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A Graduating Paper

Submitted to the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for
the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan(S.Pd.)





Salatiga,May 10th 2020

Heru Saputra, S.Pd.I., M.A.

The Attentive Counselor’s note

Sri Mulyani

To the Dean of Teacher Trainingand

Education Faculty

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

After reading and correcting Sri Mulyani’s Graduating Paper

YEAR OF 2019/2020)” I have decided and would like to propose that if it could
be accepted by Teacher Training and Education Faculty. I hope it would be
examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb


Heru Saputra, S.Pd.I., M.A.

NIDT. 2007058901

JalanLingkar Salatiga KM.2 Telepon(0298) 6031364 KodePos 50716 Salatiga

Has been brought the board of examiners of English Education
Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at State Institute for
Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga on May 2020 and hereby considered to complete
the requirements fulfill for degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.) in English
Education Department.

Board Examiners,
Head : Noor Malihah, S.Pd., M.Hum., Ph.D.

Secretary :Heru Saputra, S.Pd.I., M.A.

1st examiners : Sari Famularsih, S.Pd.I., M.A.

2nd examiners : Nur Muthmainnah, M.Pd.

Salatiga, 2020

Dean of Teaching Training

and Education Faculty

Prof. Dr. Mansur, M.Ag.

NIP. 19680613 199403 1 004


Life is a gift not to be wasted

Act now without delay

-The Writer-


This paper is dedicated to:

 My beloved parents, Mr. Adi Witarno and Mrs. Jainah, who always love

and support me. You are my inspiration and my everything

 My sister and her husband, Sutri Yani and Ahmad Jum’ah, and my little

sister Rindu Muliya. Thanks for trust, support, encouragement and all of

your prayer for me.


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb,

Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin, all praise be to Allah SWT, the Most

Gracious and the Most Merciful who always bless and help the researcher so the

researcher can finish the graduating paper. Bless and mercy is upon great Prophet

Muhammad SAW for his guidance that leads the researcher to the truth.

This graduating paper is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement

for the degree of sarjana pendidikan (S.Pd.) at English Eduation Department of

Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies

(IAIN) Salatiga in 2020. This graduating paper would not have been completed

without support, guidance, and help from individual and institution. The

researcher would like to express her sincere thanks to:

1. Prof. Dr. Zakiyuddin, M.Ag., the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies

(IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Prof. Dr. Mansur, M.Ag., the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

3. Mr. Norwanto, S.Pd., M.Hum., Ph.D., the Head of English Education

Department of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

4. Mr. Heru Saputra, M.A., the counselor of this graduating paper. Thanks for

the advice, support, suggestion, and guidance from the beginning until the end

of this research and also for your patience and care.



THE ATTENTIVE COUNSELOUR’S NOTE ................................................. ii
MOTTO ............................................................................................................ iv
DEDICATION ................................................................................................... v
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................ viii
ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... xi
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 1
A. Background of the Study ........................................................................... 1
B. Problem of the Study ................................................................................. 4
C. Objectives of the Study ............................................................................. 4
D. Significances of the Study ......................................................................... 5
1. Theoretically .......................................................................................... 5
2. Practically .............................................................................................. 5
E. Limitation of the Study.............................................................................. 6
F. Definition of the Key Terms ...................................................................... 6
G. Organization of the Graduating Paper ........................................................ 8
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ........................................... 9
A. Review of Related Theory ......................................................................... 9
1. Perception .............................................................................................. 9
2. Motivation ........................................................................................... 11
3. Language Learning .............................................................................. 13
4. E-Learning ........................................................................................... 14
5. Covid-19 Pandemic.............................................................................. 19
B. Review of Related Research .................................................................... 20
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................... 23
A. Research Type ......................................................................................... 23
B. Research Site and Time ........................................................................... 25
1. Research Site ....................................................................................... 25

2. Research Time ..................................................................................... 25
C. Research Subject ..................................................................................... 25
1. Population ........................................................................................... 25
2. Sample ................................................................................................. 26
D. Technique of Data Collection and Instruments ........................................ 30
1. Interview ............................................................................................. 31
2. Questionnaire ....................................................................................... 35
E. Technique of Data Analysis ..................................................................... 39
1. Qualitative Data Analysis .................................................................... 40
2. Quantitative Data Analysis................................................................... 41
F. Validity of Research Data........................................................................ 42
A. Data Presentation .................................................................................... 44
1. Interview Result Presentation ............................................................... 44
2. Questionnaire Result Presentation ........................................................ 73
B. Data Analysis .......................................................................................... 79
1. Students’ perception ............................................................................ 79
2. Students’ motivation ............................................................................ 83
CHAPTER V CLOSURE ................................................................................ 88
A. Conclusions ............................................................................................. 88
1. Students’ perceptions toward English E-Learning during Covid-19
pandemic .................................................................................................... 88
2. Students’ motivations toward English E-Learning during Covid-19
pandemic .................................................................................................... 89
B. Suggestions ............................................................................................. 90
1. The Teachers ....................................................................................... 90
2. The Students ........................................................................................ 91
3. Other researchers ................................................................................. 91
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................ 92
APPENDICES .................................................................................................. 95
Appendix 1 Example of assignments through the Whatsapp group ..................... 96
Appendix 2 The researcher distributed the questionnare through the Whatsapp
group ................................................................................................................. 98

Appendix 3 Questionnaire Result ..................................................................... 102
Appendix 4 The Researcher doing interview through Whatsapp telephone ....... 112
Appendix 5Interview Guideline ....................................................................... 113
Appendix 6 Interview Transcription ................................................................. 115
Appendix 7Surat Tugas Pembimbing Skripsi ................................................... 121
Appendix 8 Lembar Konsultasi Skripsi ............................................................ 122
Appendix 9 Surat Ijin Penelitian ...................................................................... 124
Appendix 10 The researcher requested a research permit at SMAN 1 Suruh ..... 125
Appendix 11 Surat Keterangan Telah Melaksanakan Penelitian ....................... 126
Appendix 12 Satuan Kredit Kegiatan ............................................................... 127
CURRICULUM VITAE ................................................................................ 128


Mulyani, Sri. 2020. Students’ Perception and Motivation Toward English E-

Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic (A Study at the Tenth Graders at
SMA N 1 Suruh in the Academic Year of 2019/2020. A Graduating Paper,
English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty
at State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.Counselor: Heru
Saputra, S.Pd.I., M.A.
This research aimed at knowing the students' perception towards English
E-Learning during Covid-19 pandemic at SMA N 1 Suruh. This research
generally answered two questions as follows: (1) What are students’ perceptions
towards English E-Learning during Covid-19 pandemic? and (2) How
arestudents’ motivation towards English E-Learning during Covid-19 pandemic?
The data was collected through a questionnaire and interviews. There were
64 of tenth graders at SMA N 1 Suruh participated in this research. Since this
research explored the students' perception and motivation which coming from the
students' experiences during Covid-19 pandemic, descriptive research by using
qualitative-quantitative techniques was considered as an appropriate approach as a
type of research.
The result of this research was presented descriptively in order to reveal
the students' perception and motivation comprehensively. The research found E-
learning gets positive perception because it is flexible and effective. Meanwhile,
its flexibility makes some students motivated but some are being lazy in doing it
and choose to procrastinate the assignments.
Key Words: E-Learning; Perception; Motivation



A. Background of the Study

Humans cannot read other people's minds, therefore language is needed as a

way to communicate, as stated by Delahunty and Garvey (2010:5) that defined

language as a system capable of connecting thoughts, where thoughts cannot be seen,

heard, or touched, whether by sound, letters, manual signs, or tactile symbols (eg,

Braille) that can be. Furthermore, Amberg and Vause (2009:2) stated that a language

is a communication tool, and in a social context communication almost always

occurs. This is one reason why effective communication requires understanding and

recognition of the relationship between language and the people who use it.

Learning foreign languages refers to conditions where a language that

is not spoken by the surrounding community so that the community learns and

acquires non-native languages or what are commonly referred to as foreign

languages (Fasold and Linton, 2006:434). Fatiha etal. (2014:121) stated that

English language has become the international language which widely

adopted for communication worldwide, as it became a tool of communication

between native and non-native speakers.In Indonesia, English is a foreign

language as well as a global language that must be mastered to support various

aspects of life, one of which is learning in education. According to Schunk

(2012:2), learning is a process of behavior change that is able to last long

enough or to behave in a certain way in a capacity, which results from practice

or other forms of experience. Learning can acquire and modify knowledge,

skills, strategies, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors through the process. Many

people want to learn cognitive, linguistic, motor, and social skills, and this can

be produced through a variety of different forms.

In Indonesia, there are still many teaching and learning activities that

prioritize face-to-face meetings in class. However, with the Covid-19

pandemic widespread in Indonesia, all activities must be carried out from

home. Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control (2020:11) stated

that Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is a new type of virus that has never

been identified in humans. Coronavirus is a zoonosis (can be transmitted

between animals or humans). Covid-19 pandemic first appeared in the city of

Wuhan, China at the end of December 2019 and began to plague in Indonesia

in early March 2020.

The Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Anwar Makarim,

issued Circular Number 4 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of

Education in Emergency Coronavirus (Covid-19), one of which emphasized

that online learning (distance), was carried out to provide meaningful learning

experiences for students, without being burdened by the demands of

completing all curriculum achievements for class and graduation. Online /

distance learning is focused on increasing students' understanding of the

corona virus and the Covid-19 outbreak. The learning activities and tasks can

vary between students according to their interests and conditions, including in

terms of gaps in access/ learning facilities at home.

E-Learning is the best choice for education in the midst of the Covid-

19 outbreak. According to Suartama (2014:20), through e-learning, the

material provided to students can be accessed anytime and from anywhere, in

addition to getting material that can be enriched or equipped with a variety of

supporting learning resources including multimedia that can be supported by

teachers. Furthermore, Ghiardini (2011:9) stated thatE-learning can offer one

effective teaching method, such as practicing with related feedback,

personalizing learning paths based on student needs, combining collaborative

activities with independent study, and using simulations and games.

However, in Indonesia, not all students are familiar with the E-

Learning system so this has become a new thing that requires adaptation.

Students' views of this learning system will also vary. Therefore, this study

tries to investigate how students' views of English E-Learning are applied in

their education. In other words, the researcher wanted to know that in the

midst of the Covid-19 pandemic students were still learning well or not

through the E-Learning system.

The researcher are interested in exploring student perceptions and

motivation after experiencing the learning process through E-Learning.

According toWalgito (2010:99), perception is a process that is preceded by the

sensing process, which is the process of receiving stimulus by individuals

through the sensory devices or also called sensory processes. But the process

does not just stop, but the stimulus is continued and the next process is the

process of perception. While motivation is a psychological phenomenon in the

form of an impulse that arises in a person consciously to take action with a

specific purpose(Prihartanta, 2015:3). By knowing students' perception, the

teacher can understand students better. However, in this study, the researcher

also pays attention to students’ motivation. Then, the researcher conducted a





B. Problem of the Study

Based on the research background above, there are several topics that

can be discussed. Due to several time constraints, availability, and

accessibility, the researcher pays attention to the topic: students' perceptions

and motivation toward English E-Learning during Covid-19 pandemic. Then,

this study specifically aims to find answers to the following questions:

1. What are students’ perceptions toward English E-Learning during Covid-

19 pandemic?

2. How are students’ motivations toward English E-Learning during Covid-

19 pandemic?

C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the research statement, this particular study aimed at finding


1. Toknow students’ perceptions toward English E-Learning during

Covid-19 pandemic

2. To know students’ motivationstoward English E-Learning during

Covid-19 pandemic

D. Significances of the Study

The result from this research is to expect to be use theoretical and


1. Theoretically

It is expected that the findings of this study can support and

complement previous theories related to the use of E-Learning for learning


2. Practically

The research expects that the finding of the research can be useful


a. For students

E-Learning can be used as a learning medium for learning

English during the Covid-19 pandemic. Students can use E-Learning to

learn English material even though in a distance way without face to

face directly in the classroom so that the subject matter is not left


b. For teachers

It is hoped that this research can provide inspiration or ideas to

teachers in teaching English through E-Learning. Teachers can use E-

Learning as an alternative medium for teaching English without having

to face to face directly in the classroom. Then from the perception of

students the teacher can know the extent of student understanding of

the material delivered through E-Learning, whether there are obstacles

or not.

E. Limitation of the Study

In this study, the researcher limited the problem mainly to exploring

students' perceptions and motivation of English E-Learning during the Covid-

19 pandemic that was endemic in Indonesia. The subjects of this study were

tenth-grade students at SMA N 1 Suruh especially in English subjects.

F. Definition of the Key Terms

1. Perception

Perception is a process that is preceded by the sensing process,

which is the process of receiving stimulus by individuals through the

sensory devices or also called sensory processes. But the process does not

just stop, but the stimulus is continued and the next process is the process

of perception (Walgito, 2010:99).

2. Motivation

Motivation is a psychological phenomenon in the form of an

impulse that arises in a person consciously to take action with a specific

purpose(Prihartanta, 2015:3).

3. Learning English

Learning is a process that results in long-lasting behavioral change,

which from practice or other forms of experience naturally produces a

variety of behaviors in certain ways and in certain capacities (Schunk,

2012:3).Then, learning English in this study refers to the process by which

English education is important to be taught in order to be able to gain

knowledge and English language skills.

