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(A Case Study At The Seventh Grade PK of MTs N 02 Sukoharjo

Academic Year 2019/2020)


Submitted as A Partial Requirements

For the Undergraduate Degree in English Language Education



SRN. 163221020






Subject : Thesis of Ismei Alfiah Puji Astuti

SRN : 163221020
The Dean of Cultures and
Language Faculty IAIN
In Surakarta
Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb
After reading thoroughly and giving necessary advices, herewith, as the advisor, I
state that the thesis of:
Name : Ismei Alfiah Puji Astuti
SRN : 163221020
Title : Factors Causing Students’ Anxiety In The English Teaching-
Learning Process (A Case Study At The Seventh Grade PK of MTs
N 02 Sukoharjo Academic Year 2019/2020).
Has already fulfilled the requirements to be presented before The Board of
Examiners (Munaqosyah) to gain Undergraduate Degree in English Language
Thank you for the attention.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb
Surakarta, September 16th 2020

Sabariyanto, M.Pd
NIP. 197503252017011164


This is to certify the Undergraduate thesis entitled: “Factors Causing And

Strategies To Solve Students’ Anxiety In The English Teaching- Learning
Process (A Case Study At The Seventh Grade PK of MTs N 02 Sukoharjo
Academic Year 2019/2020)” by Ismei Alfiah Puji Astuti (163221010) has been
approved by the Board of Thesis Examiners as the requirement for the
Undergraduate Degree in English Language Education.

Chairperson : Budiasih, S.Pd., M.Hum ( )

NIP. 197603082003122003

Secretary : Sabariyanto, M.Pd ( )

NIP. 197503252017011164

Main Examiner : Dr. Yusti Arini, M.Pd ( )

NIP. 197508292003122001

Surakarta, September 16th 2020

Approved by:
The Dean of Cultures and Languages Faculty

Prof. Dr. Toto Suharto, S.Ag., M.Ag
NIP. 19710403 199803 1 005

This Thesis is dedicated to:

1. My Beloved Father and Mother (Mr. Mujimin and Mrs. Sularmi).

2. My Beloved Brother (Iqbal Mujiyanto Saputro).
3. My Beloved Friends (Cahyaningtyas, Avanti, Titis, and Nabilah).
4. My Special one (Adi Susanto, S.T)
5. My Almamater IAIN Surakarta.


“Whatever you are, be a good one”

(Abraham Lincoln)

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started”

(Mark Twain)

“God will help a servant, as long as the servant always helps his brother”

(Hr. Muslim)


Name : Ismei Alfiah Puji Astuti

SRN : 163221020

Study Program : English Language Education

Faculty : Cultures and Languages Faculty

I hereby sincerely state that this thesis titled “Factors Causing And Strategies To
Solve Students’ Anxiety In The English Teaching- Learning Process (A Case
Study At The Seventh Grade PK of MTs N 02 Sukoharjo Academic Year
2019/2020)” is my real masterpiece. The things out of my masterpiece in this
thesis are signed by citation and referred in the bibliography. If later proven that
my thesis has discrepancies, I am willing to take the academic sanction in the
form of repealing my thesis and academic degree.

Surakarta, September 16th 2020

Stated by,

Ismei Alfiah Puji Astuti

SRN. 163221020


Alhamdulillah, all praises and thanks is for the Almighty Allah AWT, the
Lord of the Universe for His true blessing to give the researcher time, power, and
strength so finally the researcher can complete this thesis. Peace and salutation be
upon the great messenger Muhammad SAW who has brought humans from the
lowest to the most precious creature in this Universe.

The researcher is sure that this thesis would not be completed without the
helps, support, and suggestion from several side. Thus, the researcher would like
to express her deepest thanks to all of those who had helped, supported, and
suggested her during the process of writing this thesis, this goes to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Mudhofir, S.Ag., M.Pd, as the Rector of the State Islamic
Institute of Suakarta
2. Prof. Dr. Toto Suharto, S.Ag., M.Ag, as the Dean of Cultures and
Languages Faculty of State Islamic Institute of Surakarta.
3. Ms. Budiasih, S.Pd., M.Hum, as the Head of English Language Education
of Cultures and Languages Faculty of State Islamic Institute of Surakarta.
4. Mr. Sabariyanto, M.Pd, as the advisor who has given guidance, deeply
attention, help, advices and corrections to revise the mistake during the
entire process of writing this thesis.
5. Mr. Drs. Amiruddin, M.Si., as the Headmaster of MTs N 02 Sukoharjo
who had permitted to carry out the research at MTs N 02 Sukoharjo.
6. Mrs. Listyokasni, S.Pd as the English Teacher of 7 PK 2 MTs N 02
Sukoharjo. Thanks for helping and facilitating in this research.
7. Mrs. Ninik Indriyani, S.Pd as the English Teacher of 7 PK 3 MTs N 02
Sukoharjo. Thanks for helping and facilitating in this research.
8. All students in Seventh grade PK 2 and PK 3 of MTs N 02 Sukoharjo.
Thanks for participating in this research.

The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect.
Therefore, every kind of constructive comment, critic, suggestion, also advices are
very much appreciated. Last but not least, the researcher hopes that this thesis is
useful for the researcher in particular and the readers in general.

Surakarta, September 16th 2020

Sincerely, the Researcher

Ismei Alfiah Puji Astuti



ADVISOR SHEET... .............................................................................. i

RATIFICATION..................................................................................... ii

DEDICATION........................................................................................ iii

MOTTO.................................................................................................. iv

PRONOUNCEMENT............................................................................ v

ACKNOWLEDGMENT........................................................................ vi

TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................... viii

LIST OF APPENDICES......................................................................... xi

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................... xii


A. Background of Study..................................................................... 1
B. Identification of the Problem......................................................... 7
C. Limitation of Study................................................................ ...... 8
D. Problem Statement of Study......................................................... 8
E. Objective of Study........................................................................ 9
F. Benefit of Study......................................................... .................. 9
G. Definition of Key Term................................................................ 10


A. Teaching-Learning Process........................................................... 12
1. Definition of Teaching-Learning ........................................... 12
2. Principles of English Teaching............................................... 14

3. Classroom Activities in Teaching-Learning........................... 17
4. The Role of Teacher and Learner........................................... 19

B. Anxiety......................................................................................... 22
1. Definition of Anxiety....................................................... ...... 22
2. Types of Anxiety.............................................................. ...... 23
3. The Source of Anxiety............................................................ 24
4. Students Strategies for Reducing Anxiety.............................. 29
5. Foreign Language Anxiety...................................................... 31
6. Categorization of Language Anxiety............................... ....... 32
7. The Effect of Anxiety in Learning Language.......................... 35
C. Previous Study................................................................................ 36


A. Research Design........................................................................... 40
B. Subject of The Study.................................................................... 41
C. Setting of The Study.................................................................... 41
D. Source of Data............................................................................. 42
E. Technique of Collecting Data...................................................... 43
F. Technique of Analysis Data................................................... ...... 48
G. Trustworthiness of Data…............................................................. 51


A. Research Findings….................................................................... 54
1. The Factors Causing Students’ Anxiety…............................ 54
2. The Students’ Strategies to Solve Anxiety…...................... 105
B. Discussion…............................................................................... 111
1. The Factors Causing Students’ Anxiety…........................... 111
2. The Students’ Strategies To Solve Anxiety…...................... 115


A. Conclusion….............................................................................. 117

B. Suggestion…............................................................................... 118

BIBLIOGRAPHY….................................................................................. 120

APPENDICES…................................................................................. 122


Table 3.1 Positive and Negative Statements....................................... 44

Table 3.2 Likert’s Scoring................................................................... 47

Table 3.3 Anxiety Scale...................................................................... 47

Table 4.1 Summarizing of Students’ Response.................................. 100

Table 4.2 Scoring and Categorizing of FLCAS................................. 102


Appendix 1 Students’ Name Code...................................................... 123

Appendix 2 Questionnaire................................................................... 125

Appendix 3 Interview.......................................................................... 149

Appendix 4 Surat Izin Penelitian........................................................ 173


Ismei Alfiah Puji Astuti. 2020. Factors Causing Students’ Anxiety In The English
Teaching-Learning Process (A Case Study At The Seventh Grade PK of MTs N 02
Sukoharjo Academic Year 2019/2020). Thesis. English Language Education,
Cultures and Languages Faculty.

Advisor : Sabariyanto, M.Pd

Key words : Anxiety, Teaching and Learning Process

This research is aimed to describe the factors causing students’ anxiety in

the English teaching-learning process at the seventh grade PK of MTs N 02
Sukoharjo academic year 2019/2020. The objective of this research are (1) to find
out the factors or sources of students’ anxiety in English teaching-learning
process, (2) to find out the students’ strategies to solve their anxiety in English
teaching-learning process.
This research used mixed methods. The subject of this research was 43
students of the seventh grade PK of MTs N 02 Sukoharjo. The data collected from
questionnaire of foreign language class anxiety scale (FLCAS) adapted from
Horwitz (1986) to determine the factors causing students’ anxiety and the level of
students’ anxiety in the English teaching-learning process. The researcher
collected the data via Google forms, and interview via Voice Note on WhatsApp to
determine the strategies to solve their anxiety. The data which have been collected
are analyzed by using theory of source anxiety and strategy to solve the anxiety.
The result of the research showed that the students of the seventh grade
PK have some factors in anxiety, they are personal and interpersonal anxieties,
learners’ beliefs about language anxiety, instructors’ beliefs about language
teaching, instructor-learners interaction, classroom procedures, and language
testing. The most dominant factors of students’ anxiety in seventh grade PK of
MTs N 02 Sukoharjo 2019/2020 is personal and interpersonal anxieties. The
researcher also found some strategies that were used by students in solving
anxiety in English teaching-learning process, those are: preparation, positive
thinking, relaxation, and peer seeking.



A. Background of the Study

Emotions are important in the classroom since it has impact on

learning. The influence lerners’ ability to process information and to

accurately understand that they encounter. Emotions have the potential to

energize students’ thinking and also have the potential to interfere with

learning. Negative emotions such as, anger, anxiety, and sadness have the

potentil to distract students’ learning efforts.

Based on the pre research conducted by the researcher on

November 7 - 8 2019 in VII grade PK 2 and VII PK 3 MTs N 02

Sukoharjo in English teaching-learning process, the researcher found

students who looked anxious during the English teaching-learning process.

The researcher saw many symptoms of anxiety during the teaching-

learning process, such as: nervousness, jittery, keep silence when asked by

the teacher, shy when speaking in front of their friends, even students do

not to answer the question from teacher when they are asked. So that,

student’s looked passive during teaching-learning process, especially in

English lesson.

After the researcher interviewed the students who were

experiencing anxiety, it turned out that students were embarrassed and

afraid of making mistakes when they asked by the teacher to come in front

of the class to answer the questions. Moreover, some of these students also

admitted that they lacked preparation and lacked of confidence in English

lessons. So, they preferred to be quiet and sit passively. According to them,

English is one of the lessons that is difficult to understand, because many

of them do not understand and master vocabulary in English.

Thus, anxiety can be factor that affects the students in their English

teaching-learning process. Students’ anxiety is a real problem that majority

of students face in learning English as a foreign language. Horwitz (1986)

cited in Brown (2001) stated that some learners claim to have a mental

block against anxiety when they come to learn to speak a second or

foreign language. Anxiety makes students have less confidence, stress, and

nervousness as well as having difficulty concentrating, becoming forgetful,

sweating, and having palpitation. They can obstruct their learning process.

Based on Spielberger (1972:486) anxiety as an unpleasant emotional state

or condition which is characterized by subjective feelings of tension,

apprehension, nervousness, and worry. It means, this happens when

someone is experiencing an unpleasant condition, for example at school

when English teaching-learning process.

However, Horwitz (1986) cited in Occipinti (2009) described three

components related to anxiety: communication apprehension, test anxiety,

and fear of negative evaluation. Firstly, communication apprehension is

defined as the anxiety to communicate with people, including both the

production apprehension (talking in front of others or in groups), and the

reception apprehension (receiving communication apprehension leads to

fear of speaking). It also causes the fear of not being able to understand to

others’ speech. Students feel anxious and fear to communicate to other

people in foreign language because of their limited knowledge of language


Secondly, test anxiety is a type of performance anxiety deriving

from a fear of failure and evaluative situations Chan & Wu (2004). Test

anxiety students often put unrealistic demands on themselves and feel that

imperfect performance is failure. Test anxious students may have false

beliefs in language learning. Students who are test anxious in English class

probably experience considerable difficulty. It is relevant to academic

context where performance evaluation like test and quizzes is frequent.

The researcher think that test or evaluation can make a student feel

anxious because every students are afraid if they are fail in a test and make

they get a bad score.

Thirdly, fear of negative evaluation is defined as apprehension

about others evaluations, distress over their negative evaluations avoidance

of evaluative situations, and the expectation that others would evaluate

him negatively, Watson & Friend (1969) in Chan & Wu (2004). It is

apprehension about others evaluations. It is similar to test anxiety, but it is

boarder in scope because it is not limited to test taking situation. It occurs

in any social evaluative situation such as interview for a job or speaking in

foreign language class. Fear of negative evaluation is experienced when

the language learner feels incapable of having a proper social impression.

However, another important insight to be applied relating to

anxiety. Facilitative and debilitative anxiety commonly called helpful and

harmful anxiety Brown (2000). Facilitative anxiety keeps motivated to

succeed. It does not hinder test preparation and test taking abilities. In fact,

it can help to improve speaking improvement. On the other side,

debilitative anxiety has a negative effect and impact on a student’s test

preparation and test taking abilities. When student has testing anxiety, they

are feeling the influences of debilitating anxiety. So anxiety can be inhibit

people to express their idea well and can be motivation to increase their

speaking performance. So, anxiety can affect language learning and

communication process. Students with high anxiety can lead to less

success in language tests, students with little performance anxiety can do

better and use more complex language structures, Philips in Balemir


According to the researcher, if this conditions continues it will

disrupt the teaching-learning process, especially in English lessons.

Students become passive and classroom conditions are not conducive if

many students do not respond the teacher’s question. Even, the teachers

have difficulty in communicating with students. Because, many students

are keep silent and bow their heads when asked by the teacher. Even

though, English lesson is one of the important lessons and must be learned

by junior high school students. Teaching English in Indonesia has been

part of the Indonesian government policy and teaching English for junior

high school student has been included in the national curriculum. As we

know, English is one of the subject become as a national examination in

Junior High School students. In learning English, there are four basic skills

that student should master, they are speaking, listening, reading, and


English is very important as a media of communication in several

activities, such as teaching and learning many activities, international

conference, and particular conversation with foreigners. Crystal (1997)

states that English is the language that has spread throughout the world

most extensively and is dominating in a number of important fields

including of important fields including international commerce, education,

and communication. English is used in fields such as politics, culture, art,

trading, education, and business. In this globalization era, there is a global

competition in the world in those fields. Ability to communicate in English

as the international language is prominent. Indonesia needs to improve its

human resources with sufficient skills and abilities including English

speaking skill to enable them to communicate with people worldwide.

Therefore, mastering English is very important for Indonesian people in

order to improve their competitiveness nowadays.

MTs N 02 Sukoharjo is one of junior high school in Sukoharjo. It is

located in Jl. KH Agus Salim, Sawah, Joho, Sukoharjo, Sukoharjo. This

school has four programs, namely: Program Khusus (PK), Program

Boarding (PB), Program Full Day (FD), and Program Reguler (PR). This

school has been supported by some complete facilities for teaching and

learning process, such as laboratory, library, computer room, and so on.

MTs (Madrasah Tsanawiyah) is school that has same degree with junior

high school, but it has some differences with junior high school. The

difference is in MTs, the education of religion is more emphasized, and for

example in Program Khusus class is more emphasized tahfidz Qur’an. The

religion activity also become practice in this school, like recite the holy

Quran before start the learning process. When the researcher doing the

observation, there are many students look anxious when they get the task

to speak English language in front of the other people during English

learning process at PK class. It can look when they speak up in front of the

class, they show the symptom of student anxiety in speaking English. The

symptom are: get more sweat because nervous, they speak with

stammered, and sometimes they move their body. So, the researcher

choses the student’s anxiety in English lesson to be object of the research.

The researcher focus in seventh grade. She chooses seventh grade because

the first level class between eighth grade and ninth grade.

In this research, the researcher choose two classes of seventh PK

class in MTs N 02 Sukoharjo in academic year of 2018/2019, they are PK

2 and PK 3 class. Because in VII PK 2 and VII PK 3 have a high level of

anxiety. It was evident that they look anxious when they are in English

subject, especially when they have task to speak in front of the class when

English teaching-learning process. There are a lot of reasons why they get

anxiety in English language. Considering that, the researcher is interested

in conducting the research about students’ anxiety in English teaching-

learning process. The researcher wants to know the factors causing of

students’ anxiety in English teaching-learning process and the solution to

solve the problems from the anxiety. From the background above, the

researcher decides to conduct a research entitled “Factors Causing

Students’ Anxiety in the English Teaching-Learning Process at Seventh

Grade PK Students of MTs N 02 Sukoharjo Academic year 2019/2020”.

B. Identification of the Problem

In relation to background of the problem above, the following problems

can be identified:

1. Students think that English lesson is one of the difficult lesson.

2. The students avoid making interaction with their teacher in the

classroom, especially in English lesson.

3. Students still have fear or feel nervous to speak English in front of

their friends

4. Students just keep quiet and do not respond to the teacher’s questions,

because they are afraid of making mistakes.

5. Students still shy and even afraid of the others to express their feeling

and ideas.

6. There are some factors when they feel anxious in English lesson. For

example, lack of preparation in English class, fear of making mistakes,

and other.

7. Students’ anxiety in English lesson is a significant issue which cannot

be ignored.

C. Limitation of the Study

This study, the researcher focuses on the description of factors causing

students’ anxiety in the English teaching-learning process at seventh grade

PK students of MTs N 02 Sukoharjo academic year 2019/2020 and the

students’ strategies to solve their anxiety. The researcher choose VII PK 2

and VII PK 3 because the students look anxiety when they are in English


D. Problem Statement of the Study

The problem of this study is formulated as follows:

1. What are the factors causing student’ anxiety in the English teaching-

learning process at seventh grade PK students of MTs N 02 Sukoharjo

academic year 2019/2020?

2. What are the students’ strategies to solve their anxiety in the English

teaching-learning process at seventh grade PK students of MTs N 02

Sukoharjo academic year 2019/2020?

E. The Objective of the Study

Based on the problem of the study, the objectives of this study can be

formulated as follows:

1. To describe factors causing student’ anxiety in the English teaching-

learning process at seventh grade PK students of MTs N 02 Sukoharjo

academic year 2019/2020.

2. To describe the students’ strategies to solve their anxiety in the English

teaching-learning process at seventh grade PK students of MTs N 02

Sukoharjo academic year 2019/2020.

F. The Benefit of the Study

There are some benefits of this study. The researcher can explain it as


1. Theoretical Benefit

The researcher hopes that this study can give information and

useful references to the next study.

2. Practical Benefit

a. For teacher

These results of this study can be used as references for the

teachers in students’ anxiety in the English lesson, so that teachers

can overcome the students’ anxiety in the English teaching-

learning process.

b. For the researcher

This study can be used as references and other consideration to

investigate the problem in a writer field and further research.

c. For the other researcher

This study can be used additional references for other researcher

who conduct research related students’ anxiety in the English

teaching-learning process.

G. Definition of Key Terms

To avoid mistakes the title consideration the researcher wants to clarify

the meaning of the title at a glance. It consist of the main terms which are

necessary to be explained. That are following:

1. Teaching-Learning

Sardiman (2001) defines that teaching is organizing an activity or

setting the environment as well as possible and connecting with the

child, resulting in a process of learning. Kimble and Garmezy in

Brown (2000) insist that learning is a relatively permanent change in a

behavioral tendency and is the results of reinforced practice.

2. Anxiety

Anxiety is a feeling where the people uncertain or hesitant with

their ability or what they want to do. Spielberger (1972) anxiety as an

unpleasant emotional state or condition which is characterized by

subjective feelings of tension, apprehension, nervousness, and worry.



A. Teaching-Learning Process

1. Definition of teaching-learning

According to Brown (2000:7) teaching means guiding and

facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the conditions

of learning. Leo (2013:1) defines that teaching is stand for treat,

encourage, activate, coordinate, heighten, infuse, nurture, and guarantee.

Meanwhile, according to Sardiman (2001:46) explains that teaching is

organizing an activity or setting the environment as well as possible and

connecting with the child, resulting in a process of learning. He also says,

teaching is an effort to create a conducive condition for ongoing learning

activities for students. From the definition above, it can be conclude that

teaching is an interaction process of knowledge from teacher to the

students. The teacher as a facilitator and guiding them to learn.

Kimble and Garmezy in Brown (2000:7) insist that learning is a

relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is the results of

reinforced practice. In order to be easier to understand, this definition is

then clarified by Brown (2000:7) into following issues.

a. Learning is acquisition or ‘getting’

b. Learning is retention of information or skill

c. Retention applies storage system, memory cognitive organization

d. Learning involves active, conscious focus on and acting upon events

outside or inside the organism

e. Learning is relatively permanent but subject to forgetting

f. Learning involves some form of practice, perhaps reinforced practice

g. Learning is a change in behavior

Cronbach in Thobroni (2012:20) defines that learning is shown by a

change in behavior as result experience. According Spears in Thobroni

(2012:21), learning is to observe, to read, to imitate, to try something

themselves, to listen to follow direction. While, according Schunk

(2012:5) learning is lasting change in behavior, or the capacity to behave

in a certain way, resulting from practice or other forms of experience.

From the definition above, it can be conclude that learning is an activity

of changes in attitudes, behavior, and habits with the guidance of the


From the definition above, it can be concluded that teaching and

learning are two inseparable things. Therefore, in the English teaching

learning process there should be a good relationship between the teacher

and the students, both have a role as the subject of the teaching-learning


2. Principles of English teaching

In the implementation of English learning, each educational unit may

use the principle of education. Brown (2000:55-68) who notes that there

some principles that must be considered in English language teaching.

