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Business School

Campus Bordeaux

Market research and analysis

Group assessment: Foie gras data analysis and interpretation

Made by
1st year student of Master in Management,
Calle Rodriguez Maria Paula

Reynald Brion
Sonia Bougafta


I - Model

II - Scales used in the questionnaire

Our first set of questions aims to understand the type of shopper the respondent is ; in
order to do that, we selected 3 questions from the Perceived search skills questionnaire by
Gauri, Dinesh, Sudhir and Debabrata Talukdar (2008).
By doing so, our goal was to determine whether or not the respondent thinks they make most
of their shopping choices before entering the supermarket and therefore how suggestible they
are to product’s packaging.

Our second set of questions aims to understand the respondent’s general feeling about
our product, foie gras ; we based this part on Bergkvist, Lars & John R. Rossiter work’s titled
Attitude toward the brand (2007). Despite its name, this work actually allows the possibly
of asking survey-takers how they feel about either a brand, a product or a category.
3 pairs of adjectives are given to the respondent among which they can choose freely to
convey their feelings about our product.

Our third set of questions relates to more than the perception by using « emotions »
related vocabulary ; it is based off 2014 Vivek, S. D., Beatty, S. E., Dalela, V., & Morgan
work titled Engagement consommateur.
As I said, those questions are focusing on the respondent’s feeling and therefore uses terms or
expressions that may sound exaggerated : for example, one of the questions asks the survey-
taker whether « their days would (or not) be the same without foie gras ».

Our fourth set of questions focuses on our fictive brand perceived value, both with
and without our Animal welfare label on the packaging as the product shown to the
respondent is randomized. It is based on Kaufman, Peter, Satish Jayachandran, and Randall
L. Rose 2006 work titled The Role of Relational Embeddedness in Retail Buyers’
Selection of New Products. With your approval, we edited those questions that we found
relevant in order to give them a more general perspective and not only a shop-owners focused
Those questions aimed to jauge the level of quality perceived by the respondents, both the
product’s and the packaging’s.

Finally, our fifth and sixth sets of questions focused on the respondents’ purchase
intention, once again both for the regular Foie gras and the « Animal Welfare » labeled one.
Those final questions were taken from Pennington, Robin , H. Dixon Wilcox, and Varun
Grover’s The Role of System Trust in Business-to-Consumer Transactions (2003).
They focus on the purchase intent regarding the kind of product and our specific product they
are faced with.

III - Demographic information regarding the respondents


IV - Factor analysis

This analysis is a tool for data reduction. It will be used to reduce our large number of
questions into simple factors that can be later analyzed easily. In this case, we will use Factor
analysis with Promax rotation meaning that we believe that our factors will be correlated.

First, we have our questions referring to Consumer Brand Engagement and we want to
reduce them into a simple factor so we run the analysis.


V - Analysis of the effects

Thibaut :
First, we will see how to test Validity questionnaire using SPSS.
Convergent validity allows researchers to confirm that two separate measures can in fact be
regarded as separate measures. In social science research, we often use surveys to measure
psychological constructs such as attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions. However, we have to
ensure that in doing so, the tools we use to measure such abstract concepts are reliable. This
is often done through Factor Analysis, which allows researchers to determine the reliability
and validity of their measures. Whilst we determine reliability of measures, we must also
ensure they are valid. One of the ways we can validate separate measures as being separate is
by establishing that they are in fact measuring two distinct constructs from one another. This
is known as convergent validity.
The test of validity of the questionnaire was conducted using Pearson Product Moment
Correlations using SPSS :
- If the significance value is superior as 0.05 then the instrument is declared valid
- If the significance value is inferior as 0.05 then the instrument is declared invalid.

We found these results in the Total Variance explained and we took the %
We can declare that most of our instrument/scale are valid and different from each other.

- Discriminant validity : Discriminant validity assumes that items should correlate

higher among them than they correlate with other items from other constructs that are
theoretically supposed not to correlate.
In your class you said that : Correlation between ease of use and security (0,428)² is below
0,75 and 0,73 Discriminant validity is attested

Once we’ve checked the validity we have to check the reliability of our questionnaire :
Cronbach's alpha is the most common measure of internal consistency ("reliability"). It is
most commonly used when you have multiple Likert questions in a survey/questionnaire that
form a scale and you wish to determine if the scale is reliable.
For example, in our questionnaire some question were a 7-point Likert item from "strongly
disagree" to "strongly agree". In order to understand whether the questions in this
questionnaire all reliably measure the same latent variable such as CBE or PI, we hat to run a
Cronbach's alpha.
If Alpha (0,84)> 0,8, then the construct is reliable.
Pour CBE : For the dimension: ease of use Alpha (0,84)> 0,8.The construct is reliable.

Pour PQ :

Pour BPS :
Pour PPV :

Pour PI :

For some variables such as PPV and PQ, They were not measuring the same latent variables.
Analysis of the effect of the site on attitudes towards the product and towards advertising :

This involves the comparison of the attitude’s means of the two websites using a one factor
variance analysis :
The Factor : Foie Gras Ecological or not
The dependant variables: I guess itw as all the bubbles of our model : PI ; BCE and so on..
And then I did not know what to put factor case because we shoould have an item called «
Foie Gras (ecological and regular) as you have Website (serious/fun) in your example but I
did not manage to find dit.

So we should have come with sthg like that :

The Levene test allows us to ensure the homogeneity of the variances. Si Sig>0,05 Variances
are homogeneous. Si Sig<=0,05 Variances not are homogeneous

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