4. E-Learning

Through e-learning, material provided to students can be accessed

anytime and from anywhere, in addition to getting material that can be

enriched or equipped with a variety of supporting learning resources

including multimedia that can be supported by teachers (Suartama,


5. Covid-19 Pandemic

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is a new type of virus that has

never been identified in humans. Coronavirus is a zoonosis (can be

transmitted between animals or humans) (Directorate General of Disease

Prevention and Control, 2020:11).Covid-19 pandemic first appeared in the

city of Wuhan, China at the end of December 2019 and began to plague in

Indonesia in early March 2020.

G. Organization of the Graduating Paper

This graduating paper will consist of five chapters. Each chapter will

be discussed as follow:

Chapter one is the introduction, which contains a background of the

study, the problem of the study, objectives of the study, significances of the

study, limitation of the study, definition of the key terms, and enclosed by an

organization of the graduating paper.

Chapter two is a review of related literature. It presents a theoretical

review of perception, learning English, E-Learning, Covid-19 pandemic, and

motivation. The review of the literature on this paper is made into a sub-point

that can make the research well understandable. Beside theoretical review,

there are previous studies that relevant to this research.

Chapter three is a methodology. It discusses research design, subject of

the research, procedure of the research, data collection technique, and data

analysis technique.

Chapter four is data presentation and data analysis of students’

perceptions toward English E-Learning during Covid-19 pandemic.

Chapter five is closure as the last part which contains the conclusion

and suggestion. For the attachment there bibliography and appendix.



In this chapter, the researcher attempts to explain the theoretical

foundation that includes definitions of perception, motivation, learning English,

E-Learning, and Covid-19 pandemic.

A. Review of Related Theory

1. Perception

a. The Definition of Perception

According to Qiong (2017:18), perception is a process

experienced to achieve awareness or understanding of sensory

information.Furthermore, Walgito (2010:99) stated that perception is a

process that is preceded by the sensing process, which is the process of

receiving stimulus by individuals through the sensory devices or also

called sensory processes. But the process does not just stop, but the

stimulus is continued and the next process is the process of perception.

So, from the explanation above it can be concluded that

students' perception is the way students interpret the picture and

understanding of what is felt. This process goes through stages starting

from collecting, recognizing, and interpreting the sensory information

that is obtained.

b. Perception Process

According to Qiong (2017:18) there are three stages of the

perception process, as follows:

1) Selection

Selection is the first stage in the process of perception, in

this stage the environmental stimulus turns into meaningful


2) Organization

The second stage in the process of perception is an

organization. After getting information from the outside world,

information needs to be arranged in a certain way by finding

meaningful patterns. There are two characteristics in this stage.

First, the organizing process provides the structure of human

perception. In this stage, raw stimuli from the outside world are

placed into meaningful experiences of structured humans. Second,

the process shows that human perception has stability. In other

words, after selecting a stimulus and putting it into a category, the

selected stimulus becomes more durable.

3) Interpretation

The third stage in perception is interpretation, that is

referred to the process of attaching meaning to what is chosen by

the stimulus. However, each person will give a different

interpretation despite getting the same stimulus.

c. The Two Dimensions of Perception

1) The Physical Dimension of Perception

The mechanism of perception of all humans is almost the

same. It has sensory organs like eyes, ears, and nose, which allow

humans to feel the environment. This is a sensory organ that

receives stimuli, then is transferred through the nervous system to

the brain, where it is created with the structure, stability, and

meaning that is associated.

2) The Psychological Dimension of Perception

In this phase, humans provide interpretations of certain

stimuli and have unique personal touches in the outside world.

Values, attitudes or motives of people (psychological dimensions)

and not the sense organs (physical dimensions) that determine what

stimuli will attract people's attention and therefore accept meaning.

2. Motivation

a. Definition of Motivation

According to Prihartanta (2015:3), motivation is a

psychological phenomenon in the form of an impulse that arises in a

person consciously to take action with a specific purpose.Furthermore,

Saptono (2016:190) stated that motivation will make students more

active in learning and obtain high learning outcomes. While students

who do not have learning will give low learning outcomes. In activities

that facilitate students, learning becomes one of the roles in it to create

motivation. The teacher understands how important motivation is for

learning and does many things to increase student motivation (Schunk,

2012 :346).

From the explanations of the experts above it can be concluded

that student motivation is an internal energy that makes students

become excited in learning to achieve goals.

b. Variables of Motivation

Fatiha etal. (2014:122) stated that there are two variable of

motivation which are explained as follows:

1) Instrumental motivation

An instrumental motivation, humans have high motivation

and want to learn languages for practical reasons such as getting a

salary or college bonus.

2) Integrative motivation

In integrative motivation, motivated humans want to learn

languages so that they can better understand the people who speak

using language and also the culture associated with that language.

c. Types of Motivations

According to Prihartanta (2015:4), there are two types of

motivation which are explained as follows:

1) Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation is motives that become active or

functioning do not need to be stimulated from the outside, because

in every individual there is already an urge to do something.

2) Extrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation is active and functioning motives due

to external stimuli. It can also be said as a form of motivation in

which learning activities begin and continue based on outside

encouragement that is not absolutely related to learning activities.

3. Language Learning

Schunk (2012:3) defined learning as a process that results in long-

lasting behavioral change, which from practice or other forms of

experience naturally produces a variety of behaviors in certain ways and in

certain capacities. Furthermore, Schunk (2012:346) also sees that student

learning begins with the knowledge and skills brought to the situation,

which are developed and refined as one of the learning functions.

Oroujlo and Vahedi (2011:994) stated that language, especially

English, is accepted as the key to success in life if fluency in English is

well mastered. English is an important instrument in fields including

scientific communication, business, cultural exchange, political matters,

etc. Furthermore, Delahunty and Garvey (2010:7) stated that language is

the main communication medium between students and teachers and

between students and textbooks in educational facilities. Students who

study English as second language workers will have difficulty doubling

because English is simultaneously both their educational facilities and


From the explanation above, it can be concluded that learning will

provide experience through the knowledge and skills received during the

learning process. Learning English is the key to success because of its

importance in various aspects of life.

4. E-Learning

a. Definition of E-Learning

Naidu (2006:1) stated that E-Learning is a teaching and

learning system that uses information and communication technology.

The letter "e" in e-learning means "electronic", e-learning can combine

all educational activities carried out by individuals or groups working

online or offline, through networked or independent computers and

other electronics. Furthermore, Indrakusuma and Putri (2016:2) stated

that E-Learning is an abbreviation of Electronic Learning which is one

of the new ways in the teaching and learning process and uses

electronic media specifically the internet as a learning system. Through

E-Learning, material provided to students can be accessed anytime and

from anywhere, in addition to getting material that can be enriched or

equipped with a variety of supporting learning resources including

multimedia that can be supported by teachers (Suartama, 2014:20).

From the explanation of the experts above it can be concluded

that E-Learning is a teaching and learning system that utilizes

electronic media specifically the internet. This model of learning

system makes it easy for teachers and students because learning can be

carried out anytime and anywhere.

b. Characteristics of E-Learning

According to Rudi and Riyana (2007) as quoted in

Indrakusuma and Putri (2016:5) there are four characteristics of E-

Learning which are explained as follows:

1) The attractiveness of students to learning material does not depend

on the instructor/learner, because students construct their own

knowledge through teaching materials delivered through the web

site interface.

2) Sources of knowledge are everywhere and can be easily accessed

by everyone. This is due to the globalized nature of the Internet

media and can be accessed by anyone who is connected to it.

3) Learners/educational institutions function as mediators/mentors.

4) Obtained from a restructuring of education system policies,

curriculum and management that can support the application of

Information and Communication Technology for education


The four characteristics above are what distinguish E-Learning

from conventional learning activities. In E-Learning, students'

comprehension of learning material no longer depends on the

teacher/student, because students process their own knowledge through

teaching materials delivered through the E-Learning application

interface. In E-Learning too, sources of knowledge are scattered

everywhere and can be easily accessed by everyone.

c. Benefits of E-Learning

According to Indrakusuma and Putri (2016:6) there are three

benefits of E-Learning which are explained as follows:

1) Cost efficiency

E-learning is able to provide cost efficiencies for the

administration of its implementation, efficiency in the provision of

facilities and also physical facilities to be able to learn as well as

cost efficiency for expenditures namely transportation costs and


2) Flexible

The e-learning gives flexibility in choosing the time and

place to be able to access the trip.

3) Learn to be independent

E-learning provides opportunities for students to

independently hold the entire procession in the learning process.

d. Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Learning

1) Advantages of E-Learning

According to L. Tjokro (2009) as quoted in Indrakusuma

and Putri (2016:7) there are advantages from the application of E-

Learning as follows:

a) Easier to absorb, meaning that in learning E-Learning can use

multimedia facilities in the form of an image, text, animation,

sound, and also video.

b) Much more cost-effective, meaning that in learning E-Learning

does not need an instructor, there is also no need for a

minimum audience, it can be anywhere, and so on.

c) Much more concise, meaning that in learning E-Learning does

not contain much class formalities, directly into a subject,

subjects as needed.

d) Available 24 hours per day, meaning that mastery in the

material depends on the enthusiasm and also the absorption of

students, can be monitored, can be tested by e-test.

2) Disadvantages of E-Learning

According to Nursalam (2008) as quoted in Indrakusuma

and Putri (2016:7)there are disadvantages from the application of

E-Learning as follows:

a) Lack of an interaction between teacher and student or even

between students themselves.

b) This tendency can ignore the academic aspects or also social

aspects and also otherwise make the growth of business or

commercial aspects.

c) The teaching and learning process tends towards training rather

than education itself.

d) The change in the role of the teacher from initially mastering

conventional learning techniques is now also required to be

able to know learning techniques using ICT (information,

communication, and technology).

e) Not all internet facilities are available at all places.

f) Lack of a human resource that understands the internet.

g) Lack of mastery in computer language.

h) Access to an adequate computer can be a problem for students


i) Students may be frustrated if they cannot access graphics,

images, and videos due to inadequate equipment (software and


j) Availability of an infrastructure that can be fulfilled.

k) The information varies in quality and accuracy so guidelines

and feature questions are needed.

l) Students can feel isolated.

5. Covid-19 Pandemic

Zu et al. (2020) stated that in December 2019, an outbreak of

coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection was a severe acute respiratory

infection that occurred in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China and spread

throughout China and beyond. On February 12, 2020, WHO officially

referred to the disease caused by the novel coronavirus as Coronavirus

2019 (COVID-19). Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is a new type of

virus that has never been identified in humans. Coronavirus is a zoonosis

(can be transmitted between animals or humans) (Directorate General of

Disease Prevention and Control, 2020:11).

The Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Anwar Makarim,

issued Circular Number 4 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of

Education in Emergency Coronavirus (Covid-19), one of which

emphasized that online learning (distance), was carried out to provide

meaningful learning experiences for students, without being burdened by

the demands of completing all curriculum achievements for class and

graduation. Online/ distance learning is focused on increasing students'

understanding of the corona virus and the Covid-19 outbreak. The learning

activities and tasks can vary between students according to their interests

and conditions, including in terms of gaps in access / learning facilities at

home. During the Covid-19 pandemic, all activities were carried out from

home, including learning. Thus activities that cause direct contact to be

reduced so that this virus does not develop rapidly. The government also

urges everyone to do socialdistancing to minimize the spread of this virus.

B. Review of Related Research

There is a previous study by Mihhailova (2005) which conducted a

study to investigate how the use of E-Learning as an internationalization

strategy in higher education by exploring the perceptions of lecturers and

students. Participants in this study involved 15 lecturers and 115 students. In

conclusion, it can be said that the main problem areas for lecturers related to e-

learning are: lack of time, lack of interest/motivation, lack of co-operation,

compensation system does not take into account the specifics of e-learning

and lecturers are concerned about the quality of teaching in a virtual

environment. The most problematic of them appear to be lack of time and

inappropriate compensation system. Students appear to have an interest in e-

courses, but the level of knowledge regarding specifics of web-based learning

as well as about e-courses offered was unexpectedly low. This is an especially

problematic case as open university students were the main target group for

whom the e-courses were designed in the first place. Web-based learning is

100 percent unsuitable for many subjects and achieves the result that all

programs taught are web-based or mixed learning programs cannot be self-

directed. The discussion has and will maintain its important role as a teaching

tool and it requires quick feedback and responses that can only be achieved in

face-to-face meetings.

Another study is from El-Seoud et al. (2014) which conducted research

to investigate student motivation towards the effects of E-Learning. In this

study, there were 159 students who participated and 124 questionnaires were

completed correctly and used in this study. Then the results are obtained that

one of the important factors for the success of students in the E-Learning

process is self-motivation. The integration of information and communication

technology with the learning process depends on the personal motivation of

the participants. Lack of confidence and experience in using technology might

be an additional obstacle for other students. In the E-Learning process,

students work independently and some students may find it difficult to

understand its contents, due to the lack of face-to-face contact with instructors

and other fellow students. All these factors indicate that these students will not

do so can participate effectively and successfully in the E-Learning process.