There are:

a. Cognitive Principle

It consist of some principles, they are:

1) Automaticity

The efficient of second language learning involves a timely

movement the second control of the a few language forms into the

automatic processing on the relatively unlimited number of

language form. Overanalyzing language, thinking too much about

its form, and consciously lingering a rules of language all trend to

impede this graduation to automaticity.

2) Meaningful learning

Meaningful learning will lead to toward better long term

retention than rote learning.

3) The anticipation of reward

4) Human beings are universally driven to act, or ‘behave’ by

anticipation of some sort of reward that will ensures as a result

of the behavior.

5) Intrinsic motivation

The most powerful rewards are those that are intrinsically

motivated within the learners.

6) Strategic investment

Successful mastery of the second language will be due to a

large extent to a learner’s own personal ‘investment’ of time,

effort, and attention of the second language in the form of an

individualized battery of strategies for comprehending and

producing the language.

b. Affective principles

It consist of some principles, they are:

1) Language ego

Human being learn to use a second language, they also

develop a new mode of thinking, feeling and acting. The new

‘language ego’ intertwined with the second language, can easily

create within the learner a sense of fragility, a defensiveness, and

a rising of inhibition.

2) Self confidence

Teacher should drive the students into their self-confidences

especially to speak in the second language, in this case English.

3) Risk taking

Teacher can create an atmosphere in the classroom that

encourages students to try out language, to venture a response,

and not to wait for someone else volunteer language.

4) The language-culture connection

5) Whenever we tech a language, we also teach a complex system

of culture customs, values and ways of thinking, feeling and


c. Linguistic principles

It consist of some principles, they are:

1) The native language effect

The native language learner exerts a strong influence of the

acquisition of the target language system.

2) Inter language

3) Communicative competence

Many people believe that English is difficult subject. Thus,

we need an appropriate communicative approach to teach

English in order to make students understand the materials and

also to make them understand that English is easy to learn. The

teaching English is the study of the English language should

always be oriented toward the mastery of four language skills.

They are speaking, listening, reading and writing. The language

activities should be designed in such a way that students will

have to read, listen, speak and write.

3. Classroom activities in teaching-learning

Endang Fauziati (2008:103-110) states that there are many

classroom-speaking activities that are currently in use in communicative


a. Role Playing

Role plays are very important in communicative approach

because they give students an opportunity to practice communicating

in different social contexts and social roles. A role playing can help

teachers expand the classroom indefinitely and provide natural

context for the language being used. It is create a dramatic situation

in a classroom, or in a part, simply acting or dialogues, but also in

part re-labeling object and people in the room to prepare for

imaginative role playing (New-Mark 1996). The role play can be

presented within a few minutes and contain a minimum advanced

vocabulary items.

b. Games

A game is one of activities which can help to create dynamic,

motivating classes. It can be used when the students in a relaxed

atmosphere, participate in activities that require them to use what

they have been drilled on. The advantages by using this method are

students can get the joy, show the real characteristic of students,

more active and provide a good interaction between teacher and

students. There are disadvantages also using games, these are the

class will be noisy and disturbing another class, as well as wasting

the time to have preparation.

c. Problem solving

Materials which focus on problem solving offer further

opportunities for students to work in pairs or small groups, to share

information and opinion on topic, which are meaningful to them.

While in Fauziati (2008:109) suggest that more advanced students

be given problems which require going out into community or on

campus to interview people who can supply concrete information

about the problem. Classroom activities include the preparation of

informal ‘script’ to be used as guides during the interview. After

the students have completed their research, they present their

findings to the class by reenacting the interview and then

answering questions from the group in the guise of persons whom

they interviewed.

d. Discussion

Group discussion may be composed of three to five students.

The main aim of group discussion is to improve fluency and

grammar is probably best allowed to function as a naturally

communicative context. The more advanced class, however can be

given a factual article from a newspaper, journal and the sale

brochure of the car film, word population or birthrate figures. The

final presentation of a group discussion is shared around among the

group. These advantages can share, practice in large and more


4. The role of teacher and learner

a. The role of teacher

Teacher has important roles in teaching learning process. Richards

and Lockhart (1994:101) state that the role of a teacher in the context

of classroom teaching and learning may also be influenced by the

methodology which is followed by the teacher. A teacher’s style of

teaching English in the classroom as the result of his believed the

roles system. Harmer (2001:57) states that teacher may select such

roles for themselves as:

1) Controller: the teacher act as controller, they are in charge of the

class and the activity taking place in a way that is substantially

different from a situation where students are working on their

own in a group.

2) Organizer: the teacher have to perform of organizing students to

do various activities. This often involves giving the students

information, telling them how they are going to do activity,

putting them into pairs or groups, and finally closing things

down when it is time to stop.

3) Assessor: the teachers tell the students when need to know and

for what they are being assessed. Teachers should tell them what

we are looking for and what success looks like so that they can

measure themselves against.

4) Prompter: the teachers as prompter when students are involved

in a role play activity, for example they lose the thread of what is

going on, or they are lost for words (i.e. they may still the thread

but be unable to proceed productively for lack of vocabulary)

5) Participant: the teachers not as a teacher, but also as a participant

when students discussions, role play or group decision-making

activities. Teachers stand back from the activity, letting the

learners get on it and only interviewing later to offer feedback or

correct mistakes.

6) Resource: when the students are involved in a part of group

writing, or that they are involved in preparation for the

presentation they are to make the class, teachers take a part or

try to control them, or even turn up to prompt them might be

entirely unwelcome.

7) Tutor: when students are working on longer projects, such as

group of writing or presentation for a talk or debate, teachers

can act as a tutor, working with individuals or small groups,

pointing them in directions they have not thought of taking.

8) Observer: as observer, teachers observe what the students do

(especially in oral communication activities) or when taking

notes on students’ performance.

b. The role of learner

According to Richards (1990), the roles of the learners related to

approaches to learning, attitude to learning preferred learning styles

and strategies, preferred learning activities, patterns of learner to

learner interaction, pattern of teacher to learner interaction, degree of

control learner’s exercise over their own learning, how learners

characterize effective teaching and how characterize effective


The learners have the significant role in the teaching learning

process. Johnson and Paulson (1976) in Richards and Rodgers

(2001) defines learner roles the following terms:

1) Students plan their own learning and thus ultimately assume

responsibility for what they do in the classroom.

2) Students monitor and evaluate their own progress.

3) Students are members of a group and learn by interacting with


4) Students tutor other students

5) Students learn from the teacher, from other students, and from

other teaching resources.

Students as the subject of teaching and learning play many roles

in the English learning process. Richard & Rogers (1986) state that

the students’ contribution to the learning process is considerably

influenced by how they are regarded. This is seen in the type of:

1) The activities they carry out.

2) The degree of control they have over the content of learning.

3) The pattern of learning groupings adopted.

4) The degree to which they influence the learning of others.

5) The view of the student as a processor, performer, initiator, and

problem solver.

In conclusion, the student is the first one who is responsible to

learn a certain subject. In this connection, he/she plays an important

role in the teaching and learning process.

B. Anxiety

1. Definition of anxiety

Everyone feels anxious at some time or another. Fear and worries are

common in children, teenagers and even for adults. This is a normal part

of development. Some people experience to be more anxiety than others,

over events or things that may not realistically deserve an excessive

amount of worrying. In the school, anxiety is experienced often by

students when being evaluated, such as when taking a test or giving a

public performance.

There are several definitions of anxiety which are found by the writer.

According to Doubek & Anders (2013) Anxiety can be defined as a

mental and physical state characterized by specific emotional, physical,

cognitive and behavioral symptoms. The symptoms that can be seen if

someone experiences anxiety for example, nervous, worry, and confused.

Based on Spielberger (1972:486) anxiety as an unpleasant emotional

state or condition which is characterized by subjective feelings of

tension, apprehension, nervousness, and worry. It means, this happens

when someone is experiencing an unpleasant condition, for example at

school when English teaching-learning process.

Furthermore, Horwitz & Cope (1986) state that anxiety is generally

viewed as a complex and multidimensional phenomenon of self-

perceptions, beliefs feelings and behaviors related to foreign language

learning. In other words, students who feel anxiety will lose their self-


From the definitions explained above, it can be concluded that

anxiety is a normal feeling of human of being jittery, nervous, afraid, and

worry in our mind when we are faced to something or we are in an

unpleasant situation that we think it is uncomfortable with us.

2. Types of anxiety

According to Horwitz (2001) there are three kinds of anxiety. They

are clarified as the follows:

a. Trait Anxiety

Generally, trait anxiety is a kind of anxiety where the people

are generally anxious in a variety of situation. Brown (1994) defined

that trait anxiety is more permanent predisposition to be anxious. In

this case, someone with trait anxiety experiences anxious in every

time. In other word, Ormrod (2011) stated that trait anxiety may

appeared even in nonthreatening situation. He continued that this

kind of the anxiety can be a character of a person.

b. State Anxiety

Cao & Liu (2015) stated that state anxiety as the feeling of

nervousness and worry at the very moment of the triggering

situation. Spielberger (1992) defined that state anxiety as a kind of

anxiety which appeared when a person accepted a condition as

dangerous, harmful, and threatening him/her.

c. Situation-specific Anxiety

Maclntyre & Gardener (1991) defined that situation specific

anxiety is the one felt for a particular situation. Ellis, in Mesri,

(2012) situation-specific anxiety is related to apprehension unique to

specific situation and events. It refers to a specific situation or event

such as public speaking, test-taking, or class participation. Each

situation is different, therefore, a person can be nervous in one

situation but not in others.

3. The source of anxiety

Shu Feng Tseng (2012:84) explain some important causes of anxiety

among language. The language learners in the present study as follows:

a. Pressure by parents and teachers to get good grades at school in


b. Lack of preparation in English lesson and lack of confidence in their

ability to learn English.

c. Fear of making mistakes and subsequent punishment or ostracism,

fear of losing face for not being perfect.

d. Fear of foreigners and their behavior. Because of the importance of

English on test for advancement in education and in society, parents

and teachers press, students not only attain their potential, but to

actually produce results beyond their ability.

e. Conditioning in childhood to believe that English is an extremely

difficult language to learn.

Meanwhile, Kota Ohata (2005) state that language anxiety can arise


a. Personal and interpersonal anxieties

Commonly personal and interpersonal are most source of

anxiety, it was investigated in correlation with other social and

psychological constructs. For example, people with low self-esteem

may worry what their friends think, they are afraid to get a negative

response, result or evaluation. Thus, some of the performance

anxieties mentioned earlier might be categorized largely into one

psychological construct, those psychological phenomena,

accompanied by low self-esteem and competitiveness, can become

the place for student language anxiety, as often directly in the form

of performance anxieties.

b. Learners’ beliefs about language learning

Horwitz (1986:127) learners’ beliefs about language learning

also contribute to the student’s tension and frustration in the class.

He presents various kinds of learner beliefs, suggesting that some of

them are taken from the learner’s unrealistic and sometimes

erroneous conceptions about language learning. He found some

results as follow:

1) Some learners were concerned about the correctness of their

speech in comparison to native-like accent or pronunciation.

2) Some believed that two years of language learning is enough to

achieve a native-like fluency.

3) Some expressed that language learning means learning how to


4) Some others believed that success of second language learning

limited to a few individuals who are gifted for language


The researcher agree if learner beliefs about language learning

become the factor of anxiety. In Indonesia, English used as

foreign language which learned in the school. Much of the student

interest in learning English. The teacher, sometimes give the

example which come from the native speaker. It inspire the

students to mastery the English more. The students learn about

correctness in grammar, vocabulary, fluency and more. It makes

the students become anxious when they speak in front of people.

They are afraid if they are wrong in vocabulary, grammatical, and


c. Instructors’ beliefs about language teaching

Instructors’ beliefs about language teaching can also become a

source of creating language anxiety among learners. The teacher’s

assumption on the role of language teacher may not always

correspond to the student’s need or expectations toward the teacher.

The researcher gives an example, when a teacher believes that

his role in class is to constantly correct students’ errors. Some of the

students might become quite anxious about their class performance.

As a good teachers, they should evaluate their teaching style to

create a comfortable class to reduce the students’ anxiety.

d. Instructor-learners interaction

There is an interaction between learning and the environmental

components in which the student grew up and negative and positive

experiences have a strong impact on the success of language

learning. The process of interaction between the instructor (teacher)

and learner (student) is regarded as factor causing anxiety for the

students. If the learner does not understand the teacher’s corrections

or explanation, this can be a cause for anxiety.

The researcher argue that interaction between student and teacher

is important factor to make how a low anxiety classroom

environment. When the class has low level anxiety environment, the

students automatically feel comfortable to receive and understanding

the explanation of the teacher.

e. Classroom procedures

Many learners feel that some error correction is necessary, the

manner of error correction is often said as provoking anxiety. Those

studies that investigated anxieties in relation to instructor-learner

interactions show that students are more concerned about how their

mistakes are corrected rather than whether error correction should be

administrated in class.

In addition, some of the classroom activities in oral presentations

in front of the class are also causes as potential sources of anxiety

Ohata (2005).

f. Language testing

Language testing is one of the factor which contribute the

anxiety to the students. It would lead to other psychological stresses,

such as the fear of losing self-confidence or feeling inferior to others.

In addition, sometimes students felt pressured to think that they had

to organize their ideas in a short period of time while caring about

grammar errors at the same time.

The researcher agree that language testing also contribute to the

anxiety of the students. In Indonesia, testing sometimes called as the

technique to collect a score of the students. All the students afraid if

they get a bad score, it is important to the students. For example of

testing which make students anxious such as, a teacher gives a test in

short period will make students feel very anxious and pressured, the

teacher doing a test without notification to the students before

(unprepared for the students), the teacher gives unfamiliar and

ambiguous test task and formats.

4. Students’ strategies for reducing anxiety

In the teaching and learning process, especially in foreign language

anxiety, students should understand that anxiety has an important

function in affecting their activity in English lesson process. They should

know how to cope and reduce their anxiety in English lesson. There are

many strategies for students to minimize students’ anxiety especially

when they practice in front of class. Meanwhile, Kondo and Ling

(2004:262) write in academic journal about strategies for coping with

language anxiety, such as:

a. Preparation

Preparation is effective way to help students to cope with their

anxiety in English lesson. Preparation is the key to feeling confident

about giving a speech or presentation in front of class. So,

preparation can improve students’ proficiency of the language

helping them in decreasing anxiety. In addition, students should

develop their self-confidence to diminish their anxiety.

b. Relaxation

Relaxation is characterized by its affective quality in that it aims

at alleviating bodily tension associated with emotional arousal.

Relaxation is one the best way to help students to coping with worry

and anxiety in the classroom. Students should do this way before the

English lesson started. A few minutes calm is good way for the

anxious students. Relaxing can be done by taking a deep breath and

trying for close the eyes for a while. Students can also feel

comfortable by forgetting everything that can make them feel

uncomfortable and nervous.

c. Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is characterized by its palliative function of

suppressing problematic cognitive processes that underlie students’

anxiety. Positive thinking is one of strategies to reduce students’

anxiety. It can be useful, especially for dealing with state anxiety

which refers to students’ anxiety because of a specific evaluative

situation, a test or competition, an oral performance.

d. Peer Seeking

Peer seeking is distinguished by students’ willingness to look for

other students who have the same trouble in understanding in class

and controlling their anxiety. For the anxious students, the realization

that others are having the same problem may serve as a source or

reduce their burden because they have friends to sharing.

e. Resignation

Resignation is characterized by students’ reluctance to do

anything to alleviate their language anxiety. Students reporting

examples of resignation seem intent on minimizing the impact of

anxiety by refusing to face the problem. Some of the actions are

giving up, sleeping in the class.

5. Foreign language anxiety

Mesri (2012) foreign language anxiety is widely used to describe the

feeling of tension and apprehension, which is specifically associated with

foreign language learning contexts including listening, speaking, reading,

and writing. Foreign language anxiety is a situation specific from of

anxiety that does not appear to be a strong relation to other forms of

anxiety that is it is related to the language learning context Horwitz


According to the researcher, foreign language anxiety can represent

emotionally and physically uncomfortable situation condition for some

students in foreign language classes. If the students are very anxious in

class, they are probably not actively involved in learning process.

6. Categorization of language anxiety

Foreign language anxiety is the feeling of worry and nervousness

experienced by those who are spoken English as a second language when

learning and teaching process. The feeling of anxiety in English foreign

language (EFL) interrupt the desire to develop speaking skill, because of

speaking skill cannot be separated with presentation performance, we

need to speak to communicate and convey any knowledge.

According to Horwitz (1986:127) there are three related anxieties as

components of foreign language anxiety, namely: communication

apprehension (the fear communicating with other people), test anxiety

(the fear of exam, quizzes, and other assignment), and fear of negative

evaluation (the worry about how others view the speaker). Here are the

explanation of them:

a. Communication apprehension

Comunication apprehension is an individual level of fear or

anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication

with another person. According to Horwitz (1986), communicative

apprehension is defined as the anxiety to communicate with people,

including both the production apprehension (talking in front of

others or in groups), and the reception apprehension (receiving

communication apprehension leads to fear of speaking, it also causes

the fear of not being able to understand to others’ speech. Some of

the students feel anxious and fear to communicate and speak to other

people in foreign language because of their limited knowledge of the

language target. For example is when a student ask or discuss with

the teacher in English, they may be anxious because they are not

understand what the teacher is saying.

b. Test anxiety

Text anxiety refers to the individual’s disposition to react with

extensive worry, intrusive thoughts, mental disorganization, tension,

and physiological arousal when exposed to evaluate contexts or

situation Spielberger et al in Zeidner (2010:22). According to

Horwitz (1986) that test anxiety refers to a type of performance

anxiety stemming from a fear failure. Test-anxious student often put

unrealistic demands on themselves and feel that anything less than a

perfect performance is a failure.

In other hand, test is an apprehension towards academic

evaluation. It could be defined as a fear of failing in test and an

unpleasant experience held either consciously or unconsciously by

learners in many situations. The researcher think that test or

evaluation can make a student feel anxious because every students

are afraid if they are fail in a test and make they get a bad score.

c. Fear of negative evaluation.

According to Maclntyre and Garden (1991) propose that fear of

negative evaluation is closely related to communication

apprehension. Then, Worde (2003) explained that fear of negative

evaluation as the learner’s expectation to be evaluated negatively by

others in any kind of situation. When students are unsure of what

they are saying, fear of negative evaluation occurs and they may

doubt their ability to make a proper impression. The inability either

to express oneself or to comprehend another person leads to

frustration and apprehension.

In other hand, fear of negative evaluation is observed when

foreign language learners feel incapable of making the proper social

impression and it is an apprehension towards evaluation by others

and avoidance of evaluative situations. The researcher give an

example: a student fear and feel anxious to perform in front of the

class because he/she afraid that all of the students will laugh at

him/her because of making mistakes.

7. The effect of anxiety in learning language

Anxiety has debilitative and facilitative effects. The positive anxiety

is called a facilitating anxiety, and the negative anxiety is called

debilitating. Ellis (2011:402) states that facilitating anxiety is level of

anxiety (usually relatively low) that rising performance and debilitation is

anxiety sufficient intensity that is interferes with performance, this is can

motivate the student to learn and succeed. This type of anxiety helps

students or learners to improve their knowledge and performance.

Debilitating anxiety has a negative impact on students’ motivation

and their preparation before and during presentation or during speak in

front of the class. For example are nervous, tremble, blank mind, and

other negative impact. In other hand, facilitating anxiety keeps the

student motivation and pushing students to do more efforts to reduce the

negative impact of anxiety and to do the best they can do while against

their anxiety, Scovel (1978).To reduce the students anxiety the teachers

who teach anxious students also has important role, they can also do

many things to help their students in overcoming students’ anxiety.

Providing a fun activity in the class is the way to help the students.

Therefore the researcher has an opinion that motivation and big effort

to do the best in each performance are needed by students to reduce their

feeling of fail, anxious, nervous, unconfident and feeling of shy with

their ability by using the power of the students’ self and supporting by the

teacher and the condition of the class. All of negative feeling should be

remove from students’ mind and increase the positive way to their

confident in improving their motivation for doing better than before.

C. Previous Study

In this study, the researcher takes review from other thesis and journal

that related with this study as principle or comparative of the case in this


The first previous study is from thesis of Anggiyana Musthachim

(2014) with the title “Students’ Anxiety in Learning English”. The purpose of

this research is to identify the factors that may contribute to anxiety in

English learning environment based on the students’ perspectives. In this

research, fifteen anxious students were selected as the participants. The result

of this research showed that speaking in front of the class, being laughed at by

others, incomprehensible input, students’ beliefs about language learning,

teacher personality, and lack of preparation were the six factors that may

contribute to the students’ anxiety in learning English. From the first previous

study above, there have been similarity and differences between these studies.

The similarity between this study and this first previous study are same to

know about the factors students’ anxiety and the subject is also junior high

school. While the differences are the setting of the study. In this study is

conducted in MTs N 02 Sukoharjo in the academic year 2019/2020. The

technique of collecting data also different, this study use observation,

questionnaire, and interview. While the first previous study only used

observation and interview.

The second previous study is from thesis of Tri Listiyaningsih (2018)

with the title “Students’ Anxiety in Speaking English Class at the Eleventh

Grade of MAN 4 Bantul in The Academic Year of 2017/2018”. The purpose

of this research are to find out the factors or sources of students’ anxiety in

speaking English class and to find out students’ strategies to reduce the

students’ anxiety in speaking English class. The result of the research showed

that the students of the eleventh grade have some factors in anxiety, they are

lack of preparation, learners’ belief about language learning, fear of making

mistakes, afraid of classmates, personal and interpersonal factor. The most

dominant factors of speaking anxiety in eleventh grade students of MAN 4

Bantul 2017/2018 are lack of preparation. The researcher also found some

strategies that were used by students in reducing anxiety in speaking English.

