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Transactional Analysis Journal

Manic-Depressive Structure: Treatment Strategies

Maxine E. Loomis and Sandra G. Landsman
Transactional Analysis Journal 1981 11: 346
DOI: 10.1177/036215378101100419

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Manic-Depressive Structure:
Treatment Strategies
Maxine E. Loomis
Sandra G. Landsman

Abstract Manic Depressed

Describes use of developmental and life You can do But you'll never do
script information in planning and imple- anything it well enough to
menting treatment of clients who mani- please me.
fest a manic-depressive structure-a struc-
ture consisting of two separate and seem-
ingly incompatible parent incorporations Discount Problems can 'I be
along with two sets of Child adaptations. significance solved
A number of general treatment strategies
are described, and relevant precautions in
their use noted. Five distinct stages of
treatment, each with specific issues to be I'll keep running I don'texist
confronted and techniques useful to aid I'm good AC I won'tfeel
and facilitate resolution, are identified I'll show you - ha-ha 1 I'm bad
and discussed in detail. I'lldo(not do) things I'll never make it

Ego State Network in

Introduction Manic-Depressive Structure
In our October 1980 article we presented
theoretical and clinical material regarding
the assessment and development of the The manic-depressive structure consists
manic-depressive structure. In this article, of two separate, and seemingly
we will describe the use we have made of incompatible, parent incorporations along
developmental and life script information with two sets of child adaptations. The
in our treatment work with this population. manic and depressive sides of the structure
"Manic-depressive structure as used in are experienced as separate and the
our work refers to the general ego state apparent internal contradictions are
pathology and life script issues commonly maintained through the use of denial. As
found in persons experiencing affective long as this internal grandiose and com-
disorders. Included in this discussion are petitive structure is allowed to continue the
the diagnostic categories of the American person will experience difficulty in solving
Psychiatric Association (1980), 296. problems and continue to discount the
"Affective Disorders." (Loomis and significance of stimuli. The overall goal of
Landsman, 1980). The treatment strategies treatment, therefore, is integration.
presented in this article are a direct means
of correcting the basic messages and General Treatment Strategies
adaptations presented in our previous Treatment of persons with manic-
article and summarized in the following depressive structures must be done from a
diagram: non-competitive position. This may sound
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simple, however, manic-depressive clients Treatment of manic-depressive clients

