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The Interest-Elasticity of Transactions Demand For Cash

Author(s): James Tobin

Source: The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 38, No. 3 (Aug., 1956), pp. 241-247
Published by: The MIT Press
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The Review of Economics and Statistics


James Tobin
ONE traditionallyrecognizedsourceof de- active money, the amount of cash holdings
mand for cash holdings is the need for needed for a given volume of transactions is
transactions balances, to bridge the gaps in taken as determined by the institutions and
time between the receipts and the expenditures conventions governing the degree of synchroni-
of economic units. By virtually common con- zation of receipts and expenditures. To take a
sent, this transactions demand for cash has simple example, suppose that an individual re-
been taken to be independent of the rate of in- ceives $ioo the first of each month, but dis-
terest. The relationship, if any, between the tributes a monthly total outlay of $ioo evenly
demand for cash holdings and the rate of in- through the month. His cash balance would
terest has been sought elsewhere-- in inelas- vary between $ioo on the first of each month
ticities or uncertaintiesof expectations of future and zero at the end of the month. On the aver-
interest rates. An exception is Professor Han- age his cash holdings would equal $50, or I/24
sen, who has argued that even transactions of his annual receipts and expenditures. If he
balances will become interest-elastic at high were paid once a year this ratio would be >2
enough interest rates.' Above some minimum, instead of I/24; and if he were paid once a
he conjectures, the higher the interest rate the week it would be I/I04.
more economical of cash balances transactors The failure of receipts and expenditures to
will be. be perfectly synchronized certainly creates the
The purpose of this paper is to support and need for transactions balances. But it is not
to elaborate Professor Hansen's argument. obvious that these balances must be cash. By
Even if there were unanimity and certainty cash I mean generally acceptable media of pay-
that prevailinginterest rates would continue un- ment, in which receipts are received and pay-
changed indefinitely,so that no motive for hold- ments must be made. Why not hold transac-
ing cash other than transactions requirements tions balances in assets with higher yields than
existed, the demand for cash would depend in- cash, shifting into cash only at the time an out-
versely on the rate of interest. The reason is lay must be made? The individual in the pre-
simply the cost of transactions between cash ceding example could buy $ioo of higher-yield-
and interest-bearing assets.2 ing assets at the beginning of the month, and
In traditional explanations of the velocity of gradually sell these for cash as he needs to
'Alvin H. Hansen, Monetary Theory and Fiscal Policy
make disbursements. On the average his cash
(New York, I949), 66-67. holdings would be zero, and his holdings of
2 importance of these costs in explaining the demand other assets $5o. The advantage of this pro-
for cash has been explicitly analyzed by W. J. Baumol,
"The Transactions Demand for Cash: An Inventory Theo-
cedure is of course the yield. The disadvantage
retic Approach," Quarterly Journal of Economics, LVI (No- is the cost, pecuniary and non-pecuniary, of
vember I952), 545-56, a paper which I should have read be- such frequent and small transactions between
fore writing this one but did not. Baumol is mainly inter-
ested in the implications of his analysis for the theory of the
cash and other assets. There are intermediate
transactions velocity of money at a given rate of interest, possibilities, dividing the $5o average transac-
while the focus of this paper is on the interest-elasticity of tions balances between cash and other assets.
the demand for cash at a given volume of transactions.
Other differences between Baumol's model and mine are
The greater the individual sets his average cash
discussed in the Appendix. holding, the lower will be both the yield of his

