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“Ban The Homework”

By : Janssen Samuel Halim

Good morning everyone, my name is Janssen. I’d like to tell thank you for all of you,
for being here to hear my presentation. Today I will present about “Ban The Homework”,
and this presentation is not meant to insult or vilify anyone

All of you have been know, if we start full day school since the second semester, the
first week of full day school, I heard from someone, who says in full day school there is no
homework, so I’m happy at that moment, and the next day I want to proof that statement, and
that is false statement. All teacher gave us homework, and the homework is not written
homework, you have to make poster, video, and anything else.

The examples of poster and video homework is like BK(conseling guidance)

homework last month, the teacher give us video homework about bullying, and another task.

And you know that I follow the Math Olympic Guidance and I have more schedule
than other student, and with a lot homework, make me fill so difficult about homework, and
some fact that I never join the Physics class, so if Physics teacher give us homework, I need
more time to do the task.

The impact of all homework make students don’t have time to relax, to gathering with
family, because after we arrived at home we just go to our bedroom to do all the task and we
out from bedroom just for have dinner. The worst impact of all homework is stressed out.

So I hope that all teacher and the school can ease the homework or ban it, because I
think all student fill difficult about homework, or if the teacher don’t want to ease the
homework maybe they can stop give poster and video homework and change it to written
homework. I think that will make the student not feel to difficult about homework.

I think that’s all for my presentation today about “Ban The Homework”, I hope you
enjoy my presentation, and I want to say one more time that this presentation is not meant to
insult or vilify anyone. Thank you !!!

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