have grown up and learned to experience also requires a flexible approach. We often
themselves, their relationships, and their talk of our work with these individuals as
environments within a competitive frame similar to flying a kite in a high wind. One
of reference. They tend to polarize issues develops a feel for when to pull back on the
and will argue that normal functions, such string and when to let it out. Pulling the
as thinking and feeling, cannot be done string too hard in a gusty wind will cause it
simultaneously. They will attempt to re- to snap and the kite will take off on its
define treatment expectations in own. Too slack a string is likely to result in
competitive terms with statements such as, a careening or crashing kite. Manic-de-
"But you told me to stop working so pressive clients change rapidly as they
hard," as justification for not showing up lower their defenses and give up the denial
for training group or a therapy session. In and exclusions that have maintained the
this case, the adaptation, "I'll show you - structure. The therapist must adjust and
ha hal" must be confronted, and the pur- pace these changes.
pose for the redefinition of alternatives In general, the therapist needs to give
explored. Most clients have numerous highest priority to dealing with the
options for cutting their busy schedules. behavioral manifestations of the disorder,
They do not need to cut back on therapy second priority to the developmental and
and in effect run from closeness or contact script issues supporting the behavior, and
with the therapist. finally deal with the structural and integra-
Manic-depressive clients also require a tion issues specific to the manic-depressive
realistic Nurturing Parent from the structure. The outline and description
therapist. Since most manic-depressives which follows should be regarded as a
operate from the unrealistic assumption general pattern for the course of treatment.
that someday they will be able to obtain The flexible therapist who works from a
their fantasized nurturing, they are likely to non-competitive and realistic nurturing
approach the treatment situation with this position will be able to adapt this frame-
expectation. Again, treatment and the work to her own treatment of manic-
therapist will be defined as a polarized, all depressive clients.
or nothing, experience. The therapist must
avoid such grandiose expectations with the Stages of Treatment
message, "I will take care of you in a In our treatment experience with manic-
healthy manner." While this message may depressive clients the work progresses in
be heard by the client as "I will take care of five distinct stages. At each stage there are
you no matter what," it is important that specific issues to be confronted and
the therapist persist in establishing realistic techniques to facilitate resolution. The
expectations for herself, the client, and the therapist must pace and lead clients
group if that is the setting in which treat- through this process in a flexible manner,
ment is being conducted. Of course there as mentioned above. The following thera-
will be limit testing to assure the client's peutic tasks are especially relevant at each
young and needy Child of the therapist's of the five stages. Stages one and two may
presence, and some clients will use their occur simultaneously.
grandiose, but unmet expectations of nur-
turing as a means of terminating treatment.
The therapist must remember that it would 1. Lower Defenses
not be useful for the manic-depressive - set basic contracts
client to hear the message of caring and - deal with behavioral manifesta-
nurturing as permission to do anything and tions
therefore feed into the grandiosity. - achieve and maintain social control
Realistic nurturing will contain realistic 2. Decontamination Work
limit-setting and mutual contracts for - confront grandiosity and discount-
change. ing
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- emphasize use of Adult for delivered by the therapist are that problems
problem solving can be solved, your feelings are not so over-
- transactional and game analysis whelmingthat you msut run away, and you
3. Exclusion Work can stay and deal with the issues. Thus, the
- deal with developmental and script beginning alteration of grandiosity and dis-
issues counting is established.
- provide realistic Nurturing Parent Closely related to the No Running
- provide integration messages Contract is the No Secrets or Lies
4. Integration Contract. Secrets or lies may occur by
- facilitate decision to alter (rather either omission or commission and are the
than adapt) structure primary ways manic-depressives have of
- facilitate decision to give up fan- psychologically running. Because of their
tasied Nurturing Parent use of denial and internal structure of
- teach increased awareness and con- exclusions, these clients may be unaware of
trol of energy cathexis keeping secrets. The message is that they
5. Resolutions are expected to maintain all parts of all ego
- facilitate natural, realistic use of states in awareness. This contract provides
options for thinking, feeling, and the foundation for the exclusion work
doing. (Stage 3) and integration work (Stage 4)
The first stage of treatment with manic- that will follow.
depressive clients involves the lowering of Manic-depressive clients often deny the
defenses. Because most of these clients need for and importance of a No Suicide/
present themselves with problems of doing No Homicide Contract. When this occurs,
or not doing things, we usually begin it is usually because the client is using
working with them around practical issues denial to contain the homicidal rage on the
of time structuring. One such client may manic side or the needy, depressed infant
need help cutting back on an 80 hour work struggling with existence issues on the
week filled with overlapping committee depressive side of the structure. One client
meetings, while another requires specific adamantly denied having ever been
directions about obtaining and maintaining depressed, only to "remember" some
employment. The expectations are months later about a suicide attempt he
behaviorally specific, e.g., "Find 10 hours made during his senior year in college.
per week and free up that time," or "I Most of these clients willingly make a No
want you to interview for three jobs this Suicide/No Homicide Contract in response
week," and provide a beginning assessment to the therapist's concern and obvious
of the client's investment in treatment. We interest in their safety. Only later do they
regard the ability to make and keep emotionally understand the contract's
contracts as central to our treatment work, importance. The presence of the contract
and this expectation is shared from the enables the client to deal with Child
outset. adaptations on both the manic and
The next step is to set the contracts basic depressivesides of the structure.
to working with manic-depressives. Per- One important objective of Stage 1 work
haps most central to the structure is the No with manic-depressives is to achieve and
Running Contract. This is essentially an maintain social control as a means of
agreement to stay and deal with issues and dealing with the behavioral manifestations
not to run, either physically or of the disorder. Since most of our
psychologically. The importance of this treatment work is done without the use of
contract is illustrated by the high level of medication, a high level of commitment
anxiety experienced by most manic- and cooperation is required of the client.
depressives when informed of their need Most accept this challenge to make and
for the contract. Without a No Running keep contracts, and it becomes a way of
Contract, treatment is not likely to making the competitive frame of reference
succeed. The complementary messages work to their benefit.
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Social control contracts are made "Most problems have a solution;" ,'You
specific to the needs of the individual are capable of solving problems." These
client. For example, one woman who was are the new messages we provide as we
picking up energy from the car engine and confront manic-depressive grandiosity,
radio while driving and had been ticketed Fears of never getting enough, always
for speeding was restricted to driving no being depressed, driving people away, or
faster than 55 MPH. She further not being able to stand it are common to
contracted to walk or take a cab if she was this structure. Such grandiosity is the
too "high" to drive safely. The result was a justification for thinking, feeling, or doing
self-imposed technique of not using the car certain things. While the majority of our
radio and/or pulling off to the side of the clients have previously engaged in
road until she was calm enough to drive, hypomanic activity to avoid feeling
which got her safely through a manic depressed, we have had several clients who
escalation. Gradually, the 55 MPH speed kept themselves moderately depressed to
came to have a calming effect, and the avoid the discomfort of becoming manic.
threat of totally restricting use of her car The notion that one must be totally manic
was never enforced. She now has a car with or totally depressed is confronted as
cruise control. grandiose, mutually exclusive, and
The second stage of treatment with internally competitive in both instances.
manic-depressive clients involves When clients persist in not thinking or
decontamination work and may be solvina problems, we make use of a variety
occurring simultaneously with the setting of techniques for dealing with resistance
of contracts and maintenance of social and non-thinking behavior.
control. During this stage, the emphasis is Within the decontamination work we
on use of the Adult ego state for problem pay particular attention to the familiar
solving. We spend considerable time and transactions and games with which the
energy confronting grandiosity and dieDt furthers the manic-depressive script
discounting, and teach our clients to think decisions. Our experience so far suggests
about and maintain awareness of the that the bottom line within this structure is
consequences of discounting the to end up all alone and not existing (a
significance of stimuli. Thus, clients learn younaer construct than death), This is the
to slow down and assess the signific:anc:e of script payoff regardless of whether the
all relevant stimuli before doing things by overt behavior appears to be engaging or
considering what might happen if they rejecting of others. We next move into the
don't. For example, a business executive exclusion work to deal with the issue of
learned to slow his manic Child by existence.
generating internal images of the TIw thi!'d stage of treatment with manic-
consequences of arriving at the airPort depressive clients involves dealing with
without his briefcase or hastily preparing developmental and script issues-especially
an incomplete report for a board meeting. existence. With most clients, these issues
At this slower pace, he was more able to have been excluded from awareness
adequately determine the significance of through use of denial. A great deal of
both internal and external stimuli. While he energy has been invested in maintaining the
complained at first of the decrease in Child defensive internal barriers. Once the client
spontaneity (excitement generated by decides to examine what has previously
manic Child) as a result of consciously been denied, he usually experiences
processing everything through Adult, he difficulty in maintaining a constant
was reassured that this was not a cathexis of energy. In some cases, this has
permanent solution. Later, Natural Child meant rapidly shifting from one ego state
spontaneity was experienced as his exclu- to another or experiencing difficulty
sions were resolved and integration was maintaining Adult cathexis. One client who
completed. had driven for years suddenly became

