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Physical Health Alone is Not Everything

There is this stigma that surrounds mental health. People do not take mental illnesses
seriously. To be completely fit, one must also be mentally fit. When people
completely discredit mental illnesses, it creates a negative impact.

For instance, you never tell a person with cancer to get over it and that it’s all in their
head in comparison to someone dealing with depression. Similarly, we should treat
mental health the same as physical health.

Parents always take care of their children’s physical needs. They feed them with
nutritious foods and always dress up their wounds immediately. However, they fail to
notice the deteriorating mental health of their child. Mostly so, because they do not
give it that much importance. It is due to a lack of awareness amongst people.
Even amongst adults, you never know what a person is going through mentally.

Thus, we need to be able to recognize the signs of mental illnesses. A laughing

person does not equal a happy person. We must not consider mental illnesses as a
taboo and give it the attention it deserves to save people’s lives.

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