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Scores will be assigned based on participation and quality of performance in several areas. All
areas are important to the success of a delegate as they are to the success of a diplomat, and
scoring should be done with this in mind. Points will be awarded on the basis of the following,
the components of which are elaborated below:

1. Verbal Skills
2. Writing Skills: Amendments and Resolutions
3. Knowledge of Topics/ Policy
4. Parliamentary Procedure
5. Participation Skills

Individual speeches:

The following are the three criteria that are to be taken into consideration while scoring
● Speaking Style
● Content
● Strategy

Perfect: 10
Very good: 9
Good: 7-8
Above average: 6
Average: 5
Below average: 4
Poor: 3-2
Very poor: 1
Horrible: 0

Speaking Style:
Eloquent and audible speeches
Appropriate tonality
Formal sentence structure and vocabulary
Consistent eye-contact
Confidence and dominance maintained throughout the speech
Diplomatic courtesy maintained throughout the speech

Speeches have relevance to and understanding of the topic at hand
Demonstrate an understanding of the country’s stance, position and power
Demonstrate an understanding of other countries’ stance, position and power
Demonstrate an understanding of the working of the United Nations
Rhetoric does not take the place of the substantive content
Appropriate use and analysis of statistics and facts
Understanding of concepts and ideas being brought forth
Ability to recognise ambiguity and illogical statements, i.e. statements not in line with the
country’s stance,
Leading the caucus in a manner conducive to the running of the overall debate

Use of appropriate jargon, especially while raising points of motions
Ability to manipulate a room using diplomacy and deeper understanding of the topic and it’s
Adequate lobbying skills
Ability to manipulate the rules of procedure
Ability to use time effectively especially during speeches
Active role in drafting documents

Position Papers, Draft Resolutions, Working Papers:

Each delegate is to be given a score out of 5:

Overall quality of writing, proper style, grammar, etc.

Reference to relevant resolutions/documents
General consistency with bloc/geopolitical constraints
Consistency with the constraints of the United Nations
Analysis of issues, rather than reiteration of the Committee Background Guide
Ability to back majority, if not all, of the content in such documentation
Understanding and appropriate application of formats
Understanding of the proceedings of drafting, voting upon and passing documents and

Participation in unmoderated caucuses:

Each delegate will be given a score out of 5 (only for ACDs)

Maintaining decorum and professional behaviour, i.e. avoid yelling, swearing, jumping on
furniture, etc.
Consistent, accurate and diplomatic throughout the time period
Lobbying in a manner consistent to the country’s stance, position and power
Leading the committee and ensuring a conducive unmod
Continuous and active participation i.e. not using the time as a break
Maintaining respect for the committee, delegates, ACDs, chairs and the overall working of the

Remaining in character:

advocating country’s stance in a manner consistent with the economic, geographical, social and
geopolitical constraints
Not modelling inappropriate stereotypes or character traits
Caucusing in a manner consistent to country’s stance and position and power
Awareness of and respect for the rule of procedures throughout the sessions
Dressed in appropriate formal wear


At the conclusion of the conference, Chairs evaluate the debate participation point totals and the
points earned from the other categories to rank the delegations in each individual committee. It
is important to consider the delegation’s rankings in all five categories.

The award policy is as follows:

● 1 Best Delegate
● 2 Outstanding Diplomacy
● 3 Honourable Mentions
● 2-3 Special Mentions

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