walked around to monitor the student did the test after the time

was up, the teacher collected the students‘ worksheet. Than the teacher

closed the meeting.

c. Observation

The researcher observed students and teacher activity by using

the observation checlist in the learning procces. The observatin

checklist was purposed how far is the situation and enthusiasm of the

students and teachers activity during the teaching and learning procces.

The purpose of this activity was to evaluate the teaching and learning

procces, collected data and monitored the class.

Tabel 4.1

Students Observation Checklist Cycle I

No The Students Activity Yes No Description

1. Pay attention √ All of the

students paid
attention to the

2. Asking question √ Some students

asked questions

3. Responding to question √ Some students

who answered the

4. Acomplish task √ All of the

students practice
the dialog

5. Being enthusiast of √ The students

speaking class enjoyed the
of mingle games

Table 4.2

Teachers Observation Checklist Cycle I

No The Teacher Activity Yes No Description

1. Preparing the material well. √ The teacher

prepared the

material well

2. Geeting students before the √ The teacher

lesson begin. started the lesson

with greeting

3. The teacher checking the √ The teacher

students. checked the

attendance of the

student one by


4. Giving motivation. √ The teacher

motivated the

students to boosts

their learning


5. Reminding previous √ The teacher

material. reminded the


materials by

asking some


6. Giving on explanation of √ The teacher gave

the material. the material

7. Use guessing game to teach √ The teacher

speaking skill. explained the

material in both

of Indonesia and

English language

8. Giving opportunity for √ The teacher gave

asking the question. time to the the

students about

everything to

asked question

9. Help students‘ difficulties √ The teacher

during learning. helped students to

solve the


10. Giving feedback after √ The teacher gave

lesson. feedback to the

result of the


The researcher analyzed the data of pre-test and post-test.

The calculation and result of both test are presented below:

1) The Score of Pre-test and Post-test cycle I

Table 4.3

Students Score of Pre-test and Post-Test Cycle I

No Students’ Pre-test Post-test D D²

Name (X) (Y)

1 AAD 50 65 15 225

2 HRF 55 60 5 25

3 HNF 75 75 0 0

4 NC 50 65 15 225

5 WMM 55 65 10 100

6 AF 55 65 10 100

7 AR 55 65 10 100

8 MA 55 65 10 100

9 NAK 55 65 10 100

10 SFI 75 75 0 0

11 SF 55 65 10 100

12 ASA 50 55 5 25

13 AJH 50 55 5 25

14 M 55 65 10 100

15 ENA 55 65 10 100

16 MJ 75 75 0 0

17 Z 75 75 0 0

TOTAL 995 1120 130 1325


From the table above, it showed the students, it showed the

students score in the pretest and postest of the cycle I, thus the

researcher could calculate the number of students who passed the

passing grade as written below:

Table 4.4

Count of Passing Grade of Pre-Test and Post-Test Cycle I

Criteria Grade of Presentation Grade of Presentation

Pretest of Pretest Post-test of Postest

<75 13 76.48% 13 76.48%

75 4 23.52% 4 23.52%

>75 0 0 0 0

Total 17 100% 17 17

2) Descriptive Statistic Cycle I

Table 4.5

Descriptive Statistics Cycle I

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimu Maximu Mean Std.
m m Deviation
Pretest1 17 50 75 58.52 9.644

Posttest1 17 55 75 65.88 6.183

Valid N
The researcher calculate the derivation standard by using

SPSS 20.00. From the table above it could be seen that the mean of

pre-test in Cycle I was 58.52 with standard devivaton 9.644. While

mean of post-test in Cycle I was 65.88 with standard devivation

6.183. The quantity (N) of the students is 17 students.

a) The Passing Grade of the cycle I

In the cycle I has shown that the students can improve

their English score especially in speaking with guessing game

with the mean of post-test 65.88, it is better than the mean of

pre-test 58.52. The researcher also calculate the passing grade

is 75.

b) Significant

To know there is a significant improvement in speaking

skill, the researcher analyzes the result of pre-test and post-test

by using SPSS 20.00. The significant level that the researcher

uses 0.05 from the quantity (N)17 and Df= N-1 (17-1=16).

Therefore, the t-table is 1.745

3) Paired Samples Test Cycle I

Table 4.6

Paired Sample Test Cycle I

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences t df Sig.
Mean Std. Std. 95% (2-
Deviatio Error Confidence tailed
n Mean Interval of )
Lowe Uppe
r r
Postest1- -
ir 5.036 1.221 4.763 9.942 6.019 16 .000
pretest1 7.352

From the table above can be seen that:

a. t-test cycle I is 6.019

b. t-table (α=0.05) from the df 16 is 1.745.

c. t-test > t-table = 6.019> 1.745

d. Reflecting

Based on the result of cycle I, there was a reflecting that

should be paid attention to maximizing the skill of the students in

speaking. The researcher found some weakness that happend

during the teaching learning proccess, such as low mastery of

pronounciation, grammar, and vocabulary. It can bee seen from the

result of students worksheet in pre-test and post-test.

