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Marketing In-Class Case study Answers

-Aditya Shah BS20BEC001

1. Mention two of the marketing schemes adopted by B-dubs to increase their

consumer base.
First one is that B-dubs are designed like stadiums and they also have 60-70 flat-screen
tv’s in each of their restaurants. This helps them attract the sports audience.
Second one is the ‘Blazing Wings Challenge’ which gives a trophy like t-shirt and a place
on the wall of flame for the winners.

2. Should Rolex continue with their heritage of analogue watches or should they
diversify into the luxury digital watch market? Justify.
Rolex is a London based wrist watch making company. This company has established
itself to be a luxury watch making company. But the company does not only sell watches
but people who buy these watches think of it as an achievement. A Rolex watch is not
just a watch, it’s a work of art. A work of art never gets too old or never gets out of
fashion. Plus, it would be too costly for Rolex to invest in R&D. Till date, people prefer
wearing a luxury watch like Rolex instead of a digital watch. It gives the owner an upper
status. Hence, Rolex should not diversify into the luxury digital watch market and
instead should focus on delivering quality.

3. Does Phillips’ strategy of analysis of Macroeconomic variables of a country, serve as

a basis of greater market penetration?
Phillips’ strategy of analysis of Macroeconomic variables of a country can serve as a basis
of greater market penetration. This is because they are assessing variables of each
country and assessing the situation of a country. If the Macroeconomic situation suits
them, it would help them very well to penetrate that market.

4. Should Ferrero come up with cheaper variants to enter the Indian price sensitive
market and compete with Nestlé and Cadbury?
Ferrero is kind of a luxury chocolate brand. People buy Ferrero to show that they are
buying expensive chocolate with great quality and taste. People in India like a show of
status but, slowly, this dynamic is changing. People like to buy things that provide quality
but for a cheaper price. Hence, Ferrero should come up with products that would help
them survive in a price sensitive Indian market.

5. In your perspective, would the strategy of social media moms be effective in a

country like India? Justify with an example.
Social Media moms would be an effective strategy in India because of the internet
revolution created by Jio. Now, mothers are more active on social media than ever.
Hence, introducing something like this would definitely be a good idea. Also, this
strategy may help mothers earn a side income by reviewing various products and write

6. Does culture play a pivotal role in global marketing? Justify.

Culture does play a pivotal role in global marketing. This can be seen in countries like
India. In India, a foreign food chain McDonald’s had to change their food menu to appeal
to the Indian food culture. This helped them penetrate the Indian market.

7. Since Mountain Dew focuses on sports and adventure, which other marketing
strategies can be adopted by the company?
Mountain Dew can use subliminal advertising as one strategy to increase its sales and
customer base. The company can also make a drink specific for a market. Like for India,
they can make a drink which is suited for the Indian taste profile. Mountain Dew is not
very famous in India, but if they make a drink which is suited for the Indian taste
preferences, they can penetrate a huge market and increase sales and customer base.

8. Should HSBC’s employee policies be followed by smaller companies to improve their

client experience?
Smaller companies can implement employee policies similar to that of HSBC to a certain
extent. Smaller companies do not have the same amount of revenue that HSBC has,
hence, it can give incentives and other things according to that. Hence, this will help
smaller companies to motivate their employees and hence, improve on their client

9. How Samsung has changed its culture from a copycat to a leading consumer
electronics manufacturer?
Samsung started investing in R&D and also invested in young talents like young
designers, young engineers, people who had fresh ideas and who could take the
company to the next level by creating original and good-looking products.

10. What role does information and technology play in business for Walmart and
Amazon? Give some suggestions for their improvement
Information and technology plays a very crucial role for businesses such as Amazon and
Walmart. This is because online purchases are on the rise and in the future may account
for as much as a third of all retail buying. Information and technology helps businesses
such as Amazon and Walmart as it collects data from the clients and customizes
advertisements and product recommendations according to the same. This will help
Amazon and Walmart create a smooth buying experience for its customers and also
increasing sales.

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