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NUR11O1 Integrated Human Anatomy and Physiology

Department of Biology
Institute of Arts and Sciences
Far Eastern University



Name: Section: Date Submitted:

The heart is the major organ of the cardiovascular system which pumps oxygenated blood
to the different organs of the body through its systemic circuit and loads the
deoxygenated blood via the pulmonary circuit?


The major functions of the heart is to pump blood throughout to body, supplies
oxygen, nutrients, and removes carbon dioxide.

III. Anatomy of the heart

Misplaced labels (4):

1. Left common carotid

2. Left subclavian artery
3. Left pulmonary veins
4. Left pulmonary arteries
5. Descending aorta
6. Inferior vena cava
7. Trabeculae carneae
8. Chordae tendineae

NUR11O1 Integrated Human Anatomy and Physiology
Department of Biology
Institute of Arts and Sciences
Far Eastern University


Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.

False 1. There are two pulmonary veins that return oxygenated blood to the left atrium of the heart from the lungs.

False 2. The pulmonary semilunar valve is found in the opening where the pulmonary trunk exits the left ventricle.

True 3. The aortic semilunar valve is found in the opening where the ascending aorta leaves the left ventricle.

False 4. In a normal heartbeat, the right atrium contracts, followed by the right ventricle, then the left atrium, and
finally the left ventricle.

True 5. The heart is enclosed in a membranous sac called the pericardial sac.

Complete each sentence or statement.

6. The __pericardial sac______ is a loose-fitting serous membrane that surrounds the heart.

7. The __epicardium______ is the outermost layer of the wall of the heart.

8. The muscular layer of the heart, the cardiac muscle tissue, is known as the

9. The __endocardium___ is the innermost layer of the wall of the heart.

10. The ____mitral______ valve separates the left atrium from the left ventricle.

11. The contraction phase of the heartbeat is called ____systole________.

12. The mitral valve is also known as the ____bicuspid_______ valve.

13. The two upper chambers of the heart are the right and left ____atrium_________.

14. The ____coronary arteries____ are the vessels that branch off the ascending aorta and
supply the walls of the heart with oxygenated blood.

NUR11O1 Integrated Human Anatomy and Physiology
Department of Biology
Institute of Arts and Sciences
Far Eastern University

15. The muscle tissue of the atria and

ventricle is separated by connective tissue; a groove called the ___coronary sulcus_______
separates the atria from the ventricles.


Match each statement with the correct item below.

a. upper chambers of the heart d. visceral pericardium
b. mitral valve e. parietal pericardium c. relaxation phase

_E_ 16. pericardial sac

_A_ 17. atria

_C_ 18. diastole

_B_ 19. bicuspid valve

_D_ 20. epicardium

Match each statement with the correct item below.

a. heart muscle d. pacemaker
b. contraction phase of the heartbeat e. innermost layer of the heart c.
right atrioventricular valve

_D_ 21. sinoatrial node

_C_ 22. tricuspid

_A_ 23. myocardium

_E_ 24. endocardium

_B_ 25. systole


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