Those are: preparation, peer seeking, positive thinking, avoid eye contact to

the audience, relaxation and resignation. The most dominant strategy used by

students in eleventh grade of MAN 4 Bantul 2017/2018 to reduce their

anxiety in speaking by using peer seeking. Some of the students combine it

with other strategies. From the second previous study above, there have been

similarity and differences between these studies. The similarity between this

study and this second previous study are same to know about the factors

students’ anxiety, students’ strategies to solve their anxiety, uses the same

technique of collecting data and uses the same theory, namely Shu Feng

Tseng and Kota Ohata theory. While the differences is the subject and setting

place of the study.

The third previous study is from international journal of Dr. Sabah

Salman Sabbah (2018) with the title “Anxiety in learning English as a second

language at a tertiary stage: causes and solutions”. This study aimed at

exploring the causes of anxiety that freshmen English as a second language

college students. The sample of the study consisted of 70 female students. To

collect the data, a five-Likert 40 item questionnaire was designed by the

researcher. Its items were based on Horwitz’s battery for anxiety detection,

with some adaptation to the specific situation in CCQ (Community College of

Qatar). Means and standard deviations of the subjects’ answers revealed that

their anxiety was due to three main domains: communication apprehension

due to discrepancy between secondary education and college education, test

anxiety due to the unfair breakdown of grades, and the unified tests and fear

of negative evaluation. The researcher suggest several recommendations for

instructors, students, and administrators to solve the problem of students’

anxiety. From the third previous study above, there have been similarity and

differences between these studies. The similarity between this study and this

third previous study is to find out the causes of students’ anxiety. While the

differences are the subject and the setting place of the study.

The fourth previous study is from international journal of Ardi

Marwan (2007) with the title “Investigating students’ foreign language

anxiety”. The purposes of this study are to find out the types of anxiety

experienced by foreign language and the strategies they use to solve their

anxiety. The collecting data of this study is used questionnaire with a Likert

scale ranging from disagree to agree. The findings revealed that the majority

of students, despite their gender and level differences, experienced some

kinds of foreign language anxiety and many of them also applied particular

strategies to solve their foreign language anxiety. From the fourth previous

study above, there have been similarity and differences between these studies.

The similarity between this study and this fourth previous study are same to

know about the factors students’ anxiety and students’ strategies to solve their

anxiety. While the differences are the subject, setting place of the study, the

technique collecting data, and the analyzing data. This fourth previous study

only used questionnaire to collect the data, and the data were quantitatively




A. Research Design

The research design that used is qualitative research design in the

form of mixed method. According to Creswell (2013:32) mixed method is an

approach to inquiry combine two research method, qualitative and

quantitative to collect data, integrate the two forms data using distinct designs

that may involve philosophical assumptions and theoretical frameworks. The

researcher used mixed methods research combining qualitative data and

quantitative data as well. Qualitative method in this research dominated the

research methodology, because the researcher used interview as instrument

data collection, and the data was changed into transcript, typically

characteristic of qualitative method. This research also used questionnaire as

the instrument data collection, and the data was changed into numbers, as the

result typically characteristic of quantitative method. This was needed to

provide complete research and valid finding result.

In this research, the researcher is focusing on factors causing students’

anxiety and their strategies that used to solve their anxiety in English

teaching-learning process at seventh grade PK students of MTs N 02

Sukoharjo academic year 2019/2020.

B. Subject of The Study

The subject of the study were second semester students at MTs N 02

Sukoharjo. The researcher choosed two classes of seventh grade PK class in

MTs N 02 Sukoharjo in academic year of 2018/2019, they are VII PK 2 and

VII PK 3. The number of students in VII PK 2 is 24 students and the number

of students in VII PK 3 is 19 students. So, the total is 43 students.

C. Setting of The Study

1. Place of the Study

Researcher has conducted research in MTs N 02 Sukoharjo, located

in Jl. KH Agus Salim, Sawah, Joho, Sukoharjo, Sukoharjo.

2. Time of the Study

This research starts from November 2019 to September 2020. The

detail research schedule is in the following table:

Activities 2019 2020

11 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09


Create Proposal

Seminar Proposal

and revising


Collecting data

and writing

research report

Reporting the

research or


D. Source of Data

The researcher collected the data from source as follow:

1. Events

The events are in the form of teaching-learning activity in English

lesson at seventh grade students of MTs N 02 Sukoharjo academic year

2019/2020. The researcher focuses only two class VII PK 2 and VII PK 3

because this class show the symptom of anxiety in English lesson.

2. Informant

In this study, the informant refers the student of the seventh grade

of MTs N 02 Sukoharjo academic year 2019/2020. The informant of the

questionnaire is 43 students from VII PK 2 and VII PK 3. The English

teacher in VII PK 2 is Mrs. Listyokasni S.Pd and the English teacher in

VII PK 3 is Mrs. Ninik Indriyani S.Pd.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

To obtain the data, the researcher used two kinds of techniques of

collecting the data, those are: questionnaire and interview.

a. Questionnaire

Arikunto (2005) distinguishes two types of questionnaire, such as:

1) Open questionnaire: the respondents can answer the questions

using their own words.

2) Closed questionnaire: the respondents are given the answer so

they only have to choose it.

The researcher used closed questionnaire. The questionnaire is

used to ask the respondent to choose among a possible set of

answer by giving check mark (√) after read the statement one by

one and used to seek the potential source of anxiety and students’

strategies to solve their anxiety.

The questionnaire was adapted from Foreign Language

Classroom Anxiety Scale as suggested by Horwitz (1986). The

score of questionnaire used Likert scale that was categorized into

strongly agree (SA), agree (A), neutral (N) disagree (D), and

strongly disagree (SD). The questionnaire consisted of two kinds of

which are positive and negative statement. The positive statement

scale ranged from 1-5 with answer “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly

Disagree”. While, the negative statement was ranging from 5-1

with answer “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree”. They are 9

positive statements in the questionnaire which are number 2, 5. 8,

11, 14, 18, 22, 28, and 32. While, the negative statements are in

number 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25,

26, 27, 29, 30, 31, and 33. The questions would be categorized


Table 3.1
Positive and Negative Statements
2. I don’t worry about making mistakes in English class.

5. It wouldn’t bother me at all to take more English classes.

8. I am usually at case during tests in my English class

11. I don’t understand why some people get so upset over

English classes.

Positive 14. I would not be nervous speaking the English with

Statements Native speakers.

18. I feel confident when I speak in English class.

22. I don’t feel pressure to prepare very well for English class

28. When I’m on my way to English class, I feel very sure and


32. I would probably feel comfortable around native speakers

of the English.

1. I never feel quite sure of myself when I am speaking in my

English class.

3. I tremble when I know that I’m going to be called on in

English class.

4. It frightens me when I don’t understand what the teacher is

saying in English.

6. During English class, I find myself thinking about things

that have nothing to do with the course.

7. I keep thinking that the other students are better at English

than I am

9. I start to panic when I have to speak without preparation in

English class.

10. I worry about the consequences of failing my English class.

12. I English class, I can get so nervous that I forget things I


13. It embarrasses me to be volunteer to answer in my English


Negative 15. I get upset when I don’t understand what the teacher is

Statements correcting.

16. Even, if I am well prepared for English class, I feel anxious

about it.

17. I often feel like not going to my English class.

19. I am afraid that my English teacher is ready to correct

every mistake I make.

20. I can feel my heart pounding when I’m going to be called

on in English class.

21. The more I study for a English test, the more confused I


23. I always feel that the other students speak the English

better than I do.

24. I feel very self-conscious about speaking the English in

front of ther students.

25. English class moves so quickly, so I worry about getting

left behind.

26. I feel more tense and nervous in my English class than in

my other classes.

27. I get nervous and confused when I am speaking in my

English class.

29. I get nervous when I don’t understand every word the

English teacher says.

30. I feel overwhelmed by the number of rules you have to

learn to speak English

31. I am afraid that the other students will laugh at me when I

speak the English.

33. I get nervous when the English teacher asks questions

which I haven’t prepared in advance.

The Likert’s scoring scale table to measure students’ anxiety level

using FLCAS is shown below:

Table 3.2
Likert’s Scoring Table Adopted from Horwitz et al (1986)

Statemen Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

t Agree Disagree

Positive 1 2 3 4 5

Negative 5 4 3 2 1

Further, the data were calculated manually with range of score

started from 33 up to 165. After the researcher found the result of each

students’ anxiety level, it will categorized into some levels started from

“Very Relaxed”, “Relaxed”, “Mildly Anxious”, “Anxious”, and “Very


Table 3.3
Anxiety Scale
Range Level

124-165 Very Anxious

108-123 Anxious

87-107 Mildly Anxious

66-86 Relaxed

33-65 Very Relaxed

b. Interview

Interview is conversation between two people (the

interviewer and interviewee) where question asked by the

interviewer to obtain the information from the interviewee.

Interview is a meeting of two people to exchange information

and idea through question and responses, resulting in

communication and joint construction of meaning about a

particular topic, Esterberg (2002) cited in Sugiono.

The researcher prepared questions related to their anxiety

and strategies to solve their anxiety. The researcher used

interview to support the questionnaire. By using interview the

researcher could get deeper information from the students

about their anxiety in English lesson. In this research, the

researcher interviewed twenty students of two classes. The

interview from the students is used to gather the information

about their factor causing students’ anxiety in English teaching-

learning process and their strategies to solve their anxiety.

F. Technique of Analysis Data

Bogdan and Biklen (1992) stated that, data analysis is a way to search

and arrange the interview transcript, filed note, and other materials to make

other people understand what someone found about the phenomenon. In this

section, presents the way to analysis the data in this study. Miles and

Huberman (1984) cited in Sugiyono suggest that qualitative data analysis

consist of four procedures; data collection, data reduction, data display, and

conclusion drawing/verification.

1. Data Collection

Data collections means collecting the data from questionnaire and

interview. In this research, the researcher collected the data by doing

questionnaire that has been spread out to 43 students via Google

forms, and interview with 20 students of two classes via Voice Note on


2. Data Reduction

Data reduction means the process of selecting, focusing,

simplifying, abstracting, identifying, and transforming the data appear

in written-up field notes and transcriptions. In conducting research,

the researcher get much data. The researcher must select data that give

valuable information in research. Thus, the researcher has to do

reduction to analyze the data. Based on the concept of data reduction,

reducing the data in this researcher is chosen by identifying the

students’ anxiety started from the symptom, the factor cause anxiety

and the solution that are used to solve the anxiety.

In this reserch, the researcher identify the data acquired from

questionnaire and interview. The researcher takes the data about the

students’ anxiety in English lesson, the factor cause, and the strategies

that the students use to solve the anxiety in English lesson. Then, the

researcher did reduction of the data which is resulted from

questionnaire and interview. During the questionnaire and interview

done by the researcher, a reduction of the data were needed because

not all of the data could be processed for the research, the important

point only and according to the requirement of the data were analyzed.

3. Data Display

Data display means the process to simply the data in the form of

sentence, narrative, or table. Data display refers to show data that have

been reduced in the form of patterns. It benefits to help the researcher

in understanding the data. In displaying data, the researcher describes

data that have been reduced into sentence form. In qualitative

research, the most frequent form of display data is narrative text, but

the researcher also display some of data in table.

The researcher explained the data in the form of table, then

describes it. After describing the data, the researcher makes analysis

about the data. The researcher presents the data from the factor causes

anxiety in English lesson and the strategies that the students use to

solve the students’ anxiety in English lesson.

4. Drawing Conclusion

For the last process is conclusion and verification. In qualitative

research, the characteristic of conclusion is temporary. It can change if

the researcher doesn’t discover strong evidence to support the next

collecting data. However, if the conclusion in the previous data can be

evidence by validity and consistency when the researcher is going

back to the field, so the conclusion is credible.

In this research, the researcher made an initial conclusion about an

analysis of factors causing students’ anxiety in the English teaching-

learning process at the sevent grade PK of MTs N 02 Sukoharjo

academic year 2019/2020 and the strategies to solve their anxiety. The

initial conclusion will able to achieve the research question based on

the qualitative data which is taken from questionnaire and interview,

so this research would be credible.

In short, the steps in analyzing the data are: (1) the researcher

collects the data through questionnaire and interview. Then, the

researcher selects, identify, and focuses on the data by referring to

formulation of the research problem. (2) After selecting the data, the

researcher analyze the data with the theory from expert. (3) After

displaying data and analyze, the conclusion is drawn.

G. Trustworthiness of Data

In order to get the accuracy of the data, the researcher uses

triangulation to check the validity of the data. According to Patton in Sutopo,

(2006) there are four kinds of triangulation techniques. They are (1) source

triangulation, (2) investigator triangulation, (3) method triangulation, (4)

theory triangulation. The kinds of triangulation which are used in this

research are source triangulation and method triangulation. The researcher

discusses about those as follows:

1. Source triangulation

Patton in Moleong, (2007:195) states that source triangulation

has similar meaning with data triangulation. This technique guides

the researcher in order to collect the data. The data is more valid if

the researcher digs up from several different sources of data. In this

research, the data dig up from more than one source of data such as

students’ act, students’ responds, and the result of observation of

teaching-learning process.

2. Investigator triangulation

Investigator triangulation means technique that uses more than

one researcher in collecting and analyzing the data. From some

researcher’s view in interpreting information and collecting the data,

the validity of data can be increased.

3. Methodological triangulation

Methodological triangulation refers to researcher uses more than

one methods in the research. Methodological triangulation is using

the same method on different occasions or different methods on the

same object of study. Methodological triangulation is making

different method to get validity of data.

4. Theoretical triangulation

Theoretical triangulation means the researcher compares the data

finding with perspective theory that is relevant. The researcher is

demand to have expert judgment to compare the finding of research

with the certain theory.

From those types of triangulation, the researcher used theoretical

triangulation to get validity of data. So, the researcher compares the

data finding with the perspective theory that is relevant. The

researcher is demand to have expert judgment to compare the finding

of research with certain theory.



A. Research Findings

In this chapter, the researcher got the data about factors causing

students’ anxiety and the strategies to solve their anxiety in the English

teaching learning process at the seventh grade PK of MTs N 02 Sukoharjo.

The researcher collected the data from questionnaire that has been spread

out to 43 students via Google forms, and interview with twenty students of

two classes via Voice Note on WhatsApp. The questionnaire and interview

have been conducted on June 17 until 22, 2020. For the questionnaire, the

type is closed questionnaire with thirty questions. For the interview, it was

done to support the data from questionnaire. The type of this interview is

personal in-depth interview. This research presented detail findings of the

study and discussions as follows:

1. The factors causing students’ anxiety

This part of the study focused on what factors causing students’

anxiety in English teaching learning. Based on the questionnaire and

interview, the researcher concluded some factors causing students

anxiety in English teaching learning. According to Kota Ohata (2005),

there are six factors of source anxiety, such as:

a. Personal and Interpersonal anxieties

Personal and interpersonal are most source of the anxiety.

For example, students with low self-esteem and

competitiveness, they are afraid to get a negative response,

result, or evaluation.

After collecting the data, the frequency of every statement

was analyzed by classifying into the graphic. Here the result of

questionnaire of personal and interpersonal anxieties. The

following chart presents the total of students’ responses of the


This is the 1st statement. The presents the total of students

who never feel quite in speaking English in class

Based on the close questionnaire, the chart 1.1 presents the

number of students who never feel quite in speaking English in

class. From 43 students, eighteen students agree with the

statement and two students strongly agree with the statement.

There are only ten students who disagree and one student who

strongly agree with the statement. It implies that they feel

anxious and lack confidence to speak English in class.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

L.M: “Gugup, takut, tidak percaya diri. Karena takut

jawaban yang kita jawab salah”

N.P: “Tidak percaya diri, karena takut kalau jawabannya

belum tepat”.

A.K: “Enggak percaya diri. Karena takut salah, dan saya

merasa enggak bisa bahasa Inggris”.

A. N: “Enggak percaya diri, karena belum tahu

pengucapan yang benar seperti apa”.

The 2nd statement has a goal to know students’ response

whether or not they always think that the other students have

better ability in language. The number is presented in chart 1.2

The chart above informs that most of the students do not

have self-confident and low competitiveness in language. It is

because eighteen students admitted that they keep thinking that

their friend are better at language than himself. Even, ten

students express that they strongly agree with the statement.

Totally, there are 28 students who feel anxious because they

always assume that other students are better at language than

me. While, the chart shows that there are five students who

reject the statement. It can be concluded that they have high

self-confident and ready to compete with other students.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

A.K: “Iya. Karena memang saya merasa sulit untuk

memahami bahasa Inggris”.

Z. A: “Iya, saya merasa teman-teman lebih cepat nangkep

pelajaran dan cepat faham kalo dijelasin dan saya merasa

mereka lebih lancar ngomong bahasa Inggrisnya dibanding


L. M: “Iya, memang di kelas ini banyak yang pinter bahasa

Inggris, sedangkan saya hanya standar”.

A. N: “Iya suka kepikiran gitu, soalnya kalau pas ulangan,

nilai teman-teman tuh bagus-bagus, jadi minder gitu”.

The 3th statement is aimed to know the number of students’

response about forgetting everything when feeling nervous in

language class. The number is presented in chart 1.3

The chart above informs that, twenty students give the

positive response toward the statement. Even, nine students

strongly agree with the statement. It can be implied that they

feel anxious because forgetting things, especially forgetting the

lesson that explained by the teacher. It cause they are nervous in

English teaching learning. While, there are only four students

who give the negative response toward the statement.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

A. K: “Iya gugup banget kalau tiba-tiba ditanya sama

guru. Soalnya saya fokus sama materi selanjutnya, sehingga

materi sebelumnya udah lupa”.

L. M: “Iya sering gugup. Soalnya guru sering

menanyakan materi sebelum-sebelumnya agar kita tetap ingat,

tetapi saya fokusnya ke materi selanjutnya”.

A. N: “Iya, misalnya guru ngasih pertanyaan, terus aku

enggak bisa jawab itu rasanya gugup banget dan takut”.

N. M: “Iya gugup, karena mata pelajarannya

banyakenggak cuman bahasa Inggris, jadi ya sering lupa sama

materi yang udah dijelasin”.

The 4th statement is aimed to identify the number of

students who feel embarrassing is to be volunteer answering in

English class. The number is showed in chart 1.4

Totally, there are 22 students who deal with the

statement. They feel embarrassing to answer the question by

using English, especially in front of their friends or in front of

the class. In other way, there are twelve students who do not deal

with the statement. Even, two students admitted that they

strongly disagree with the statement.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

A. K: “Iya malu kalau pas tidak bisa menjawab

pertanyaan dari guru”.

A. N: “Iya, karena enggak percaya diri, biasanya sih

takut salah”.

Y. A: “Malu, maka dari itu saya jarang menjadi

sukarelawan. Biar teman yang lain aja”.

N. M: “Malu, karena saya merasa enggak bisa jawab


The 5th statement is aimed to identify the number of

students who still feel anxious although having well prepared for

language class. The number is presented in chart 1.5.

Related to the statement, about seven of 43 students do

not deal with the statement. They reject the statement that they

do not feel anxious if having well preparation for English class.

On contrary, there are about 23 of students who accept the

statement. Eighteen students give respond agree and five of

them give respond strongly agree with the statement. It means

that most of the students are keeping anxious although they have

well prepared for English class. It causes they are low self-

confident in English class.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

L. M: “Iya masih tetap khawatir, soalnya kan kita

enggak tahu apa yang akan guru tanyakan ke kita”.

N. M. J: “Iya masih. Karena belajarnya cuman bagian-

bagian tertentu aja. Maksudnya tidak semua materi saya

pelajari. Jadi ya masih khawatir, tapi setidaknya udah belajar


Y. A. R: “Masih khawatir. Meskipun udah belajar tapi

takut kalau tiba-tiba pikiran blank”.

The 6th statement is aimed to identify the number of

students who feel like not going to English class. The number is

performed in chart 1.6

From the 43 students, we find most of them give positive

response toward the statement. It is seen from the students who

give response agree. It reaches seventeen of 43 students. Even,

eight students give response strongly agree toward the

statement. It means that they feel like not going to their English

class. Because, they do not like English lesson. According to

them, English is a difficult lesson, so they lack confidence in

English teaching learning process.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

K. R: “Ya. Karena bahasa Inggris kadang ada yang sulit

ada juga yang mudah, karena tidak semua murid bisa cepet

memahami bahasa inggris. Saya sendiri adalah contoh murid

yang tidak bisa memahami dengan cepat”.

U. K: “Ya. Karena saya tidak suka dengan pelajarannya,

dan kadang membingungkan”.

H. M: “Ya. Karena dari SD saya tidak pernah suka bahasa


The 7th statement is aimed to know the number of

students who feel confident to speak by using English. The

result is showed in chart 1.7

Related to the statement, we can find that there are only

six students who feel confident to speak by using English in

front of class. While 27 students reject the statement because

they do not have self-confident when speak by using English in

front of class.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

S. N: “Saya tidak percaya diri karena takut salah dan

ditertawakan teman-teman”.

Y. A. R: “Tidak percaya diri, karena takut salah, takut

ditertawakan teman dan grogi”.

A. N: “Tidak percya diri, karena takut salah dalam


This is the chart of the 8th statement. It aims to describe

the number of the students whose heart pounding when being

called in English class. The result is showed in chart 1.8

The chart shows that there are only six students who do

not deal with the statement. On contrary, most of the students

accepted the statement. They feel pounding when being called in

their English class. It is proved by sixteen of them give response

agree and eleven of them give response strongly agree for the


Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

Z. A: “Gugup, takut dan tidak percaya diri. Kalau salah

ingin menghilang dari peradaban rasanya, alias malu”.

L. D: “Takut dan tidak percaya diri. Grogi soalnya”.

S. K: “Gugup. Karena takut salah bicara dan malu”.

L.M: “Takut dipanggi untuk menjelaskan bab yang


This is the chart of the 9th statement. It aims to know the

number of the students who assumes that the other students have

better ability in speaking English. The result can be seen in chart


Related to the statement, there are only seven students

who reject the statement. Instead, twenty students accept the

statement by giving response agree and eight students also

accept the statement by giving response strongly agree for the

statement. It can be conclude that in English teaching learning is

low competitiveness and they are not confident in their abilities.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

Y. A. R: “Iya, saya tuh ngerasa teman-teman itu pintar-

pintar bahasa Inggris, paadahal menurut saya bahasa Inggris

itu sulit”.

