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Name: Jeremy Soto Montalvo Date: 02/12/2022

EDP University, Hato Rey

ENG 1102

Profa. Mariateresa Arias Briceno

Test: Reading comprehension of “Distillation”.

Assignment Instructions for “Distillation” (pages 132 to 140).

1) Read the following:

a. “Before You Read” on page 132

b. “Distillation” by Hugo Martinez Serros (pages 133 to 140).

2) As you read “Distillation” answer the questions listed below.

3) Answer “Making Meanings” 1 to 8 on page 143.

4) Answer “Reading Check” “a” to “e” on page 143

5) Complete page 145 “Grammar Link”

a. Read “Verbs make it Vivid” (pg. 145)

b. Complete “Try It out” (pg. 145)

c. Complete “Which Word?” (pg. 145)

Terms to know before you read:

 Metaphor: is a comparison of two things essentially different but with some

commonalities; does not use “like” or “as,” e.g. “Her smile was ice.”

 Allusion: a reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or work of

art to enrich the reading experience by adding meaning.

 Dynamic characters are those who undergo change as a result of the story’s action.

 Static characters do not change they remain the same throughout the story.
As you read “Distillation” answer the following questions:

1) There is a metaphor on page 134 (hint: near the top of the second column “…
crossing that would reach…all that it enveloped.”) Write the metaphor below.

 “The day, a vast blue balloon stretched to its limit by a great flood of light,
contained us and invited our blinking eyes to examine all that it enveloped”.

2) Making inferences: Why is there an absence of garbage in the neighborhood on page


 This area is very different from the ones they live in or are used to seeing. That
is why there were large dark green areas, enriched with plants. It is an upper- or
middle-class area and they have more budget for maintenance.

3) Making inferences: Why are the boys still and silent on page 136?

 The boys were still and silent because at the highest point the pavement spilled
over them. This means that they all struggled together to reach their goal. This
refers to the fact that the more united we are the stronger and braver we will be.

4) Dynamic Characters - on page 136: How does the word glows suggest that the
narrator has grown or changed since the time of these events? “Years have changed this
are in many ways, but that landscape, like a photo negative glows in memory’s light.”

 No matter the time or the situations that have happened to you, you will always
have good moments to remember and that you will remember forever. Despite
the negatives, you always accomplished your goal and will not be forgotten.

5) Imagery – on page 138: What creature does the father resemble here? “With a
powerful jerk he pulled it up his back and over his head, held out his arms like wings,
and we instinctively darted under.”

 The creature that most resembles the parent is a bird. Because in this way he
pretends to be a bird to protect his chicks and keep them safe.

6) Symbolism – on page 140: The wounds that the father sustains in protecting his
children reinforce what type of symbolism? Can you think what allusion this could

 The word wound is clearly a metaphor. This means that the father always fights
for his children, he must sacrifice himself to always keep them well. A father
does the impossible so that his children do not appear to be damaged and as a
saying goes; "there is no perfect father, if not, real".
7) Dynamic and static characters: Is the character of the narrator dynamic or static?
Explain your reasoning.

 The character is clearly dynamic, because if it were static, the story would be
cold and without much sense. As far as you can see the character in some of the
occasions is the narrator of the story as well. This makes the story more
interesting and more active, so the reader can deduce different scenes with more
sense. In addition, while the different acts are happening the story transforms
little by little to complete an interesting one for the reader.

8) Use each “Words to Own” located at the bottom of each page in a sentence.

 The boy has a spoils in his hand.

 Grandpa put on a glower and without smiling.
 There is a myriad of ice creams.
 His voice sounded taut on stage.
 I was galvanized by tomorrow’s game.
 This tentative for the color of the shoes.
 There was an eclipsed at 10:45 a.m.
 The pain in my body has abated me.
 The mood has its zenith.
 Wanda was livid with rage.

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