The reflection was the students did not achieve the passing

grade in pre-test and post-test. The Minimum Passing Grade

(KKM) was 75, and the target passing grade was 85%, but no

students could not reach the target of Minimum Passing Grade in

pre-test and post-test. Therefore, the researcher would conduct

cycle II.

2. Cycle II

a. Planning

In this step, the activities are:

1) English Syllabus of Junior High School

English syllabus was the important one as guidance to arranged

the lesson plan. The researcher used English syllabus of MTs Ibnu

Mas‘ud Jambu. It can be seen in the appendix.

2) Lesson Plan

The researcher used lessonplan to control and manage the

teaching and learning process in this research. It is aimed to manage in

managing the time and activities during teaching and learning process

in the class. It can be seen in the appendix.

3) Observation Checklist

The observation checklist was arranged to know the students

and teachers activities during the teaching learning process.

4) Material

The material of descriptive text consists of meaning, generic

structure, languange feature, and example.

5) Teaching aid

The researcher prepared some instruments, such as

boardmarker, handout about descriptive text material, students

worksheet, and tools to successed the action.

6) Pre-test and post-test

The researcher used pre-test and post-test in the action. The pre-

test was done before implementing guessing game to know the students

understanding in descriptive text. Then, the researcher used post-test

was done after implementing guessing game to see the result of the

study before and after using guessing game. It can be seen in the


b. Action

The researcher conducted in one day. The actions of the cycle II

consist of one part. This part was done on Tuesday, January 28th, 2020 at

10.00 a.m until 12.00 a.m. The teacher and the researcher entered the

class. The teacher started the lesson by greeted and asked about their


Then, the teacher checked the students attedance list. After checked

the attendace list, before the teacher gave a pre-test, the teacher explains

again the material about the descriptive text. During the explanation of the

material, the teacher gives a number of questions to students related to the

material. After delivered the material, the teacher gave 25 minutes to do a

pre-test. She asked the students to do the test by themselves and they were

allowed to open the dictionary.

After doing pre-test for 25 minutes, the teacher gave a game.

Students are divided into 4 groups. After that the teacher has prepared a

text overlap on a large piece of cardboard, the paper contains text about

describing a pet that is a cat. After students gather according to their

respective groups, the teacher gave several small papers containing

answers to each group. Then the teacher explains the rules of the game.

Then, the teacher asked to their students ―any question?‖, the students said

―no mam‖. After feeling understood, the teacher started the game where

each group who can answer the questions in the form of text overlap can in

front of the class to attach the correct answer. The group that answers the

most correctly will be the winner and got a reward.

After that the teacher gave post-tes at 11.30 a.m. to the students.

The teacher asked the students to do the test by themselves and they were

allowed to open the dictionary. The teacher walked around to monitor the

students did the test. After the time was up, the teacher collected the

students‘ worksheet. Then, the teacher closed the meeting.

c. Observation

The researcher observed students and teacher activity by using the

observation checlist in the learning procces. The observatin checklist was

purposed how far is the situation and enthusiasm of the students and

teachers activity during the teaching and learning procces. The purpose of

this activity was to evaluate the teaching and learning procces, collected

data and monitored the class.

Tabel 4.7

Students’ Observation Checklist Cycle II

No The Students’ Activity Yes No Description

1. Pay attention √ All of the

students paid
attention to the

2. Asking question √ Some students

asked questions

3. Responding to question √ Some students
who answered the

4. Acomplish task √ All of the

students practice
the dialog

5. Being enthusiast of √ The students

speaking class enjoyed the
of mingle games

Table 4.8

Teachers’ Observation Checklist Cycle II

No The Teacher Activity Yes No Description

1. Preparing the material well. √ The teacher

prepared the

material well

2. Geeting students‘ before the √ The teacher

lesson begin. started the

lesson with


3. The teacher checking the √ The teacher

students. checked the

attendance of the

student one by


4. Giving motivation. √ The teacher

motivated the

students to

boosts their



5. Reminding previous √ The teacher

material. reminded the


materials by

asking some


6. Giving on explanation of √ The teacher gave

the material. the material

7. Use guessing game to teach √ The teacher

speaking skill. explained the

material in both

of Indonesia and



8. Giving opportunity for √ The teacher gave

asking the question. time to the the

students about

everything to

asked question

9. Help students‘ difficulties √ The teacher

during learning. helped students

to solve the


10. Giving feedback after √ The teacher gave

lesson. feedback to the

result of the


The researcher analyzed the data of pre-test and post-test.