N. M. J: “Iya, karena teman-teman tuh ngomongnya bisa

lancar dan kelihatan fasih gitu dibandingkan saya”.

This is the chart of the 10 th statement. It is aimed to show

the number of students who feel self-conscious in speaking

English in front of class. The result can be seen in chart 1.10

The chart shows that most of the students support the

statement. There are 26 students who feel very self-conscious

about speaking for English in front of class. Then, two of them

also deal with the statement by giving response strongly agree.

On the other hand, there are two students who reject the

statement. Then one of them give response strongly disagree and

the rest of them give respond neutral.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

A. K: “Iya malu, karena suasana kelas menegangkan dan

diliatin teman-teman”.

Z. A: “Iya, soalnya tatapan teman-teman itu seperti kaya

mengintimidasi dan kadang ada yang jahil juga memasang

wajah yang lucu seingga membuat ketawa dan ahkirnya tidak

bisa fokus saat di depan”.

Y. A. R: “Iya malu itu pasti, soalnya kan dilihatin teman-

teman dan guru juga, kalau salah ya jelas malu”.

This is the chart of the 11th statement. It is aimed to show

the number of students who feel more tense and nervous in

English class than other classes. The result can be seen in chart


From the chart, there are thirteen students who do not

accept the statement. Ten of them give response disagree and

three of them give response strongly disagree for the statement.

However, the rest of the students accept the statement.

Seventeen of the students give response agree and seven of them

give response strongly agree. It can be conclude that the English

class more makes them getting tense and nervous than other


Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

A. K: “Iya gugup dan tegang kalau pas disuruh jawab

pertanyaan dan enggak bisa jawab, tetapi kalau pas lagi

dijelasin enggak begitu gugup”.

N. M: “Iya. Menurut saya bahasa Inggris itu sangat

sulit, apalagi yang ada rumus-rumusnya itu, bingung banget”.

Y. A. R: “Iya, karena bahasa Inggris pelajaran yang

sulit, maka dari itu saya selalu gugup dan deg-deg an”.

This is the chart of the 12 th statement. The chart aims to

investigate the number of students who feel very sure and relaxed

in English class. The result can be seen in chart 1.12

From the chart, it shows that there are 23 students who

reject the statement. There are 21 students who give response

disagree and two students who give response strongly disagree. It

means that they do not feel very sure and relaxed when attending

English class. While, there are seven students who give response

agree and three students who give response strongly agree for the

statement. They admit that they feel very sure and relaxed in

English class.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

L. M: “Awalnya enggak yakin dan takut, tetapi kalau

gurunya asyik enggak begitu takut”.

Y. A. R: “Sedikit enjoy, tapi sering takut dan enggak

percaya diri”.

N. M. J: “Kalau pas dijelasin ya enjoy aja. Tapi kalau pas

ulangan atau disuruh menjawab pertanyaan takut dan tidak

percaya diri”.

This is the chart of the 13th statement. The chart aims to

investigate the number of students who afraid being laugh by

other students when they speak English in front of their friends.

The result can be seen in chart 1.13

Related to the statement, we can see that there are seven

students who reject the statement. There are six students who

give response disagree and one students who give response

strongly disagree. On the other hand, there are 18 students who

give agreement for the statement. Instead, eight students

strongly agree with the statement. In briefly, most of the students

feel anxious due to feeling afraid for being laughed by other

students in speak English.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

D. D: “Saya gugup dan takut ditertawakan teman-


A. N: “Malu dengan jawaban saya dan malu sama


I. A: “Takut jika salah saat berbicara bahasa Inggris

dan ditertawakan seluruh teman kelas”.

b. Learners’ Beliefs About Language Learning

The researcher agree if learner beliefs about language

learning become the factor of anxiety. For example, students

learn about correctness in grammar, vocabulary, fluency and

more. It makes the students become anxious when they speak in

front of people. They are afraid if they are wrong in vocabulary,

grammatical and others. Here the result of questionnaire of

learners’ beliefs about language learning.

This is the chart of the 14 th statement. The chart aims to

know the number who worry about making mistakes in English

class. The result is presented in chart 1.14

The chart performs the students’ response toward

whether they are worry or not to make mistake in English class.

In fact, eighteen of 43 students say that they are worry about

making mistakes in English class. Even, about eight students

express that they are strongly worry toward mistakes in English

class. It proves that the students feel anxious in English class.

There were only eight students who do not feel worry to make

mistakes in English class, and there are two students who

express that they strongly do not feel worry to make mistakes in

English class.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

A. F: “Saya khawatir, karena bahasanya sulit dimengerti

dan kosa katanya hampir sama semua”.

L. M: “Ya saya khawatir. Karena kata bahasa Inggris yang

kata-katanya aneh ataupun asing didengar sulit dimengerti dan

difahami maksudnya”.

N. M. J: “Iya. Masih bingung cara pengucapan kata yang

benar gimana, karena bahasa Inggris itu pengucapan sama

tulisan beda”.

This is the chart of the 15 th statement. It is aimed to show

the number of students who are getting nervous and confused in

speaking English in class. The result can be seen in chart 1.15

After counting it into a chart, it is seen that there are

dominant differences between positive and negative response for

the statement. There are only seven students who give negative

response for the statement. There are six students give response

disagree and one student give response strongly disagree for the

statement. While, there are 26 students who accepted the

statement. There are 23 students give response agree and three

students give response strongly agree. It means they are getting

nervous and confused when speaking English in the class.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

Z. A: “Cemas, menegangkan. Karena takut dipanggil untuk

berbicara bahasa Inggris. Maklum, orang Indonesia asli.

Lidahnya agak gimana gitu kalau ngomong pakai bahasa


C. A: “Iya, khawatir. Karena saya sedikit kesusahan untuk

melafalkan kosa kata bahasa Inggris secara benar”.

A. A: “Pengucapan sama tulisan beda jadi sulit difahami”.

This is the chart of the 16 th statement. The chart presented

the number of students who feel overwhelmed by the number of

rules that have to learn to speak English. The result is presented

in chart 1.16

From the chart, it is seen that most of the students accept

the statement. There are twenty students who give response

agree and four students who give response strongly agree for the

statement. It implies that they feel overwhelmed by number of

rules that have to learn to speak English. However, eight

students reject the statement. There are six students who give

response disagree and two students who give response strongly


Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

I. A: “Ya, karena tutur kalimat yang rumit, terlalu banyak

teori, dan banyak kata-kata yang beranak pinak”.

Z. A: “Ya. Karena jujur, aku agak susah untuk mengejar

materi bahasa Inggris beserta kosakata dan segalanya itu”.

This is the chart of the 17 th statement. The chart presented

the number of students who do not understand why some people

get so upset over English classes. The result is presented in chart


From the chart, it is seen that most of the students accept

the statement. There are 17 students who give response agree

and five students who give response strongly agree for the

statement. It implies that they do not understand why some

people get so upset over English classes. There are eight

students who give response disagree and seven students who

give response strongly disagree.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

N.M.J: “Iya saya tidak tahu alasan mengapa banyak

teman-teman yang kesal saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris”

Y.A.R: “Saya tidak tahu kenapa teman-teman marah atau

kesal saat pelajaran maupun ulangan bahasa Inggris, mungkin

mereka tidak suka bahasa Inggris”

c. Instructors’ Beliefs About Language Teaching

Instructors’ beliefs about language teaching can also become

a source of creating anxiety among students. For example, the

teacher’s assumptions on the role of language teacher may not

always correspond to the students’ need or expectation toward

the teacher. As a good teacher, they should evaluate their

teaching style to correct a comfortable class to reduce the

students’ anxiety. Here the result of questionnaire of instructors’

beliefs about language teaching.

This is the chart of the 18th statement. The chart is aimed to

know whether the students’ anxiety annoys them to take other

English or not. The result is presented in chart 1.18

The chart shows that most of the students do not feel

annoying to take other English class although they feel anxious

in learning English. There are nineteen students who give

response agree and twelve of them who give response strongly

agree toward the statement. While, four students give response

disagree and four of them give response strongly disagree

toward the statement. It means that they feel bother to take other

English class.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

Y. A: “Jujur sih mengganggu, tapi kita harus mau mengikuti

pelajaran bahasa Inggris, karena kalau tidak ikut tidak

mendapat nilai dan kita juga menjadi tidak bisa bahasa


N. M: “Sebenernya mengganggu. Tetapi saya sadar bahwa

bahasa Inggris itu penting”.

This is the chart of the 19th statement. The chart is aimed to

know whether or not the students’ find themselves think about

things have nothing to do with the course. The result is

presented in chart 1.19

The chart shows that most of the students give positive

response for the statement. As we see, there are eighteen

students who give response agree and six students give response

strongly agree with the statement. It means, the students

thinking about things that have nothing to do with the course

when English teaching learning. In the other hand, nine students

give response disagree and two students give response strongly

disagree with the statement.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

A.K: “Iya sering melamun pas pelajaran Bahasa Inggris,

soalnya kepikiran belum mengerjakan tugas pelajaran yang


Y. A: “Sering sih, enggak fokus gitu pas pelajaran bahasa

Inggris. Karena fokusnya ke pelajaran lain”.

A. N: “Iya, karena biasanya dijam selanjutnya ada tugas

dan saya kepikiran belum mengerjakan tugas itu”.

N. M: “Sering enggak fokus, soalnya pengennya cepet-

cepet istirahat”.

This is the chart of the 20 st statement. The chart is purposed

to identify the number of students who feel worry about getting

left behind if English class moves so quickly. The result can be

seen in chart 1.20

The chart informs us that most of the students support the

statement. There are only two students who give response

disagree and one students give response strongly disagree with

the statement. They do not worry to be left behind if the class

move so quickly. While, there are 26 students who deal with

the statement. There are 22 students give response agree and

four students give response strongly agree with the statement.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

A. N: “Enggak faham karena penjelasan dari guru kurang

jelas, dan terkadang teman-teman suka pada rame sendiri

sehingga saya susah fokus pada pelajaran”.

H. M: “Tidak faham, karena gurunya berbicara dan

menjelaskan terlalu cepat”.

Z. A: “Kadang faham kadang tidak. Tergantung yang

ngejelasinnya. Kalau kecepetan engga faham kalau pelan-

pelan faham”.

This is the chart of the 21 st statement. The chart is purposed

to identify the number of students who feel comfortable if

around native speakers of the English language. The result can

be seen in chart 1.21

The chart informs us that there are 19 students who give

response disagree and nine students give response strongly

disagree with the statement. It means that, they are do not feel

comfortable around native speakers of the English language.

While, there are only seven students who deal with the

statement. There are six students give response agree and one

students give response strongly agree with the statement.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

NMJ: “Saya tidak nyaman jika berada didekat orang

asing/native speaker, apalagi jika bicara dengannya tabah

tidak nyaman”.

YAR: “Saya tidak nyaman jika harus berbicara dengan

penutur asli, karena logatnya berbeda. Saya tambah tidak

mengerti artinya”.

d. Instructor-Learners Interaction

The process of interaction between teacher and students is

regarded as factor causing anxiety for the students. For example,

if the students does not understand the teacher’s corrections or

explanation. Here the result of questionnaire of instructor-

learners interaction.

This is the chart of the 22 nd statement. The chart presented

the number of students who feel frightens when they do not

understand what the teacher is saying in English. The result can

be seen in chart 1.22

From the chart above, it implies that most of the students

show their anxiety in speaking English. It is seen from the

percentage, there are nineteen students who admitted that they

feel frightens in misunderstanding the teacher said in English.

It is also supported by eight students who strongly agree with

the statement. While, there are five students who reject that

they frightening in understanding what their teacher said in

English. The rest students are given response neutral with the


Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

A. A: “Saya tidak faham dengan ucapan guru. Karena

gurunya berbicara dengan cepat”.

A. C: “Saya enggak faham. Tetapi sebisa mungkin saya

mencari tau kosa kata dikamus saat guru selesai berbicara”.

H. M: “Saya enggak faham sama ucapan guru. Karena

banyak yang saya tidak tahu kosa katanya dan sedikit lupa”.

R. K: “Kadang faham, kadang enggak. Tergantung

gurunya, kalo gurunya ngomongnya enggak jelas ya enggak


This is the chart of the 23 th statement. The chart presented

the number of students who are getting nervous because they

do not understand every word the teacher says in English. The

result can be seen in chart 1.23

From the chart above, it is seen that there are four students

who reject the statement by giving response disagree. It

implies that they are not feeling nervous when they do not

understand every word the English teacher says. On contrary,

31 students give positive response for the statement. There are,

23 students give response agree and eight of them give

response strongly agree with the statement. In conclusion, they

admit that they feel nervous when they do not understand

every word the English teacher says.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

N. M: “Tidak faham. Karena tidak semua yang diucapkan

guru, saya tau artinya”

S. N: “Tidak faham. Karena saya tidak mengerti bahasa

Inggris secara detail”.

S. K: “Tidk faham. Karena saya tidak terlalu mengerti

bahasa Inggris”.

This is the chart of the 24 th statement. The chart presented

the number of students who are not be nervous speaking the

English language with the native speakers. The result can be

seen in chart 1.24

The chart above informs us the number of students who do

not feel nervous when speaking English with the native

speakers. Thus, it shows that 18 students disagree with the

statement. Moreover, eight of the students strongly disagree

with the statement. In other way, seven of students agree with

the statement. The rest are given response neutral with the


Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

N.M.J: “Saya malah lebih gugup ketika berbicara dengan

penutur asli dibandingkan dengan guru”.

Y.A.R: “Saya gugup jika berbicara dengan penutur asli,

karena logat dan aksen mereka berbeda. Menurut saya jadi

lebih sulit dipahami”.

e. Classroom Procedures

Many learners feel that some error correction is necessary,

the manner of error correction is often said as provoking

anxiety. In addition, some of the classroom activities in oral

presentation in front of the class are also causes as potential

sources of anxiety. Here the result of questionnaire of

classroom procedures.

This is the chart of the 25 th statement. The chart presented

the number of students who feel tremble when they know that

going to be called in English class. The result can be seen in

chart 1.25

From the chart, we can see that nineteen of the students

admitted that they tremble when being called in English class.

Even, there are twelve of the students who strongly agree with

the statement. On the other hand, there are eight of students

who do not agree with the statement. The rest are given

response neutral with the statement.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

L. M: “Saya takut ditunjuk guru untuk menjawab


A. K: “Iya, saya takut kalau tiba-tiba saya disuruh jawab

pertanyaan yang belum saya fahami”.

A. F: “Cemas dan menengangkan. Karena takut ditunjuk

atau dipanggil guru untuk menjawab pertanyaan tapi belum

faham materinya”.

This is the chart of the 26 th statement. The chart presented

the number of students who feel worry about the consequences

of failing in English class. The result can be seen in chart 1.26

The chart above informs us the number of students who

feel worry about consequences of failing in English class.

Thus, it shows that twenty students agree about worrying him

consequences of failing in English class. Moreover, seven of

the students strongly agree with the statement. In other way,

three of students disagree with the statement. The rest are

given response neutral with the statement.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

L. M: “Ya saya khawatir. Karena sebagian kata susah

dilafalkan dilidah, dan itu yang membuat saya takut dan

mendapat hukuman atau konsekuensi”.

Y. A: “Iya, khawatir guru akan mengadakan remidi kalau

nilainya jelek atau ada konsekuensi tertentu gitu”.

This is the chart of the 27 th statement. The chart presented

the total of students who get upset when they do not

understand what the teacher is correcting. The result is

presented in chart 1.27

Based on the chart above, it is found most of the students

respond the statement positively. It is because 24 of the

students who are getting upset when they do not understand

what their teacher correct. Even, four of the students also

accept the statement by giving response strongly agree. On the

other hand, there are only three of students who reject the

statement by giving response disagree and one students give

response strongly disagree with the statement. The rest are

given response neutral for the statement.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

L. M.: “Iya masih bingung, tetapi kadang saya minta

penjelasan pada teman yang udah faham”

Y. A: “Iya bingung, apalagi kalau pas ada PR, terus ada

soal yang sulit, kan enggak bisa tanya guru, jadinya bingung”.

N. M: “Iya. Saya bingung kalau guru sudah menjelaskan

berkali-kali tetapi saya masih bingung”.

This is the chart of the 28 th statement. The chart presented

the number of students who feel scare that the English teacher

check the students’ mistakes. The result is figured out in chart


From the chart, it is seen that eighteen of the students give

response agree and six of students give response strongly agree

with the statement. While, there are six of students give response

disagree and three of students give response strongly disagree.

The rest of them give the response neutral for the statement. It

concludes that they worry of the teacher’s correction toward

their mistakes.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

A. K: “Saya takut kalau pas dikoreksi guru banyak


N. M: “Saya takut kalau dikit-dikit dikoreksi, kan jadi

enggak PD kalau di koreksi terus”.

f. Language Testing

Language testing is one of the factor which contribute the

anxiety to the students. For example of testing which make

students anxious such as, a teacher gives a test in short period

will make students feel very anxious and pressured, the teacher

doing a test without notification to the students before. Here the

result of questionnaire of language testing.

This is the chart of the 29st statement. The chart presented

the total of students who usually have problem in English test.

The result can be seen in chart 1.29

Based on the chart above, it can be implied that most of the

student admitted that they usually have problem in English test.

It is proved that there are 23 of the students who agree and seven

of them strongly agree with the statement. On the other hand,

five of students admitted that they do not have problem in

English test and the rest give response neutral for the statement.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

Z. A: “Saya takut, cemas dan khawatir tidak bisa menjawab

soal. Tetapi berusaha tetap tenang. Kalau kita udah belajar

malem pasti santai. Tetapi tetap takut kalau engga sesuai sama

keinginan kita”.

U. K: “Saat ulangan saya takut dan khawatir. Karena saya

belom faham materinya, dan belum belajar dengan sungguh-


A. A: “Sya takut kalau tidak bisa menjawab soal saat

ulangan. Karena pelajarannya sulit”.

This is the chart of the 30 th statement. The chart presented

the total of students who feel panic when have to speak English

without preparation. The result can be seen in chart 1.30

The chart above shows that most of the students feel

starting panic when they have to practice speaking without

preparation in English class. We can see that eighteen of the

students agree with the statement. Moreover, thirteen of the

students also strongly agree with the statement. Their anxiety

was proved by feeling panic in speaking if they do not have

preparation. However, there are only one of the student who

reject the statement by giving response disagree and the rest

give response neutral.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

A. Y: “Pastinya cemas dan takut, karena belum belajar”.

K. R: “Jelas cemas dan khawatir, karena belum persiapan”.

N. P: “Jelas panik dan takut, karena belum persiapan.

Tetapi kita juga harus bisa mengontrol diri, karena kalau kita

terlalu cemas malah akan membuat blank pikiran kita sendiri”.

This is the chart of the 31st statement. The chart presented

the total of students who feel more confused although they study

harder about English. The result can be seen in chart 1.31

From the chart above, we know that there are eighteen of

students agree and nine of students strongly agree with the

statement. In other hand, seven of student give response disagree

and three of students give response strongly disagree with the

statement. It concludes that they will be more confused by more

studying for an English test.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

A. K: “Ya belajar sih, tapi cuman sekedar baca-baca aja.

Tapi ya tetep enggak faham juga”.

Z. A: “Belajar sih, tetapi tetap saja pelajarannya tidak

masuk di otak”.

N. M: “Belajar tapi susah fahamnya, semakin saya belajar

malah jadi bingung sendiri, soalnya banyak yang enggak tahu


This is the chart of the 32 th statement. The chart presented

the total of students who are getting pressure to make well

preparation for English class. The result is presented in chart


By the chart above, we can see that most of the students

reject the statement. There are 23 of students who also getting

pressure to prepare well for the English class. Instead, there are

small numbers of the students who do not feel pressure at all for

English class.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

K. R: “Kadang-kadang aja sih persiapannya, kalo sedang

mood aku mempersiapkan pelajaran, karena mood juga

mempengaruhi semangat para murid”.

H. M: “Tidak mempersiapkan pelajaran. Karena saya

malas belajar bahasa Inggris. Belajarnya cuman pas mau

ulangan aja”.

S. D: “Tidak belajar. Karena saya lebih pilih belajar

pelajaran yang lain”.

M. H: “Ya terkadang saya belajar kalo pas mau ulangan,

kadang juga enggak”.

N. S: “Kalau di rumah enggak mempersiapkan pelajaran.

Karena nanti pas di kelas kan sudah belajar. Jadi cukup

mendengarkan dan menghafalkan apa yang disampaikan guru


This is the chart of the 33th statement. The chart presented

the number of students who feel nervous when the English

teacher asks question which have not prepared before. The result

is presented in chart 1.33

Based on the chart above, we know that the most of the

students feel nervous when the English teacher asks questions

which have not prepared before. We can see that, twenty of

students give response agree and eleven of the students also give

response strongly agree with the statement. In the other hand,

there are only one of students give response disagree and one of

students give response strongly disagree with the statement. The

rest of the students give response neutral.

Here the answer from interview stated as follow:

S. N: “Takut, cemas dan khawatir tidak bisa menjawab

soal. Takut salah dan nilai jelek”.

N. S: “Khawatir tidak bisa menjawab soal, karena saya

belum belajar jadi saya khawatir”.