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transactions balances and the cost of his trans- I
actions. When the yield disadavantage of cash T Y t)dt = Y/2. (2)
is slight, the costs of frequent transactions will
deter the holding of other assets, and average
T(t) is divided between cash C(t) and bonds
cash holdings will be large. However, when the
yield disadvantage of cash is great, it is worth
while to incur large transactions costs and keep T(t) = B(t) + C(t) o ? B(t), C(t). (3)
average cash holdings low. Thus, it seems
plausible that the share of cash in transactions Let B and C be average bond holding and cash
balances will be related inversely to the interest holding respectively:
Lrate on other assets. The remainder of the
paper is a more rigorous proof of this possibil-
ity. B= B (t)dt
Let bonds represent the alternative asset in I
which transactions balances might be held.
C =fJe C(t)dt B+ C=T=Y/2. (4)
Bonds and cash are the same except in two re-
spects. One difference is that bonds are not a
medium of payment. The other is that bonds The interest rate per time period is r. Bonds
bear an interest rate.3 There is no risk of de- earn interest in proportionto the length of time
fault on bonds, nor any risk of a change in the they are held, no matter how short.
rate of interest. The problem is to find the relationship be-
A transaction of $x, either way, between tween B (and hence C) and the interest rate r,
bonds and cash is assumed to cost $(a + bx), on the assumption that the individual chooses
where a and b are both positive. Part of the B (t) and C (t) so as to maximize his interest
cost of a transaction is independent of the size earnings, net of transactions costs. The rela-
of the transaction, and part is proportional to tionship may be found in three steps:
that amount.
At the first of each time period (t = o), the i. Suppose that the number of transactions
individual receives $Y. He disburses this at a during the period were fixed at n. Given r,
uniform rate throughout the period, and at the what would be the optimal times (tl, t2, . . .
tn) and amounts of these n transactions?
end of the period (t = i) he has disbursed it
all.4 Thus his total transactions balance, what-
What would be the revenue Rn,from this opti-
ever its composition, T(t) is: mal plan? What are the correspondingvalues
of B and C?
T(t) = Y(i - t). (o t I) (I)
2. Given r, but now considering n variable,
His average transactions balance:
what would be the value of n - call it n *
'I shall assume for convenience that the own-rate of in- for which Rn is a maximum?
terest on cash is zero; if cash bore interest, the argument
would be essentially the same. By "the interest rate" is 3. How does n *, the optimal number of
really meant the difference between the yield on bonds and transactions,depend on r? As n * varies with
the yield on cash.
The argument would be changed only inessentially by r, so will B and C. Also, incidentally, how do
considering instead an individual who receives cash at a n *, B, and C depend on Y, the volume of
uniform rate and must make a single periodic disbursement.
It may not be too far-fetched to claim that, at a given sea-
son, almost every transactor in the economy can be approxi-
mated by one of these two models. Either the transactor is
i. The first problem is the optimal timing
accumulating a series of small receipts toward the day and amounts of a given number of transactions.
when large disbursements must be made, or he is gradually Considerthis problem first for the case in which
disbursing in small payments a prior large receipt. At dif- transaction costs are independent of the size
ferent seasons of the year, or month, or week, the same
of transactions (b = o). In this case transac-
transactor may sometimes be of one type and sometimes of
the other. Of course actual transactions balances T(t) need tions costs are fixed by the number of trans-
not decline, or grow, linearly, as assumed in this paper. actions; and, for a given number, the optimal

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schedulingwill be the one which gives the great- Chart i presents two possible ways of schedul-
est interest earnings. ing two transactions. The first way, shown in
If there is one transaction, from cash into Chart ia, is to hold all cash, no bonds, until
bonds, there must be at least a second transac- time t1; to buy B1 bonds at that time; to hold
tion, from bonds back into cash. Bonds cannot these, and earn interest on them, until time t2;
be used for payments, and the entire initial and then to convert them into cash. Total in-
transactions balance must be paid out by the terest earnings are proportional to the shaded
end of the period. area. The second way, shown in Chart ib, is
In Chart i, the total transactions balance T to buy the same amount of bonds B1 immedi-
is plotted against time, as in equation (i). ately on receipt of periodic income Y, and to


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hold them until they absolutely must be sold schedule. In general, for n transactions, the
in orderto get the cash necessary for subsequent optimal schedule is to buy at time zero
payments. The revenue from this schedule is n i
proportional to the shaded area in Chart ib, Y bonds, and to sell them in equal in-
and is obviously greater than the revenue in stallments of Y/n at times t2 = i/n, t3
Chart ia. The two general principles exempli- t - I ~n - I
fied in the superiority of the second schedule to 2/n, . . . tj n tn= ~n-
.--- The
the first are as follows:
average bond holding, following this schedule,
(a) All conversion from cash into bonds is half of the initial holding:
should occur at time o. Whatever the size
B n-I
of a transaction in this direction, to postpone
it is only to lose interest.
(b) A transaction from bonds into cash Revenue is rB", or:
should not occur until the cash balance is n- I
zero. To make this transaction before it is Rn= Yr. (n2) (6)
necessary only loses interest that would be
earned by holding bonds a longer time. Transaction costs are equal to na, so that net
revenue is:
There are many schedules of two transac-
tions that conform to these principles. Two
Yr-na (n 2) (7)
possibilities are shown in Chart 2. In Chart 2a rn=
the initial transaction is obviously too great,
and the second transaction must therefore be where a is the cost of a transaction. These re-
too early. The optimal schedule is to convert sults are all proved in the Appendix.
half of Y into bonds at time o and to sell them Some modificationin the argument is needed
for cash at time '2.5 to take account of transaction costs propor-
If three transactions are allowed, it is not tional to the size of the transaction. If this cost
necessary to sell all the bonds at one time. Some is b per dollar, then every dollar of cash-bonds-
may be sold at time t2 and the remainder at cash round trip costs 2b, no matter how quickly
time t3. This makes it possible to buy more it is made. The interest revenue from such a cir-
bonds initially. Chart 3 shows the optimal cuit depends, on the other hand, on how long
the dollar stays in bonds. This means that it is
CHART 3.- SCHEDULING OF THREE TRANSACTIONS worth while to buy bonds only if they can be
held long enough so that the interest earnings
exceed 2b. This will be possible at all only if r
exceeds 2b, since the maximum time available
is i. The minimum time for which all bonds
purchased at time zero must be held, in order
to break even, is 2b/r. Holding bonds beyond
that time, so far as transactions needs permit,
will result in interest earnings which are clear
gain. The problem is the same as in the simpler
case without size-of-transaction costs, except
that the effective beginning time is not t1 = o
but t1 = 2b/r, and consequently the effective
beginningtotal transactionsbalance is not Y but
Y[I -(2 b/r) ]. With these modifications, the
solution for the optimal scheduling of n trans-
' For /2 is the value of t2 which maximizes the expres- actions is the same: Put (n - i)/n of the be-
sion representinginterest revenue: rY(i - t2) t2. ginning balance into bonds, and sell these bonds

