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Explain the quote by Oscar Wilde :

“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance”.

Write a 250 - word essay explaining the quote above. Place your answer in google docs or word
document and turn in on or before the due date.

Reality's conditions and relationships are indeed time-limited. Disappointments,

heartbreaks, and unanticipated occurrences may all transform our fortunes in an instant. The
earlier we embrace this, the easier it is to change our perspective on things and boost our
possibilities of self-acceptance and contentedness. When we genuinely accept uncertainty, we
seem to be more capable of learning from our mistakes and use it to create a somewhat more
tranquil and fulfilling existence. Whenever we admire and cherish ourselves for everything, we
are able to pursue a more honest life. We understand how to handle tolerance, flexibility, and

Self-love seems to be the only connection we can rely on. A lifetime relationship might
develop when we get to appreciate ourselves. We can only truly understand our priorities,
goals, and aspirations whenever we find hours alone. This enables us to envision and develop
the living we want. Enjoying our hobbies, going on adventures and remaining as active as
possible can all help us appreciate, embrace, and cherish ourselves more. We would never be
melancholy if we sincerely admire, love and cherish ourselves. For the trials of life, we always
have our unique self-confidence and satisfaction. We like interacting with others, but we never
fall into that trap of relying on somebody to grant us a self worth or a reason for existence.
People who are truly confident in their personalities and think they are as valued as every
individual seldom perceive such a need to crave external affirmation.

I’ll end this essay with a qoute, “Self-love is a lifelong endeavor worth the time and
effort. True self-care makes even the most difficult situations more manageable.”

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