To make it easy to understand the answer of students, the

researcher summarizes the results of 33 items questionnaire and are

divided into positive and negative statements. Summarizing of students’

response the table below:

Table 4.1
Summarizing of Students’ Reponse
Positive Statements Negative Statements


O (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

1. AYN 2 4 2 1 - 7 16 1 -

2. A 1 2 3 3 - 2 11 8 3 -

3. AAW 2 1 3 2 1 6 8 6 4 2

4. AAM - 2 2 4 1 2 8 8 6 1

5. ANH 1 3 1 2 2 6 5 9 2 2

6. ACR 1 3 1 2 2 2 9 7 5 1

7. AKF - - 3 3 3 5 12 3 3 1

8. ANA 1 1 1 4 2 4 9 7 4 -

9. CA 1 2 1 4 1 3 9 6 4 2

10. FRR 2 4 1 2 - 7 8 5 3 1

11. GNR - 3 - 5 1 4 12 5 3 -

12. HMP 1 5 2 1 - 4 8 9 3 -

13. IAK 5 - 2 2 - 7 7 4 4 2

14. KR 1 6 1 1 - 2 11 8 3 -

15. LDA 1 5 1 1 1 3 14 3 4 -

16. LMK 3 - 1 5 - 1 8 9 5 1

17. LVV - 4 1 3 1 1 11 9 2 1

18. MRK 1 1 1 5 1 4 8 5 7 -

19. MBN - 5 - 3 1 2 13 6 1 2

20. NAA - 2 2 3 2 2 12 6 4 -

21. UK - 1 1 5 2 3 15 3 3 -

22. YAR - 1 2 4 2 5 9 7 1 2

23. ZAW 1 3 2 3 - 5 13 5 1 -

24. AFN 1 2 4 2 - 7 14 3 - -

25. ANS 1 2 2 2 2 2 13 8 1 -

26. APR - 3 2 3 1 3 13 3 4 1

27. DDP - 4 3 1 1 2 10 7 4 1

28. HFR 1 1 1 4 2 1 12 9 1 1

29. IA 1 1 2 4 1 5 12 6 1 -

30. MHI 1 2 - 3 3 4 10 7 2 1

31. NPA 1 1 1 4 2 2 11 5 6 -

32. NSA - 4 - 3 2 5 7 6 4 2

33. NMJ 1 1 2 3 2 4 11 4 4 1

34. NSC 1 3 1 1 3 3 8 8 3 2

35. PSP 2 1 3 3 - 6 11 3 2 2

36. RHP - 1 1 5 2 2 12 5 4 1

37. RNH - - 3 6 - 4 12 1 6 1

38. RKF 1 2 2 3 1 3 11 4 4 2

39. SDR 2 2 - 5 - 2 14 6 1 1

40. SNR 1 3 2 2 1 5 13 2 3 1

41. SKN - 3 - 2 4 4 13 4 3 -

42. VNA 1 1 - 6 1 4 15 3 2 -

43. ZAA - 3 1 5 - 9 10 3 1 1

TOTAL 39 98 67 135 51 164 468 236 131 36

390 1.035

To find out the level of anxiety of students in the English teaching-learning

process, the researcher assess and categorize each student based on them

responses in the FLCAS questionnaire, as followed by table 4.2 below:

Table 4.2
Scoring and Categorizing of Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale


1. AYN 122 Anxious

2. A 110 Anxious

3. AAW 116 Anxious

4. AAM 110 Anxious

5. ANH 111 Anxious

6. ACR 106 Mildly Anxious

7. AKF 125 Very Anxious

8. ANA 117 Anxious

9. CA 108 Anxious

10. FRR 110 Anxious

11. GNR 120 Anxious

12. HMP 106 Mildly Anxious

13. IAK 104 Mildly Anxious

14. KR 104 Mildly Anxious

15. LDA 111 Anxious

16. LMK 101 Mildly Anxious

17. LVV 109 Anxious

18. MRK 112 Anxious

19. MBN 111 Anxious

20. NAA 116 Anxious

21. UK 125 Very Anxious

22. YAR 120 Anxious

23. ZAW 119 Anxious

24. AFN 129 Very Anxious

25. ANS 117 Anxious

26. APR 120 Anxious

27. DDP 112 Anxious

28. HFR 113 Anxious

29. IA 127 Very Anxious

30. MHI 116 Anxious

31. NPA 113 Anxious

32. NSA 111 Anxious

33. NMJ 116 Anxious

34. NSC 108 Anxious

35. PSP 114 Anxious

36. RHP 117 Anxious

37. RNH 125 Very Anxious

38. RKF 117 Anxious

39. SDR 113 Anxious

40. SNR 116 Anxious

41. SKN 124 Very Anxious

42. VNA 124 Very Anxious

43. ZAA 126 Very Anxious

The following is an overview of the result of foreign language

classroom anxiety scale based on the description of the table above.

From the chart above, it can be seen that dominant anxiety scale

that occurred in “Anxious”, it means that many students experience

anxiety in the English teaching-learning process.

2. The students’ strategies to solve anxiety

Based on the result of interview, the researcher concluded some

strategies to solve students’ anxiety in English teaching learning

process. According to Kondo and Ling (2004), there are some

strategies solve students’ anxiety in English teaching learning process,

such as:

1. Preparation

Preparation the material is the action used by students in

their English teaching learning process. Based on interview, the

researcher found that most of students did preparation to solve

their anxiety in English teaching-learning process. They think

that doing preparation is one of the strategies to solve their

anxiety, such as:

A. F: “Mempersiapkan materi pelajaran dengan

semaksimal mungkin agar mendapat nilai yang bagus”.

I. A: “Iya, persiapan dulu, agar tidak gugup saat

pembelajaran berlangsung”.

L. M: “Mempersiapkan materi pelajaran dengan belajar.

Terkadang suka malas sih, tapi ya tetep harus belajar, karena

saya ingin membenahi nilai agar lulus walaupun belajarnya

cuman materi tertentu saja”.

C. A: “Iya belajar dulu, agar saya bisa faham apa yang

dijelaskan guru nanti saat pembelajaran berlangsung”.

A. K: “Ya belajar, walaupun cuman sekedar baca-baca,

agar faham pas dijelasin”.

Z. A: “Iya, malemnya belajar catatan. Tapi kadang kalo di

rumah enggak belajar, terus pas di kelasnya belajar bareng-

bareng sama temen. Enggak tau kenapa beda rasanya kalo

belajar bareng sama belajar sendiri, lebih mudah faham kalo

pas belajar bareng”.

R. K: “Iya belajar, dengan cara mengingat-ingat lagi

pelajaran yang udah dijelaskan guru tadi”.

A. N: “Biasanya saya belajar dulu di rumah, dan

belajarnya dibimbing sama guru les”.

Y. A: “Yang pasti itu persiapan dulu, paling enggak belajar

atau baca-baca dulu lima menit sebelum pelajaran dimulai”.

N. M: “Pertama sih belajar dulu pas di rumah. Biar punya

bekal gitu. Biar enggak terlalu gugup dan tegang pas di kelas”.

2. Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is one of the ways to solve students’

anxiety in English teaching-learning process. Based on

interview, the students said that positive thinking is the best

way to solve their anxiety, such as:

N. P: “Saya berusaha tetap berfikir positif dan tenang,

karena supaya saya tidak grogi saat pelajaran”.

M. H: “Saya sih tetap berfikir positif aja, karena biasanya

guru akan membantu membenarkan atau mengoreksi jika siswa

ada yang membuat kesalahan dalam pelajaran atau ulangan,

sehingga siswa tahu letak kesalahannya dan bisa


Z. A: “Tetap berfikir positif. Bawa enjoy aja biar enggak

terlalu panik dan grogi”.

S. D: “Tetap berfikir positif aja. Karena kalau takut malah

tidak bisa fokus dan tidak bisa menjawab soal”.

U. M: “Berfikir positif dan berusaha meyakinkan diri saya

kalau saya pasti bisa”.

M. B: “Berfikir positif, karena hal itu membuat saya lebih

percaya diri”.

A. C: “Tetap berfikiran positif saja, dan harus yakin kalau

saya bisa yang penting kan sudah mau berusaha, soal salah

atau benarnya dipikir nanti, yang penting positif thinking


A. A. M “Ya tetap berfikiran positif aja, karena apapun

kesalahan kita nanti pasti akan dibantu oleh guru”.

K. R: “Berfikiran positif aja, yang terpenting harus percaya

diri dan tenang, agar bisa lebih fokus saat pelajaran. Ya

intinya berfikir positif terus aja sih”.

A. F: “Berfikir positif aja, karena kalau tidak tenang maka

kita akan gugup dan tidak bisa mencermati apa yang

dijelaskan atau disuruh guru”.

3. Relaxation

Relaxation is one the best way to help students to solve

their anxiety in the English teaching-learning process. Students

should do this way before the English teaching-learning started.

Based on interview, the researcher found that most of students

did relaxation to solve their anxiety in English teaching-

learning process. Here the result of interview, stated as follow:

M. B: “Sebisa mungkin harus rileks dan tenang. Karena

sebelum pelajaran dimulai saya sudah mempersiapkan belajar,

ya jadi saya santai-santai aja”.

Z. A: “Saya berusaha rileks dengan cara mencoret-coret

buku di lembaran paling belakang dan menulis kalimat


I. A: “Ya, saya sih tenang dan santai-santai aja, karena

udah belajar”.

R. N: “Ya santai aja, karena saya masih mengingat materi


A. K: “Ya dibuat rileks dan santai aja gitu, kan rasa takut,

khawatir cemas itu dari diri kita sendiri. Sehingga ya cuman

hanya kit sendiri yang bisa mengontrol rasa itu”.

4. Peer Seeking

For the anxious student, the realization that others are

having the same problem my serve as a source or reduce their

burden because they have friends to sharing. Based on

interview, the researcher found that some students did peer

seeking to solve their anxiety in English teaching-learning

process. Here the result of interview, stated as follow:

N. A: “Biasanya saya belajar bersama teman saya yang

lebih pandai dari saya. Soalnya bisa sama-sama melatih

omongan atau membiasakan diri kita dilingkungan teman yang


A. F: “Meminta bantuan ke temen yang lebih pintar untuk

diajari bahasa Inggris”.

K. R: “Insecure pastinya, tapi aku juga berusaha agar bisa

lancar bahasa Inggris dengan cara sering membaca dan

belajar bersama temanku yang udah lancar bahasa Inggris

dibanding aku”.

A. C: “Saya lebih suka dan nyaman belajar bersama

teman, terutama teman yang pintar-pintar. Soalnya belajar

bersama itu lebih menyenangkan dan santai dari pada


N. P: “Kalo saya lebih pilih belajar dengan teman, supaya

kita lebih cepat memahami materi tersebut”.

B. Discussion

This section presents the discussion based on the findings of the

research. The discussion is about the factors causing students’ anxiety in

the English teaching-learning process at the seventh grade of MTs N 02

Sukoharjo and the strategies to solve students’ anxiety in English teaching-

learning process. The explanation will be presented below:

1. The Factors Causing Students Anxiety’ In the English

Teaching-Learning Process.

Based on the research findings of this thesis, the researcher

found that most of the seventh grade PK students of MTs N 02

Sukoharjo felt anxious when English teaching-learning process.

The result of the questionnaire showed that the most of students

were anxious when English teaching-learning process. The

source were personal and interpersonal anxieties, learners’

beliefs about language learning, instructors’ beliefs about

language teaching, instructor-learners interaction, classroom

procedures, and language testing.

Based on the theory of Kota Ohata (2005), there are six

factors causing students anxiety, such as: personal and

interpersonal anxieties, learners’ beliefs about language

learning, instructors’ beliefs about language teaching,

instructor-learners interaction, classroom procedures, and

language testing.

Based on the questionnaire and interview on June 17 until

22, 2020 using the Google forms and Voice Note on WhatsApp

media, the researcher found that dominant cause of seventh

grade PK students of MTs N 02 Sukoharjo in academic year


The first factor that contribute students’ anxiety in English

teaching-learning process was personal and interpersonal

anxieties. The example of personal and interpersonal anxieties

such as, low self-esteem, low competitiveness, afraid to get a

negative response or evaluation. Low self-esteem and low

competitiveness can be characterized as follows, feel panic

when English teaching-learning without preparation,

embarrasses to be volunteer to answer question from teacher,

they assume that other students are better than themselves, feel

more tense and nervous in English class, and afraid that other

students will laugh at themselves.

The second factors that learners’ beliefs about language

learning. This factor contain some factors come from the

students about English learning. Some of it, the worries about

wrong in pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and

other factor in English learning that make them worried.

The third factors that instructors’ beliefs about language

teaching. This factor about the teacher’s assumption on the role

of language teacher may not always correspond to the student’s

need or expectations toward the teacher or its called teacher

style in teaching. Based on interview, students admitted that

they did not understand the explanation from the teacher

because the teacher explains it so quickly.

The fourth factors that instructor-learners interaction. This

factor about process of interaction between teacher and

students. If learner does not understand the teacher says or

corrections, this can be a cause of anxiety. The example of

instructor-learners interaction based on interview by the

researcher such as, the students get nervous when they does not

understand every words the teacher says and the students

would be nervous when speaking with native speaker.

The fifth factors that classroom procedures. This factor

about the classroom activities in oral presentation in front of

the class. Moreover, error correction is also cause as potential

sources of anxiety. The example of classroom procedures based

on the interview by the researcher such as, the students feel

tremble when they going to be called by teacher to answer the

question in front of class, the students worry about the

consequences of failing in their English class, the students

afraid that their teacher is ready to correct every mistake they

make, and they get upset when they are do not understand what

the teacher is correcting.

The sixth factors that language testing. The language testing

contains about felt pressured, afraid to get bad score because

test in short period and test without preparation. The example

of language testing based on the interview by the researcher

such as, the students usually case during test in English class,

panic when speak English without preparation, and nervous

when the teacher asks questions which have not prepared by


Based on 33 items os statements in FLCAS questionnaire,

there were varieties of responses from the all respondents. The

researcher found out that, there were 43 students who had

different levels of anxiety in the English teaching-learning

process. There were 8 students who experience “Very Anxious”

level, and the range score for “Very Anxious” level started from

124-165. There were 30 students are in “Anxious” level, it

means a half of the respondents are in range score 108-123 and

there were 5 students that had “Mildly Anxious” level, and the

range score of this level is started from 87-107. The researcher

found that there were no respondents who are in “Relaxed” and

“Very Relaxed” level in this research.

2. The Students’ Strategies To Solve Their Anxiety

Based on theory from Kondo & Ling (2004) there are five

strategies that can used by students to solve the students’

anxiety, they are: preparation, relaxation, positive thinking,

peer seeking, and resignation. But, the researcher only found

some strategies to solve the student’s anxiety, such as:

The first solution was preparation. Based on the interview,

most of the students’ strategies in solving their anxiety in

seventh grade PK students of MTs N 02 Sukoharjo tried to

increase confidence by using preparation before English

teaching-learning process started. The students said that by

preparing the material and studying the lesson, they can reduce

their anxious in English teaching-learning process. They were

afraid if they did not prepare the material, they could not

understand the explanation from the teacher and afraid if they

get bad score in English class.

The second solutions was positive thinking. Based on the

interview, the students admitted that positive thinking is

important and necessary. Because positive thinking can reduce

panic and nervousness during English teaching-learning

process. Besides, if we are afraid and nervous, it will not make

us focus on the teacher’s explanation.

The third solutions was relaxation. The researcher also

found that students used relaxation as an anxiety solving

strategy. By using it, the students could kept control their

feeling of frightened.

The last solutions was peer seeking. Based on the interview,

the students answered that they were looking for another

students that could help them to prepare the material. The

students may find a suitable learning partner to practice or

build a small-scale support group with others who experience

the same thing. This strategy was a good solution, especially if

the students could share their experiences and strategies with

their learning partner.



A. Conclusion

Based on the data analysis and the result of this research, it can be

concuded as followed:

1. The researcher was conducted by giving questionnaire for students to

collect data. The questionnaire was consisted of statement of students’

anxiety in English teaching-learning process. The questionnaire was

adapted from Horwitz and Cope (1986). After analyzing the data, the

showed that most of the students admitted that they were getting

anxious in English teaching-learning process. Based on the result in

chapter four, the researcher can conclude that most students of seventh

grade PK students of MTs 02 Sukoharjo in the academic year

2019/2020 still feel anxious in English teaching-learning process. The

factors of students’ anxiety in the seventh grade PK students of MTs N

02 Sukoharjo in academic year 2019/2020 based on questionnaire and

interview are personal and interpersonal anxieties, learners’ beliefs

about language learning, learners’ beliefs about language teaching,

instructor-learners interaction, classroom procedures, and language

testing. It was seen from the total of students’ response in every

statement in the questionnaire. The factors of the anxiety can influence

their achievement in English teaching-learning process. In the other

hand, the result of this research show that most of the students are in

“Anxious” level. There are 8 students who experience “Very Anxious”

level and 5 students are in “Mildly Anxious” level. There were no

respondents who are in “Relaxed” and “Very Relaxed” level in this


2. The researcher also finds some strategies that were used by students in

solving their anxiety in English teaching-learning process. Based on

interview, those are: preparation, positive thinking, relaxation, and peer

seeking. The most dominant strategies used by the students to solve

their anxiety in English teaching-learning process by positive thinking.

Some of the students combine it with other strategies.

B. Suggestion

From the findings that presented in chapter four, there are some

suggestions that can be taken as a consideration teaching and learning

process especially in learning foreign language (English), as follows:

1. For Teacher

Depending on the factors these are mentioned, there are many

different ways to deal with inhibitions related to English teaching-

learning process. The teacher should recognize that anxiety is one of

the reasons of why students having difficulties in English teaching-

learning process. The teacher should plan classes carefully and analyze

their behavior during the lesson. The teacher should plan the material it

well. The teacher also could build a friendly situation in a class and

create a relax situation to the students to make a good interaction

among all of member of the class. Motivation from the teacher also

needed to make students more active and bravely and also confident to

learn the material.

2. For Students

In learning English, the students are expected not to feel anxious

when in English teaching-learning process. Students should prepare

before doing the presentation or test in English lesson. Not only

preparation, but they also must be confident and no need to fear of

making mistakes when in English teaching-learning process. To solve

the students’ anxiety should learn more and use some strategies to

solve their anxiety in English teaching-learning process.

3. For Other Researchers

For other researcher who are interested in conducting in similar

study, this research can be used as a reference for them to support their

study. The researcher hopes the next researcher can do research better

ands can follow up this research.


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1. AY
2. A
3. AAW
4. AAM
5. ANH
6. AC
7. AK
8. AN
9. CA
10. FR
11. GN
12. HM
13. IAF
14. KR
15. LD
16. LM
17. LV
18. MR
19. MB
20. NA
21. UK
22. YA
23. ZAW
24. AF
25 ANS
26. AP

27. DD
28. HF
29. IA
30. MH
31. NP
32. NSA
33. NM
34. NSC
35. PS
36. RH
37. RN
38. RK
39. SD
40. SN
41. SK
42. VN
43. ZAA

Blueprint questionnaire of Factors Causing Students’ Anxiety in English Teaching-
Learning Process
Nama : Alifah Yafi Nabila
No Pertanyaan Jawaban
1. Saya tidak merasa yakin pada diri sendiri ketika V
berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.
2. Saya tidak khawatir membuat kesalahan di kelas V
bahasa Inggris.
3. Saya gemetar ketika saya tahu bahwa saya akan V
dipanggil Guru di kelas bahasa Inggris.
4. Saya takut ketika saya tidak mengerti apa yang V
dikatakan Guru dalam bahasa Inggris.
5. Saya tidak keberatan saat mengikuti pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris.
6. Saya memikirkan hal lain selama pelajaran bahasa V
Inggris yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan
pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
7. Saya berfikir bahwa siswa lain lebih baik dari pada V
8. Saya kesulitan selama ujian bahasa Inggris. V
9. Saya panik ketika harus berbicara bahasa Inggris V
tanpa persiapan sebelumnya.
10. Saya khawatir mengenai konsekuensi bila saya V
gagal dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
11. Saya tidak mengerti mengapa beberapa orang V
menjadi marah atau kesal saat pelajaran bahasa
12. Saya gugup jika saya tiba-tiba lupa dengan materi V

yang sudah saya pelajari.
13. Saya malu jika harus menjadi sukarelawan dalam V
menjawab pertanyaan bahasa Inggris
14. Saya tidak merasa gugup ketika berbicara bahasa V
Inggris dengan penutur asli.
15. Saya bingung ketika saya tidak mengerti tentang V
apa yang dikoreksi guru.
16. Saya masih khawatir meskipun sudah menyiapkan V
materi bahasa Inggris.
17. Saya sering merasa tidak ingin mengikuti V
pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
18. Saya merasa PD ketika berbicara bahasa Inggris. V
19. Saya takut jika Guru akan mengoreksi setiap V
kesalahan saya.
20. Saya merasa jantungku berdebar ketika saya V
dipanggil Guru untuk ke depan kelas.
21. Semakin banyak saya belajar bahasa Inggris, saya V
malah semakin bingung.
22. Saya tidak terpaksa saat belajar bahasa Inggris. V
23. Saya merasa bahwa siswa lain lebih lancar dalam V
berbicara bahasa Inggris dari pada saya.
24. Saya canggung/malu saat berbicara bahasa V
Inggris di depan siswa lain.
25. Pelajaran bahasa Inggris berjalan begitu cepat, V
sehingga saya khawatir tertinggal.
26. Saya lebih tegang dan gugup saat pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris dari pada pelajaran lain.
27. Saya menjadi gugup dan bingung ketika saya V
berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.
28. Saya merasa yakin dan santai saat pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris akan di mulai.
29. Saya gugup ketika saya tidak mengerti dengan apa V
yang di ucapkan oleh guru saat berbicara bahasa
30. Saya kewalahan dengan banyaknya aturan yang V
harus saya pelajari untuk bisa berbicara bahasa
31. Saya takut ditertawakan oleh siswa lain ketika V
saya berbicara bahasa Inggris.
32. Saya mungkin merasa nyaman jika berbicara V

dengan penutur asli Bahasa Inggris.
33. Saya menjadi gugup ketika Guru memberi V
pertanyaan yang belum saya pelajari sebelumnya.

