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l.rRC-31/20r 3-2014

Esgm of &$te ee-$ifisa-te-f[ f-ryssLqgloncinq To S"G"

This is to certiiy that Shri NAVJEET' ARUI\iRACI MESHRAM

ffi-_-,_ ";

re belongs to the
in districti division SSB,UB cf tl-'e $ieie I UnionJ*niiorv
Mahar af'Sr. No. 37
Casie which is recognised as a Sehedr"iied Caste L.lnder:
,,.fhe Constitution (Scheduled Castes ) Orden, 1950

7'4ire eonstiiution { eFreduled-Tribes ) Order; 195&

' .The constitution (scheduled castes ) union Territories order, 1951
i\ l'teConstitution (Scheduled Tribes ) Union Territorids Order, 1951 [as amended by the Scheciules Caste and
^ , '', . . .;;^- t . )Ar^ TL- n^*L^,. n^^-^^^l-^ai^^ A^+ .{nAa Tl'^ D,'^iAk

Act, 1966, The State of North Eastern Areas (Reorganization)

Aol, And ihe Scheduled Caste anC Scheduled Tribes Orders

The lmmu and Kashmir) Scheduled Castes Order,1956.

ihe Oi'der, 1959, as amended by the
and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment)Act,1976'
*The adra and I'lagar Haveli)Scheduled Castes Order,1962.
*The a.and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Tribes Order,1962.
*The i-ry ) Scheduled Castes Order,1964.
.The Ti'ibes) iJttar PraCesh Oi'der, 1967.
*The andDQ.) Scheduled Castes Order,l 968.
.l'he Constitution (Goa, Daman Tribes Order,1968.
Constitution(Nagaiand )
Constiiution(Sikkim ) Sche

..2. Applicable in the case of Schedr:led Castes perTons who have migrated from one State i Union Territot"y

This certificate is issued on the basis of the Scheduleci Caste Certificate issued to
Father i Mcther of
of riiiage/Tot'rn in district/ division cf ii're State i Union
Territory who belongs to the
Caste whiCh is recognised as i Scf,eOuieO CaitJln the Siate/Union Tei"i"iiory.
iss!€d bv the viCe their no DateC

3 Sl'rri ruaV;eer nnUrunaO SJcr hi-s/hef'lamily ordinarily resides[s]

in districlt division f the state 1 union_Jerrifory

I [{
uanar.:sirtra I

Date :

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