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1. Compare yourself today and yourself five years ago. In what ways are you the same. (Minimum of 10

2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? (Minimum of 10 sentences)


1. If I look back 5 years, I might be a decent cop and a workaholic. Because now I'm simply another
student looking for a job to help pay the bills on my house. The responsibility in our lives increases as we
get older, so I need to help my parents and show them where their hard work for our education has
gone. Maybe 5 years ago, I would take things seriously and appreciate the time because now it is just a
game. I know I will change as we get older because the responsibility in our lives increases as we get
older. Rather than just sitting down, I'll make it a point to stretch your bones. Before you take a break,
think about how you can help your family.

2. I used to think of myself as a cop five years ago. Truely serving the town and assisting my parents.
And our property elevated and we can no longer work my parents for us, I will complete my dreams for
our family to be lifted out of poverty in 5 years.

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