The calculation and result of both test are presented below:

1) The score of Pre-test and Post-test Cycle II

Table 4.9

The Students Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test Cycle II

No Students Pre-test Post-test D D²

Name (X) (Y)

1 AAD 80 85 5 25

2 HRF 80 90 10 100

3 HNF 80 90 10 100

4 NC 80 85 5 25

5 WMM 80 90 10 100

6 AF 75 80 5 25

7 AR 70 80 10 100

8 MA 80 90 10 100

9 NAK 75 80 5 25

10 SFI 80 85 5 25

11 SF 80 85 5 25

12 ASA 75 80 5 25

13 AJH 80 85 5 25

14 M 80 85 5 25

15 ENA 85 90 5 25

16 MJ 80 80 0 0

17 Z 80 80 0 0

TOTAL 1340 1440 100 750


From the table above, it showed the students, score in the

pre-test and post-test of the cycle II, thus the researcher could

calculate the number of students who passed the passing grade as

written below:

Table 4.10

Count of Passing Grade of the Pre-test and

Post-test Cycle II

Criteria Grade of Presentation Grade of Presentation

Pretest of Pretest Postest of Postest

<75 1 5.9% 0 0%

75 3 17.7% 0 0%

>75 13 76.4% 17 100%

Total 17 100% 17 100%

2) Descriptive Statistics Cycle II

Table 4.11

Descriptive Statistic Cycle II

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimu Maximu Mean Std.
m m Deviation
Pretest2 17 70 85 78.82 3.321
Postest2 17 80 90 84.71 4.135
Valid N

The researcher calculate the devivation standard by using

SPSS 20.00. From the table above it could be seen that the mean of

pre-test in Cycle II was 78.82 with standard devivation 3.321.

While mean of post-test in Cycle II was 84.71 with standard

devivation 4.135. The quantity (N) of the students is 17 students.

a) The Passing Grade of the Cycle II

In the cycle II has shown that the students can improve

their English score especially speaking with guessing game

with the mean of post-test 84.71, it is better than the mean of

pre-test 78.82. The reseracher also calculate the passing grade

is 75.

b) Significant

To know there is a significant improvement in speaking

skill, the researher analyzes the result of pre-test and post-test

by using SPSS 20.00. The significant level that the reseracher

uses 0.05 from the quantity (N)17 and Df= N-1 (17-1=16).

Therefore, the t-table is 1.745.

3) Paired Samples Test Cycle II

Table 4.12

Paired Sample Test Cycle II

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences t df Sig.
Mean Std. Std. 95% (2-
Devi Error Confidence tailed)
ation Mean Interval of the
Lowe Upper
Pair Postest2-
5.882 3.179 .771 4.247 7.517 7.628 16 .000
1 Pretest2

Based on the table above, it can be seen that t-test is 7.628 while t-

table showed 1.745 for df 16. So, it clear that t-test > t-table. From the

explanation above, it can be conclude that there is signification of

students‘speaking skill using guessing game.

e. Reflection

The students score of cycle II and the observation checklist were

used to make appropiate reflection. In the cycle II, the students were more

confident in speaking English. The students were motivated to speak.

The passing grade of English in class VII A is 75. the students

score of pre-test shown that there are 13 students or 76.4% of the students

who passed the passing grade. While, the students scoreof post-test that

the students who passed the passing grade is 17 students or 100%. It

means that after the cycle II was applied, there was a significant

improvement of using guessing game at the seventh grade students of MTs

Ibnu Mas‘ud Jambu. The result of cycle II reached the standard of success

indicator (85%). So, the target which expected was achieved and the

researcher did not need conduct cycle III.

B. Discussion

After finding and analyzing the result in the cycle I and cycle II,

the researcher concludes that there is a significant improvement of the

students speaking skill through the implementation of guessing game

technique. The improvement can be see in the table below:

Table 4.13

Table of Data Analysis

No Analysis Cycle I Cycle II

1. Mean of Pre-test 58.52 78.82

Mean of Post-test 65.88 84.71

2. The precentages of the

student who pass the

passing grade (>75)

Pre-test 0 76.40%

Post-test 0 100%

Improvement 0% 23.60%

3. Standard Devivation

Pre-test 9.644 3.321

Post-test 6.183 4.135

4. t-table 1.745 1.745



5. t-test 6.019 7.628

From the table above, it could be seen that the t-test hinger

than t-table. t-test in cycle I is 6.019 and cycle II is 7.628. It means

that there was an improvement of students‘ speaking skill using

guessing game. The result of both in cycle I nad cycle II shown

that the mean of pre-test is lower than the mean of post-test. In the

cycle I, the mean of the test rises from 58.52 to 65.88. While in the

cycle II, the improvement mean of the test is from 78.82 to 84.71.

The improvement can also be seen from the total of the students,

who passed the passing grade. In the cycle I, the improvement is

0% and the improvement in cycle II is 23.60%. In the end of the

cycle, the precentages of the students who can passed the passing

grade is 100%. These precentages were grasp the standard of

success indicator because the standard is 85%.

