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Course Details


COURSE NAME Advanced Statistics
COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to deepen students’ concepts and techniques that are
essential to data processing and analysis. Topics will cover non-parametric
statistics such as Rank Tests for one sample, two samples, and k samples, test
for randomness, association tests, distribution tests, and tests for
independence. This course will enhance students’ ability in using statistical
software such as SPSS to automate data processing..
NUMBER OF UNITS 3 units (Lec.)

B. Course Outcomes
At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
1. Exhibit mastery of basic concepts and procedures of non-parametric statistics by illustrating examples that
apply statistical concepts;
2. Exhibit proficiency in analyzing data by using appropriate technology for informed decision-making;
3. Display competence in the correct usage of statistical tests by conducting investigations and researches to
formulate data-driven conclusions and decisions;
4. Demonstrate competence in utilizing appropriate statistical tests to analyze teacher-made test results,
students’ performance, and provide feedback for improvement;
5. Demonstrate proficiency in problem solving by giving appropriate examples that can be solved using non-
parametric statistics;
6. Appreciate statistics by advocating the use of statistical data in making important decisions in everyday life.
C. Course Outline

1 Introduction to Nonparametric Statistics
1. Introduction to Research
2. Overview of Nonparametric Statistics
3. Importance of Nonparametric Statistics
2 Introduction to Nonparametric Statistics
1. Uses of Nonparametric Statistics
2. Levels of Measurement and types of data used in Nonparametric tests
3 The Use of Statistical Tests in Research
1. The Null and Alternative Hypothesis
2. The Choice of Statistical Nonparametric tests
4 The One-Sample Test
1. Binomial Test
2. x 2One-sample Test
3. Kolmogorov-Smirnov One-sample Test
4. One-sample Runs Test
5 The Case of Two Related Samples
1. McNemar Test for the Significance of Changes
2. Sign Test Wilcoxon Matchedpairs Signed-ranks Test
6-7 The Case of Two Independent Samples
1. Fisher Exact Probability Test
2. x 2Test for Two Independent Samples
3. Median Test
4. Mann-Whitney U Test
5. Kolmogorov-Smirnov Two-samples Test
6. Wald-Wolfowitz Runs Test
8 The Case of k Related Samples
1. Cochran Q Test
2. Friedman Two-way analysis of Variance by Ranks
9-10 The Case of k Independent Samples
1. x 2Test for k Independent Samples
2. Extension of the Median Test
3. Kruskal-Wallis One-way Analysis of Variance by Ranks
11-13 Measures of Correlation and Their Tests of Significance
1. Contingency Coefficient: C
2. Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient: r s
3. Kendall Rank Correlation Coefficient: r
4. Kendall Partial Rank Correlation Coefficent:r xy∗s
5. Kendall Coefficent of Concordance:W
14-15 Mini-Research Project
16 Presentation of Mini-Research Project

D. Suggested Teaching Strategies

 Lectures, exercises, discussion, individual inquiry
E. Suggested Assessment/Evaluation
 Quizzes, problem sets, long exams, midterm exam, final exam
F. References
 Kraska-Miller M.(2014). Nonparametric Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences. Taylor & Francis
Group, LLC.

Prepared by:

Math Instructor

Reviewed by:
Math Instructor

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