Nama : Amirah
No Pertanyaan Jawaban
1. Saya tidak merasa yakin pada diri sendiri ketika V
berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.
2. Saya tidak khawatir membuat kesalahan di kelas V
bahasa Inggris.
3. Saya gemetar ketika saya tahu bahwa saya akan V
dipanggil Guru di kelas bahasa Inggris.
4. Saya takut ketika saya tidak mengerti apa yang V
dikatakan Guru dalam bahasa Inggris.
5. Saya tidak keberatan saat mengikuti pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris.
6. Saya memikirkan hal lain selama pelajaran bahasa V
Inggris yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan
pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
7. Saya berfikir bahwa siswa lain lebih baik dari pada V
8. Saya kesulitan selama ujian bahasa Inggris. V
9. Saya panik ketika harus berbicara bahasa Inggris V
tanpa persiapan sebelumnya.
10. Saya khawatir mengenai konsekuensi bila saya V
gagal dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
11. Saya tidak mengerti mengapa beberapa orang V
menjadi marah atau kesal saat pelajaran bahasa
12. Saya gugup jika saya tiba-tiba lupa dengan materi V

yang sudah saya pelajari.
13. Saya malu jika harus menjadi sukarelawan dalam V
menjawab pertanyaan bahasa Inggris
14. Saya tidak merasa gugup ketika berbicara bahasa V
Inggris dengan penutur asli.
15. Saya bingung ketika saya tidak mengerti tentang V
apa yang dikoreksi guru.
16. Saya masih khawatir meskipun sudah menyiapkan V
materi bahasa Inggris.
17. Saya sering merasa tidak ingin mengikuti V
pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
18. Saya merasa PD ketika berbicara bahasa Inggris. V
19. Saya takut jika Guru akan mengoreksi setiap V
kesalahan saya.
20. Saya merasa jantungku berdebar ketika saya V
dipanggil Guru untuk ke depan kelas.
21. Semakin banyak saya belajar bahasa Inggris, saya V
malah semakin bingung.
22. Saya tidak terpaksa saat belajar bahasa Inggris. V
23. Saya merasa bahwa siswa lain lebih lancar dalam V
berbicara bahasa Inggris dari pada saya.
24. Saya canggung/malu saat berbicara bahasa V
Inggris di depan siswa lain.
25. Pelajaran bahasa Inggris berjalan begitu cepat, V
sehingga saya khawatir tertinggal.
26. Saya lebih tegang dan gugup saat pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris dari pada pelajaran lain.
27. Saya menjadi gugup dan bingung ketika saya V
berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.
28. Saya merasa yakin dan santai saat pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris akan di mulai.
29. Saya gugup ketika saya tidak mengerti dengan apa V
yang di ucapkan oleh guru saat berbicara bahasa
30. Saya kewalahan dengan banyaknya aturan yang V
harus saya pelajari untuk bisa berbicara bahasa
31. Saya takut ditertawakan oleh siswa lain ketika V
saya berbicara bahasa Inggris.
32. Saya mungkin merasa nyaman jika berbicara V

dengan penutur asli Bahasa Inggris.
33. Saya menjadi gugup ketika Guru memberi V
pertanyaan yang belum saya pelajari sebelumnya.

Nama : Anindya Aulia Wardah

No Pertanyaan Jawaban
1. Saya tidak merasa yakin pada diri sendiri ketika V
berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.
2. Saya tidak khawatir membuat kesalahan di kelas V
bahasa Inggris.
3. Saya gemetar ketika saya tahu bahwa saya akan V
dipanggil Guru di kelas bahasa Inggris.
4. Saya takut ketika saya tidak mengerti apa yang V
dikatakan Guru dalam bahasa Inggris.
5. Saya tidak keberatan saat mengikuti pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris.
6. Saya memikirkan hal lain selama pelajaran bahasa V
Inggris yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan
pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
7. Saya berfikir bahwa siswa lain lebih baik dari pada V
8. Saya kesulitan selama ujian bahasa Inggris. V
9. Saya panik ketika harus berbicara bahasa Inggris V
tanpa persiapan sebelumnya.
10. Saya khawatir mengenai konsekuensi bila saya V
gagal dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris.

11. Saya tidak mengerti mengapa beberapa orang V
menjadi marah atau kesal saat pelajaran bahasa
12. Saya gugup jika saya tiba-tiba lupa dengan materi V
yang sudah saya pelajari.
13. Saya malu jika harus menjadi sukarelawan dalam V
menjawab pertanyaan bahasa Inggris
14. Saya tidak merasa gugup ketika berbicara bahasa V
Inggris dengan penutur asli.
15. Saya bingung ketika saya tidak mengerti tentang V
apa yang dikoreksi guru.
16. Saya masih khawatir meskipun sudah menyiapkan V
materi bahasa Inggris.
17. Saya sering merasa tidak ingin mengikuti V
pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
18. Saya merasa PD ketika berbicara bahasa Inggris. V
19. Saya takut jika Guru akan mengoreksi setiap V
kesalahan saya.
20. Saya merasa jantungku berdebar ketika saya V
dipanggil Guru untuk ke depan kelas.
21. Semakin banyak saya belajar bahasa Inggris, saya V
malah semakin bingung.
22. Saya tidak terpaksa saat belajar bahasa Inggris. V
23. Saya merasa bahwa siswa lain lebih lancar dalam V
berbicara bahasa Inggris dari pada saya.
24. Saya canggung/malu saat berbicara bahasa V
Inggris di depan siswa lain.
25. Pelajaran bahasa Inggris berjalan begitu cepat, V
sehingga saya khawatir tertinggal.
26. Saya lebih tegang dan gugup saat pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris dari pada pelajaran lain.
27. Saya menjadi gugup dan bingung ketika saya V
berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.
28. Saya merasa yakin dan santai saat pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris akan di mulai.
29. Saya gugup ketika saya tidak mengerti dengan apa V
yang di ucapkan oleh guru saat berbicara bahasa
30. Saya kewalahan dengan banyaknya aturan yang V
harus saya pelajari untuk bisa berbicara bahasa

31. Saya takut ditertawakan oleh siswa lain ketika V
saya berbicara bahasa Inggris.
32. Saya mungkin merasa nyaman jika berbicara V
dengan penutur asli Bahasa Inggris.
33. Saya menjadi gugup ketika Guru memberi V
pertanyaan yang belum saya pelajari sebelumnya.

Nama : Annas Adi Mubaraq

No Pertanyaan Jawaban
1. Saya tidak merasa yakin pada diri sendiri ketika V
berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.
2. Saya tidak khawatir membuat kesalahan di kelas V
bahasa Inggris.
3. Saya gemetar ketika saya tahu bahwa saya akan V
dipanggil Guru di kelas bahasa Inggris.
4. Saya takut ketika saya tidak mengerti apa yang V
dikatakan Guru dalam bahasa Inggris.
5. Saya tidak keberatan saat mengikuti pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris.
6. Saya memikirkan hal lain selama pelajaran bahasa V
Inggris yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan
pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
7. Saya berfikir bahwa siswa lain lebih baik dari pada V

8. Saya kesulitan selama ujian bahasa Inggris. V
9. Saya panik ketika harus berbicara bahasa Inggris V
tanpa persiapan sebelumnya.
10. Saya khawatir mengenai konsekuensi bila saya V
gagal dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
11. Saya tidak mengerti mengapa beberapa orang V
menjadi marah atau kesal saat pelajaran bahasa
12. Saya gugup jika saya tiba-tiba lupa dengan materi V
yang sudah saya pelajari.
13. Saya malu jika harus menjadi sukarelawan dalam V
menjawab pertanyaan bahasa Inggris
14. Saya tidak merasa gugup ketika berbicara bahasa V
Inggris dengan penutur asli.
15. Saya bingung ketika saya tidak mengerti tentang V
apa yang dikoreksi guru.
16. Saya masih khawatir meskipun sudah menyiapkan V
materi bahasa Inggris.
17. Saya sering merasa tidak ingin mengikuti V
pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
18. Saya merasa PD ketika berbicara bahasa Inggris. V
19. Saya takut jika Guru akan mengoreksi setiap V
kesalahan saya.
20. Saya merasa jantungku berdebar ketika saya V
dipanggil Guru untuk ke depan kelas.
21. Semakin banyak saya belajar bahasa Inggris, saya V
malah semakin bingung.
22. Saya tidak terpaksa saat belajar bahasa Inggris. V
23. Saya merasa bahwa siswa lain lebih lancar dalam V
berbicara bahasa Inggris dari pada saya.
24. Saya canggung/malu saat berbicara bahasa V
Inggris di depan siswa lain.
25. Pelajaran bahasa Inggris berjalan begitu cepat, V
sehingga saya khawatir tertinggal.
26. Saya lebih tegang dan gugup saat pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris dari pada pelajaran lain.
27. Saya menjadi gugup dan bingung ketika saya V
berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.
28. Saya merasa yakin dan santai saat pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris akan di mulai.

29. Saya gugup ketika saya tidak mengerti dengan apa V
yang di ucapkan oleh guru saat berbicara bahasa
30. Saya kewalahan dengan banyaknya aturan yang V
harus saya pelajari untuk bisa berbicara bahasa
31. Saya takut ditertawakan oleh siswa lain ketika V
saya berbicara bahasa Inggris.
32. Saya mungkin merasa nyaman jika berbicara V
dengan penutur asli Bahasa Inggris.
33. Saya menjadi gugup ketika Guru memberi V
pertanyaan yang belum saya pelajari sebelumnya.

Nama : Anisa Niswatin Hasanah

No Pertanyaan Jawaban
1. Saya tidak merasa yakin pada diri sendiri ketika V
berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.
2. Saya tidak khawatir membuat kesalahan di kelas V
bahasa Inggris.
3. Saya gemetar ketika saya tahu bahwa saya akan V
dipanggil Guru di kelas bahasa Inggris.
4. Saya takut ketika saya tidak mengerti apa yang V
dikatakan Guru dalam bahasa Inggris.
5. Saya tidak keberatan saat mengikuti pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris.
6. Saya memikirkan hal lain selama pelajaran bahasa V

Inggris yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan
pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
7. Saya berfikir bahwa siswa lain lebih baik dari pada V
8. Saya kesulitan selama ujian bahasa Inggris. V
9. Saya panik ketika harus berbicara bahasa Inggris V
tanpa persiapan sebelumnya.
10. Saya khawatir mengenai konsekuensi bila saya V
gagal dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
11. Saya tidak mengerti mengapa beberapa orang V
menjadi marah atau kesal saat pelajaran bahasa
12. Saya gugup jika saya tiba-tiba lupa dengan materi V
yang sudah saya pelajari.
13. Saya malu jika harus menjadi sukarelawan dalam V
menjawab pertanyaan bahasa Inggris
14. Saya tidak merasa gugup ketika berbicara bahasa V
Inggris dengan penutur asli.
15. Saya bingung ketika saya tidak mengerti tentang V
apa yang dikoreksi guru.
16. Saya masih khawatir meskipun sudah menyiapkan V
materi bahasa Inggris.
17. Saya sering merasa tidak ingin mengikuti V
pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
18. Saya merasa PD ketika berbicara bahasa Inggris. V
19. Saya takut jika Guru akan mengoreksi setiap V
kesalahan saya.
20. Saya merasa jantungku berdebar ketika saya V
dipanggil Guru untuk ke depan kelas.
21. Semakin banyak saya belajar bahasa Inggris, saya V
malah semakin bingung.
22. Saya tidak terpaksa saat belajar bahasa Inggris. V
23. Saya merasa bahwa siswa lain lebih lancar dalam V
berbicara bahasa Inggris dari pada saya.
24. Saya canggung/malu saat berbicara bahasa V
Inggris di depan siswa lain.
25. Pelajaran bahasa Inggris berjalan begitu cepat, V
sehingga saya khawatir tertinggal.
26. Saya lebih tegang dan gugup saat pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris dari pada pelajaran lain.

27. Saya menjadi gugup dan bingung ketika saya V
berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.
28. Saya merasa yakin dan santai saat pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris akan di mulai.
29. Saya gugup ketika saya tidak mengerti dengan apa V
yang di ucapkan oleh guru saat berbicara bahasa
30. Saya kewalahan dengan banyaknya aturan yang V
harus saya pelajari untuk bisa berbicara bahasa
31. Saya takut ditertawakan oleh siswa lain ketika V
saya berbicara bahasa Inggris.
32. Saya mungkin merasa nyaman jika berbicara V
dengan penutur asli Bahasa Inggris.
33. Saya menjadi gugup ketika Guru memberi V
pertanyaan yang belum saya pelajari sebelumnya.

Nama : Athailla Celesta Ramadhani

No Pertanyaan Jawaban
1. Saya tidak merasa yakin pada diri sendiri ketika V
berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.
2. Saya tidak khawatir membuat kesalahan di kelas V
bahasa Inggris.
3. Saya gemetar ketika saya tahu bahwa saya akan V
dipanggil Guru di kelas bahasa Inggris.

4. Saya takut ketika saya tidak mengerti apa yang V
dikatakan Guru dalam bahasa Inggris.
5. Saya tidak keberatan saat mengikuti pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris.
6. Saya memikirkan hal lain selama pelajaran bahasa V
Inggris yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan
pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
7. Saya berfikir bahwa siswa lain lebih baik dari pada V
8. Saya kesulitan selama ujian bahasa Inggris. V
9. Saya panik ketika harus berbicara bahasa Inggris V
tanpa persiapan sebelumnya.
10. Saya khawatir mengenai konsekuensi bila saya V
gagal dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
11. Saya tidak mengerti mengapa beberapa orang V
menjadi marah atau kesal saat pelajaran bahasa
12. Saya gugup jika saya tiba-tiba lupa dengan materi V
yang sudah saya pelajari.
13. Saya malu jika harus menjadi sukarelawan dalam V
menjawab pertanyaan bahasa Inggris
14. Saya tidak merasa gugup ketika berbicara bahasa V
Inggris dengan penutur asli.
15. Saya bingung ketika saya tidak mengerti tentang V
apa yang dikoreksi guru.
16. Saya masih khawatir meskipun sudah menyiapkan V
materi bahasa Inggris.
17. Saya sering merasa tidak ingin mengikuti V
pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
18. Saya merasa PD ketika berbicara bahasa Inggris. V
19. Saya takut jika Guru akan mengoreksi setiap V
kesalahan saya.
20. Saya merasa jantungku berdebar ketika saya V
dipanggil Guru untuk ke depan kelas.
21. Semakin banyak saya belajar bahasa Inggris, saya V
malah semakin bingung.
22. Saya tidak terpaksa saat belajar bahasa Inggris. V
23. Saya merasa bahwa siswa lain lebih lancar dalam V
berbicara bahasa Inggris dari pada saya.
24. Saya canggung/malu saat berbicara bahasa V

Inggris di depan siswa lain.
25. Pelajaran bahasa Inggris berjalan begitu cepat, V
sehingga saya khawatir tertinggal.
26. Saya lebih tegang dan gugup saat pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris dari pada pelajaran lain.
27. Saya menjadi gugup dan bingung ketika saya V
berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.
28. Saya merasa yakin dan santai saat pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris akan di mulai.
29. Saya gugup ketika saya tidak mengerti dengan apa V
yang di ucapkan oleh guru saat berbicara bahasa
30. Saya kewalahan dengan banyaknya aturan yang V
harus saya pelajari untuk bisa berbicara bahasa
31. Saya takut ditertawakan oleh siswa lain ketika V
saya berbicara bahasa Inggris.
32. Saya mungkin merasa nyaman jika berbicara V
dengan penutur asli Bahasa Inggris.
33. Saya menjadi gugup ketika Guru memberi V
pertanyaan yang belum saya pelajari sebelumnya.

Nama : Athiya Karima Faradisa

No Pertanyaan Jawaban
1. Saya tidak merasa yakin pada diri sendiri ketika V
berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.

2. Saya tidak khawatir membuat kesalahan di kelas V
bahasa Inggris.
3. Saya gemetar ketika saya tahu bahwa saya akan V
dipanggil Guru di kelas bahasa Inggris.
4. Saya takut ketika saya tidak mengerti apa yang V
dikatakan Guru dalam bahasa Inggris.
5. Saya tidak keberatan saat mengikuti pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris.
6. Saya memikirkan hal lain selama pelajaran bahasa V
Inggris yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan
pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
7. Saya berfikir bahwa siswa lain lebih baik dari pada V
8. Saya kesulitan selama ujian bahasa Inggris. V
9. Saya panik ketika harus berbicara bahasa Inggris V
tanpa persiapan sebelumnya.
10. Saya khawatir mengenai konsekuensi bila saya V
gagal dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
11. Saya tidak mengerti mengapa beberapa orang V
menjadi marah atau kesal saat pelajaran bahasa
12. Saya gugup jika saya tiba-tiba lupa dengan materi V
yang sudah saya pelajari.
13. Saya malu jika harus menjadi sukarelawan dalam V
menjawab pertanyaan bahasa Inggris
14. Saya tidak merasa gugup ketika berbicara bahasa V
Inggris dengan penutur asli.
15. Saya bingung ketika saya tidak mengerti tentang V
apa yang dikoreksi guru.
16. Saya masih khawatir meskipun sudah menyiapkan V
materi bahasa Inggris.
17. Saya sering merasa tidak ingin mengikuti V
pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
18. Saya merasa PD ketika berbicara bahasa Inggris. V
19. Saya takut jika Guru akan mengoreksi setiap V
kesalahan saya.
20. Saya merasa jantungku berdebar ketika saya V
dipanggil Guru untuk ke depan kelas.
21. Semakin banyak saya belajar bahasa Inggris, saya V
malah semakin bingung.

22. Saya tidak terpaksa saat belajar bahasa Inggris. V
23. Saya merasa bahwa siswa lain lebih lancar dalam V
berbicara bahasa Inggris dari pada saya.
24. Saya canggung/malu saat berbicara bahasa V
Inggris di depan siswa lain.
25. Pelajaran bahasa Inggris berjalan begitu cepat, V
sehingga saya khawatir tertinggal.
26. Saya lebih tegang dan gugup saat pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris dari pada pelajaran lain.
27. Saya menjadi gugup dan bingung ketika saya V
berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.
28. Saya merasa yakin dan santai saat pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris akan di mulai.
29. Saya gugup ketika saya tidak mengerti dengan apa V
yang di ucapkan oleh guru saat berbicara bahasa
30. Saya kewalahan dengan banyaknya aturan yang V
harus saya pelajari untuk bisa berbicara bahasa
31. Saya takut ditertawakan oleh siswa lain ketika V
saya berbicara bahasa Inggris.
32. Saya mungkin merasa nyaman jika berbicara V
dengan penutur asli Bahasa Inggris.
33. Saya menjadi gugup ketika Guru memberi V
pertanyaan yang belum saya pelajari sebelumnya.

Nama : Aulia Nurul Aini

No Pertanyaan Jawaban
1. Saya tidak merasa yakin pada diri sendiri ketika V
berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.
2. Saya tidak khawatir membuat kesalahan di kelas V
bahasa Inggris.
3. Saya gemetar ketika saya tahu bahwa saya akan V
dipanggil Guru di kelas bahasa Inggris.
4. Saya takut ketika saya tidak mengerti apa yang V
dikatakan Guru dalam bahasa Inggris.
5. Saya tidak keberatan saat mengikuti pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris.
6. Saya memikirkan hal lain selama pelajaran bahasa V
Inggris yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan
pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
7. Saya berfikir bahwa siswa lain lebih baik dari pada V
8. Saya kesulitan selama ujian bahasa Inggris. V
9. Saya panik ketika harus berbicara bahasa Inggris V
tanpa persiapan sebelumnya.
10. Saya khawatir mengenai konsekuensi bila saya V
gagal dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
11. Saya tidak mengerti mengapa beberapa orang V
menjadi marah atau kesal saat pelajaran bahasa
12. Saya gugup jika saya tiba-tiba lupa dengan materi V
yang sudah saya pelajari.
13. Saya malu jika harus menjadi sukarelawan dalam V
menjawab pertanyaan bahasa Inggris
14. Saya tidak merasa gugup ketika berbicara bahasa V
Inggris dengan penutur asli.
15. Saya bingung ketika saya tidak mengerti tentang V
apa yang dikoreksi guru.
16. Saya masih khawatir meskipun sudah menyiapkan V
materi bahasa Inggris.
17. Saya sering merasa tidak ingin mengikuti V
pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
18. Saya merasa PD ketika berbicara bahasa Inggris. V
19. Saya takut jika Guru akan mengoreksi setiap V
kesalahan saya.

20. Saya merasa jantungku berdebar ketika saya V
dipanggil Guru untuk ke depan kelas.
21. Semakin banyak saya belajar bahasa Inggris, saya V
malah semakin bingung.
22. Saya tidak terpaksa saat belajar bahasa Inggris. V
23. Saya merasa bahwa siswa lain lebih lancar dalam V
berbicara bahasa Inggris dari pada saya.
24. Saya canggung/malu saat berbicara bahasa V
Inggris di depan siswa lain.
25. Pelajaran bahasa Inggris berjalan begitu cepat, V
sehingga saya khawatir tertinggal.
26. Saya lebih tegang dan gugup saat pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris dari pada pelajaran lain.
27. Saya menjadi gugup dan bingung ketika saya V
berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.
28. Saya merasa yakin dan santai saat pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris akan di mulai.
29. Saya gugup ketika saya tidak mengerti dengan apa V
yang di ucapkan oleh guru saat berbicara bahasa
30. Saya kewalahan dengan banyaknya aturan yang V
harus saya pelajari untuk bisa berbicara bahasa
31. Saya takut ditertawakan oleh siswa lain ketika V
saya berbicara bahasa Inggris.
32. Saya mungkin merasa nyaman jika berbicara V
dengan penutur asli Bahasa Inggris.
33. Saya menjadi gugup ketika Guru memberi V
pertanyaan yang belum saya pelajari sebelumnya.