Based on the result above, the researcher concludes that the

implementation of guessing game technique improves the students,

speaking skill.



A. Conclusion

After conducting the research and analyzing the data, the

researcher comes to several conclusions to answer the problem of the


1. From this reserach, the researcher conclude that the implementation of

using guessing game to improve stuents speaking skill at the seventh

grade students of MTs Ibnu Mas‘ud Jambu was successful. In this

study, the researcher implemented guessing game in teaching and

learning process. The students should have practiced speaking English

using the guessing game. They had to praticed with guess an image or

sentence in order to get the right answer. In this game students must

actively speaks with various vocabulary.

The results of the analysis in chapter IV have shown that

students have become active in teaching learning procces in every

cycle. The students have more self confidence to speak in front of the


2. It was shown in data analysis that there was improvement in students‘

score in both cycle I and cycle II. In the cycle I, the mean of the test

rise 58.52 to 65.88. While in the cycle II, the improvement mean of

the test was from 78.82 to 84.71. The improvement also be seen from

the total of the students‘ who passed the passing grade. In the cycle I,

the improvement is 0% and the improvement in cycle II was 23.60%.

In the end of the cycle, the precentages of the students who can passed

the passing grade is 100%.

In addition, the calculation from t-test from the t-test cycle I

and cycle II were increased. The t-test from cycle I is 6.019 and t-test

from cycle II is 7.628. It means that T-test in cycle II was bigger than

T-test in cycle I. The number of students (N) of this research was 17,

based on the quantity of this research: the t-tabe (N-1) in cycle I is

1.745 and shown that the t-test was higher than t-table (6.019>1.745).

While in the cycle II the t-test was higher than t-table (7.628>1.745).

It means that the improvement is significant.

B. Suggestion

The writer framed some suggestions to the students and other teacher or

researcher. Hopefully, it will be used for them in the future. The suggestions as


1. For the Teacher

The teacher can use guessing game to improve students‘ speaking

skills. Using gussing game as a technique is interesting and it creates an

enjoyable activity, which do not rivet on the textbook. Therefore, guessing

game that combined with descriptive text is very easy to be applied

because it can increase the students courage in speaking skill.

2. For the Students

The students can use the guessing game anytime. It will help the

students to solve their problem in speaking and to improve speaking skills.

3. For the Other Researcher

The reseracher suggests the future researcher to conduct Classroom

Action research in using Guessing Game to improve students speaking

skills. The future researcher can apply and examine the effectiveness of

using Guessing Game in teaching-learning process.


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Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Alokasi
6x4 JP
3.10 Memahami Teks deskriptif lisan Mengamati
fungsi sosial, dan tulis, tentang
 Siswa membaca
struktur teks, dan orang, binatang, dan
unsur kebahasaan benda,
menonton berbagai
dari teks deskriptif Fungsi sosial macam teks
dengan menyatakan
Membanggakan, deskriptif dengan
dan menanyakan
menyatakan dan
tentang deskripsi mengenalkan, menanyakan tentang
orang, binatang, dan
mengidentifikasi, deskripsi orang,
benda, sangat pendek
binatang, dan benda,
dan sederhana,sesuai memuji, mengkritik, sangat pendek dan
dengan konteks
dsb. sederhana.
 Siswa
4.12 Menangkap Struktur text
makna dalam teks
fungsi sosial, struktur
deskriptif lisan dan (1) Penyebutan nama
orang, binatang, teks, unsur
tulis, sangat pendek
benda dan nama kebahasaan, maupun
dan sederhana.
bagian-bagiannya format
4.13 Menyusun teks yang dipilih untuk penyampaian/penulis
deskriptif lisan dan dideskripsikan an teks deskriptif
tulis, sangat pendek (2) Penyebutan sifat  Siswa
dan sederhana, belajar
orang, binatang, membaca cepat
tentang orang, benda dan
binatang, dan benda, untuk mendapatkan
bagiannya, dan gambaran umum dari
dengan (3)Penyebutan
memperhatikan teks (skimming) dan
tindakan dari atau menentukan jeda
fungsi sosial, terkait dengan
struktur teks, dan pada tempatnya
orang, binatang, untuk membaca
unsur kebahasaan, bendayang
secara benar dan dengan bermakna
semuanya sesuai
sesuai konteks. dengan fungsi Mempertanyakan
sosial yang  Dengan bimbingan
hendak dicapai. dan arahan guru,
Panjang teks: kurang siswa
lebih 3 (tiga) kalimat. mempertanyakan
antara lain perbedaan
Unsur kebahasaan antar berbagai teks
deskriptif, dalam
(1) Penyebutan kata
bahasa Inggris,
benda singular
perbedaannya dengan
dengan a dan the,
yang ada dalam
dan plural (-s).
bahasa Indonesia,