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for cash in equal installment at n - i equally Yr ( b
of n, which approaches - I _- as n
spaced dates.6 2

For n = 3, the solution is illustrated in Chart becomes indefinitely large. Marginal revenue,
4, which may be compared with Chart 3. In R.n+j -Rn, is a positive decreasing function of
Chart 4 it is assumed that 2b/r = Y2, i.e., that n, which approacheszero as n becomes infinite:
the size of transaction cost per dollar is Y4 of 2
the interest rate. The effective beginning time I _2b
is thus t1 = ?2, and the effective beginning bal- -RYr2n(n+I) II r
ance is T(Y2) or Y/2. (n :-2),
(r :-2b) (I
Total cost, na, is simply proportionalto a; and
CHART 4. - SCHEDULING OF TRANSACTIONS marginalcost is a constant.
(Transaction cost per dollar equal to one-fourth There are four possible kinds of solution n *,
interest rate) of which Chart 5 illustrates only one. These are
defined by the relation of the interest rate to
volume and costs of transactions, as follows:

I. a > '8 Yr I--) 7* 2 is negative.

In this case, xn will also be negative for all
values of n greater than 2. The optimal
number of transactions is zero, because wr0is
equal to zero.
II. a = '8 Yr( I -
2 7) 2 iS zero. In

this case, 7rnwill be negative for all values of

n greater than 2; n * is indeterminate be-
tween the two values o and 2.
The initial purchase of bonds amounts to 23 of
Y/2; half of this purchase is converted back '8 Yr I _ ) > a >- Yr( 2b );
into cash at t2 = 3, and the remainder at t3 n * = 2. Here 7,T is positive for n 2 but
= 5/6. negative for all greater values.
For the general case, the following results
are proved in the Appendix. IV.. I/I2 Yr ( i - 2 a. The optimal
- nfl-I I 4b2A number of transactions n * is (or at least
Bit 2 V-r (n_- 2 ), (r > 2b) may be) greater than 2. This is the case
(8) illustrated in Chart 5.

R - Yr (I _ b(n :-2) (r :-2b) 3. The third step in the argument concerns

2n r (9) the relation of the optimal number of transac-
n -I 2b 2 tions, n *, to the rate of interest r. From (g)
7Tn = Yr i-- ) -na. and (i i) it is apparent that both the total and
2n r
the marginal revenue for a given n will be
(n :-2 ), (r 2b) (IO0)
greater the larger is r. If an increase in r alters
2. The next step is to determine the optimal n * at all, it increases n *. Now B.*, average
number of transactions, i.e., the value of n bond holdings, is for two reasons an increasing
which maximizes5rr in (io). As shown in Chart function of n. As is clear from (8), Bn for given
5, revenue Rn is a positive increasing function n depends directly on r. In addition, Bn, in-
'See Appendix for proof. creases with n; and n * varies directly with r.

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revenue depends directly on Y, the amount of

periodic receipts; but marginal cost a does not.
Consequently n * will be greater, for solutions
in category IV, the greater the volume of trans-
actions Y; and the ratio of cash holdings to Y
will vary inversely with Y. Moreover, the range
of values of r for which the demand for cash is
sensitive to the interest rate (categories II, III,
Thus it is proved that the optimal share of IV) is widened by increases in Y. Small trans-
bonds in a transactions balance varies directly, actors do not find it worth while even to con-
and the share of cash inversely, with the rate of sider holding transactions balances in assets
interest. This is true for rates high enough in other than cash; but large transactors may be
relation to transaction costs of both kinds to quite sensitive to the interest rate. This conclu-
fall in categories II, III, and IV above. Within sion suggests that the transactions velocity of
category I, of course, r can vary without affect- money may be higher in prosperity than in de-
ing cash and bond holdings. pression, even if the rate of interest is constant.
Chart 6 gives an illustration of the relation- But it would not be correct to conclude that,
ship: r,, is the level of the rate of interest which for the economy as a whole, transactions veloc-
meets the condition of category II, which is ity depends directly on the level of money in-
also the boundary between I and III. come. It is the volume of transactions Y rela-
The ratio of cash to total transactions bal- tive to transaction cost a that matters; and in
ances is not independentof the absolute volume a pure price inflation Y and a could be expected
of transactions. In equation (i i), marginal to rise in the same proportion.