As a result, in order to progress well and successfully use all of the E-

Learning tools to effectively access online information, some students need

the necessary hardware and some special skills. Of course, E-Learning will

increase student motivation and involvement to learn and help them become

independent learners.

The last previous study is from Sabah (2013) which conducted a study

about students' attitudes and motivation toward E-Learning. In this study, the

sample size of 100 students are taken randomly, male (52) and female (48).

The results of this study revealed a good correlation between technical

abilities and students’ attitudes towards E-Learning. Furthermore, influences

are registered due to field of study, computer experience, and dedicated time

to computer use. Therefore, students with computer experience and frequent

users are more likely to accept E-Learning. Students with no experience of E-

Learning are not aware of its importance and have weak motivation to

participate in the e-learning process. Interactivity and motivation are valuable

means of enhancing and improving learning effectiveness. Therefore, they

suggest incorporating the three stages of the learning process. This is to

engage students in deep interaction in the learning environment, resulting in

more positive attitudes towards the intended behavior and object.

Previous studies have similarities with this study where they all use E-

Learning in education. However, this study is slightly different from the above

study where this study analyzes students' perceptions and motivations towards

E-Learning which can be used as an evaluation and for further research on E-

Learning. In addition, the striking difference from this research is the time

spent in this study, namely when the Covid-19 pandemic is an epidemic in

Indonesia so that E-Learning is the only option to continue learning activities.



In this chapter, the researcher is going to describe research type, research

site and time, research subject, technique of data collection and

instruments,technique of data analysis, and validity of research data.

A. Research Type

Kothari (2004:1) stated that research is a scientific and systematic

search for information related to a particular topic. Furthermore, Raco

(2013:2) stated that the research method is a scientific activity carried out in

stages beginning with the determination of topics, data collection and data

analysis. So that later obtained an understanding and understanding of certain

topics, issues, and symptoms.

Fitrah and Luthfiyah (2017:44) stated that qualitative research is a

research procedure that uses descriptive data in the form of written or oral

words from people or actors that can be observed. Furthermore, Walidin

etal.(2015:76) stated that qualitative research is research that aims to gain a

deep understanding of human and social problems, not describing the surface

part of reality as quantitative research with positivistme.

Williams (2007:66) stated that quantitative research is research that

involves collecting numerical data and researchers tend to use mathematical

models as data analysis methodologies. Furthermore, Apuke (2017:40)

defined that quantitative research methods are research methods relating to the

quantification and analysis variables to obtain research results. This involves

the use and analysis of numerical data using specific statistical techniques to

answer questions such as who, how much, what, where, when, how much, and


According to Fitrah and Luthfiyah (2017:36), descriptive research is

research that aims to describe existing phenomena, which occur now and in

the past. This study does not make manipulations or changes to the

independent variables but illustrates a condition based on facts. Furthermore,

Mulyadi (2011:10) stated that descriptive research is a discussion for the

exploration and clarification of independent variables on the dependent

variable, by describing several indicators relating to the problem and the unit


Mixed research methods are approaches to inquiry that involve

collecting quantitative and qualitative data, integrating two forms of data, and

using different designs that might involve philosophical assumptions and

theoretical frameworks. The central assumption of this form of inquiry is that

the combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches provides a more

complete understanding of the research problem than just the two approaches

(Creswell, 2014:32).

From some of the explanations above, it can be concluded that

qualitative research is a research procedure that prioritizes the description of

words and not numbers in which the researcher acts as a research instrument.

Conversely, quantitative research is research that prioritizes numerical data in

the form of numbers. In this study, the researcher conducted a descriptive

study using quantitative-qualitative techniques. This research was also

included in the mixed method because uses two data collection methods,

qualitative and quantitative.

B. Research Site and Time

1. Research Site

This research was conducted online because the Covid-19

pandemic did not allow the researcher to go directly to the field and the

subjects of this study were tenth-grade students at SMA N 1 Suruh.

2. Research Time

In collecting data, the researcher made questionnaires in the form

of Google Forms and distributed through students' Whatsapp groups on

May 4 to 5, 2020. The researcher also conducted interviews on May 6,


C. Research Subject

1. Population

Helaluddin and Wijaya (2019: 60) explained that the population is

defined as a generalization area consisting of objects or subjects that have

certain qualities and characteristics.

The population in this study was class X students of SMA N 1

Suruh. Because in this school there are two English teachers, the

researcher only takes English classes that are taught by Mr. H. Names are

disguised to maintain teacher confidence. With a total of 134 students,

consisting of Class X MIPA 1, X MIPA 2, X IPS 1, and X IPS 2 with 87

female students and 47 male students.

2. Sample

Helaluddin and Wijaya (2019:62) explained that sample is a small

part of population which determined to be used in the process of data

collection in research. Furthermore, Taherdoost (2016:20) stated that

sampling in research can be used to make conclusions about a population

or to make generalizations in relation to existing theories. In general,

sampling techniques can be dividedinto two types as follows:

a. Probability or random sampling

Probability sampling means that each item in the population

has an equal chance of being included in the sample.

1) Simple random sampling, means that each population case in the

study has the same probability of inclusion in the sample.

2) Systematic sampling, sampling where each nth case after a random

start is chosen.

3) Stratified random sampling, when the population is divided into

strata or into subgroups and random samples are taken from each


4) Cluster sampling, where the entire population is divided into


5) Multi-stage sampling, the process of moving from a broad sample

to a narrow sample, using a step-by-step process

b. Non probability Sampling

Non probability sampling in a study is often associated with

case study research designs and qualitative research.

1) Quota sampling, non-random sampling technique where in the

study participants are selected based on characteristics that have

been determined by the researcher so that the total sample will

have the same distribution of characteristics with a wider


2) Snowball sampling, non-random sampling method in research that

uses several cases to help encourage other cases to take part in this

study, thereby increasing sample size.

3) Convenience sampling, in research the researcher choose

participants because they are often available and easily available.

4) Purposive or judgmental sampling, a strategy whereby certain

participants or regulatory events are deliberately chosen to provide

important information that cannot be obtained from other options.

In this study, the researcher chose simple random sampling

because the basic principle of sampling can be completed where the

samples in each item in the population have the same opportunities and

possibilities to be selected in the sample. This process and technique are

known as simple random sampling, and should not be confused with

systematic random sampling. The sampling process is carried out in

several stages. First, the researcher distributes questionnaires based on

class time for each class during E-Learning. Second, the researcher gives

24 hours for respondents to fill out the questionnaire, after more than 24

hours of receipt of responses on Google form will be closed by the

researcher. Here the researcher does not limit the number of respondents

so that the total number of respondents is chosen based on incoming

responses. After receiving closed responses there were 64 students or

47.7% of the total population who filled out the questionnaire within that

time frame and were used as samples in this study.

Data on the list of respondents is presented in the table. In

displaying respondent data, the researcher writes the initials of the

respondents’ names to maintain their trust and place them according to

their class. In addition, the researcher also maintains the confidentiality of

the respondent's identity to feel comfortable providing data.

Table 3.1List data of the respondent

Respondent Initial Respondent's

Number Name
2 A X MIPA 1

11 MF X MIPA 1
12 AM X MIPA 1
16 TS X MIPA 1
18 AW X MIPA 2
19 SA X MIPA 2
20 AF X MIPA 2
22 IH X MIPA 2
29 IP X MIPA 2
31 IP X MIPA 2
32 VF X MIPA 2
35 SA X MIPA 2
38 F X IPS 1
39 MA X IPS 1
40 TRA X IPS 1
42 DK X IPS 1
43 DFK X IPS 1
44 MZ X MIPA 1
45 NS X MIPA 1

46 AFS X IPS 1
47 SNA X IPS 2
48 AS X IPS 2
49 DAS X IPS 2
50 RPN X IPS 2
51 RB X IPS 2
52 NAL X IPS 2
53 YRL X IPS 1
54 VDA X IPS 1
55 CJP X IPS 1
56 AD X IPS 1
57 DP X IPS 2
59 ANA X IPS 1
61 YS X IPS 2
62 AB X IPS 1
63 RNA X IPS 1
64 S X IPS 1

D. Technique of Data Collection and Instruments

According to Raco (2010:108), data is collected if the direction and

purpose of the research are clear and the data source, namely the informant or

participant, has been identified, contacted, and has obtained approval to

provide the information needed. Furthermore, Walidin (2015:45) said that the

research data was collected in accordance with a predetermined research

design. The data is obtained by means of observations, experiments, or

measurements collected. Data collected represents facts about the object being


In conducting this research, the researcher conducted interviews and

collected open-ended responses to questions in an online questionnaire using

Google Form.

1. Interview

According to Walidin (2015:116), interviews conducted to obtain

information, which can not be obtained through observation or

questionnaires. With interviews, participants will share their experiences

with researchers. Furthermore, Cohen etal. (2007:349) stated that an

interviews are situations that occur not naturally but are constructed so as

to make it different from everyday conversation, so researchers have an

obligation to regulate and adhere to different procedures in an interview.

So it can be concluded that the interview is a conversation between two or

more people and takes place between the interviewee and the interviewer

where the purpose of the interview is to get the right information from a

trusted informant.Walidin etal. (2015:133) explained that in the interview

process, there are two parties with positions different. The first party

works as a questioner, also known as an interviewer, while the second

party works as an informer or informant.

There are several things that can be done in an interview. First, by

verifying the interview process, because with the recording the researcher

will have original evidence from the participant's voice speaking and both

the question or answer can be verified if misinterpreted. Second, the

recorded data is rewritten (transcibing), summarized and collected in full

then analyzed, looking for themes and patterns (Raco, 2010:119).

According to Cohen etal. (2007:351), there are several objectives

for interviews in broad life, as follows:

a. to evaluate or assess a person in some respect

b. to select or promote an employee

c. to effect therapeutic change, as in thepsychiatric interview

d. to test or develop hypotheses

e. to gather data, as in surveys or experimentalsituations

f. to sample respondents’ opinions, as in doorstepinterviews.

Besides having different objectives in conducting interviews, the

types of interviews also consist of several types. Cohen et al. (2007:353)

explained several types of interviews, as follows:

a. Informal oversational interview

In this type of interview questions arise from direct context and

ask questions in natural terms, there is no determination of the topic of

the question or words.

b. Interview guide approach

In this type of interview, the topics and issues to be discussed

are determined in advance, in the form of an outline, then the

interviewer decides the order and does the questions during the


c. Standardized open-ended interviews

In this type of interview, the words and sequence of questions

must have been predetermined. All respondents were asked the same

basic questions in the same order.

d. Closed quantitative interviews

In this type of interview, the categories of questions and

responses are predetermined. Responses have been improved,

respondents only choose between fixed responses.

In this study, interview questions were taken from the

questionnaire, with additional questions to support the data obtained.

Interview guidelines can be seen in the appendix. The technique used is

the same as the above theory by recording, rewriting, summarizing, and

analyzing data.In conducting interviews, Indonesian is used to facilitate

tenth-grade students answering questions. After that, the researcher

translated the results of the interview in English. There were twelve people

interviewed who participated in this study.

The list of interview questions:

1. Apakah guru menjelaskan materi bahasa Inggris dengan baik melalui


(Does the teacher explain English material well through E-Learning?)

2. Apakah materi bahasa Inggris yang disampaikan oleh guru melalui E-

Learning sesuai dengan silabus?

(Is the English material delivered by the teacher through E-Learning in

accordance with the syllabus?)

3. Apakah pembelajaran bahasa Inggris melalui E-Learning efektif

selama pandemi Covid-19?

(Is learning English through E-Learning effective during the Covid-19


4. Apakah kemampuan bahasa Inggris anda meningkat selama

pembelajaran melalui E-Learning?

(Did your English skills improve while learning through E-Learning?)

5. Apakah guru melakukan kegiatan tanya jawab tentang materi bahasa

Inggris dalam pembelajaran melalui E-Learning?

(Does the teacher conduct question and answer activities about English

material in learning through E-Learning?)

6. Apakah anda mau mempelajari media pembelajaran yang digunakan

oleh guru selama pandemi Covid-19?

(Do you want to learn the instructional media used by teachers during

the Covid-19 pandemic?)

7. Apakah anda bertanya kepada guru ketika mengalami kesulitan dalam

belajar bahasa Inggris melalui E-Learning?

(Do you ask the teacher when you have difficulty learning English

through E-Learning?)

8. Apakah anda rajin mengerjakan tugas bahasa Inggris yang diberikan

oleh guru melalui E-Learning selama pandemi Covid-19?

(Do you diligently work on English assignments given by the teacher

through E-Learning during the Covid-19 pandemic?)

9. Apakah anda tetap belajar bahasa Inggris meskipun tidak ada tugas

selama pandemi Covid-19?

(Do you keep learning English even though you don't have

assignments during the Covid-19 pandemic?)

10. Apakah anda termotivasi dan semangat untuk belajar bahasa Inggris

melalui E-Learning selama pandemi Covid-19?

(Do you motivated and enthusiastic about learning English through E-

Learning during the Covid-19 pandemic?)