(2) Kata ganti it, kemungkinan
they, she, we, dst; menggunakan
our, my, your, ungkapan lain, dsb.
their, dst.
(3) Kata sifat yang  Siswa
sangat lazim, mempertanyakan cara
young, old, menemukan gagasan
clever, big, small, pokok, informasi
easy, difficult, tertentu, informasi
dilligent, tired, rinci dan kesimpulan
tall, short, dalam teks deskriptif.
beautiful, dan Mengeksplorasi
(4) Kata kerja untuk  Siswa
menyatakan membaca/mendenga
keadaan dan rkan beberapa teks
tindakan rutin deskriptif dari
dalam simple berbagai sumber.
present tense: be,  Siswa membacakan
have, go, teks deskriptif
play,get, take, kepada teman dengan
dan sebagainya. menggunakan unsur
(5) Ejaan dan tulisan kebahasaan yang
tangan dan cetak tepat
yang jelas dan  Siswa berlatih
rapi menemukan gagasan
(6) Ucapan, tekanan utama, informasi
kata, intonasi, tertentu dan makna
ketika kata dalam teks
mempresentasika deskriptif.
n secara lisan.
 Siswa secara
Topik berkelompok
Orang, binatang, menuliskan teks
deskriptif tentang
benda di sekitar dan orang, binatang, dan
relevan dengan benda, terkait dengan
mata pelajaran lain di
kehidupan siswa, Kelas VII dengan
dengan memberikan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial,
keteladanan tentang struktur, dan unsur
perilaku disiplin, kebahasaan
jujur, peduli, pola Mengasosiasi
hidup sehat, dan  Secara berpasangan

ramah lingkungan. siswa saling
menganalisis teks
deskriptif yang tulis
dengan fokus pada
fungsi sosial,
struktur, dan unsur
 Siswa memperoleh
balikan (feedback)
dari guru dan teman
tentang hasil analisis
yang disampaikan
dalam kerja
 Siswa menuliskan
deskripsi teman
teman sebangkunya
mempresentasikan di
depan kelas.
Siswa membuat jurnal
belajar(learning journal)



Satuan Pendidikan : MTs Ibnu Mas‘ud Jambu

Kelas/Semester : VII/2

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Topik : Descriptive Text

Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020

Alokasi Waktu : 4JP (4 pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti
KI 1: Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2: Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin,

tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai),
santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian
dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif
dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai
cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

KI 3: Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan

prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,
teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

KI 4: Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan
ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan

mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang
sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator
3.10 Memahami fungsi 3.10.1 Menganalisis fungsi sosial teks
sosial, struktur teks, dan deskriptif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi
unsur kebahasaan dari teks dan meminta informasi terkait orang,
deskriptif dengan binatang, dan benda, sangat pendek dan
menyatakan dan sederhana sesuai dengan konteks
menanyakan tentang penggunaannya.
deskripsi orang, binatang, 3.10.2 Menganalisis struktur teks
dan benda, sangat pendek deskriptif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi
dan sederhana, sesuai dan meminta informasi terkait orang,
dengan konteks binatang, dan benda sederhana sesuai
penggunaannya. dengan konteks penggunaannya.
3.10.3 Menganalisis unsur kebahasaan
teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis dengan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
orang, binatang dan benda pendek,
sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks
4.13 Menyusun teks 4.13.1 Menangkap makna secara
deskriptif lisan dan tulis, kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur
sangat pendek dan teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks deskriptif
sederhana, tentang orang, lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana
binatang, dan benda, dengan terkait dengan orang, binatang dan benda.
memperhatikan fungsi 4.13.2 Membuat teks deskriptif lisan dan

sosial, struktur teks, dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, terkait dengan
unsur kebahasaan, secara orang, binatang dan benda, dengan
benar dan sesuai konteks. memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan secara benar dan
sesuai konteks.

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Selama dan setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran ini peserta didik
diharapkan dapat:

1. Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks

deskriptif lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang,
binatang, dan benda, sesuai dengan konteks penggunannya.
2. Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan
sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan,
secara benar dan sesuai konteks.

D. Materi Pembelajaran
1. Pengertian Descriptive Text
Descriptive text berasal dari dua suku kata yaitu ‗Descriptive‘ yang
artinya gambaran dan ‗Text‘ yang berarti tulisan. Jadi yang dimaksud
dengan Descriptive Text adalah karya tulis atau tulisan yang
menggambarkan sesuatu. Ada beberapa definisi tentang Descriptive
Text, yaitu:
a. Text yang memberikan informasi tentang bagaimana sesuatu atau
seseorang terlihat, suara, dengan menggunakan kata-kata untuk
menggambarkan sesuatu atau seseorang seperti apa.

b. Text yang memberikan fakta-fakta tentang bagaimana bahasa
benar-benar digunakan daripada aturan yang memberitahu orang
bagaimana searunya digunakan.
Dari kedua pengertian diatas dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa
descriptive text adalah jenis teks yang menggambarkan seseorang,
benda atau tempat tertentu sehingga pembaca dapat membayangkan
seolah-olah yang diceritakan itu benar-benar nyata.