Nama : Callista Anindya

No Pertanyaan Jawaban
1. Saya tidak merasa yakin pada diri sendiri ketika V
berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.
2. Saya tidak khawatir membuat kesalahan di kelas V
bahasa Inggris.
3. Saya gemetar ketika saya tahu bahwa saya akan V
dipanggil Guru di kelas bahasa Inggris.
4. Saya takut ketika saya tidak mengerti apa yang V
dikatakan Guru dalam bahasa Inggris.
5. Saya tidak keberatan saat mengikuti pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris.
6. Saya memikirkan hal lain selama pelajaran bahasa V
Inggris yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan
pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
7. Saya berfikir bahwa siswa lain lebih baik dari pada V
8. Saya kesulitan selama ujian bahasa Inggris. V
9. Saya panik ketika harus berbicara bahasa Inggris V
tanpa persiapan sebelumnya.
10. Saya khawatir mengenai konsekuensi bila saya V
gagal dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
11. Saya tidak mengerti mengapa beberapa orang V
menjadi marah atau kesal saat pelajaran bahasa
12. Saya gugup jika saya tiba-tiba lupa dengan materi V
yang sudah saya pelajari.
13. Saya malu jika harus menjadi sukarelawan dalam V
menjawab pertanyaan bahasa Inggris
14. Saya tidak merasa gugup ketika berbicara bahasa V
Inggris dengan penutur asli.
15. Saya bingung ketika saya tidak mengerti tentang V
apa yang dikoreksi guru.
16. Saya masih khawatir meskipun sudah menyiapkan V
materi bahasa Inggris.
17. Saya sering merasa tidak ingin mengikuti V

pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
18. Saya merasa PD ketika berbicara bahasa Inggris. V
19. Saya takut jika Guru akan mengoreksi setiap V
kesalahan saya.
20. Saya merasa jantungku berdebar ketika saya V
dipanggil Guru untuk ke depan kelas.
21. Semakin banyak saya belajar bahasa Inggris, saya V
malah semakin bingung.
22. Saya tidak terpaksa saat belajar bahasa Inggris. V
23. Saya merasa bahwa siswa lain lebih lancar dalam V
berbicara bahasa Inggris dari pada saya.
24. Saya canggung/malu saat berbicara bahasa V
Inggris di depan siswa lain.
25. Pelajaran bahasa Inggris berjalan begitu cepat, V
sehingga saya khawatir tertinggal.
26. Saya lebih tegang dan gugup saat pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris dari pada pelajaran lain.
27. Saya menjadi gugup dan bingung ketika saya V
berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.
28. Saya merasa yakin dan santai saat pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris akan di mulai.
29. Saya gugup ketika saya tidak mengerti dengan apa V
yang di ucapkan oleh guru saat berbicara bahasa
30. Saya kewalahan dengan banyaknya aturan yang V
harus saya pelajari untuk bisa berbicara bahasa
31. Saya takut ditertawakan oleh siswa lain ketika V
saya berbicara bahasa Inggris.
32. Saya mungkin merasa nyaman jika berbicara V
dengan penutur asli Bahasa Inggris.
33. Saya menjadi gugup ketika Guru memberi V
pertanyaan yang belum saya pelajari sebelumnya.

Nama : Fauzi Risqy

No Pertanyaan Jawaban
1. Saya tidak merasa yakin pada diri sendiri ketika V
berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.
2. Saya tidak khawatir membuat kesalahan di kelas V
bahasa Inggris.
3. Saya gemetar ketika saya tahu bahwa saya akan V
dipanggil Guru di kelas bahasa Inggris.
4. Saya takut ketika saya tidak mengerti apa yang V
dikatakan Guru dalam bahasa Inggris.
5. Saya tidak keberatan saat mengikuti pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris.
6. Saya memikirkan hal lain selama pelajaran bahasa V
Inggris yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan
pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
7. Saya berfikir bahwa siswa lain lebih baik dari pada V
8. Saya kesulitan selama ujian bahasa Inggris. V
9. Saya panik ketika harus berbicara bahasa Inggris V
tanpa persiapan sebelumnya.
10. Saya khawatir mengenai konsekuensi bila saya V
gagal dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
11. Saya tidak mengerti mengapa beberapa orang V
menjadi marah atau kesal saat pelajaran bahasa
12. Saya gugup jika saya tiba-tiba lupa dengan materi V
yang sudah saya pelajari.
13. Saya malu jika harus menjadi sukarelawan dalam V
menjawab pertanyaan bahasa Inggris
14. Saya tidak merasa gugup ketika berbicara bahasa V
Inggris dengan penutur asli.
15. Saya bingung ketika saya tidak mengerti tentang V
apa yang dikoreksi guru.

16. Saya masih khawatir meskipun sudah menyiapkan V
materi bahasa Inggris.
17. Saya sering merasa tidak ingin mengikuti V
pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
18. Saya merasa PD ketika berbicara bahasa Inggris. V
19. Saya takut jika Guru akan mengoreksi setiap V
kesalahan saya.
20. Saya merasa jantungku berdebar ketika saya V
dipanggil Guru untuk ke depan kelas.
21. Semakin banyak saya belajar bahasa Inggris, saya V
malah semakin bingung.
22. Saya tidak terpaksa saat belajar bahasa Inggris. V
23. Saya merasa bahwa siswa lain lebih lancar dalam V
berbicara bahasa Inggris dari pada saya.
24. Saya canggung/malu saat berbicara bahasa V
Inggris di depan siswa lain.
25. Pelajaran bahasa Inggris berjalan begitu cepat, V
sehingga saya khawatir tertinggal.
26. Saya lebih tegang dan gugup saat pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris dari pada pelajaran lain.
27. Saya menjadi gugup dan bingung ketika saya V
berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.
28. Saya merasa yakin dan santai saat pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris akan di mulai.
29. Saya gugup ketika saya tidak mengerti dengan apa V
yang di ucapkan oleh guru saat berbicara bahasa
30. Saya kewalahan dengan banyaknya aturan yang V
harus saya pelajari untuk bisa berbicara bahasa
31. Saya takut ditertawakan oleh siswa lain ketika V
saya berbicara bahasa Inggris.
32. Saya mungkin merasa nyaman jika berbicara V
dengan penutur asli Bahasa Inggris.
33. Saya menjadi gugup ketika Guru memberi V
pertanyaan yang belum saya pelajari sebelumnya.

Nama : Ghania Nashwa Rifqa Saqiba

No Pertanyaan Jawaban
1. Saya tidak merasa yakin pada diri sendiri ketika V
berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.
2. Saya tidak khawatir membuat kesalahan di kelas V
bahasa Inggris.
3. Saya gemetar ketika saya tahu bahwa saya akan V
dipanggil Guru di kelas bahasa Inggris.
4. Saya takut ketika saya tidak mengerti apa yang V
dikatakan Guru dalam bahasa Inggris.
5. Saya tidak keberatan saat mengikuti pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris.
6. Saya memikirkan hal lain selama pelajaran bahasa V
Inggris yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan
pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
7. Saya berfikir bahwa siswa lain lebih baik dari pada V
8. Saya kesulitan selama ujian bahasa Inggris. V
9. Saya panik ketika harus berbicara bahasa Inggris V
tanpa persiapan sebelumnya.
10. Saya khawatir mengenai konsekuensi bila saya V
gagal dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
11. Saya tidak mengerti mengapa beberapa orang V
menjadi marah atau kesal saat pelajaran bahasa
12. Saya gugup jika saya tiba-tiba lupa dengan materi V
yang sudah saya pelajari.
13. Saya malu jika harus menjadi sukarelawan dalam V
menjawab pertanyaan bahasa Inggris
14. Saya tidak merasa gugup ketika berbicara bahasa V

Inggris dengan penutur asli.
15. Saya bingung ketika saya tidak mengerti tentang V
apa yang dikoreksi guru.
16. Saya masih khawatir meskipun sudah menyiapkan V
materi bahasa Inggris.
17. Saya sering merasa tidak ingin mengikuti V
pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
18. Saya merasa PD ketika berbicara bahasa Inggris. V
19. Saya takut jika Guru akan mengoreksi setiap V
kesalahan saya.
20. Saya merasa jantungku berdebar ketika saya V
dipanggil Guru untuk ke depan kelas.
21. Semakin banyak saya belajar bahasa Inggris, saya V
malah semakin bingung.
22. Saya tidak terpaksa saat belajar bahasa Inggris. V
23. Saya merasa bahwa siswa lain lebih lancar dalam V
berbicara bahasa Inggris dari pada saya.
24. Saya canggung/malu saat berbicara bahasa V
Inggris di depan siswa lain.
25. Pelajaran bahasa Inggris berjalan begitu cepat, V
sehingga saya khawatir tertinggal.
26. Saya lebih tegang dan gugup saat pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris dari pada pelajaran lain.
27. Saya menjadi gugup dan bingung ketika saya V
berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.
28. Saya merasa yakin dan santai saat pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris akan di mulai.
29. Saya gugup ketika saya tidak mengerti dengan apa V
yang di ucapkan oleh guru saat berbicara bahasa
30. Saya kewalahan dengan banyaknya aturan yang V
harus saya pelajari untuk bisa berbicara bahasa
31. Saya takut ditertawakan oleh siswa lain ketika V
saya berbicara bahasa Inggris.
32. Saya mungkin merasa nyaman jika berbicara V
dengan penutur asli Bahasa Inggris.
33. Saya menjadi gugup ketika Guru memberi V
pertanyaan yang belum saya pelajari sebelumnya.

Nama : Hafizh Mahendra Putra

No Pertanyaan Jawaban
1. Saya tidak merasa yakin pada diri sendiri ketika V
berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.
2. Saya tidak khawatir membuat kesalahan di kelas V
bahasa Inggris.
3. Saya gemetar ketika saya tahu bahwa saya akan V
dipanggil Guru di kelas bahasa Inggris.
4. Saya takut ketika saya tidak mengerti apa yang V
dikatakan Guru dalam bahasa Inggris.
5. Saya tidak keberatan saat mengikuti pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris.
6. Saya memikirkan hal lain selama pelajaran bahasa V
Inggris yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan
pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
7. Saya berfikir bahwa siswa lain lebih baik dari pada V
8. Saya kesulitan selama ujian bahasa Inggris. V
9. Saya panik ketika harus berbicara bahasa Inggris V
tanpa persiapan sebelumnya.
10. Saya khawatir mengenai konsekuensi bila saya V
gagal dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
11. Saya tidak mengerti mengapa beberapa orang V
menjadi marah atau kesal saat pelajaran bahasa
12. Saya gugup jika saya tiba-tiba lupa dengan materi V
yang sudah saya pelajari.

13. Saya malu jika harus menjadi sukarelawan dalam V
menjawab pertanyaan bahasa Inggris
14. Saya tidak merasa gugup ketika berbicara bahasa V
Inggris dengan penutur asli.
15. Saya bingung ketika saya tidak mengerti tentang V
apa yang dikoreksi guru.
16. Saya masih khawatir meskipun sudah menyiapkan V
materi bahasa Inggris.
17. Saya sering merasa tidak ingin mengikuti V
pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
18. Saya merasa PD ketika berbicara bahasa Inggris. V
19. Saya takut jika Guru akan mengoreksi setiap V
kesalahan saya.
20. Saya merasa jantungku berdebar ketika saya V
dipanggil Guru untuk ke depan kelas.
21. Semakin banyak saya belajar bahasa Inggris, saya V
malah semakin bingung.
22. Saya tidak terpaksa saat belajar bahasa Inggris. V
23. Saya merasa bahwa siswa lain lebih lancar dalam V
berbicara bahasa Inggris dari pada saya.
24. Saya canggung/malu saat berbicara bahasa V
Inggris di depan siswa lain.
25. Pelajaran bahasa Inggris berjalan begitu cepat, V
sehingga saya khawatir tertinggal.
26. Saya lebih tegang dan gugup saat pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris dari pada pelajaran lain.
27. Saya menjadi gugup dan bingung ketika saya V
berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.
28. Saya merasa yakin dan santai saat pelajaran V
bahasa Inggris akan di mulai.
29. Saya gugup ketika saya tidak mengerti dengan apa V
yang di ucapkan oleh guru saat berbicara bahasa
30. Saya kewalahan dengan banyaknya aturan yang V
harus saya pelajari untuk bisa berbicara bahasa
31. Saya takut ditertawakan oleh siswa lain ketika V
saya berbicara bahasa Inggris.
32. Saya mungkin merasa nyaman jika berbicara V
dengan penutur asli Bahasa Inggris.

33. Saya menjadi gugup ketika Guru memberi V
pertanyaan yang belum saya pelajari sebelumnya.

Interview With Students
Nama : Nayshilla Muftikha
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa tidak percaya diri saat berbicara Bahasa
NM : Iya, enggak percaya diri, masih bingung cara pengucapan yang
benar gimana, karena bahasa Inggris tulisan sama pengucapan
Researcher : Apakah kamu berfikir bahwa siswa lain lebih baik (pandai) dan
lancar dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris?
NM : Iya, karena teman-teman ngomongnya bisa lancar dibanding
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa gugup ketika lupa dengan materi pelajaran
yang sudah di pelajari?
NM : Iya gugup. Karena pelajarannya banyak, enggak cuman bahasa
Inggris. Jadi sering lupa sama materi yang udah dijelasin.
Researcher : Apakah kamu malu saat diminta untuk menjadi sukarelawan
dalam menjawab soal?
NM : Malu. Karena saya merasa tidak bisa jawab pertanyaannya.

Researcher : Apakah kamu masih khawatir dan cemas meskipun sudah
NM : Masih. Karena belajarnya cuman bagian-bagian tertentu saja.
Maksudnya, tidak semua materi saya pelajari saya pelajari. Jadi
masih khawatir, tetapi setidaknya sudah belajar jadi tidak takut-
takut banget.
Researcher : Menurutmu apakah bahasa Inggris pelajaran yang sulit sehingga
kamu merasa tidak ingin masuk kelas?
NM : Iya, sulit. Banyak kosakata yang belum saya tahu artinya.
Researcher : Apa yang membuat kamu tidak percaya diri dalam pelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
NM: : Takut tidak paham dengan penjelasan dari Guru.
Researcher : Apa yang kamu rasakan saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris atau saat
berada di depan kelas ketika sedang presentasi?
NM : Grogi dan malu sama teman.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa malu atau canggung saat berbicara bahasa
Inggris di depan siswa lain?
NM : Iya, karena dilihatin sama teman-teman dan guru.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa lebih tegang dan gugup saat pelajaran
bahasa Inggris di banding pelajaran lain?
NM : iya, karena bahasa Inggris sangat sulit, apalagi yang ada rumus-
rumusnya, bikin tambah bingung.
Researcher : Saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris di mulai, apakah kamu percaya diri
dan enjoy?
NM : Kalo pas diterangin enjoy aja. Tapi kalau pas ulangan atau disuruh
menjawab pertanyaan, takut dan tidak PD
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa keberatan saat mengikuti pelajaran bahasa
NM : Sebenarnya iya keberatan. Tapi saya sadar bahwa bahasa Inggris
itu penting.
Researcher : Apakah kamu memikirkan hal lain (melamun) saat pelajaran
bahasa Inggris?

NM : Sering, tidak bisa fokus. Pengen cepet-cepet istirahat aja.
Researcher : Saat Guru menerangkan atau berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris,
apakah kamu paham?
NM : Kadang paham kadang enggak.
Researcher : Bagaimana sikapmu jika kamu mendapatkan nilai jelek?
NM : Takut jika disuruh remidi lagi.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa bingung ketika kamu tidak mengerti
tentang apa yang di koreksi guru?
NM : Saya bingung kalau guru sudah menjelaskan berkali-kali, tapi saya
masih bingung.
Reaearcher : Kesulitan apa yang kamu alami saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris?
NM : Tidak tahu artinya.
Researcher : Bagaimana cara kamu mengatasi rasa takut, khawatir dan cemas
saat pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?
NM : Pertama belajar dari rumah dulu, biar punya bekal dan biar tidak
terlalu tegang dan gugup pas di kelas.

Nama : Yusuf Anhaf
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa tidak percaya diri saat berbicara Bahasa
YA : Enggak percaya diri banget. Karena belum lancar ngomong
bahasa Inggris, takut pengucapan salah dan malu di lihat teman-
Researcher : Apakah kamu berfikir bahwa siswa lain lebih baik (pandai) dan
lancar dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris?
YA : Iya, saya merasa teman-teman pinter bahasa Inggris, padahal
bahasa Inggris itu sulit.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa gugup ketika lupa dengan materi pelajaran
yang sudah di pelajari?
YA : Gugup banget. Karena takut kalau tiba-tiba ditanya guru dan
takut kalau tiba-tiba ulangan dadakan.
Researcher : Apakah kamu malu saat diminta untuk menjadi sukarelawan
dalam menjawab soal?
YA : Malu. Maka dari itu saya jarang menjadi sukarelawan. Biar teman
yang lain aja yang maju.
Researcher : Apakah kamu masih khawatir dan cemas meskipun sudah

YA : Masih khawatir meskipun sudah beljar. Karena takut kalau tiba-
tiba pikiran blank.
Researcher : Menurutmu apakah bahasa Inggris pelajaran yang sulit sehingga
kamu merasa tidak ingin masuk kelas?
YA : Iya, menurut saya bahasa Inggris itu sulit, maka dari itu saya
selalu gugup dan deg-degan.
Researcher : Apa yang membuat kamu tidak percaya diri dalam pelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
YA : Tidak tahu artinya.
Researcher : Apa yang kamu rasakan saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris atau saat
berada di depan kelas ketika sedang presentasi?
YA : Gugup, khawatir dan tegang.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa malu atau canggung saat berbicara bahasa
Inggris di depan siswa lain?
YA : Iya malu, karena dilihatin teman-teman dan guru. Kalau salah
pasti ditertawakan.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa lebih tegang dan gugup saat pelajaran
bahasa Inggris banding pelajaran lain?
YA : Iya, karena bahasa Inggris pelajaran yang sulit.
Researcher : Saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris di mulai, apakah kamu percaya diri
dan enjoy?
YA : Sedikit enjoy tapi sering takut dan tidak percaya diri.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa keberatan saat mengikuti pelajaran bahasa
YA : Jujur sih iya. Tapi harus tetap ikut pelajaran bahasa Inggris biar
bisa dan nilai bagus.
Researcher : Apakah kamu memikirkan hal lain (melamun) saat pelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
YA : Iya, sering. Enggak fokus, karena fokusnya ke pelajaran lain.
Researcher : Saat Guru menerangkan atau berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris,
apakah kamu paham?

YA : Kadang paham, kadang tidak.
Researcher : Bagaimana sikapmu jika kamu mendapatkan nilai jelek?
YA : Belajar lagi.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa bingung ketika kamu tidak mengerti
tentang apa yang di koreksi guru?
YA : Saya bingung saat guru mengoreksi kesalahan saya, tetapi saya
enggak paham.
Reaearcher : Kesulitan apa yang kamu alami saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris?
YA : Kesulitannya karena kosakata saya masih sedikit.
Researcher : Bagaimana cara kamu mengatasi rasa takut, khawatir dan cemas
saat pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?
YA : Yang pasti persiapan dulu, paling enggak belajar atau baca-baca
dulu 5 menit sebelum pelajaran dimulai. Kalau udah belajar,
gugupnya berkurang.

Nama : Larisqi Mabrianza
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa tidak percaya diri saat berbicara Bahasa
LM : Iya gugup, takut, dan tidak percaya diri. Karena takut jawaban
yang kita jawab salah.
Researcher : Apakah kamu berfikir bahwa siswa lain lebih baik (pandai) dan
lancar dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris?
LM : Iya, karena di kelas ini memang banyak yang pintar bahasa
Inggris, sedangkan saya standar.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa gugup ketika lupa dengan materi pelajaran
yang sudah di pelajari?
LM : Iya, sering gugup. Karena guru sering menanyakan materi
sebelum-sebelumnya agar kita tetap ingat, tetapi saya fokusnya ke
materi selanjutnya.
Researcher : Apakah kamu malu saat diminta untuk menjadi sukarelawan
dalam menjawab soal?
LM : Kadang malu kadang enggak. Karena terkadang saya bisa
menjawab soal
Researcher : Apakah kamu masih khawatir dan cemas meskipun sudah

LM : Iya masih khawatir, soalnya kan kita enggak tahu apa yang akan
guru tanyakan ke kita.
Researcher : Menurutmu apakah bahasa Inggris pelajaran yang sulit sehingga
kamu merasa tidak ingin masuk kelas?
LM : Iya, kadang sulit, kadang enggak.
Researcher : Apa yang membuat kamu tidak percaya diri dalam pelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
LM : Belum lancar ngomongnya.
Researcher : Apa yang kamu rasakan saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris atau saat
berada di depan kelas ketika sedang presentasi?
LM : Gugup, karena takut di panggil untuk menjelaskan materi yang
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa malu atau canggung saat berbicara bahasa
Inggris di depan siswa lain?
LM : Iya karena saya belum fasih dan belum menguasai bahasa Inggris.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa lebih tegang dan gugup saat pelajaran i
banding pelajaran lain?
LM : Iya karena takut salah saat ditanya guru.
Researcher : Saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris di mulai, apakah kamu percaya diri
dan enjoy?
LM : Kadang-kadang. Karena terkadang guru mengajar dengn santai
dan menjelaskan dengan baik dan jelas.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa keberatan saat mengikuti pelajaran bahasa
LM : Tidak, karena saya ingin bisa bahasa Inggris.
Researcher : Apakah kamu memikirkan hal lain (melamun) saat pelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
LM : Iya,, kadang-kadang.
Researcher : Saat Guru menerangkan atau berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris,
apakah kamu paham?

LM : Kadang-kadang. Karena terkadang guru mengajar dengn santai
dan menjelaskan dengan baik dan jelas.
Researcher : Bagaimana sikapmu jika kamu mendapatkan nilai jelek?
LM : Saya khawatir, karena sebagian kata susah dilafalkan dilidah, dan
itu yang membuat saya takut dan mendapat hukuman atau
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa bingung ketika kamu tidak mengerti
tentang apa yang di koreksi guru?
LM : Iya masih bingung. Tetapi kadang saya minta penjelasan pada
teman yang sudah paham.
Reaearcher : Kesulitan apa yang kamu alami saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris?
LM : Tidak bisa memahami materi.
Researcher : Bagaimana cara kamu mengatasi rasa takut, khawatir dan cemas
saat pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?
LM : Rileks, tenang percaya diri bahwa kita bisa.