2. Questionnaire

According to Yusuf (2014:49), questionnaire is an investigation

carried out by sending a questionnaire to respondents who have been

determined and after being filled out the questionnaire is returned to the


Cohen etal. (2007:321) explained that there are types of

questionnaire items, as follows:

a. Closed questions

In a closed question, the researcher determines the range of

responses that the respondent can choose from. Closed questions are

structured and useful because they can produce frequency responses

that can be received by treatment and statistical analysis.

b. Open-ended questions

Open-ended questions are useful if the possible answers are

unknown or the questionnaire is exploratoryThis questions allow

participants to write using their own terms, explain and fulfill the

response requirements and avoid predetermined categories of


The research questionnaire consisted of ten closed questions

that focused on students' perceptions of English E-Learning during the

Covid-19 pandemic, in addition, there were few questions about

student motivation. But to make it easier for students to fill in, the

questionnaire was prepared using Indonesian so that it would later

need to be translated again by the researcher. The researcher made an

electronic questionnaire in the form of a Google Form, then distributed

it to groups of Whatsapp tenth grade students at SMA N 1 Suruh.

Because this type of questionnaire is a closed questionnaire, students

only choose the answers available without having to think about their

own answers. The researcher told the informant that the questionnaire

would remain confidential and would not affect the value of English

lessons. To fill out the questionnaire, the researcher also conducted

interviews to gain more understanding.

Table 3.2 List table of the questionnaire

Alternatif Jawaban

No Questionnaire Statement (Penyataan Kuesioner) (alternative answers)

4 3 2 1

1. Guru menjelaskan materi bahasa Inggris dengan

baik melalui E-Learning

(The teacher explains English material well

through E-Learning)

2. Materi bahasa Inggris yang disampaikan oleh

guru melalui E-Learning sesuai dengan silabus

(The English material delivered by the teacher

through E-Learning is in accordance with the


3. Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris melalui E-

Learning efektif selama pandemi Covid-19

(Learning English through E-Learning was

effective during the Covid-19 pandemic)

4. Kemampuan bahasa Inggris anda meningkat

selama pembelajaran melalui E-Learning

(Your English skills improve during learning

through E-Learning)

5. Guru melakukan kegiatan tanya jawab tentang

materi bahasa Inggris dalam pembelajaran

melalui E-Learning

(The teacher conducts question and answer

activities about English material in learning

through E-Learning)

6. Anda mau mempelajari media pembelajaran

yang digunakan oleh guru selama pandemi


(Anda mau mempelajari media pembelajaran

yang digunakan oleh guru selama pandemi


7. Anda bertanya kepada guru ketika mengalami

kesulitan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris melalui


(You ask the teacher when you have difficulty

learning English through E-Learning)

8. Anda rajin mengerjakan tugas bahasa Inggris

yang diberikan oleh guru melalui E-Learning

selama pandemi Covid-19

(You are diligently working on English

assignments given by the teacher through E-

Learning during the Covid-19 pandemic)

9. Anda tetap belajar bahasa Inggris meskipun

tidak ada tugas selama pandemi Covid-19

(You continue to learn English even though there

are no assignments during the Covid-19


10. Anda termotivasi dan semangat untuk belajar

bahasa Inggris melalui E-Learning selama

pandemi Covid-19

(You are motivated and passionate about

learning English through E-Learning during the

Covid-19 pandemic)

E. Technique of Data Analysis

Helaludin and Wijaya (2019:99) explained that data analysis is an

attempt to break down a problem or focus of study into parts so that the

structure and order of the form of something decomposed appear clearly

visible and easily digested or captured in meaning.

Walidin (2015:46) explained how to process/analyze data, as follows:

1. Descriptive analysis, which is the data that has been obtained by the

researcher is then translated into sentences by describing the actual


2. Comparative analysis, which is the data translated by the researcher into

sentences by comparing one data with other data that is related.

3. Predictive analysis, which is the data translated by the researcher into

sentences to estimate what will happen in the future based on existing


4. Causal analysis, which is the data translated by the researcher into

sentences to explain the causal relationship.

In this study the researcher used two data collection techniques so that

in analyzing the data obtained also used two analysis techniques.

1. Qualitative Data Analysis

Helaludin and Wijaya (2019:123) describe several stages/

techniques in analyzing data, as follows:

a. Data reduction

In qualitative data collection, the researcher used various

techniques and carried out repeatedly to obtain very large and complex

data. Because the data obtained in the field are still very complex, still

rough, and not systematic, the researcher need to do an analysis by

reducing the data. Data reduction means making a summary, choosing

a theme, making certain categories, and patterns so that it has meaning.

Data reduction is a form of analysis to sharpen, select, focus, discard,

and organize data in the direction of making conclusions. Data will be

selected and reduced so that only relevant data is used.Qualitative data

obtained from the field is the result of interviews with all informants

and the results are explained in the presentation data in chapter 4 for

further analysis.

b. Data display

Data display is the process of presenting data after data

reduction. The presentation of data in qualitative research is carried out

in the form of summaries, charts, relationships between categories,

patterns, and others so that it is easily understood by the reader. Data

that has been arranged systematically will make it easier for readers to

understand the concepts, categories, and relationships and differences

of each pattern or category.

c. Conclusion

The third step in the interactive model is decision making and

verification. In qualitative research, the initial conclusions drawn are

still temporary, so they can change at any time if not supported by

strong evidence. But if the conclusions that have been drawn are

supported by valid or consistent evidence, then the conclusions drawn

are flexible. The conclusions of the results of the study must be able to

provide answers to the formulated problems. In addition to providing

answers to problem formulation, conclusions must also produce new

findings in the field of science that did not yet exist. These findings

can be in the form of a description of an object or phenomenon that

was previously still vague after examination becomes clearer, it can

also be a hypothesis and even a new theory.

2. Quantitative Data Analysis

This research data was analyzed using several steps. First, the

researcher rank respondents' data based on when the questionnaire was

collected. Second, the data that has been received is then entered into the

research table. Third, in the research table, the researcher calculates the

percentage of respondents who are divided into four parts, namely strongly

agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree. The use of scale

classification in this study is to measure the agreement and disagreement

of respondents to the object in the questionnaire. The statements contained

in the questionnaire contain content that will be assessed by respondents.

So in this study, the results of the data are ordinal data (tiered without a

score). The numbers used are just sequences to make it easier for the

researcher. So, the analysis is only in the form of frequencies (numbers) or

proportions (percentages). From the results of this percentage will be

found the results of a questionnaire regarding the perceptions and

motivations of students.

F. Validity of Research Data

In this research, the researcher used methodological triangulation.

Triangulation is essentially a multimethod conducted by researchers when

conducting research, data collection, and analysis (Walidin, 2015:139).

Furthermore, Cohen etal. (2007:141) explained that triangulation can be

defined as the use of two or more data collection methods in the study of

several aspects of human behavior.

Walidin (2015:140) stated that there are two goals of triangulation, as


1. First, discuss two methods in one study to get better results than using only

one method in a study.

2. Second, the aim is to compare information about the same things obtained

from various parties, so that there is a guarantee about the level of data


Sutopo (2006) as quoted in Walidin etal. (2015:142) explained that

there are four kinds of triangulation techniques, as follows:

1. Data triangulation, exploring the truth of information certain through

various methods and sources of data acquisition.

2. Triangulation investigator, done by using more than one person in data

collection and analysis.

3. Methodological triangulation, done by comparing information or data in

different ways.

4. Theoretical triangulation, the final result of qualitative research is a

formulation of information or a thesis statement. The information is then

compared with the perspective of the theory that is relevant to avoid the

individual researcher bias over the findings or conclusions produced.

In triangulation, through various perspectives or views, it is expected

to get results that are close to the truth. In this study, from the four types of

triangulation techniques above the researcher validates the data using the first

technique, which is exploring the truth of certain information through various

methods and sources of data acquisition. The researcher compared data

collected from questionnaires and interviews.



In this chapter, the researcher presents the data presentation and data

analysis. This research was conducted to investigate two research problems

regarding students' perception towards English E-Learning during the Covid-

19 pandemic.

A. Data Presentation

In this chapter the researcher will present the results of interviews

and questionnaires.

1. Interview Result Presentation

In presenting the data, the researcher used codes as follow:

- I stands for interview.

- AI stands for answer of interview.

In conducting interviews, the questions given to participants

are the same as the questionnaire questions. So the points used are the

same, namely to discuss two research problems related to students'

perceptions and motivations. Interview results are used by the

researcher to convince and strengthen student responses in the

questionnaire. The researcher presents interview data consisting of 10

basic questions that are slightly developed, as follows:

a. Students’ perceptions

1) In the first question, the researcher asked the teacher's role in

explaining English material through E-Learning is good or not.

(I.1) Apakah guru menjelaskan materi bahasa Inggris dengan baik

melalui E-Learning? (Does the teacher explain English material

well through E-Learning?)

AI.1 SA : “Emmm, gimana ya miss ya? Yaa agak gimana ya,

susah dipahami gitu lo miss, beda sama kayak

ketemu langsung disekolah gitu lo.” (How about

miss? It's a bit difficult to understand miss, it's

different if meet directly at school.)

ANH : “Tidak. Karena tidak langsung dijelaskan gitu jadi

ya kurang paham” (No. Because it is not

immediately explained so it is not understood)

SNH : “Emm, iya. Emm, ya saya mengerti gitu, tapi ada

yang paham ada yang engga.” (Emm, yes. Emm, I

understand, but there are those who understand

there are those who don't)

LLS : “Ya dengan baik, eh gimana ya miss, eh alasannya

saya dapat menerima dengan jelas dan lebih

mudah. Tapi kalo sama pak H cuman ngasih soal-

soal gitu miss.” (Yes, well, eh how about miss, eh

the reason is that I can accept it clearly and more

easily. But if Mr. H only gives questions, miss)

SNA : “Eeee, iya karena semenjak mengerjakan atau

membimbing lewat E-Learning ini lumayan sangat

memudahkan dan bisa mengerjakan sewaktu-

waktu.” (Eeee, yes because since working or

guiding through E-Learning is pretty easy and can

do it at any time.)

ZFC : “Emm, kalau menurut saya Mr. H tidak pernah

menjelaskan materi selama E-Learning dirumah.

Selama ini cuman ngasih tugas di LKS itu saja tidak

pernah dikasih materi, video atau apapun.” (Emm,

in my opinion Mr. H has never explained the

material during E-Learning at home. At the

moment, he have only given assignments in the

worksheets, never given material, videos or


MA : “Engga cuman ngasih tugas gitu aja. Ga dijelasin

cuma dishare ini nanti dikerjain terus dikirim ke

pak guru. Pengumpulannya secepatnya, dikasih

waktu luang buat ngerjain kalo ga ada paketan

ditunggu.” (No, just giving assignments. Not

explained, only sent, and then later worked on and

sent to the teacher. The collection as soon as

possible, given free time to work on if there is no

package awaited.)

MZFI : “Eee lumayan baik. Saya ada yang tidak paham.”

(Eee is good enough. I have something that doesn't


MF : “E kurang menjelaskan dengan baik jadinya

kurang paham.” (E doesn't explain well so I don't


VDA : “E kadang ga mudeng gitu og miss, gajelas gitu.

Engga dijelasin. Disuruh baca di LKS.” (E

sometimes it doesn't feel like that, miss, it's obvious.

Not explained. Told to read in LKS.)

IH : “Ya guru cukup menjelaskan dengan baik dan

mudah dipahami, tapi Hya tugas-tugas gitu.” (Yes,

the teacher is quite clear and easy to understand, but

only the tasks are like that.)

RPN : “Kurang kalo menurutku sih, soalnya jarang

dikasih penjelasan, cuman tugas-tugas aja gitu.” (I

think it's not enough, because the problem is rarely

given an explanation, just just tasks like that.)

2) In the second question, the researcher asked the teacher's role in

delivering English material through E-Learning according to the

syllabus or not.

(I.2) Apakah materi bahasa Inggris yang disampaikan oleh

gurumelalui E-Learning sesuai dengan silabus? (Is the English


delivered by the teacher through E-Learning in accordance withthe


AI.2 SA : “Eee, ya. Biasanya disuruh ngerjain di LKS.”

(Eee, yes. Usually told to work on LKS)

ANH : “Sesuai. Kayanya sesuai kayaknya.” (Appropriate.

It seems appropriate.)

SNH : “Oh, iya. Sama kayak yang di LKS sih miss, jadi

ya itu-itu aja materinya.” (Oh, yes. It's the same as

the one in LKS miss, so that's all the material.)

LLS : “Sesuai dengan materi yang diajarkan, tapi

kadang iya kadang engga gitu, kadang jelasinnya

sesuai kadang engga gitu.” (In accordance with the

material taught, but sometimes yes sometimes not

so, sometimes explain accordingly sometimes not


SNA : “Ya. Biasanya lewat LKS atau internet.” (Yes.

Usually using LKS or the internet.)

ZFC : “Ya sesuai cuman gapernah ngasih materi.” (Yes,

it is appropriate, but never give the material.)

MA : “Ya, benar. Materinya sama yang di LKS.” (Yes,

the material is the same as in the LKS.)

MZFI : “E sesuai. E dilihat dari LKS, ada yang diambil

dari internet kayaknya.” (E accordingly. E seen

from the LKS, something was taken from the

internet, I guess.)

MF : “Sesuai dengan materi yang diajarkan. Biasanya

menggunakan kayak mengambil soal di LKS.

Soalnya dikaish lewat grup Whatsapp.” (In

accordance with the material being taught. Usually,

use like taking questions in LKS. The problem is

discussed through the Whatsapp group.)