1) Generic Structure
a) Identification
Identification berisi tentang identifikasi sesuatu, baik makhluk
hidup ataupun benda mati yang akan dideskripsikan.

b) Description
Description berisi tentang penjelasan / penggambaran tentang
sesuatu, baik makhluk hidup ataupun benda mati, dengan
menyebutkan beberapa gambaran, sifat, karakter, atau apapun
yang berhubungan dengan deskripsi sesuatu yang dimaksud.

2) Ciri-Ciri Descriptive Text

a) Descriptive Text menggunakan attribute verb, seperti be (am,
is, are)
b) Descriptive Text menggunakan simple present tense
c) Descriptive Text hanya fokus pada satu objek tersebut.
d) Descriptive Tex menggunakan kata sifat atau adjective
e) Descriptive Tex menggunakan bahasa yang menarik
3) Tujuan Descriptive Text
Tujuan dari descriptive text adalah untuk menggambarkan dan
mengungkapkan atau mendeskripsikan ciri-ciri dari orang, benda,
hewan , tempat dan lain-lainya. Desciptive text dibuat tanpa
melakukan penelitian secara detail, jadi penulis hanya menulis
cerita descriptive text berdasarkan apa yang dilihat dan didengar.

4) Contoh Descriptive Text
My Lovely Persian Cat
If you want to pet an animal, I suggest you to pet a Persian cat.
Persian cats are the most beautiful cats, I think. And from all
Persian cats, Georgy, is the cutest and the sweetest. Here is the
description of my Persian cat, Georgy.
Georgy is my beautiful Persian cat. Georgy has a large round
head, a short nose, big eyes, full cheeks, and small ears with
rounded tips. He has short legs and a short tail. He is so fat with a
long, thick, shiny golden coat with a fine texture. He is so cute.He
likes to sit beside me when I watch TV. He likes to enjoy TV
commercials, especially cat food commercials. Playing a game
on my tablet is another hobby of his. He likes to play Tetris on
my gadget. He always pads it with his paws like he wants to win
the game. Unfortunately, he never does. He is so sweet.

D. Metode Pembelajaran
Pendekatan : Scientific Approach

Strategi : Observe - Pratice

Metode : Ceramah, Diskusi, Guessing Game

E. Media dan Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Media Pembelajaran : white board, board marker, picture,
hand out dan using of guessing game
2. Sumber Belajar : internet dan buku modul kelas VII

F. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Deskripsi Alokasi

Pendahuluan  Guru mengucapkan salam dan 10 menit
menyapa peserta didik
menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.
 Guru memulai kelas dengan
mengajak peserta didik
membaca do‘a bersama.
 Guru memeriksa kehadiran
peserta didik sebagai sikap
 Guru memberi brainstorming
berupa pertanyaan yang sesuai
dengan materi yang akan
 Guru menyampaikan model
dan tujuan pembelajaran, serta
melakukan apersepsi.
 Guru menyampaikan garis
besar cakupan materi dan
penjelasan tentang kegiatan
yang akan dilakukan oleh
peserta didik.
Inti Mengamati 60 menit
 Siswa membaca
/mendengarkan/ menonton
berbagai macam teks
deskriptif dengan menyatakan
dan menanyakan tentang
deskripsi orang, binatang, dan
benda, sangat pendek dan

 Siswa memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, unsur
kebahasaan, maupun format
penyampaian/penulisan teks
 Siswa belajar membaca cepat
untuk mendapatkan gambaran
umum dari teks (skimming)
dan menentukan jeda pada
tempatnya untuk membaca
dengan bermakna
 Dengan bimbingan dan arahan
guru, siswa mempertanyakan
antara lain perbedaan antar
berbagai teks deskriptif, dalam
bahasa Inggris, perbedaannya
dengan yang ada dalam bahasa
Indonesia, kemungkinan
menggunakan ungkapan lain,
 Siswa mempertanyakan cara
menemukan gagasan pokok,
informasi tertentu, informasi
rinci dan kesimpulan dalam
teks deskriptif.
Mengumpulkan Informasi
 Peserta didik diberikan sebuah
teks untuk dibaca sesuai

dengan instruksi dari guru
 Dengan bimbingan dan arahan
guru, peserta didik
mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri
(fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan
unsur kebahasaan) interaksi
memaparkan dan menanyakan
materi tentang descriptive teks.
 Peserta didik dibagi menjadi 4
kelompok dimana setiap
kelompoknya terdiri dari 4
 Guru memberikan masing-
masing topik kepada setiap
kelompok untuk didiskusikan.
 Siswa membaca atau
mendengarkan beberapa teks
deskriptif dari berbagai
 Siswa membacakan teks
deskriptif kepada teman
dengan menggunakan unsur
kebahasaan yang tepat
 Siswa berlatih menemukan
gagasan utama, informasi
tertentu dan makna kata dalam
teks deskriptif.
 Siswa secara berkelompok
menuliskan teks deskriptif

