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Case Profile on Cognitive Biases

NIKHIL CIRIUM 25/09/21 11A

Cognitive Bias: Zero-Sum Bias
The bias chosen for this research is the ‘Zero-Sum Bias’ which implies:

● You believe you are at a loss when another person gains something.

● You believe that sharing limited resources will put you at a loss
(for example, toys)

I had been very stingy while sharing toys or other articles I had a limited
supply of, as I would feel like I am giving away my toys which would make
me feel like I’m losing something important; there is also a game which I
play, titled ‘The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild’, I found it difficult to let
go of acquired items although I had an abundance of it, feeling that I’d be at
a loss.
Due to the occurrence of this bias in my daily life, I thought of an
interview with my classmates, asking them questions where I try and
prove the existence of the ‘Zero-Sum Bias’ on a larger scale, that is, a
school (a classroom to be more specific).


Students of a classroom believe they are at a loss upon sharing their
belongings. (tentative)

To prove the existence of the ‘Zero-Sum Bias’ in a classroom and develop
some applications from the derived results. (tentative).

Questions Asked:

1. What is something you always wanted to have, and you worked
hard to get it?

2. Having got what you wanted; how would you feel if another person
wanted to borrow it?

3. Suppose you’re thirsty and only have 2 small water bottles on you;
if a person asks you to give you one of them, what would you say?

4. What if the said person offers money? Would you sell the bottles
to him/her?

5. (If yes), what is your thought process if they are willing to sell it for
a sum?

The number of people interviewed:

● One person is going to be interviewed.

● A camera will be used.

● The age range of the control group is 15 years.

● Both participants did not want their names to be mentioned in

this study.

About the interviewees:

Interviewee no.1:

Name: Brian

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Religion: Christian

Nationality: India

Time of interview: 1:35,

10/09/2021 Location of Interview:

Home Interview method: Video call


Interviewee no.1

● Item of desire: A gaming station.

● Willing to share if the person asking is a friend: No.

● Willing to share: No.

● Willing to share water bottles: No.

● Willing to share if the person asking is a friend: Yes.

● Change of mind after offering money: No.

● Willing to share if the person asking is a girl: Yes.

Interviewers note:

● After the first question was asked the interviewee had moved
away from the camera, after giving thought as to what he wanted,
he started moving and shaking his legs, as a sign of restlessness,

maybe implying that he was uncomfortable giving it away. I had later
asked him if it was because he felt like he was going to lose
something just by letting the other person borrow the object of desire,
he said yes without much thought.

● After the second scenario was proposed, he moved back into the
camera’s view and was certain of his answers. I may have been
at fault as I had told him that he was ‘incredibly thirsty’ repeatedly,
possibly priming him to make decisions out of desperation.

● The interviewee thus was sure that he wouldn’t want to share the
water with the stranger even for money.

● The interviewee was asked if he would share the item with a friend
the next day and the answer was yes or no depending on how close
he is to said ‘friend’.

● Without much thought, the interviewee was willing to share the

water if it was with a girl.


The zero-sum bias is at play here as the interviewee is viewing objects as

a limited resource and while are thinking about giving or sharing with a
known person, relative, or a person of the opposite gender.

This shows the existence of the zero-sum bias as the interviewees believe
that it is a give and take as most of the time they were willing to share it
was with a friend or a person of the opposite gender.

The reason they would share is probably to win a favour from said ‘friend’
or in hopes of securing a mate


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