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he oe ference


Hs mind aSo
Complaineciat Ans
A To clack wh hi
hoaa ible bou he wond sed
baan t chimpargex Hine)
hod o be

who ishe 2
As He is D Benson
itwh is it CAlledhaszile baua2 AS Dr Rens
Callecda hamible hous
Ars t is a t 2 ' o dock ot A u i
seep s distusb&L tterd pokent
be has to go t o

ii wher he supp.osed to
As: He s Spposed 00-
Og0 O he

' put thn bedk n you packet

whe Said this2
Ars- Pivste T Eusns
iiWhoat did he put Pock &in uhoso
Ars He pt bck_s packef f ag
ii hat Suspion dis this Actionlead to
mpleinecsa As: when Ds BesoN sbe looked fo hs watch
iwtchi _dido't Fi it, he Suspectedthot Euns
hod token E:

tbought thts CoX.

mAn aughed)
How did he zecogni2e the smell2
As Euonshad Woked in the Ambuana Setion
Do Rensa yes&_uhen be Sat _n Da. Bensans
Co be Could esil4eCOGAiA

d Put tbe watch M pochet befote
his qun go ofF jns
Ats- He
i a dld speottr wont the vatch + te pu W

in his pocket t
Ans- Snce Ds Benson hugh+ that EuS hAs A

Csimnal who stlt his WAtth SOhe hzesnet

T? tusn bs woth & put j t his 2cker

ikwhat+ made Spesk sugpect the m

What did the MoD look tke2
Ans he mn had put hs hAnd
Bensn's in doto
pcketts kæp the Psckel of
claees& h mode speaker Susped Hhe

eHe sloed stongel a t Watch in his hont

h o stored ot watth strancela2 wha

S-D Benscn l0oked ot sth to check bes
tmeof biath & he stooed at it Staney
becase Wotchlboktd un femiliss DS its
oto wps ca ced top AS Desken t e
h oeoliad that t wAS no h Wstch
i tto Ho do ya think be felt wn he sau
ins (aiphion2
As- He mst have felt aullty &_ shocked: He h
WuD Spected&punished Hhe
the t th of iS Dat 2dppsession
Wstch Ot

hree es
2 D The uatch is Mentined in the sto
the fist time he looks atthe ustcb uhen
telephene Coll s k a him t o 80 to
So leys bouse Neat he looked foz
his Poctet tbe a d Asbe W get
Fo he thivd Lme he wsntod te check bab
ima biath

The decbr CsToed AnDutooti pLStal with him e

the Cbr S he often aueled

leelg sds st ight hen callad cut So the can
Forn protection
Coptont ing Hosalnalisetin:
o the Owner
cYes alupble
WAS becose wAS
giuen to him in qotihude
wAs avoluoble twss
Drize momento b the peaple whose l i e s be had Saued
Csdcked by
perhaps pot sex edpersiue tDe memo ies
Th blusble
assoclAted Lth ft mde

Pusns: wite_a lettor to uoa Siend

atout he ncidenth took
h b n g y a s OAeriene
4o dia sfter
ploce paias nlatrd & sko prenhionwhat
Mbgina yOU &e Euns ite o letter
Fiend shoving eperience sbat he inctdent
took dace Preuids nigt & bso nentíon whst uoc
did t t r tha

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