tentang orang, binatang, dan
benda, terkait dengan mata
pelajaran lain di Kelas VII
dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur, dan unsur
 Secara berpasangan siswa
saling menganalisis teks
deskriptif yang tulis dengan
fokus pada fungsi sosial,
struktur, dan unsur kebahasaan.
 Siswa memperoleh balikan
(feedback) dari guru dan teman
tentang hasil analisis yang
disampaikan dalam kerja
 Siswa menuliskan deskripsi
teman teman sebangkunya dan
mempresentasikan di depan
 Siswa membuat jurnal belajar
(learning journal)
Penutup  Dengan bimbingan guru, 10 menit
peserta didik membuat
kesimpulan atau melakukan
refleksi tentang pemaparan
materi descriptive text.
 Guru mengakhiri kelas dengan

membaca doa dan
mengucapkan salam.

G. Penilaian, Pembelajaran, Remidial dan Pengayaan

1. Teknik Penilaian
Penilaian sikap : observasi/pengamatan
Penilaian pengetahuan : tes tertulis
Penilaian keterampilan : unjuk kerja/praktek
2. Instrumen Penilaian (terlampir)
a. Rubrik Penilaian
Score Level
90-100 Exellent
75-85 Good
55-70 Fair
≥ 50 Poor

b. Pedoman Penilaian
Aspect of speaking Score Level
Pronounciation 5 Exellent
4 Very good
3 Good
2 Pair
1 Poor
Intonation 5 Exellent
4 Very good
3 Good
2 Pair
1 Poor

Fluency 5 Exellent
4 Very good
3 Good
2 Pair
1 Poor
Accuration 5 Exellent
4 Very good
3 Good
2 Pair
1 Poor

3. Pembelajaran Remidial dan Pengayaan

a. Remidial
Remidial dapat diberikan kepada peserta didik yang belum
mencapai KKM maupun kepada peserta didik yang sudah
memenuhi KKM.
Remidial terdiri atas dua bagian: remidial karena belum
mencapai KKM atau belum mencapai Kompetensi Dasar.
Guru memberi semangat kepada pesert didik yang belum
mencapai KKM.
b. Pengayaan
 Pengayaan diberikan untuk menambah wawasan peserta didik
menegenai materi pembelajaran yang dapat diberikan kepada
peserta didik yang telah tuntas mencapai KBM atau mencapai
Kompetensi Dasar.
 Pengayaan dapat ditagihkan atau tidak, sesuai dengan
kesepakatan dengan peserta didik.


Post – test

Nama :


Butterflies are an insect that live anywhere from 2 days to as long as 11 months.
They go through a four-step process called metamorphosis – from egg, to
caterpillar, to chrysalis to a butterfly.

Adult butterflies have large, often brightly coloured wings, and conspicuous,
fluttering flight. These wings allow them to fly but only when their body
temperature is above 86 degrees. The fastest butterflies can fly up to 30 miles per
hour.Butterflies‘ wings are colorful for many reasons. The colors help them attract
a mate and absorb heat and the color also helps them blend in among the flowers
when they are feeding. As in all insects, the body is divided into three sections:
the head, thorax, and abdomen. The thorax is composed of three segments, each
with a pair of legs. Butterflies use their antennae to sense the air for wind and
scents. The antennae come in various shapes and colours; the hesperiids have a
pointed angle or hook to the antennae, while most other families show knobbed

Question :

1. What is the type of the text?

2. What does the passage tell us about?

3. What are butterflies and how does they live?

4. What are the function of butterflies?

5. How many parts of butterfly body?

Pre – test

Nama :

My Lovely Persian Cat

If you want to pet an animal, I ........ you to pet a Persian cat. Persian cats are the
most ........ cats, I think. And from all Persian cats, Georgy, is the cutest and the
sweetest. Here is the description of my Persian cat, Georgy.

Georgy is my beautiful Persian cat. Georgy has a large ........ head, a short nose,
big eyes, full cheeks, and small ears with rounded tips. He has short legs and a
short tail. He is so fat with a long, thick, shiny golden ....... with a fine texture. He
is so cute. He likes to sit beside me when I watch TV. He likes to ......... TV
commercials, especially cat food .......... Playing a game on my tablet is another
hobby of his. He likes to play Tetris on my gadget. He always .......... it with his
paws like he wants to win the game. Unfortunately, he never does. He is so sweet,
isn't he? I love Georgy so much. That is why I always take .......... of it. The most
important thing to understand about caring for a Persian is the need for daily
.......... That long, beautiful coat doesn‘t stay clean and ........... on its own. It must
be gently but thoroughly combed and brushed every day, and regular bathing—at
least once a month—is a good idea.