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frightened of cars on the freeway. Another experience either fear or grief. Some des-
client whose work involved business cribe being in a contained space such as a
lunches and dinners was forced to order hole, tunnel or cave where they may protect
foods which she could eat with her fingers themselves in secret from a perceived
when she became so uncoordinated that hostile environment. Others experience
foods such as salad would not stay on her sensations which can only be described in
fork. A number of clients have reported terms such as "non-existence," "waves of
transient sleep disturbances as frightening sadness, grief, fear, or anger which are all-
content is worked into awareness through consuming." Due to the preverbal nature
dreams. of the experience, they have difficulty
While many of these symptoms fit with articulating the primary process experience
the grandiosity of the structure, each must in secondary process terms. It is important
be dealt with from a realistic, protective that clients describe these experiences
position. We actively engage our clients in following the regressive work and
resolving previously excluded issues in a participate in figuring out how to take care
healthy manner-one which does not rein- of the baby.
force the structure and old decisions. For Each manic-depressive brings an
example, one young woman, during the interesting array of developmental events,
course of regressive work, had become however, the script issues are remarkably
aware of bodily sensations which we similar. Some have been over-nurtured,
assumed were related to physical abuse as some abused, some expected to never win,
an infant. For several weeks following this and some never to lose, but the key issue is
insight the client reported experiencing existence. The manic-depressive has built
regular pain in the joints of her lower an elaborate internal structure of
extremeties, especially while doing exclusions, each one of which must be
regressive work. She seemed to be identified, worked through and integrated.
experiencing feelings related to the earlier The fourth stage of treatment with
trauma which had been previously denied. manic-depressive clients involves dealing
A medical examination confirmed that with structural and integration issues. For
there was no physical injury. After some manic-depressives who stay in treatment,
encouragement, the client was able to there is a point at which they need to decide
figure out how to resolve the current pain to alter their basic structure, not just adapt
without denying it. She decided to cry it. Clients who have made this integration
(instead of withdrawing), to take in decision report a clear difference between
physical strokes (instead of blocking "wanting to make the structure more func-
them), and to accept baby aspirin, a warm tional" and "deciding to change the
blanket and nurturing to relieve the pain. structure." For them, the whole is more
Over the next several weeks, the pain than just the sum of its parts. They have an
gradually subsided. Our assumption is that increased awareness and control of energy
the pain was a hysterical symptom designed cathexis because they have abandoned
to focus energy and resolve an issue denial of thoughts, feelings, or behavior as
previouslydenied. The client's decision and an alternative for solving problems.
cooperation was essential in achieving Grandiosity and discounting are no longer
resolution. necessary and they can choose when and
Regressive work has been helpful in how they willcompete.
assisting our clients deal with issues on the It appears that the decision to giveup the
depressive side of the structure. We have fantasied Nurturing Parent is one which
found a common theme of early infant facilitates the process of integration.
depression in all of our clients for whom Perhaps this is true because it allows the
"being little" is a useful metaphor. Many client to drop adaptations on both the
of them regress to a very young age (0-3 manic and depressive sides of the structure
months), close out external stimuli, and and experience Natural Child more freely.