VDA : “E sesuai Alhamdulillah sesuai, kalo sama pak H

selalu di LKS.” (E Alhamdulillah accordingly, if at

the same time Mr. H is always at LKS.)

IH : “Tidak, ya karna menurut saya itu loncat-loncat

dan tidak mudah diapahami tidak mudah dimengerti

jadi tidak begitu sesuai silabus.” (No, yes because

in my opinion, it is jumping and not easy to

understand so it does not really fit the syllabus.)

RPN : “Iya mungkin, sama kayak yang di LKS sih jadi

mungkin sesuai.” (Yes maybe, the same as in the

LKS, so it might be appropriate.)

3) In the third question, the researcher asks the effectiveness of using

E-Learning for learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.

(I.3) Apakah pembelajaran bahasa Inggris melalui E-

Learningefektif selama pandemi Covid-19? (Is learning English

through E-

Learning effective during the Covid-19 pandemic?)

AI. 3 SA : “Emm, ya efektif ya ga efektif miss. Gimana ya,

efektifnya ya gimana sih miss jalan satu-satunya

gitu ok. Kurang efektifnya ya gitu beda sama kayak

di apa tuh sama kayak di sekolah beda miss ya beda

gitu.” (Emm, it's effective, it's not effective, miss.

How do I do it, effective because what the hell miss,

the only way so. Not effective because it's different

as in what is the same as in a different school, miss,

it's different.)

ANH : “Tidak. Ya kurang jelas gitu, terus ya kurang

diterangkannya ga sampe ke tujuan

pembelajarannya kurang paham bahasanya.” (Not.

Yes it is not clear, and so it is explained that it does

not reach the learning objectives.)

SNH : “Engga, menurut saya engga miss. Yakan kayak

ada yang ngga mudeng kan pertanyaannya susah

miss.” (No, in my opinion, it's not, miss. Like there

isn't anyone who can't ask questions, it's hard to


LLS : “Kurang efektif, karena emm beliau cuma ngasih

soal gitu tok jadinya kurang paham.” (Not

effective, emm, because he only gives questions

about it, so I don't understand.)

SNA : “Tidak, karena pembagian jadwal E-Learning

tidak sesuai biasanya. Harinya sesuai jadwal tapi

masalah jamnya engga sesuai.” (No, because the

distribution of E-Learning schedules is not as usual.

The day is according to the schedule but the clock

problem is not appropriate.)

ZFC : “Emm, kalau bahasa Inggris menurut saya kurang

efektif. Karna kalau bahasa Inggris tidak tatap

muka itu sulit gitu.” (Emm, in my opinion English

is less effective. Because English is not face-to-face,

it is difficult.)

MA : “Ya, tapi lebih efektif yang di kelas.” (Yes, but

more effective in class.)

MZFI : “Emm lumayan efektif. Emm.. lebih simpel

gaharus ke sekolaH. Belajar dirumah sukanya bisa

sewaktu-waktu.” (Emm is quite effective. Emm ...

it's more simple to go to school. Study at his

favorite house can be anytime.)

MF : “Bagi saya tidak efektif karena kurang paham. E

penjelasannya tu ga ada. Ga ada materinya. Saya

lebih suka model belajar secara langsung

dijelaskan secara langsung.” (For me, it is not

effective because of a lack of understanding. There

isn't any explanation. There is no material. I prefer

the direct learning model explained directly.)

VDA : “Alhamdulillah efektif miss. E karna gini lo apa

guru-guru menyampaikan tugas setiap mata

pelajarannya jadi misal senin ada jadwalnya gitu

dikasih tugas, suruh meringkas LKS, atau

meringkas di google, cari-cari di google gitu. Kalo

bahasa Inggris yang pak H beda miss, dikasih tugas

tapi di WA di halaman ini di LKS gitu.”

(Alhamdulillah effective, miss. E because this is

what the teachers convey the assignments of each

subject so, for example, Monday there is a schedule

so given the task, told to summarize LKS, or

summarize on Google, search on Google like that. If

English, Mr. H is different, he will be given an

assignment, but in WA on this page at the LKS.)

IH : “Iya, menurut saya sangat aktif selama pandemi

dan tidak menunda-nunda mengerjakan tugas

selama pandemi.” (Yes, in my opinion very active

during the pandemic and not delaying doing work

during the pandemic.)

RPN : “Engga, kurang efektif miss, lebih efektif kalo kita

ketemu langsung di sekolaH gitu, kalo gini kadang

males ga ada temen. Apa- apa sendiri.” (No, it's not

effective miss, it's more effective if we meet directly

at the school, if sometimes it's lazy to have no

friends. Nothing alone.)

4) In the fourth question, the researcher asked an improvement in

their English ability while learning English through E-Learning.

(I.4) Apakah kemampuan bahasa Inggris anda meningkat selama

pembelajaran melalui E-Learning? (Did your English skills

improve while learning through E-Learning?)

AI. 4 SA : “Emm, sedikit tapi engga, eh ya agak lebih yang

engga sih miss.” (Emm, a little but it's not, eh yeah,

a little more not miss.)

ANH : “ Tidak. Ya karena kalo ga ada gurunya males

belajar.” (No. Yes, because if there is no teacher
SNH : “Engga hehe. Yakan kalo ada yang ga mudeng

gitu mau tanya kan susah miss.” (No, hehe. If there

isn't anyone who wants to ask, it's hard, miss.)

LLS : “Emm, sedikit.” (Emm, a little.)

SNA : “Emmm, tidak haha. Karena sulit untuk diketahui

dan ga langsung.” (Emmm, no haha. Because it's

hard to know and not direct.)

ZFC : “Emm, ya lumayan lah di sandingi dengan belajar

sendiri gitu jadi ya lumayan meningkat.” (Emm,

yeah, it's quite comparable with self-study, so it's

quite improved.)

MA : “Ya meningkat sedikit tapi masih ada yang belum

paham gitu.” (Yes, it increased a little but there are

still those who don't understand that.)

MZFI : “E sedikit, e karena malas.” (E little, e because it's


MF : “Bagi saya tidak, karena engga dijelaskan secara

langsung jadi pahamnya gabisa efektif, gatau salah

benernya.” (For me, it is not, because it is not

resolved directly so it cannot be effective, or it is


VDA : “Tidak miss, saya sering tidak. Karena susah

memahaminya kalo langsung kan bisa gini kalo

sendiri itu gimana ya ga mudeng apa gitu lo.” (No,

miss, I often don't. Because I have difficulty

understanding it if the learning directly maybe I can

do it, but if I alone don't understand it myself.)

IH : “Emm ya meningkat sedikit karna lebih luas

wawasan karna bisa membuka internet.” (Emm, it's

increased a little because of wider insight because it

can open the internet.)

RPN : “Gatau miss, gatau cara ngukurnya, tapi

kayaknya biasa aja sih miss, kalopun nambah

sedikit paling.” (I don't know, miss, I don't know

how to measure it, but I think it's normal to just

miss, even if I add a little.)

5) In the fifth question, the researcher asked the teacher's role in the

question and answer activity during learning through E-Learning.

(I.5) Apakah guru melakukan kegiatan tanya jawab tentang materi

bahasa Inggris dalam pembelajaran melalui E-Learning? (Does

the teacher conduct question and answer activities about English

material in learning through E-Learning?)

AI. 5 SA : “Ya, biasanya digrup.” (Yes, usually in WA


ANH : “Emm, gatau. Ga nyimak i grup karna gapaham

bahasanya, ngasihnya bahasa Inggris terus.”

(Emm, I don't know. I don't listen to the group

because I don't understand the language, the teacher

always using English.)

SNH : “Ya, tapi kalok tanya engga deh miss. Cuma

disuruh mengerjakan gitu. Jadi ya kadang mudeng

tapi kadang engga.” (Yes, but if I ask it's not like

that, miss. Just being told to do it. So, sometimes,

it's understood, but sometimes it's not.)

LLS : “Tidak.” (No.)

SNA : “Tidak. Ga ada pertanyaan.” (No. There are no


ZFC : “Tidak. Guru Hya memberi tugas tok gitu gapernh

tanya jawab.” (No. The teacher only gives

assignments so questions and answers are limited.)

MA : “Engga cuman ngasih tugas udah gitu aja. Ga

dikasih penjelasan.” (No, it's just giving me an

assignment. No explanation was given.)

MZFI : “Emm kadang. Kalo tanya jawab kayaknya belum

pernah.” (Emm sometimes. Questions and answers

online seem to have never been.)

MF : “Tidak. Ya kayak materinya itu kayak di apa ya,

materinya tu dipahami sendiri.” (Not. Yes like what

the material is like, yes, the material is understood

by yourself.)

VDA : “Kalo tanya jawab sih engga si miss, cuman di

kasih tugas kalo udah selesai di fotoin di japri

gitu.” (If the question and answer aren't, miss, it's

just being given a task when it's finished being

photographed in a personal chat.)

IH : “Emm tidak guru lebih mengasih materi dan

langsung mengerjakan soal. Sama pak H tidak

pernah dijelaskan Hya dikasih materi dan

mengerjakan di LKS.” (Emm no, the teacher gives

more material and directly does the work. Mr. H

was never explained, he was only given material

and worked on LKS.)

RPN : “Engga, ga pernah ada tanya jawab di grup. Kalo

ada yang mau tanya boleh tapi japri.” (No, there

were never questions and answers in the group. If

anyone wants to ask, it can be personal chat.)

b. Students’ Motivation

1) In the sixth question, the researcher asked about the willingness of

students to learn the media used during learning through E-


(I.6) Apakah anda mau mempelajari media pembelajaran yang

digunakan oleh guru selama pandemi Covid-19? (Do you want to

learn the instructional media used by teachers during the Covid-19


AI.6 SA : “Ada yang ya ada yang ngga soalnya ada yang

belum ya itu miss. Kalo sama pak H langsung di

grup nanti dikasih hari ini terus harus ngapain-

ngapain gitu miss.” (There are those who do, some

do not, because there are those who haven't, miss. If

you contact Mr. H directly in the group later today,

what should we do, miss.)

ANH : “Mau. Kalo pembelajarannya cuman pake LKS.”

(I want it. If the study just using LKS.)

SNH : “Ya mau, kalo pak H biasanya cuman pake HP aja

gitu miss, gapake aplikasi jadi nanti apa apa lewat

WA.” (Yes, I want to, if Mr. H usually only using

HP, miss. It not use the application, so later

anything through WA.)

LLS : “Sering-seringnya engga miss.” (More often not,


SNA : “Jarang, ga nentu kak. Kalo ada media baru ya

mau.” (Rarely, I don't know, Sis. If there are new

media, I want to.)

ZFC : “Ya sangat ingin karna itu sangat membantu

dalam belajar dirumah.” (Yes, I really want it

because it really helps in studying at home.)

MA : “Ya, cuman pake WA aja.” (Yes, only use WA.)

MZFI : “Ee, mau. Pakenya buku, LKS, internet.” (Ee,

want to. The books are LKS, the internet.)

MF : “Mau. Terus apa ya, engg pake aplikasi sih, kalo

guru lain ada, ada yang pake grup Whatsapp juga.”

(Want. So what, not using the application, if there

are other teachers, there are also using the Whatsapp


VDA : “Ya itu limapuluh persen limapuluh persen sih

miss, kadang mau kadang engga tergantung

pelajarannya.” (Yes, that is fifty percent, miss,

sometimes it sometimes doesn't depend on the


IH : “Jarang-jarang sih kadang buka-buka buku

mempelajari materinya kadang kalo ga ada tugas

ga pernah buka buku. Kalo pak H tugasnya tu

gapernah dikumpulkan, yang lain juga gapernah

mengumpulkan.” (Rarely do I sometimes open

books to study the material, sometimes if there is no

assignment, I never open a book. If Mr. H has the

task to be collected, the others have also been to


RPN : “Kadang miss, kalo gurunya pake apaa gitu ya

menyesuaikan, tapi kalo susah ya gimana ya miss,

terus kalo pak H ga pake apa-apa sih miss lebih ke

grup WA aja.” (Sometimes, miss, if the teacher uses

anything, it adjusts, but if it is difficult, what do you

do miss, then if Mr. H doesn't use anything, it's

more like just WA group.)

2) In the seventh question, the researcher asks about the difficulties

faced by students in learning English through E-Learning whether

or not asked.

(I.7) Apakah anda bertanya kepada guru ketika mengalami

kesulitan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris melalui E-Learning? (Do

you ask the teacher when you have difficulty learning English

through E-Learning?)

AI.7 SA : “Emm, tanyanya kadang ke temen miss, kalo ke


Hnya ga berani, emm, takut, biasanya tanyanya

kalo ga ke temen ya buka google miss.” (Emm, he

sometimes asks friends, miss, if you ask with Mr. H

isn't brave, emm, afraid, I usually ask if I don't go to

a friend, open Google, miss.)

ANH : “Engga pernah tanya.” (Never asked.)

SNH : “Iya, biasanya tanyanya lewat WA personal

chatting.” (Yes, usually asks WA via personal


LLS : “Tidak. Kadang tanya temen kadang liat google

gitu.” (No. Sometimes asking friends sometimes see


SNA : “Iya, biasanya tanyanya lewat chattingan WA.