Grooming Suggest

Care Coat

Enjoy Pads

Round Tangle-free

Commercials Beautiful

Post – Test

Nama :

Suramadu Bridge

The Suramadu Bridge (Indonesian: Jembatan Suramadu), also

known as the Surabaya Madura Bridge, is a bridge with three cable-stayed
sections constructed between Surabaya on the island of Java and the town
of Bangkalan on the island of Madura in Indonesia. Opened on June 10,
2009, the 5.4-km bridge is the longest in Indonesia and the first bridge to
cross the Madura Strait.

The cable-stayed portion has three spans with lengths 192 m, 434
m and 192 m. The bridge has two lanes in each direction plus an
emergency lane and a dedicated lane for motorcycles. The first toll bridge
in Indonesia, fares have been initially set at Rp. 30,000 (US$3 in 2009) for
four-wheeled vehicles and Rp. 3,000 (US$0.30) for two-wheelers.

The bridge was built by a consortium of Indonesian companies PT

Adhi Karya and PT Waskita Karya working with China Road and Bridge
Corp. and China Harbor Engineering Co. Ltd. The total cost of the project,
including connecting roads, has been estimated at 4.5 trillion rupiah
(US$445 million).

Construction was started on August 20, 2003. In July 2004, a

girder collapsed, killing one worker and injuring nine others. Work on the
bridge halted at the end of 2004 due to lack of funds, but was restarted in
November 2005. The main span of the bridge was connected on March 31,
2009, and the bridge was opened to the public in June 10, 2009.Within a
week of the opening, it was discovered that nuts and bolts as well as
maintenance lamps had been stolen and that there was evidence of
vandalism of cables supporting the main span.

1. Suramadu‘s bridge also known as….

a. Longest bridge

b. sura and madu

c. Surabaya-Madura bridge

d. toll bridge

e. overpass

2. Suramadu‘s bridge connects the island….

a. Java and Sumatra

b. Java and Bali

c. Sumatra and Kalimantan

d. Java and Madura

e. Correct all

3. Length of the Suramadu‘s bridge is….

a. 5.400 meters

b. 192 meters

c. 494 meters

d. 526 meters

e. nothing is true

4. The following statement is true, except ....

a. Suramadu‘s bridge is also known Surabaya-Madura bridge

b. the long of Suramadu‘s bridge is 5400 meters

c. suramadu‘s bridge connects the islands of Java and Madura

d. bridge was opened on March 31, 2009

e. car charged at 30000 rupiahs

5. When the bridge was built?

a. March 31, 2009

b. August 20, 2003

c. July 2004

d. June 10, 2009

e. November 2005

6. Suramadu‘s bridge have … tracks in one way.

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

e. 6

Peter is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen years old and

four years younger than me. He has long, straight hair, bright eyes and a
friendly smile. Sometimes he is rather naughty at home, but he usually
does what he is asked to do.

Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school, he plays

football and tennis. He is the best badminton player in our family.

1. How old is Peter? He is … years old.

A. Four

B. Fourteen

C. Forty

D. Ten

2. The writer is … years old.

A. Fourteen

B. Sixteen

C. Eighteen

D. Nineteen

3. Which of the following statement is not true about Peter?

A. He has long and straight hair.

B. He has bright eyes.

C. He is interested in sports.

D. He plays football and tennis.

4. According to the passage, we know that Peter is ….

A. The writer‘s youngest brother

B. He writer‘s elder brother

C. A naughty boy

D. A friendly boy

Students’ Score of Cycle I and Cycle II

No Name Cycle I Cycle II

Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test
1 AAD 50 65 80 85

2 HRF 55 60 80 90

3 HNF 75 75 80 90

4 NC 50 65 80 85

5 WMM 55 65 80 90

6 AF 55 65 75 80

7 AR 55 65 70 80

8 MA 55 65 80 90

9 NAK 55 65 75 80

10 SFI 75 75 80 85

11 SF 55 65 80 85

12 ASA 50 55 75 80

13 AJH 50 55 80 85

14 M 55 65 80 85

15 ENA 55 65 85 90

16 MJ 75 75 80 80

17 Z 75 75 80 80



Name : Devi Nurul Aulia

Nick name : Devi

Place and Date of Birth : Salatiga, November 15th 1996

Gender : Female

Religion : Moslem

Addres : Gg. Marmut No.26 , Blotongan RT 03 / RW 01,


E-mail Addres :

Phone : 085883303063

Faculty : English Department

Educational background :

1. TK Islam Sultan Fattah Salatiga graduated in

2. SDN Sidorejo Lor 01 Salatiga graduated in 2009
3. SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga graduated in 2012
4. MAN Salatiga graduated in 2015


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