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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Ministry of Popular Power for Education

U.E.P. College of Ave María

4th Year “C”

Chair: English


Text Traslation, extracting verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs and


Name: Jobsue Montilla Teacher: Gabriel Rivas

Caracas, May 17, 2021.


Halloween (also referred to as All Hollows ´Eve) is a holiday that´s celebrated

in America on 31 October of each year, regardless of what day of the week
this date falls on. Although it is rooted in religion, Halloween today is enjoyed
mainly because of its decorations, costumes, candy, treats, and general
excitement, and furthermore, it is enjoyed by most everyone.

Before Halloween, many individuals carve a design into an orange-colored

pumpkin, or a solid, durable vegetable. Once a personally satisfying design is
carved, a lit candle is typically put inside a pumpkin, thereby making it a Jack-
O-Lantern. At night, this design lights up against the darkness.

Besides carving pumpkins, some celebrate Halloween by putting decorations

up. Supernatural (referring, in this case to non-natural creatures that´re
typically based in fiction) figures, including vampires, ghosts, werewolves,
anything else that can be considered creepy (or unusual and possibly scary)
can also be found on Halloween, in decoration form.

Only some adults celebrate Halloween, and they generally do so by attending

parties. Inversely, the vast majority of children dress in costume ( Halloween
costumes can be based upon anything, from the mentioned supernatural
creatures to the stars today´s films) and walk from door to door in search of
candy- a practice known as trick or treat-on Halloween. After knocking on a
door (houses that participate in Halloween usually leave a light on), one says,
“Trick or Treat” and a piece (or pieces¡) of candy is given to him or her.


Pronouns Pronouns
English Spanish Type
What Qué Relative pronoun
This Esta Demonstrative

Jobsue Montilla, 4to Año “C”

It Eso Personal pronoun
Everyone Todos Indefinite pronouns
This Este pronoun
Some Algunos Indefinite pronoun
They Ellos Personal pronoun
Him Él Personal pronoun
Her Ella Personal pronoun


Verbs English Verbs Spanish Type Time

Is Es Verb "To Be" Present simple
Celebrated Celebra Regular verb Participant past
3rd person in present
Falls Caiga Irregular Verb simple
3rd person in present
Is Esta Verb "To Be" simple
3rd person in present
Enjoyed Disfruta Regular verb simple
3rd person in present
Carve Tallan Regular verb simple
Put Poner Irregular Verb Infinitive
Making Fabricandola Gerund Verb Participant present
3rd person in present
Ligths up Ilumina Irregular Verb simple
Carving Tallar Gerund Verb Participant present
3rd person in present
Celebrate Celebran Regular verb simple
Putting Colocando Gerund Verb Participant present
3rd person in present
Referring Refiriéndose Gerund Verb simple
Including Incluyendo Gerund Verb Participant present
3rd person in present
Can Pueda Modal verb simple
Be Ser Verb "To Be" Infinitive

Jobsue Montilla, 4to Año “C”

Considered Considerada Regular verb Past participle
Found Encontrase Regular verb Past participle
3rd person in present
Do Hacen Irregular Verb simple
Attending Asistiendo Gerund Verb Participant present
3rd person in present
Dress Visten Regular verb simple
Metioned Mencionadas Regular verb Past participle
3rd person in present
Walk Caminan Regular verb simple
3rd person in present
Known Conocida Irregular Verb simple
Treat Trato Regular verb Present simple
Knocking Golpean Irregular Verb Participant present
3rd person in present
Participate Participan Regular verb simple
Leave Dejar Irregular Verb Infinitive
3rd person in present
Says Dice Irregular Verb simple
Given Dada Irregular Verb Past participle


Adjectives English Spanish Type
Referred Referido adjective
All Todos Indefinite adjective
Each Cada Indefinite adjective
Rooted Arraigado adjective
Its Sus adjective
General General Indefinite adjective
Many Muchas Indefinite adjective
Colored De color adjective
Solid Sólido adjective
Durable Duradero Indefinite adjective
Satisfying Que satisface Qualifying

Jobsue Montilla, 4to Año “C”

Carved Tallado adjective
Lit Encendida adjective
Supernatural Sobrenatural adjective
Natural Natural adjective
Based Basado adjcetive
Creepy Espeluznante adjective
Unusual Inusual Indefinite adjective
Scary Aterrador adjective
Vast Gran Indefinite adjective
One Uno Numeral adjective


English Adverbs Spanish Type
Adverb of quantity and
Also También mode
Regardless e Adverb of manner
Today Hoy día Adverb of time
Mainly Principalmente Degree adverb
Adverb of quantity and
Furthermore Además mode
Most Más Degree adverb
Before Antes Adverb of time
Personally Personalmente Adverb of manner
Typically Normalmente Adverb of manner
Thereby Así Adverb of manner
Adverb of quantity and
Besides Además mode
Possibly Posiblemente Adverb of manner
Only Solo Adverb of manner
Generally Generalmente Frequence Adverb

Jobsue Montilla, 4to Año “C”

Inversely Al contrario Adverb of manner
Door to Door De puerta a puerta Adverb of manner
Usually Por lo general Frequence Adverb
On Encendida Adverb of manner


Nouns English Nouns Spanish Type

Víspera de todos los
Halloween santos Propper noun
Hallows Santos o Reliquias Common noun
Eve Víspera Common noun
Holiday Fiesta Propper noun
America Estados Unidos Propper noun
October Octubre Common noun
Year Año Common noun
Day Día Common noun
Week Semana Common noun
Date Fecha Common noun
Religion Religión Abstract noun
Decorations Decoraciones Common noun
Costumes Disfraces Concrete noun
Candys Caramelos Concrete noun
Treats Regalos Concrete noun
Excitement Emoción Abstract noun
Individuals Personas Common noun
Design Diseño Common noun
Orange Naranja Common noun
Pumpkin Calabaza Concrete noun
Vegetable Vegetal Concrete noun
Candle Vela Concrete noun
Jack Conector Concrete noun
Lantern Linterna Concrete noun
Night Noche Common noun
Darkness Oscuridad Abstract noun
Case Caso Abstract noun
Creatures Criaturas Concrete noun
Fiction Ficción Abstract noun
Figures Figuras Abstract noun
Vampires Vampiros Propper noun

Jobsue Montilla, 4to Año “C”

Ghosts Fantasmas Propper noun
Werewolves Hombres lobo Propper noun
Anything else Cualquier otra cosa Common noun
Form Forma Abstract noun
Adults Adultos Common noun
Parties Fiestas Propper noun
Majority Mayoría Collective noun
Children Niños Common noun
Stars Estrellas Common noun
Films Películas Concrete noun
Search Búsqueda Common noun
Practice Práctica Common noun
Trick Truco Common noun
Houses Casas Common noun
Piece Elemento Concrete noun

Did you understand the text?

1) How do most children celebrate Halloween? ( )

a) By dressing in costume and trick or treating (✔)

b) By studying school work ( )

c) By hanging ornaments on a Christmas tree ( )

d) By producing candies ( )

2) Some adults celebrate Halloween in which of the following ways?

a) Trick or treating ( )

b) Going to bed early ( )

c) Attending Halloween parties (✔)

d) Buying Christmas gifts ( )

Jobsue Montilla, 4to Año “C”

3) One can expect to see all of the following types of decorations on
Halloween except:

a) Spiders and other bugs ( )

b) Snowflakes and ribbons (✔)

c) Gravestones and zombies ( )

d) Vampires ( )


Jobsue Montilla, 4to Año “C”

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