Misalnya ada soal yang ga kita ketahui kita bisa

nanya kepada guru cara atau penjelasannya

tentang soal tersebut. Biasanya personal chatting

soalnya di grup WA itu udah kebanyakan tugas.

Kita punya dua grup, nah yang satu grup itu ada

semua guru mapel.” (Yes, usually they ask through

WA chat. For example, there are questions that we

don't know about, we can ask the teacher how or

how to explain them. Usually, personal chatting is

because the WA group has a lot of tasks. We have

two groups, the one group is there are all subject


ZFC : “Ya selalu bertanya kalau ada kesulitan supaya

tidak sulit dalam belajar. Biasanya personal

chatting kalau di grup kadang ga dibales.” (Yes,

always ask if there are difficulties so that it is not

difficult to learn. Usually, personal chat when in a

group sometimes is not done.)

MA : “Engga, cuman kalo ga paham kita sama temen-

temen bahas sama-sama terus kalo udah nemu kita

tulis jawabannya. Gurunya nyimak tapi cuman

liat.” (No, it's just that if we don't understand, we

discuss with our friends, and then when we find it,

we write the answer. The teacher is listening but just


MZFI : “Iya mau, tanyanya ke guru lewat HP lewat WA.”

(Yes, I want to, I asked the teacher via cellphone via


MF : “Mau, tanyanya kepada guru yang mengampu

mapel itu lewat Whatsapp pribadi.” (Want, I asked

the teacher who taught the subject through

Whatsapp privately.)

VDA : “Ya mau sih miss. WA pak guru kalo ada yang ga

ngerti tanya yang gatau nanya lewat personal

chatting. Kalo lewat grup itu gimana ya karna dari

wali kelas suruh japri gitu miss. Kalo di grup itu

bingung ini tanyanya ke siapa gitu.” (Yes, I want,

miss. WA the teacher if I don't understand the

question, I ask via personal chat. If through the

group, how about that because the homeroom

teacher told to personal chatting, miss. If the group

is confused, ask who it is.)

IH : “Emm ya mau, biasanya bertanya ke bu Woro. Ya

gapernah sih kalo sama pak H. Kalo sama temen

sering tukar tugas kalo udah selesai dicocokkan

sama temen sendiri gitu.” (Yes, I want to, usually,

ask Mrs. Woro. I never ask if it's Mr. H. I often

excHge assignments with my friends when I'm done

matching them with my friends.)

RPN : “Kadang tanya miss kalo kepepet tapi, biasanya

nanya temen dulu kalo sama-sama gapaham baru

tanya pak H.” (Sometimes I ask if I'm trapped, but I

usually ask my friends first if they are both

unfamiliar, then ask Mr. H.)

3) In the eighth question, the researcher asked the English assignment

given to students through E-Learning during the Covid-19

pandemic whether it was done diligently or not.

(I.8) Apakah anda rajin mengerjakan tugas bahasa Inggris yang

diberikan oleh guru melalui E-Learning selama pandemi Covid-

19? (Do you diligently work on English assignments given by the

teacher through E-Learning during the Covid-19 pandemic?)

AI.8 SA : “Emm, banyak yang ga tak kerjain miss, karenaaa

selain gabisa terus ada tugas yang lain yang belum

tak kerjain, terus tugas yang lain belum selesai

numpuk-numpuk terus bahasa Inggrisnya jadi

diundur diundur terus.” (Emm, many don't, miss,

because of that besides not being able to continue

there are other tasks that haven't been donen't do it,

then the other tasks aren't finished piling up and

then the English is pushed back and pushed back.)

ANH : “Tidak pernah, ya gapaham bahasanya kan gabisa

bahasa Inggris. Kalo ga ngerjain tugas waktu


disuruh keluar, kalo sekarang mungkin ga dapet

nilai.” (Never, I don't understand the language

English. If I don't do time assignments in class

told to come out, if it's possible to not get value


SNH : “Engga haha, kalo ada tugas ada yang dikerjain

ada yang engga. Kalo engga ngerjain biasanya

kena marah tapi ini belum.” (No haha, if there are

tasks that are done there are those who don't. If they

don't do it, they usually get angry but this is not


LLS : “Tidak. Emm, kadang tugas yang lain tu masih

ada terus tugas yang bahasa Inggris ini engga

dikerjain gitu. Engga paham miss tapi juga kadang

gurunya ngasih tugas sama yang kemarin itu di

tumpuk-tumpuk gitu.” (No. Um, sometimes the

other tasks are still there and the English tasks are

not done so. I don't understand, miss, but sometimes

the teacher also assigns the same assignment


SNA : “Iya, biasanya emm, ga ada dateline. Kalo udah

selesai ya dikumpulin, kalo belum selesai ditunggu

sampe pembagian raport.” (Yes, usually, emm,

there's no dateline. If it's done, it's collected, if it's

not finished waiting for the report card distribution.)

ZFC : “Ya selalu mengerjakan walaupun dirumah.” (Yes

always do it even at home.)

MA : “Ya tapi ada juga yang belum saya kerjakan, tapi

cuman bahasa Inggris. Yang lain sudah saya

kerjakan tapi belum saya kirim.” (Yes, but there are

also things that I haven't done yet, but only English.

I have already done the others but I have not sent it.)

MZFI : “Emm, kadang engga tapi sering ngerjain. Ada

yang engga juga, yang sulit dilewatin.” (Emm,

sometimes I don't, but I often do it. Some are not,

too, difficult to pass.)

MF : “Jarang, karena tugas-tugas lain juga ada

banyak. Terus agak susah bahas Inggris. Tugasnya

sesuai jadwal harian, jamnya sama, tapi kalau pak

H itu pagi-pagi udah ngasi tugas, kalau sesuai hari

iya tapi sesuai jamnya engga.” (Rarely, because

there are also many other tasks. Continue to speak

rather difficult English. The assignment is according

to the daily schedule, the time is the same, but if Mr.

H gets the task early in the morning, if it is

according to the day yes but according to the time or


VDA : “Engga si miss dari awal belum ngerjain baru

setengah.” (No, miss, from the beginning I haven't

only done half.)

IH : “Ya rajin walau kadang telat, hehe.” (Yes diligent

even though sometimes late, hehe.)

RPN : “Lumayan rajin sih miss, hehe. Kadang aku

mikirnya kalo ada tugas harus lek di selesaiin gitu

biar ga numpuk-numpuk, nanti jadinya males

soalnya.” (Quite diligent miss, hehe. Sometimes I

think that if there are tasks, they must be finished,

so that they don't pile up, later it will become lazy.)

4) In the ninth question, the researcher asked whether students' habits

continued to study even though there were no assignments during

the Covid-19 pandemic.

(I.9) Apakah anda tetap belajar bahasa Inggris meskipun tidak ada

tugas selama pandemi Covid-19? (Do you keep learning English

even though you don't have assignments during the Covid-19


AI.9 SA : “Engga miss.” (No, miss.)

ANH : “Tidak. Kan gabisa bahasa Inggris gimana mau

belajarnya.” (Not. Because I don't know how to

learn English.)

SNH : “Engga haha. Belajarnya kalo ada tugas, jujur loh

miss ini.” (No, haha. Learn if there is an

assignment, honestly, miss.)

LLS : “Kadang iya.” (Sometimes yes.)

SNA : “Tidak haha. Kalo ga ada tugas ya ga belajar.”

(No haha. If there is no assignment, not study.)

MA : “Ya saya selalu latiH-latiH soal gitu kalau tidak

ada tugas.” (Yes, I always do exercises like that if

there are no assignments.)

MA : “Kadang-kadang.” (Sometimes.)

MZFI : “Emm, kadang. Ya paling baca-baca materi apa

di LKS kadang buka internet.” (Emm, sometimes.

Yes, the most widely read material on LKS

sometimes opens the internet.)

MF : “E jarang belajar bahasa Inggris, kalau yang

lainnya iya. Ya pokoknya yang bahasa Inggris

matematika gitu.” (E rarely learns English, if others

do. Yes, the main thing is English, mathematics.)

VDA : “Engga kalo ada tugas doang.” (No, only if there

is an assignment.)

IH : “Kalo tidak ada tugas tidak pernah belajar,

jarang-jarang.” (If there is no assignment, never

study, rarely.)

RPN : “Misal ga ada tugas kadang buka-buka buku,

baca apa gitu miss, itu juga kalo tugas yang lain ga

numpuk miss, banyak soalnya tugasnya. Tapi kalo

bahasa Inggris belajarnya malah lebih suka nonton

youtube gitu.” (For example, there are no

assignments, sometimes I open books, read what I

miss, it also if other tasks do not accumulate miss, a

lot of the problem is the task. But if I study English,

I prefer watching YouTube.)

5) In the tenth question, the researcher asked whether students were

motivated and enthusiastic when learning English through E-

learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.

(I.10) Apakah anda termotivasi dan semangat untuk belajar

bahasa Inggris melalui E-Learning selama pandemi Covid-19?

(Do you motivated and enthusiastic about learning English through

E-Learning during the Covid-19 pandemic?)

AI.10 SA : “Emm, gimana ya miss. Engga tau miss. Belajar

bahasa Inggrisnya jadi ga semangat.” (Emm, what

should I do, miss. I don't know miss. Study the

English aren't so good.)

ANH : “Tidak. Karena ya liburan gini mau belajar ya

malas.” (No. Because yes, this holiday wants to


SNH : “Tergantung soalnya. Ya kalo menurut saya

mudeng ya tak kerjain. Kalo sulit ga mudeng gitu ga

tak kerjain. Mau nanya temen juga kadang temenny

ga mudeng gitu kok miss.” (It depends on the

problem. Yes, in my opinion, it doesn't work. If it's

hard, it doesn't work. It doesn't work. I want to ask

friends, sometimes friends don't understand either,


LLS : “Iya, sedikit tapi. Semangatnya gimana ya kadang

buka buku gitu miss.” (Yes, but a little. How do I

get excited sometimes I open books like that, miss.)

SNA : “Engga begitu, karena ketika ada kesulitan tidak

bisa menyampaikan dengan langsung. Jadi lebih

semangat belajar di kelas karna kan ketemu

gurunya langsung terus rame-rame bisa berdiskusi

juga.” (So, because there is a difficulty in

compiling, it cannot be solved directly. So it is more

enthusiastic to learn in class because you see the

teacher and the group can discuss too directly.)

ZFC : “Ya semangat, lumayan sih. Kalau lebih enak itu

disekolaH sebenernya. Emm, ya sebenernya itu

seharusnya guru itu memberikan materi berupa

rangkuman ataupun video-video pembelajaran dan

latiH soal gitu supaya bahasa Inggris kita itu

meningkat.” (Yes, enthusiasm. Not bad. If it is more

comfortable in school, actually. Well, actually, the

teacher should provide material in the form of

summaries or videos of learning and exercises so

that our English is improved.)

MA : “Iya, kalau kita belajar bahasa Inggris kan kita

jadi bisa materi ini apa gitu buat tes juga.” (Yes, if

we study English, so can we use this material for


MZFI : “Emm, sedikit lumayan. Sedikit semangat,

motivasinya apa ya e termotivasi sedikit tapi banyak

malasnya.” (Emm, it's not bad. A little enthusiasm,

what motivation e motivated a little but a lot of


MF : “E kurang ada motivasi, karena susah. Tapi kalo

ada yang mau ngajarin langsung mau.” (E lack

motivation, because it's hard. But if anyone wants to

teach me, I want to.)

VDA : “Kurang semangat sih ya miss. Masalahnya kalo

bahasa Inggris kalo di online itu ga ngena di otak

harusnya langsung. Ya kan gimana ya kita kan

orang Jawa ga ngerti bahasa Inggris sama sekali.”

(Lacking enthusiasm, miss. The problem is that if

English is online it doesn't work directly in the

brain. So what do we do, we Javanese don't

understand English at all.)

IH : “Ya lebih semangat dan lebih ingin mengetahui

bahasa Inggris, ya karena ya kan jarang dijelaskan

jadi harus memahami sendiri cari tahu sendiri.”

(Yes, I am more enthusiastic and want to know

English, because it's rarely explained, so I have to

understand myself, find out for myself.)

RPN : “Sedikit termotivasi sih miss, soalnya kan

situasinya lagi ini, kalo males banget juga nanti

gimana belajarnya.” (A little motivated, miss, the

problem is this situation, if I am really lazy, then

how will I study.)

2. Questionnaire Result Presentation

In this questionnaire there are ten questions about learning

English through E-Learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. As many

as 64 students gave responses to this questionnaire. Students only give

a checklist in the box provided in Google Form. In this questionnaire

the questions are presented in Indonesian so that in presenting this

data, the researcher translates the questions into English.

Figure 1. Percentage of classes filling out the questionnaire

Figure 1. shows the total number of classes participating in the

questionnaire. From these data, it can be concluded that there were

four classes participating. Class X MIPA 1 with the most total

respondents with a percentage of 39.1%, then class X MIPA 2 and X

IPS 1 with the same percentage of 23.4%, and the last is class X IPS 2

with a percentage of 14.1%.

