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Phase 1 (Yourself, School and City)

1. Your school, where is it, what does it have or teach you?

2. what's special about your hometown (anak jc bo huat ditanyain begituan). if the
interviewer asks random stuff about medan. treat it like kongkow session
3. CCA-> You are a ____ of ____ club/ activities? or you do part time job as
teacher etc. what have u done? what is your achievement? after i say my stuffs.
there will be a lead on question depending on your answer
4. greatest achievement (try not to talk about academic school but for Nat's case,
unlikely). besides academic achievement, what else. (in case masih keluar academic
5. What have you learned from high school? (subtle way to ask your failure)
6. examples from question no 5 (aka details)
Any role models?

Going to phase 2 (NUS in general)

7. so what will you do if it happens again in NUS
8. what's your plan in NUS?
9. there will be lead on. so plan the course of the interview. my plan was
undergraduate research program. another possible alternative is exchange. Homework
for them: read more about programs in NUS. can clarify with me if don't understand.
i can explain. especially for engineering department. *i have explained materials
science to nat but i think now mitta will need it more.
10.What does a materials scientist/information system engineer do? *Do the homework
11. for materials engineer. do you know that you can also go for
food/cosmetics/perfumery industry? *ini something they need to be prepared if they
are asked. why it is also relevant to those niche industries
12. Nowadays many engineers work in finance or supply chain. do you know why?
please don't say they lose interest in engineering. please say engineers are
trained to be all-rounded so they can adapt with different field and solve
different problems.
13. you are quite all rounded and good in many subjects. so why "insert major"?
14. What will be your challenges if you study in NUS?
15. can you work under pressure?

some tough questions that can come out.

16. which one would you choose between NTU and NUS, given NTU has the better offer.
*everyone knows what's the right answer for this. so use common sense"
17. for nat: why IS and not CS. i have talked to her about this.
18. for mitta: in materials science. what are the specialisation you are looking
at. and what's the difference between other types of materials? they have nanotech,
biomaterials, energy etc. so please do homework.
19. 10 years from now (don't ever say go back indo) but if masih nationalistic. say
u want to work for MNC who can contribute to both singapore and indo. do your
research if there are companies suitable for your goal (chem eng ada palm oil),
there are some material science companies operating in both sg and indo. nat IS has
gojek traveloka etc.

they will most probably go details.

20. a plus point if u understand singapore current industry situation well.
materials has semiconductor, hyundai new car factory, biomaterials etc.
21. please don't say u want to go back to your home country. sponsor wants loyalty.
so make sure you are worth to be invested.
22. which would you choose if offered a scholarship in NTU but not in NUS, will you
still choose NUS.

I never liked this kind of questions. if honest, it shows your doubt on applying to
NUS, and thus making you less priced by them. But, if you just bullshit your way
and say that you will still choose NUS because money is not important bla bla bla,
you would sound really insincere and they would not like it as well. money is
important lo.

"Well, of course it would still be a really difficult choice for me, but I think I
would in the end choose NTU, but fully (should be solely/purely) due to financial
reasons, not because NTU is better than NUS."

but for nat's condition, she can say i have rejected ntu to accept nus.
for mitta's case, don't sound desperate because have been rejected by ntu.

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