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Parenting is then experienced as realistic, they will continue to develop as

and not competitive. With the external autonomous, flexible, and productive
competition thus resolved, C2 feelings and people.
P 2 incorporations can proceed smoothly
without the previous need for an internally
competitive system of exclusions and Maxine E. Loomis, RNCS, PhD, CPTM
denial. It is at this point. clients report is a professor of nursing at the University
experiencing an integrated self. of Michigan and a member of clinical and
The fifth stage of treatment, resolution, training staff of Landsman/Foner Asso-
is one with which we have the least ciates in West Bloomfield, Michigan.
experience. At the time of this writing, a SandraG. Landsman, MA, CSJv, CPTM,
number of our manic-depressive clients are is Clinical Director and Director of Train-
at this stage. They are now able to identify ing, Landsman/Foner and Associates in
the difference between "normal" West Bloomfield, Michigan.
excitement and their previous manic hights;
the difference between sadness related to REFERENCES
loss and their previous dark, lonely depres- American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and
statistical manual of mental disorders. (Third
sions. They report a natural realistic use of Edition) Washington, D.C., 1980.
options for thinking, feeling, and doing Loomis, M.E., & Landsman, S.G. Manic-depressive
things with an excitement and spontaneity structure: Assessment and development. Transac-
that is fun to share. Our assumption is that tionalAnalysis Journal, 1980, 10(4), 284-29()'

Berne weighed titles and functions judiciously and seldom expressed degree snobbish-
ness. Although he used the word "patient" in the traditional way because of his
medical orientation, he used the word "doctor" in a nontraditional way. In fact,
one of his hospital stories is of psychiatric staff-a group of psychiatrists, psycholo-
gists, and social workers-who had lunch together regularly and joked about them-
selves as being unreal docors in contrast to the surgeons and internists who occa-
sionally joined them and who were considered "real." In Berne's view, "real
doctors could be described as follows:
I. A "real doctor" is specifically oriented throughout his training toward curing
his patients and that is his overriding consideration throughout his practice.
2. A "real" doctor can plan his treatment so that at each phase he knows what he is
doing and why he is doing it.
3. A "real doctor" clearly distinguishes research and experimentation from good
medical or surgical care, and the former is always subsidiary to the latter.
4. A "real doctor" takes sole and complete responsibility for the welfare of his
-Muriel James, "Techniques in TransactionalAnalysis, "p. 36-37

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