The questions used in the questionnaire will answer two

research problems about students' perceptions and motivations. For the

questionnaire question points, 1 to 5 discuss students' perceptions of

English through E-Learning while points 6 to 10 discuss students'

motivation towards learning English through E-Learning during the

Covid-19 pandemic. Pujihastuti (2012:49) stated that when using an

appropriate measurement scale, in terms of nominal, ordinal, interval,

and ratio data, it is recommended to use closed questions. The scale

can be even or odd. For research in Indonesia, it is recommended to

use a balanced Likert scale for example with 4 levels.In presenting the

following data description of the use of scale:

- 4 : Strongly agree

- 3 : Agree

- 2 : Disagree

- 1 : Strongly disagree

a. Students’ perceptions

The first research problem is about perception where there

are 5 questions in the questionnaire to get the data. The data is

classified into four scales namely strongly agree, agree, disagree,

and strongly disagree. The following table shows the results of data

about students' perceptions.

Table 4.1
Questionnaire data about students' perceptions
Questionnaire Statements Scale Frequency Percentage

Guru menjelaskan materi 4 9 14.1 %

bahasa Inggris dengan baik 3 35 54.7 %

melalui E-Learning
1. 2 16 25 %
(The teacher explains English
1 4 6.3 %
material well through E-


Materi bahasa Inggris yang 4 21 32.8 %

disampaikan oleh guru melalui 3 36 56.3 %

E-Learning sesuai dengan 2 6 9.4 %

2. silabus 1 1 1.6 %

(The English material delivered

by the teacher through E-

Learning is in accordance with

the syllabus)

Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris 4 8 12.5 %

melalui E-Learning efektif 3 25 39.1 %

selama pandemi Covid-19 2 25 39.1 %

(Learning English through E- 1 6 9.4 %

Learning was effective during

the Covid-19 pandemic)

Kemampuan bahasa Inggris 4 0 0%

anda meningkat selama 3 28 43.8 %

pembelajaran melalui E- 2 28 43.8 %

4. Learning 1 8 12.5 %

(Your English skills improve

during learning through E-


Guru melakukan kegiatan tanya 4 4 6.3 %

jawab tentang materi bahasa 3 30 46.9 %

Inggris dalam pembelajaran 2 25 39.1 %

melalui E-Learning 1 5 7.8 %

(The teacher conducts question

and answer activities about

English material in learning

through E-Learning)

b. Students’ motivation

The second research problem is about motivation where

there are 5 questions in the questionnaire to get the data. The data

is classified into four scales namely strongly agree, agree, disagree,

and strongly disagree. The following table shows the results of data

about students' perceptions.

Table 4.2
Questionnaire data about students' motivations
Questionnaire Statements Scale Frequency Percentage

Anda mau mempelajari media 4 19 29.7 %

pembelajaran yang digunakan 3 31 48.4 %

oleh guru selama pandemi
2 13 20.3 %
6. 1 1 1.6 %
(Anda mau mempelajari media

pembelajaran yang digunakan

oleh guru selama pandemi


Anda bertanya kepada guru 4 12 18.8 %

ketika mengalami kesulitan 3 27 42.2 %

7. dalam belajar bahasa Inggris 2 19 29.7 %

melalui E-Learning 1 6 9.4 %

(You ask the teacher when you

have difficulty learning English

through E-Learning)

Anda rajin mengerjakan tugas 4 14 21.9 %

bahasa Inggris yang diberikan 3 26 40.6 %

oleh guru melalui E-Learning 2 22 34.4 %

selama pandemi Covid-19 1 2 3.1 %

(You are diligently working on

English assignments given by

the teacher through E-Learning

during the Covid-19 pandemic)

Anda tetap belajar bahasa 4 4 6.3 %

Inggris meskipun tidak ada 3 24 37.5 %

tugas selama pandemi Covid-19 2 31 48.4 %

9. (You continue to learn English 1 5 7.8 %

even though there are no

assignments during the Covid-

19 pandemic)

Anda termotivasi dan semangat 4 2 3.1 %

untuk belajar bahasa Inggris 3 37 57.8 %

melalui E-Learning selama 2 22 34.4 %

pandemi Covid-19 1 3 4.7 %

(You are motivated and

passionate about learning

English through E-Learning

during the Covid-19 pandemic)

B. Data Analysis

1. Students’ perception

The first research problem is investigating students' perceptions

related to learning English through E-Learning during the Covid-19

pandemic. To answer the first research question, the researcher

distributed questionnaires, there are 64 students voluntarily

participated in filling out the questionnaire. In addition, the researcher

also conducted interviews with twelve students to strengthen and

obtain additional information. As a theoretical basis related to students'

perceptions of E-Learning, there is previous study from Mihhailova

(2005) which conducted a study to investigate how the use of E-

Learning as an internationalization strategy in higher education by

exploring the perceptions of lecturers and students and the results that

the use of E-Learning is not suitable for various subjects, this is due to

low student knowledge about the use of E-Learning. Good learning is

direct face-to-face learning that can provide faster responses.After the

questionnaire and interview data are completed, there is some data that

can be described:

a. The first is about students' perceptions related to the teacher's role

in explaining English material through E-Learning is good or not,

in this case, the data obtained in the questionnaire showed the

highest frequency with a percentage of 54.7% agree with the

question, but after further interviews, more answers were given

obtained disagree. From the twelve students interviewed, the

difference is not so far only a small difference. Based on the

answers of the majority of students, it is known that the teacher

rarely provides material and prefers to give assignments. This is as

explained in chapter 2 about the disadvantages of E-Learning in

point (c), namely the teaching and learning process tends towards

training rather than education itself. So it is more dominant given

the task that explained about the material. From the first data, it can

be concluded that according to students' perceptions, the delivery

of material by teachers in learning English through E-Learning

during the Covid-19 pandemic was less than optimal. This is

because teachers often give assignments rather that deliver the


b. The second is about student perceptions related to the teacher's role

in delivering English material through E-Learning according to the

syllabus or not. In this second point, the data obtained in the

questionnaire showed the highest frequency with a percentage of

56.3% agree with the question, then deepened with further

interviews many students agreed with the question so that the data

obtained were the same. The way they know is because what is

used as an English learning material is the LKS (Student

Worksheet) book so they know it's appropriate.

c. The third is about student perception related to the effectiveness of

using E-Learning for learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. In

this third point, the data obtained in the questionnaire showed that

there were two similar results, namely agree as much as 39.1% and

disagree as much as 39.1% with the question, then deepen with

further interviews the results were obtained that their answers were

equally balanced. From these results, it can be concluded that half

the students feel that E-Learning is effective and the other half feel

ineffective. The effectiveness during E-Learning is in accordance

with the theory in chapter 2 point (2), namely the e-learning gives

flexibility in choosing the time and place to be able to access the

trip, so they find learning at home more enjoyable. Then the

ineffectiveness of E-Learning is also in accordance with point (a)

in chapter 2, namely the lack of interaction between teacher and

student or even between students themselves.

d. The fourth is about student perceptions related to an improvement

in their English ability while learning English through E-Learning.

On this fourth point, the data obtained in the questionnaire showed

that there were two most similar results, agree as much as 43.8%,

and disagree as much as 43.8%, then deepening with further

interviews the results obtained that their answers were slightly

more who disagree. Those who disagree argue that while studying

at home their abilities do not improve. From these results, it can be

concluded that more students feel that E-Learning does not

improve their English skills, this is due to the lack of interaction

between the teacher and students and not as if face to face in the

class. There are some students who agree if their English language

skills improve because they want to study independently at home.

e. The fifth is about student perceptions related to the teacher's role in

the question and answer activity during learning through E-

Learning. At this fifth point, the data obtained in the questionnaire

the highest frequency with a percentage of 46.9% agree with the

questions presented, then deepening with further interviews the

results were very different. The results of the interviews showed

that the teacher never asked questions during English learning

through E-Learning so that the results of the two did not support

each other. However, from the interviews, it was found that the

Whatsapp group that was used during E-Learning was only one

and was used for all subjects so it was not possible to conduct

question and answer in that group. While the English teacher in

question does not use applications such as Google classroom which

might be more effective for E-Learning learning.

2. Students’ motivation

The second research problem is investigating students'

motivations related to learning English through E-Learning during the

Covid-29 pandemic.As a basic theory related to student motivation

about E-Learning, there is previous study from El-Seoud et al. (2014)

who conducted research to investigate student motivation for the

effects of E-Learning. Then the results were obtained that many

students lacked confidence and lacked experience using technology

that was a barrier. E-Learning makes students difficult because they

have to work independently and face to face with the instructor or

teacher. However, E-Learning increases the motivation of students to

learn independently even though there is learning motivation that is

still weak. After the questionnaire and interview data are completed,

there are some data that can be explained:

a. The first is students' motivation related to students' willingness to

learn the media used during learning through E-Learning. At this

first point, data obtained from the results of the questionnaire

showed the highest frequency with a percentage of 48.4% agree

with the questions presented. Then deepened with interviews the

results obtained that the answers of dominant students want to learn

the learning media used by the teacher. It can be concluded that

from the two research instruments used these results are mutually

supportive. However, in Hds-on practice during E-Learning the

English teacher concerned was less using learning media and only

using Whatsapp for learning activities during the Covid-19


b. The second is students' motivation related to the difficulties faced

by students in learning English through E-Learning whether or not

asked. In this second point, the data obtained from the results of the

questionnaire showed the highest frequency with a percentage of

42.2% agree with the questions presented. Then deepened with

interviews the results obtained are balanced. Some students want to

ask questions when it's difficult and some don't. From the results of

the interview also obtained the results that to ask when the

difficulty of the homeroom teacher recommends asking questions

directly with the teacher concerned via Whatsapp personal chat.

However, there are some students who actually rely on Google to

get answers to their questions. It can be concluded that from the

two research instruments used the results are balanced. There are

some students who are quite indifferent to learning English during

E-Learning because of various factors such as fear of asking

questions and being lazy.

c. The third is students' motivation related to English assignments

given to students through E-Learning during the Covid-19

pandemic whether it is done diligently or not. In this third point, the

data obtained from the results of the questionnaire showed the

highest frequency with a percentage of 40.6% agree with the

questions presented. Then deepened with the interview, the results

obtained are precisely balanced. From the interviews, it was found

that some students doing their assignments diligently because they

thought that delaying doing the assignments would add to the

burden because there would be more assignments coming in.

However, some students also did not do assignments diligently or

lazy and some did not even do it at all, the reason being they could

not speak English, the number of assignments given from all

subjects are too much, and also laziness. It can be concluded that

from the two research instruments used the results were not much

different. Students' motivation in doing their assignments diligently

is quite high, although there are some who are not so diligent. This

is not much different from face to face learning in class.

d. The fourth is students' motivation related to whether students'

habits continued to study even though there were no assignments

during the Covid-19 pandemic. In this fourth point, the data

obtained from the results of the questionnaire showed the highest

frequency with a percentage of 48.4% disagree with the questions

presented. Then deepened with the interview, the results obtained

are also the same. From the interviews, the researcher found the

fact that the majority of students did not learn if there were no

assignments, even some that even if there were assignments they

also did not do. There are some who learn only if there are

assignments, this is because other assignments accumulate so that

the available time is used to complete the assignments of other

subjects. In addition, there are also those who think that English is

too difficult to learn so if there is no assignment they prefer not to

learn. It can be concluded that from the two research instruments

used the results are mutually supportive. Students' motivation in

learning English if there are no assignments during the pandemic is

not very good.

e. The last is whether students are motivated and enthusiastic when

learning English through E-learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.

At the last point, the data obtained from the results of the

questionnaire showed the highest frequency with a percentage of

57.8% agree with the questions presented. Then deepened with the

interview, the results obtained are balanced. From the interviews,

the researcher found the fact that some students were motivated and

enthusiastic about learning English during the Covid-19 pandemic

because this was the only way to keep learning because of the

circumstances that did not allow them to go and study at school,

but there were some students which is not motivated and not

motivated because they feel learning at home is boring especially if

learning English or difficult subjects such as mathematics. It can be

concluded that the motivation of students in learning English

through E-Learning during the Covid-19 pandemic is quite good,

this is based on their awareness of the importance of learning

during the pandemic.

From the analysis of the data above, the researcher found that

students' perceptions and motivations for English E-Learning during the

Covid-19 pandemic differed from one another. This is the same as the

results of research from several previous researchers who mentioned the

same thing. Using E-Learning during this pandemic has advantages and

disadvantages, where the effects felt by students are also different.

Students have difficulty learning because the learning systems used during

the pandemic have never been felt before. Based on students'responses to

filling questionnaires and interviews, students' perceptions and motivations

while studying at home were quite good, and E-Learning was quite helpful

in learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.



This chapter consists of conclusions and suggestions. After completing

this research, this study provides several conclusions and research


A. Conclusions

Based on data presentation and data analysis from the previous

chapter, the researcher draws conclusions as follow:

1. Students’ perceptions toward English E-Learning during Covid-19


The first perception is the positive perception of students about

learning English through E-Learning during the Covid-19 pandemic,

some of them stated that learning English while at home is quite good.

They argue that this method is arguably quite effective because it is the

only way out to keep learning online as long as the Covid-19 pandemic

is still taking place in Indonesia, so they can still learn even if not

directly in school. Learning English through E-Learning has many

advantages, such as students can be more independent to learn so that

they do not depend on the teacher, time and place to learn can also be

flexible anytime and anywhere, but in this context they must remain at

home because of the regulations of government during the pandemic.

