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English class

england attire

he typical costumes of the world are usually linked to a time in its

history or to a certain dance according to the country. In the case
of English clothing, it does not have an exponent identified as
typical. However, the clothing of the Morris dancers is the closest
to a traditional costume. It is a dance of ritual origin towards the
earth practiced by men. In Wales, typical clothing is associated
with that worn by peasants in the 18th and 19th centuries. While
in Scotland the design of clothing is related to the identification of
each clan.

A traditional costume for English dress has not been defined.

Despite this, the Morris dance costume can be associated more
with a typical costume from England, since it is originally from
the country.

The clothing consists of a white shirt and trousers, bells inside

two cushions placed on the calves, and a wicker hat, adorned with
ribbons and flowers.
In the English tradition the bells and festive colors used in the hat
serve the function of warding off evil and capturing fertility for
the earth.

The typical costume of Wales is associated with the feminine

dress that the peasant women used. It has its origins around the
18th century.

Consists in:

Betgw: It is a long dress that is worn with a petticoat. It is a dress

with sleeves extended to the elbow, usually printed in scarlet. It is
made of woven wool.

Shawl: It is folded diagonally around the shoulders to form a


Apron: It is the ornamental part of the set that was the norm in its
origins. It could be decorated with colored embroidery.

Welsh hat: It is a high top hat with a wide brim. The interior is
lined with muslin or cotton that comes out on the lateral sides of
the head.

The other elements of the set are the white blouse and stockings
and shoes of the set are black.
Fashion is one of the ways in which we can analyze what life was
like at different times. It acts as a mirror of social groups,
reflecting the way of thinking, working and acting of different
individuals. And, in addition, it has a unifying effect: by wearing
the same type of clothing that those around us feel integrated,
accepted; that we belong to something bigger.

This makes it natural to find clothes in any country that, either

because they have been used in important moments in history or
because of the great amount of time they have been in use; they
are considered as something precious, as something that goes
beyond the past; something that earned the right to be
representative both in the present and in the future. These clothes
are known as typical clothes.

But not all nations are like this. There are some in which, for
various reasons, you do not have a wardrobe that is recognized by
that unique name. Do you want to know the name of at least one?
There you go: England.
England is one of the richest countries in folklore in the world but
it does not have a costume that is recognized as typical, the most
similar to it is that of the Morris dancers, who actively participate
in activities, especially that are carried out outdoors in the hottest
months of the year and they perform the dances that attract
fertility and ward off bad energies through the noise of the bells
that it has on two cushions that are placed on the calves of the
white pants, the rest of the outfit consists of a shirt white and
some particular hats usually made of wicker

This dance is one of the most traditional in England and comes

from a very old custom in which, through the bells and some
colored ribbons with which the dancers' hats were decorated, it
was believed that they could attract fertility and ward off any
possible pain, these groups normally only participate men,
although in some regions some women have also begun to dance.

What is known as the typical costume of women, especially in the

Middle Ages, begins to adjust the dress and the sleeves, in turn as
time passes they are increasingly sophisticated and decorated,
according to the occasion and the social ladder.
Now why doesn't England really have typical clothing? The
answer is not very clear, and it is something somewhat
paradoxical, taking into account that England is a country with
enormous cultural development throughout its history.

One of the possible reasons could be because of the great power it

had in previous centuries, when it was one of the most feared
nations in the world, so much so that it became the largest empire
in history. But you ask yourself, what does that have to do with
it? I'll tell you:

One of the main reasons why a nation develops a typical costume,

like many other cultural representations, is when they need to
preserve their identity. This occurs in times of crisis, generally
when they are being invaded by another country, or when some
foreign customs threaten to devour or supplant those that already
exist in the population.

It is in those moments in which the upper classes or rulers decide

to promote all kinds of movements in order to strengthen
nationalist sentiment in their governed. For which, they usually
select the type of clothing that, in their opinion, will be the most
appropriate for this purpose. They can be the garments that the
inhabitants of some towns wear, or the uniforms that workers in a
specific sector must wear. Religion and traditions also often play
a role.

My name is dalvis joel ortega

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