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What is implied by the tax-free world/countries?

Can contemporary  economies (=countries) exist without


1. Zero-Tax Countries: Become a tax resident of a zero-tax country that does not impose income taxes or
capital gains taxes,
2. Territorial Tax Countries: Become a resident of a territorial tax country that only imposes taxes on the
income you earn within their borders… then make sure you don’t have local source income.
3. Lump-Sum Tax Countries: Become a resident of countries that will only charge an annual lump-sum tax.
Technically, these are not tax-free countries, but you can basically view the flat tax as a government fee for
your second residence, which then allows you to live tax-free for the rest of the year. 
4. Exemptions and Non-Domiciled Countries: Become a resident of a country that normally has high taxes
but then apply for an exemption or special status as a non-domiciled resident that will allow you to live in
the country tax-free for a set period of time.

 Bermuda, Monaco, the Bahamas, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are four countries that
do not have personal income taxes.
 U.S. citizens are obligated to file and pay U.S. income taxes even if they live in another

Citizens of the United States cannot escape paying U.S. income taxes just by moving to another country. All U.S. citizens,
regardless of where they choose to reside, are still legally obligated to file U.S. income taxes in the same way as if they
were living in the U.S.1 It may seem appealing, but renouncing citizenship is not an easy task.
Taxes are levied in almost every country of the world, primarily to raise revenue for government expenditures, although
they serve other purposes as well.

To foster economic growth and development governments need sustainable sources of funding for social programs and
public investments. Programs providing health, education, infrastructure and other services are important to achieve
the common goal of a prosperous, functional and orderly society. And they require that governments raise revenues.
Taxation not only pays for public goods and services; it is also a key ingredient in the social contract between citizens
and the economy. 

Tax is the money paid by individuals and businesses to government: federal, state or territory, and local.

Governments need to fund the services they provide to the community, such as education, health, defence and
infrastructure such as roads. To do this they must collect money, which is called revenue, through the tax system.
Without taxes, the government would have no money to provide services.

Without taxes, we would live in a very different society.

If asked whether it would be a good idea to get rid of taxes, most people would probably answer 'yes'. Paying less tax
would mean that people had more money of their own to spend. But how would the government build and maintain
roads, hospitals and schools? Who would fund police, jails and defence services? Some people are unable to earn an
income. Without tax, the government would be unable to provide pensions, unemployment benefits or the Youth

The money you pay in taxes goes to many places. In addition to paying the salaries of government workers, your tax
dollars also help to support common resources, such as police and firefighters.

Tax money helps to ensure the roads you travel on are safe and well-maintained. Taxes fund public libraries and parks.
Taxes are also used to fund many types of government programs that help the poor and less fortunate, as well as many

The Bahamas

The Bahamas does not impose income tax on its residents, regardless of where they earn their income. The government
receives most of its revenue from its tourism and offshore industries.


Located on the Persian Gulf, Bahrain is a tax-free nation that receives much of its wealth and government revenues from
its oil discovery. Those looking to establish residency in a tax-free country should know that citizenship in Bahrain is very
difficult, but permanent residency requires that you be retired, invest $135,000 in property, or invest $270,000 in a
Bahraini company.


Brunei does not have an income tax, however, Brunei is not necessarily a hub for economic freedom. Permanent
residency and citizenship are out of the question for those looking to establish themselves in a tax-free country, as you
would need to gain the approval of the Sultan.

Cayman Islands

Like the Bahamas, tourism in the Cayman Islands is enough to provide the government with enough revenue without
taxing its residents. Those looking to seek permanent residency in the tax-free Cayman Islands, one must make
$145,000 per year and invest at least $600,000 in real estate and wait eight years for permanent residency.
Governments need to fund the services they provide to the community, such as education, health, defence and
infrastructure such as roads. To do this they must collect money, which is called revenue, through the tax system.
Without taxes, the government would have no money to provide services.

To foster economic growth and development governments need sustainable sources of funding for social programs and
public investments. Programs providing health, education, infrastructure and other services are important to achieve
the common goal of a prosperous, functional and orderly society. And they require that governments raise revenues.
Taxation not only pays for public goods and services; it is also a key ingredient in the social contract between citizens
and the economy. 

Sweden has some of the highest tax rates in Europe. Sweden has a progressive taxation scale, with income tax rates
ranging from 30 to 55%. At the moment, Sweden is considered one of the most prosperous European countries with a
high standard of living and social standards, a strong economy and developed democratic institutions. That is, by paying
large taxes, Swedes can live in a civilized society, receiving all the necessary benefits.

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