In addition, the second perception is negative perception.

Students said that learning English through E-Learning during the

Covid-19 pandemic was quite difficult, as the material delivered by the

teacher was not well received and the lack of question and answer

interactions during online learning resulted in students not

understanding. In addition, the ineffectiveness of this learning system

also makes some students lazy to learn because the responses given by

the teacher concerned are not so good.

2. Students’ motivations toward English E-Learning during Covid-19


Most students say that learning English through E-Learning is

less motivating, although some students think that this is quite

motivating. Student learning motivation can be seen using several

indicators taken from questionnaire and interview questions such as

the enthusiasm of students in learning the learning media used by the

teacher, the willingness of students to ask when difficulties in doing

assignments, the diligence of students in doing assignments, and the

willingness of students to learn when no assignment. From all the

indicators there are two different results.

The first, students are motivated and excited by learning

English through E-Learning, this can be seen from the way they think

that they realize the importance of learning English while at home.

Some of them want to try to remain diligent even though everything is

done online, there are some that they make as learning resources that

make them motivated like teachers, friends, and the internet (usually

using YouTube).

Secondly, students are less motivated and lack enthusiasm with

learning English through E-Learning, this can be seen from the attitude

of those who are more lazy to learn when compared to before when

learning directly in class. Some of them think that learning in class

directly is more fun because they can interact directly with the teacher

and also many friends. In addition, too many assignments given by

teachers from all subjects actually make them more lazy because the

tasks received are increasingly piling up. Coupled with the lack of

firmness of the teacher in determining the time of assignment so that

students become underestimated the given task.

B. Suggestions

After concluding the research, the researcher would like to give

some suggestions that can be considered as follow:

1. The Teachers

The teacher must try to deliver the best possible material during

learning through E-Learning, so not only giving assignments but must

be explained first. In addition, before giving assignments, it would be

better to ask a questioning activity so that the teacher can measure the

extent of students' understanding of the material given. Using

appropriate and more up-to-date learning media in learning E-Learning

is also an important factor to motivate students so that the spirit of

learning, especially in learning English is considered quite difficult by

many students.

2. The Students

Students can further enhance the enthusiasm of learning by

several ways such as not delaying work because of delaying one

assignment then there will be more and more other assignments, then

ask if you encounter difficulties while studying, and the last is to study

hard even though there are no assignments.

3. Other researchers

This research is expected to benefit other researchers and as a

reference or inspiration to conduct further research related to this field.


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Appendix 1 Example of assignments through the Whatsapp group

(Source: screenshot of one of the students in the tenth grade)

Appendix 2 The researcher distributed the questionnare through the

Whatsapp group

Appendix 3 Questionnaire Result

Appendix 4 The Researcher doing interview through Whatsapp telephone

Appendix 5Interview Guideline

1. Apakah guru menjelaskan materi bahasa Inggris dengan baik melalui E-


(Does the teacher explain English material well through E-Learning?)

2. Apakah materi bahasa Inggris yang disampaikan oleh guru melalui E-

Learning sesuai dengan silabus?

(Is the English material delivered by the teacher through E-Learning in

accordance with the syllabus?)

3. Apakah pembelajaran bahasa Inggris melalui E-Learning efektif selama

pandemi Covid-19?

(Is learning English through E-Learning effective during the Covid-19


4. Apakah kemampuan bahasa Inggris anda meningkat selama pembelajaran

melalui E-Learning?

(Did your English skills improve while learning through E-Learning?)

5. Apakah guru melakukan kegiatan tanya jawab tentang materi bahasa

Inggris dalam pembelajaran melalui E-Learning?

(Does the teacher conduct question and answer activities about English

material in learning through E-Learning?)

6. Apakah anda mau mempelajari media pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh

guru selama pandemi Covid-19?

(Do you want to learn the instructional media used by teachers during the

Covid-19 pandemic?)

7. Apakah anda bertanya kepada guru ketika mengalami kesulitan dalam

belajar bahasa Inggris melalui E-Learning?

(Do you ask the teacher when you have difficulty learning English through


8. Apakah anda rajin mengerjakan tugas bahasa Inggris yang diberikan oleh

guru melalui E-Learning selama pandemi Covid-19?

(Do you diligently work on English assignments given by the teacher

through E-Learning during the Covid-19 pandemic?)

9. Apakah anda tetap belajar bahasa Inggris meskipun tidak ada tugas

selama pandemi Covid-19?

(Do you keep learning English even though you don't have assignments

during the Covid-19 pandemic?)

10. Apakah anda termotivasi dan semangat untuk belajar bahasa Inggris

melalui E-Learning selama pandemi Covid-19?

(Do you motivated and enthusiastic about learning English through E-

Learning during the Covid-19 pandemic?)

Appendix 6 Interview Transcription

Informant : SA
Date : May 6th, 2020

SM : “Halo Assalamualaikum.” (Hello Assalamualaikum)

SA : “Waalaikumsalam.”(Waalaikumsalam)

SM : “E sudah ngisi kuesionernya belum?”(E have you filled out the

questionnaire yet?)

SA : “A?”(A?)

SM : “Sudah ngisi kuesioner yang tak kirim di grup?”(Have you filled out the

questionnaire I sent in the group?)

SA : “Udah.”(Already)

SM : “Oh oke berarti tau ya gambarannya apa yang bakalan tak tanyain hari

Ini.”(Oh okay means you know what the picture is that won't ask the


SA : “hehe Insya Allah.”(Hehe Insya Allah)

SM : “Tapi nanti yang bakalan tak tanyain bahasa Inggris yang dengan Mr. H

Ya. Pertanyaan apakah guru menjelaskan materi bahasa Inggris dengan

baik melalui E-Learning?”(But what I will ask later is English with Mr. H.

The first question is whether the teacher explains English material well

through E-Learning)

SA : “Emmm, gimana ya miss ya? Yaa agak gimana ya, susah dipahami gitu

lo miss, beda sama kayak ketemu langsung disekolah gitu lo.”(How about

miss? It's a bit difficult to understand miss, it's different if meet directly at


SM : “Emm gitu oke. Pertanyaan selanjutnya apakah materi bahasa Inggris

yang disampaikan oleh gurumelalui E-Learning sesuai dengan

silabus?”(Emm, that's okay. The next question is whether English material

delivered by the teacher through E-Learning in accordance with the


SA : “Eee, ya. Biasanya disuruh ngerjain di LKS.” (Eee, yes. Usually told to

work on LKS)

SM : “Oh oke. Pertanyaan selanjutnya apakah pembelajaran bahasa Inggris

melalui E-Learningefektif selama pandemi Covid-19?” (Oh, okay. The

next question is whether learning English through E-Learning is effective

during the Covid-19 pandemic?)

SA : “Emm, ya efektif ya ga efektif miss. Gimana ya, efektifnya ya gimana sih

miss jalan satu-satunya gitu ok. Kurang efektifnya ya gitu beda sama

kayak di apa tuh sama kayak di sekolah beda miss ya beda gitu.” (Emm,

it's effective, it's not effective, miss. How do I do it, effective because what

the hell miss, the only way so. Not effective because it's different as in

what is the same as in a different school, miss, it's different.)

SM : “Pertanyaan nomor empat. Apakah kemampuan bahasa Inggris anda

meningkat selama pembelajaran melalui E-Learning?”. (Question number

four. Did your English skills improve during learning through E-


SA : ““Emm, sedikit tapi engga, eh ya agak lebih yang engga sih miss.”

(Emm, a little but it's not, eh yeah, a little more not miss.)

SM : “Pertanyaan selanjutnya apakah guru melakukan kegiatan tanya jawab

tentang materi bahasa Inggris dalam pembelajaran melalui E-Learning?”

(The next question is whether the teacher conducts questions and answers

about English material in learning through E-Learning?)

SA : “Ya, biasanya digrup.” (Yes, usually in WA group.)”.

SM : “Apakah anda mau mempelajari media pembelajaran yang digunakan

oleh guru selama pandemi Covid-19?” (Do you want to learn the

instructional media used by teachers during the Covid-19 pandemic?)

SA : “Ada yang ya ada yang ngga soalnya ada yang belum ya itu miss. Kalo

sama pak H langsung di grup nanti dikasih hari ini terus harus ngapain-

ngapain gitu miss.” (There are those who do, some do not, because there

are those who haven't, miss. If you contact Mr. H directly in the group

later today, what should we do, miss.)

SM : “Apakah anda bertanya kepada guru ketika mengalami kesulitan dalam

belajar bahasa Inggris melalui E-Learning? (Do you ask the teacher when

you have difficulty learning English through E-Learning?)

SA : “Emm, tanyanya kadang ke temen miss, kalo ke pak Hnya ga berani,

emm, takut, biasanya tanyanya kalo ga ke temen ya buka google miss.”

(Emm, he sometimes asks friends, miss, if you ask with Mr. H isn't brave,

emm, afraid, I usually ask if I don't go to a friend, open Google, miss.)

SM : “Berarti google cukup membantu ya, sangat membantu malah.” (Means

that Google is quite helpful, yes, it helps)

SA : “Hehe iya miss.” (Hehe yes miss)

SM : “Pertanyaan selanjutnya apakah anda rajin mengerjakan tugas bahasa

Inggris yang diberikan oleh guru melalui E-Learning selama pandemi

Covid-19?”(The next question are you diligently working on English

assignments given by the teacher through E-Learning during the Covid-19


SA : “Emm, banyak yang ga tak kerjain miss, karenaaa selain gabisa terus

ada tugas yang lain yang belum tak kerjain, terus tugas yang lain belum

selesai numpuk-numpuk terus bahasa Inggrisnya jadi diundur diundur

terus.” (Emm, many don't, miss, because of that besides not being able to

continue there are other tasks that haven't been donen't do it, then the other

tasks aren't finished piling up and then the English is pushed back and

pushed back.)

SM : “Emm emang dateline tugasnya ga dikasih?” (Is the dateline the task not


SA : “Dikasih miss.”(Given, miss)

SM : “Terus kalo ga ngumpulin gitu gimana?”(Then if you don't gather like

that, what do you do?)

SA : “Sebenernya takut miss, tapi yaa gimana ya.”(Actually scared, miss, but

what should I do)

SM : “Saking banyaknya tugas yang dikasih ya?” (So many tasks were given,


SA : “Iyaa, miss Cimung tau.” (Yes, miss Cimung know it)

SM : “Iya tau, hehe. Pertanyaan kesembilan nih, apakah anda tetap belajar

bahasa Inggris meskipun tidak ada tugas selama pandemi Covid-19”

(Yeah you know, hehe. The ninth question, are you still learning English

even though there were no assignments during the Covid-19 pandemic?)

SA : “Engga miss.” (No, miss.)

SM : “Kalo ada tugas aja ngerjainnya jarang-jarang apalagi kalo ga ada

tugas ya. Gitu? hehe.”(If there are any tasks, they rarely do anything,

especially if there are no tasks. So? hehe)

SA : “Iya miss.” (Yes, miss)

SM : “Oke gapapa. Pertanyaan terakhir apakah anda termotivasi dan

semangat untuk belajar bahasa Inggris melalui E-Learning selama

pandemi Covid-19?” ("Okay, it is okay. The final question are you

motivated and enthusiastic about learning English through E-Learning

during the Covid-19 pandemic?)

SA : “Emm, gimana ya miss. Engga tau miss. Belajarbahasa Inggrisnya jadi

ga semangat.” (Emm, what should I do, miss. I don't know miss. Study the

English aren't so good.)

SM : “Semoga setelah ini kamu lebih rajin belajar, engga males-malesan.

Bisa dikerjain semuanya, ontime dan semuanya jadi lebih baik ya. Terima

kasih udah mau bantuin aku ya.”(Hopefully after this you are more

diligent in studying, not lazy. Everything can work, ontime and everything

gets better huh. Thank you for helping me)

SA : “Iya sama-sama miss.” (Urwell, miss)

SM : “Assalamualaikum.” (Assalamualaikum)

SA : “Waalaikumsalam.” (Waalaikumsalam)

Appendix 7 Surat Tugas Pembimbing Skripsi

Appendix 8 Lembar Konsultasi Skripsi

Appendix 9 Surat Ijin Penelitian

Appendix 10 The researcher requested a research permit at SMAN 1 Suruh

Appendix 11 Surat Keterangan Telah Melaksanakan Penelitian

Appendix 12 Satuan Kredit Kegiatan


Name : Sri Mulyani

Place/ Date of Birth : Kab. Semarang, July 13th 1998
Address : Dsn. Kalegen Kidul, RT 04/ RW 02, Kel. Dersansari, Kec.
Suruh, Kab. Semarang
E-mail/Phone Number : / 085740191839
Educational Background :
1. TK Pertiwi Dersansari graduated in 2004
2. SD N Dersansari 01 graduated in 2010
3. SMP N 2 Susukan graduated in 2013
4. SMA N 1 Suruh graduated in 2016

Organization Experiences :
1. Seni Musik Club (SMC) IAIN Salatiga (as Public Relations in
2018 and Secretary in 2019).
2. Secretary of “Karang Taruna” KKSKalegen Dersansari since 2014-


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