I. Suppose that (I - t2)Y bonds are bought at as the initial purchase, (I - t2) Y, total transaction
time t = o and held until t = t2. From t2 until t3, costs - ignoring those costs, na, which are fixed
(I - t3)Y bonds are held. In general, from t1-1 when the number of transactions is fixed - are
until ti, (i - ti) Y bonds are held, and finally from 2b (i- t2) Y. Consequently, revenue Rn is given by
t.-1 until t., (i - tn) Y bonds are held. After t1,n the following expression:
bond holdings are zero. Every dollar of bonds held
Rn = Y* t2r+(I I-t3) ' (t-t2)r+ ...
from ti-. until ti earns interest in amount (t - (II-t2 *h

t_i)r. Since the total sales of bonds are the same

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It is convenient, for the purposes of this Appendix, l

26 Bn = YX ( I-t,) (ht-ti_1 ) +Yr(I-t2) t1

to define t1 as equal to-. Then we may write
Rnas follows: Y(I-tl)2(n-i) 2Ytl(I-tl) (n-i)
Bn = +
n 2f 2f
Rn = Y{r j=2
Y. ( I -ti)(t t-t 1) (A2)
Y(n-i) (I-tl)2
= . (A8)
The ti(i = 2, ... n) are to be chosen so as to maxi-
mize Rn. Setting the partial derivatives equal to
zero gives the following set of equations. Substituting - for t1 in (A8) gives (8) in the
-2t2+t3 = _4 text, of which (5) is a special case.
t2-2t3+t4 = o
t3-2t4+t5 = o II. The model used in the present paper is much
(A3) the same as that used by Baumol, and the maximiza-
tn-2-2tn-l+tn = 0 tion of my expression (iO) gives essentially the same
tn-1-2 tn = I result as Baumol's equation (2), page 547, and his
expression for R on page 549. There are, however,
The solution to (A3) is: some differences:
i. I permit the number of transactions into cash,
I - ti n-I , to take on only positive integral values, while
t2 = ti +
n Baumol treats the correspondingvariable, I/C, as
2 continuous. Consequently, it is possible to dupli-
t3 = t, +- (I- tl ) (A4 ) cate Baumol's equation (2) exactly only by ignoring
differences between n - i, n, and n + i.
2. The present paper proves what Baumol as-
tq = ti + (I-t1 ) sumes, namely that cash withdrawals should be
n equally spaced in time and equal in size.
3. Baumol does not consider the possibility that,
n - I in the general case where the individual has both
receipts and expenditures,the optimal initial invest-
ment is zero. Of the four kinds of solution men-
From (A4) we have: tioned in the present paper, Baumol considers only
case IV. In part this is because he treats the deci-
sion variable as continuous and looks only for the
I~~~~~~ (=2 3, .. .n) (As) regular extremum. But it is also because of his
nqt1=(-t) n
definition of the problem. Baumol's individual, in-
n-i+i stead of maximizing his earnings of interest net of
I -t = + (I-t1). (i=2,3,. .n) (A6) transaction costs, minimizes a cost which includes
an interest charge on his average cash balance. This
Substituting (A5) and (A6) in (A2) gives: definition of the problem leads Baumol to overlook
the question whether interest earnings are high
(_-tl)2 n~ enough to justify any investment at all. Baumol's
Rn= Yr 2 (n-i+ I) calculation of interest cost is rather difficult to un-
derstand. By making it proportionalto the average
Yr (-1) n(n-( ) (A7) cash balance, he is evidently regardingas "cost" the
n2 2 sacrifice of earnings as compared with a situation
in which the full transactions balance, which de-
From (A7), substituting - for ti, expression (9) clines gradually from T to zero during the period, is
r invested and cash is held no longer than the split
in the text is easily derived. Equation (6) in the second preceding its expenditure. Since this situa-
text is a special case of (9). tion would require infinitely many financial trans-
actions and therefore infinitely large transactions
B., average bond holding, is obtained from the costs, it hardly seems a logical zero from which to
definition (4) as follows: measure interest costs.

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