Nama : Athiya Karima
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa tidak percaya diri saat berbicara Bahasa
AK : Enggak percaya diri. Karena takut salah dan saya merasa enggak
bisa bahasa Inggris.
Researcher : Apakah kamu berfikir bahwa siswa lain lebih baik (pandai) dan
lancar dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris?
AK : Iya. Karena memang saya merasa sulit untuk memahami bahasa
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa gugup ketika lupa dengan materi pelajaran
yang sudah di pelajari?
AK : Iya gugup banget kalau tiba-tiba ditanya sama guru. Soalnya saya
fokus sma materi selanjutnya, sehingga materi sebelumnya udah
Researcher : Apakah kamu malu saat diminta untuk menjadi sukarelawan
dalam menjawab soal?
AK : Iya malu kalau pas tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaan dari guru.
Researcher : Apakah kamu masih khawatir dan cemas meskipun sudah
AK : Enggak, karena udah belajar.

Researcher : Menurutmu apakah bahasa Inggris pelajaran yang sulit sehingga
kamu merasa tidak ingin masuk kelas?
AK : Ada yang sulit ada yang mudah.
Researcher : Apa yang membuat kamu tidak percaya diri dalam pelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
AK : Takut salah dan takut ditertawakan teman.
Researcher : Apa yang kamu rasakan saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris atau saat
berada di depan kelas ketika sedang presentasi?
AK : Sedikit percaya diri tetapi takut kalo salah pengucapan.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa malu atau canggung saat berbicara bahasa
Inggris di depan siswa lain?
AK : Iya malu, karena suasana kelas menegangkan dan dilihatin
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa lebih tegang dan gugup saat pelajaran i
banding pelajaran lain?
AK : Kalau pas dijelasin enggak gugup dan tegang, tetapi kalo disuruh
jawab pertanyaan dan saya tidak tahu jawabannya tegang banget.
Researcher : Saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris di mulai, apakah kamu percaya diri
dan enjoy?
AK : Tergantung gurunya. Kalau gurunya asik percaya diri.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa keberatan saat mengikuti pelajaran bahasa
AK : Tidak, karena bahasa Inggris itu penting.
Researcher : Apakah kamu memikirkan hal lain (melamun) saat pelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
AK : Pernah melamun di kelas pas pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Karena
kepikiran belum mengerjakan tugas pelajaran lain.
Researcher : Saat Guru menerangkan atau berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris,
apakah kamu paham?
AK : Kadang paham kadang enggak, tapi karena gurunya baik kadang
saya juga tanya-tanya.

Researcher : Bagaimana sikapmu jika kamu mendapatkan nilai jelek?
AK : Sedih, tapi setelah itu belajar materi itu lagi.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa bingung ketika kamu tidak mengerti
tentang apa yang di koreksi guru?
Ak : Iya, misalnya guru udah jelasin materi berkali-kali tetapi saya
masih bingung.
Reaearcher : Kesulitan apa yang kamu alami saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris?
AK : Kurang menguasai kosakata, sehingga sulit mengartikan.
Researcher : Bagaimana cara kamu mengatasi rasa takut, khawatir dan cemas
saat pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?
AK : Di buat rileks, karena rasa takut, cemas itu dari kita sendiri, maka
dari itu kita harus bisa mengontrol diri sendiri.

Nama : Annisa Niswatin
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa tidak percaya diri saat berbicara Bahasa
AK : Nggak percaya diri karena belum tahu pengucapan yang benar.
Researcher : Apakah kamu berfikir bahwa siswa lain lebih baik (pandai) dan
lancar dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris?
AK : Iya. Karena pas ulangan nilainya bagus-bagus.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa gugup ketika lupa dengan materi pelajaran
yang sudah di pelajari?
AK : Iya. Misalnya guru ngasih pertanyaan, dan saya tidak bisa jawab.
Researcher : Apakah kamu malu saat diminta untuk menjadi sukarelawan
dalam menjawab soal?
AK : Iya. Karena tidak percaya diri, dan takut salah.
Researcher : Apakah kamu masih khawatir dan cemas meskipun sudah
AK : Tidak. Karena sebelumnya sudah belajar.
Researcher : Menurutmu apakah bahasa Inggris pelajaran yang sulit sehingga
kamu merasa tidak ingin masuk kelas?
AK : Ya. Karena tidak bisa cepat hafal materinya. Bukan karena tidak
memperhatikan, tapi masih bingung dengan pengucapannya.

Researcher : Apa yang membuat kamu tidak percaya diri dalam pelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
AK : Takut salah dan ditertawakan teman.
Researcher : Apa yang kamu rasakan saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris atau saat
berada di depan kelas ketika sedang presentasi?
AK : Gugup, takut dan tidak percaya diri. Karena takut kalau
jawabannya salah atau tidak nyambung.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa malu atau canggung saat berbicara bahasa
Inggris di depan siswa lain?
AK :Iya. Karena belum terbiasa berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa lebih tegang dan gugup saat pelajaran
bahasa Inggris banding pelajaran lain?
AK : Iya gugup, tapi pas ulangan saja.
Researcher : Saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris di mulai, apakah kamu percaya diri
dan enjoy?
AK : Enjoy, karena kalau belajarnya rileks, maka akan cepat faham.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa keberatan saat mengikuti pelajaran bahasa
AK : Enggak, kan belajar jadi enggak keberatan.
Researcher : Apakah kamu memikirkan hal lain (melamun) saat pelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
AK : Kadang iya. Karena biasanya di jam selanjutnya ada tugas dan
kadang belum dikerjain, jadinya saya kepikiran.
Researcher : Saat Guru menerangkan atau berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris,
apakah kamu paham?
AK : Kadang paham. Tetapi kadang enggak paham kalau penjelasan
kurang jelas.
Researcher : Bagaimana sikapmu jika kamu mendapatkan nilai jelek?
AK : Mengulang pelajaran ke guru les.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa bingung ketika kamu tidak mengerti
tentang apa yang di koreksi guru?

AK : Enggak paham. Apalagi kalau pas ada PR, dan ada soal yang sulit
jadinya tidak bisa tanya ke guru.
Reaearcher : Kesulitan apa yang kamu alami saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris?
AK : Susah menghafalkan materi dan susah dalam pengucapan bahasa
Researcher : Bagaimana cara kamu mengatasi rasa takut, khawatir dan cemas
saat pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?
AK : Belajar sendiri dulu di rumah dan belajar sama guru les.

Nama : Zakiyyan Amanda Widyastuti

Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa tidak percaya diri saat berbicara Bahasa
ZAW : Iya. Karena lidahnya kaku kalo ngomong bahasa Inggris.
Researcher : Apakah kamu berfikir bahwa siswa lain lebih baik (pandai) dan
lancar dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris?
ZAW : Iya. Menurut saya, mere cepat nangkep atau cepat paham kalau
dijelasin, jadi saya merasa mereka lebih lancar dalam ngomong
bahasa Inggris.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa gugup ketika lupa dengan materi pelajaran
yang sudah di pelajari?
ZAW : Iya. Karena takut kalau tiba-tiba dipanggil disuruh jawab dan saya
tidak tahu jawabannya.
Researcher : Apakah kamu malu saat diminta untuk menjadi sukarelawan
dalam menjawab soal?
ZAW : Tidak. Karena saya tidak mau jadi sukarelawan.
Researcher : Apakah kamu masih khawatir dan cemas meskipun sudah
ZAW : Tidak. Karena sudah belajar dengan sungguh-sungguh.
Researcher : Menurutmu apakah bahasa Inggris pelajaran yang sulit sehingga
kamu merasa tidak ingin masuk kelas?

ZAW : Iya. Karena pelajarannya tidak masuk di otak.
Researcher : Apa yang membuat kamu tidak percaya diri dalam pelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
ZAW : Grogi, takut salah dan takut ditertawakan teman.
Researcher : Apa yang kamu rasakan saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris atau saat
berada di depan kelas ketika sedang presentasi?
ZAW : Gugup, tidak percaya diri. Kalau salah menjawab ingin
menghilang dari peradaban rasanya.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa malu atau canggung saat berbicara bahasa
Inggris di depan siswa lain?
ZAW : Iya. Karena tatapan teman-teman itu seperti mengintimidasi dan
kadang teman-teman jahil, sehingga membuat ketawa dan
menjadi tidak fokus.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa lebih tegang dan gugup saat pelajaran
bahasa Inggrisi banding pelajaran lain?
ZAW : Tidak. Karena ada pelajaran yang lebih sulit dan menegangkan di
banding Inggris.
Researcher : Saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris di mulai, apakah kamu percaya diri
dan enjoy?
ZAW : Enjoy aja.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa keberatan saat mengikuti pelajaran bahasa
ZAW : Tidak. Karena kalau keberatan dan tidak ikut pelajaran bahasa
Inggris maka nilai akan jelek dan tidak naik kelas.
Researcher : Apakah kamu memikirkan hal lain (melamun) saat pelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
ZAW : Iya. Karena dengan melamun malah kadang membuat otak encer.
Researcher : Saat Guru menerangkan atau berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris,
apakah kamu paham?
ZAW : Tidak paham. Karena tidak ada subtitlenya.
Researcher : Bagaimana sikapmu jika kamu mendapatkan nilai jelek?

ZAW : Pasrah.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa bingung ketika kamu tidak mengerti
tentang apa yang di koreksi guru?
ZAW : Iya. Karena materi yang dijelaskan elum masuk ke memori otak.
Reaearcher : Kesulitan apa yang kamu alami saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris?
ZAW : Sulit memahami materi.
Researcher : Bagaimana cara kamu mengatasi rasa takut, khawatir dan cemas
saat pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?
ZAW : Melamun.
Nama : Annas Adi Mubaroq
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa tidak percaya diri saat berbicara Bahasa
AAM : Tidak. Karena walaupun nanti ngomongnya salah, pasti akan
dibenarkan guru, jadi saya percaya diri.
Researcher : Apakah kamu berfikir bahwa siswa lain lebih baik (pandai) dan
lancar dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris?
AAM : Tidak. Karena jika kita rajin belajar dan sering berlatih maka kita
juga bisa melebihi kepandaian teman kita.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa gugup ketika lupa dengan materi pelajaran
yang sudah di pelajari?
AAM : Tidak. Karena walaupun lupa, kita bisa bertanya pada guru
tentang hal yang belum kita pahami.
Researcher : Apakah kamu malu saat diminta untuk menjadi sukarelawan
dalam menjawab soal?
AAM : Kadang-kadang. Karena takut kalau tidak bisa jawab.
Researcher : Apakah kamu masih khawatir dan cemas meskipun sudah
AAM : Tidak. Karena sudah persiapan dan belajar.
Researcher : Menurutmu apakah bahasa Inggris pelajaran yang sulit sehingga
kamu merasa tidak ingin masuk kelas?

AAM : Tidak. Karena jika tidak dipelajari, diasah atau dipahami akan
Researcher : Apa yang membuat kamu tidak percaya diri dalam pelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
AAM : Yang membuat tidak percaya diri ketika belum persiapan atau
Researcher : Apa yang kamu rasakan saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris atau saat
berada di depan kelas ketika sedang presentasi?
AAM : Biasa saja. Karena kalau salah pasti dibantu guru.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa malu atau canggung saat berbicara bahasa
Inggris di depan siswa lain?
AAM : Tidak. Karena kalau salah pasti dibantu guru.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa lebih tegang dan gugup saat pelajaran
Bahasa Inggrisi banding pelajaran lain?
AAM : Lumayan tegang. Karena pelajarannya susah dan harus banyak
belajar, berlatih dan mencoba.
Researcher : Saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris di mulai, apakah kamu percaya diri
dan enjoy?
AAM : Percaya diri. Karena guru menyampaikan materi dengan sebaik-
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa keberatan saat mengikuti pelajaran bahasa
AAM : Tidak. Karena bahasa Inggris itu penting. Jika suatu saat bekerja
dan harus menggunakan bahasa Inggris maka kita sudah bisa.
Researcher : Apakah kamu memikirkan hal lain (melamun) saat pelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
AAM : Kadang. Karena kalau pas melamun saya memikirkan hal lain.
Contohnya memikirkan pelajaran lain.
Researcher : Saat Guru menerangkan atau berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris,
apakah kamu paham?
AAM : Kadang paham kadang tidak.
Researcher : Bagaimana sikapmu jika kamu mendapatkan nilai jelek?

AAM : Ikhlas saja dan mengulangi atau mengoreksi lagi apa
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa bingung ketika kamu tidak mengerti
tentang apa yang di koreksi guru?
AAM : Tidak. Karena kalo kita masih bingung bisa bertanya pada guru.
Reaearcher : Kesulitan apa yang kamu alami saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris?
AAM : Masih banyak kosa kata yang belum di mengerti artinya.
Researcher : Bagaimana cara kamu mengatasi rasa takut, khawatir dan cemas
saat pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?
AAM : Mencoba percaya diri. Karena kalau kita membuat kesalahan
pasti akan dibenarkan guru.
Nama : Hafizh Mahendra
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa tidak percaya diri saat berbicara Bahasa
HM : Iya. Karena dari SD saya tidak pernah suka bahasa Inggris.
Researcher : Apakah kamu berfikir bahwa siswa lain lebih baik (pandai) dan
lancar dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris?
HM : Iya. Karena saya susah memahami bahasa Inggris.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa gugup ketika lupa dengan materi pelajaran
yang sudah di pelajari?
HM : Iya gugup. Takut ditanya guru dan tidak bisa menjawab.
Researcher : Apakah kamu malu saat diminta untuk menjadi sukarelawan
dalam menjawab soal?
HM : Iya malu dilihatin teman-teman.
Researcher : Apakah kamu masih khawatir dan cemas meskipun sudah
HM : Iya, karena takut kalau tiba-tiba lupa dengan apa yang sudah
Researcher : Menurutmu apakah bahasa Inggris pelajaran yang sulit sehingga
kamu merasa tidak ingin masuk kelas?
HM : Iya sulit. Karena tidak tahu artinya.

Researcher : Apa yang membuat kamu tidak percaya diri dalam pelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
HM : Yang membuat tidak percaya diri karena grogi.
Researcher : Apa yang kamu rasakan saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris atau saat
berada di depan kelas ketika sedang presentasi?
HM : Gugup, takut, dan tidak percaya diri. Karena takut salah.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa malu atau canggung saat berbicara bahasa
Inggris di depan siswa lain?
HM : Iya. Karena dilihat teman-teman dan guru.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa lebih tegang dan gugup saat pelajaran
bahasa Inggris dibanding pelajaran lain?
HM : Iya. Karena bahasa Inggris.
Researcher : Saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris di mulai, apakah kamu percaya diri
dan enjoy?
HM : Sedikit enjoy, tapi banyak tidak percaya dirinya.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa keberatan saat mengikuti pelajaran bahasa
HM : Tidak. Karena bahasa Inggris pelajaran wajib yang harus
Researcher : Apakah kamu memikirkan hal lain (melamun) saat pelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
HM : Sering melamun, tidak memperhatikan guru. Tidak fokus.
Researcher : Saat Guru menerangkan atau berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris,
apakah kamu paham?
HM : Kadang paham kadang tidak.
Researcher : Bagaimana sikapmu jika kamu mendapatkan nilai jelek?
HM : Pasrah. Tetapi mencoba belajar lebih giat lagi.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa bingung ketika kamu tidak mengerti
tentang apa yang di koreksi guru?
HM : Iya, kadang bingung dengan penjelasan guru.

Reaearcher : Kesulitan apa yang kamu alami saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris?
HM : Kosakata bahasa Inggris kurang, sulit bicara dalam bahasa Inggris.
Researcher : Bagaimana cara kamu mengatasi rasa takut, khawatir dan cemas
saat pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?
HM : Belajar dari rumah. Agar nilai bagus.

Nama : Natsifah Soffita Azzahra

Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa tidak percaya diri saat berbicara Bahasa
NSA : Tidak percaya diri karena takut salah.
Researcher : Apakah kamu berfikir bahwa siswa lain lebih baik (pandai) dan
lancar dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris?
NSA : Iya. Karena teman-teman niainya bagus-bagus.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa gugup ketika lupa dengan materi pelajaran
yang sudah di pelajari?
NSA : Gugup. Takut tiba-tiba guru menanyakan materi sebelumnya lagi.
Researcher : Apakah kamu malu saat diminta untuk menjadi sukarelawan
dalam menjawab soal?
NSA : Malu. Karena takut salah.
Researcher : Apakah kamu masih khawatir dan cemas meskipun sudah
NSA : Sedikit. Karena sudah belajar.
Researcher : Menurutmu apakah bahasa Inggris pelajaran yang sulit sehingga
kamu merasa tidak ingin masuk kelas?
NSA : Sedikit sulit. Tetapi dengan menghafal setiap pelajaran yang
disampaikan oleh guru tidak akan mempersulit pelajaran.
Researcher : Apa yang membuat kamu tidak percaya diri dalam pelajaran
bahasa Inggris?

NSA : Grogi aja.
Researcher : Apa yang kamu rasakan saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris atau saat
berada di depan kelas ketika sedang presentasi?
NSA : Grogi, tidak percaya diri. Karena takut salah.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa malu atau canggung saat berbicara bahasa
Inggris di depan siswa lain?
NSA : Iya malu dilihatin teman-teman.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa lebih tegang dan gugup saat pelajaran i
banding pelajaran lain?
NSA : Biasa saja. Ada yang lebih sulit dibandingkan bahasa Inggris.
Researcher : Saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris di mulai, apakah kamu percaya diri
dan enjoy?
NSA : Kalau sudah belajar ya enjoy aja.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa keberatan saat mengikuti pelajaran bahasa
NSA : Tidak. Karena bahasa Inggris itu penting.
Researcher : Apakah kamu memikirkan hal lain (melamun) saat pelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
NSA : Kadang-kadang. Karena memikirkan pelajaran lain.
Researcher : Saat Guru menerangkan atau berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris,
apakah kamu paham?
NSA : Kalau mendengarkan dengan baik saya paham, tetapi kalo tidak
mendengarkan guru maka saya tidak paham.
Researcher : Bagaimana sikapmu jika kamu mendapatkan nilai jelek?
NSA : Ikhlas. Besuk harus bisa lebih baik lagi.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa bingung ketika kamu tidak mengerti
tentang apa yang di koreksi guru?
NSA : Iya bingung dengan penjelasan guru mengenai koreksi kesalhan
Researcher : Kesulitan apa yang kamu alami saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris?

NSA : Pengucapan kosakata yang benar.
Researcher : Bagaimana cara kamu mengatasi rasa takut, khawatir dan cemas
saat pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?
NSA : Tetap positif thinking dan belajar yang sungguh-sungguh.

Nama : Athailla Celesta

Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa tidak percaya diri saat berbicara Bahasa
AC : Tidak percaya diri. Karena kalau tiba-tiba tidak tahu artinya.
Researcher : Apakah kamu berfikir bahwa siswa lain lebih baik (pandai) dan
lancar dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris?
AC : Iya. Teman-teman lebih pandai dari saya.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa gugup ketika lupa dengan materi pelajaran
yang sudah di pelajari?
AC : Gugup. Karena kalau tiba-tiba guru menanyakan materi yang saya
Researcher : Apakah kamu malu saat diminta untuk menjadi sukarelawan
dalam menjawab soal?
AC : Tidak. Karena sudah kenal dengan teman-teman.
Researcher : Apakah kamu masih khawatir dan cemas meskipun sudah
AC : Tidak. Karena sudah persiapan jadi tidak begitu cemas.
Researcher : Menurutmu apakah bahasa Inggris pelajaran yang sulit sehingga
kamu merasa tidak ingin masuk kelas?
AC : Kalau tidak belajar ya sulit. Kalau mau belajar pasti bisa.
Researcher : Apa yang membuat kamu tidak percaya diri dalam pelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
AC : Takut pengucapan salah dan kemudian ditertawakan teman.

Researcher : Apa yang kamu rasakan saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris atau saat
berada di depan kelas ketika sedang presentasi?
AC : Biasa saja. Karena kadang gurunya asik, jadi tidak menegangkan.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa malu atau canggung saat berbicara bahasa
Inggris di depan siswa lain?
AC : Malu kalau pas salah pengucapan.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa lebih tegang dan gugup saat pelajaran
bahasa Inggris di banding pelajaran lain?
AC : Tidak. Sama saja dengan pelajaran yang lain.
Researcher : Saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris di mulai, apakah kamu percaya diri
dan enjoy?
AC : Kalau sudah persiapan atau belajar ya percaya diri. Kalau belum
belajar khawatir dan cemas.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa keberatan saat mengikuti pelajaran bahasa
AC : Tidak. Menuntut ilmu tidak boleh keberatan.
Researcher : Apakah kamu memikirkan hal lain (melamun) saat pelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
AC : Kadang. Kalau suasana kelas membosankan kadang saya
Researcher : Saat Guru menerangkan atau berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris,
apakah kamu paham?
AC : Kadang paham kadang tidak.
Researcher : Bagaimana sikapmu jika kamu mendapatkan nilai jelek?
AC : Mengulangi dan memahami materi-materi lagi.
Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa bingung ketika kamu tidak mengerti
tentang apa yang di koreksi guru?
AC : Bingung kalau pas gurunya menjelaskan tidak jelas.
Reaearcher : Kesulitan apa yang kamu alami saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris?
AC : Kurang kosakata.

Researcher : Bagaimana cara kamu mengatasi rasa takut, khawatir dan cemas
saat pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?
AC : Tetap tenang dan jangan berfikiran negatif.

Surat Izin Penelitian


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