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Let us first talk about the hydroponic growth rate.

The growth rate of hydroponic is much better than the soil based harvesting. It’s because you’re
giving plants everything they need and then providing them with the perfect conditions to use it.
There are no cloudy days. No droughts. No nutrient deficiencies. It’s a virtual smorgasbord for
your veggies thanks to a steady supply of high-nutrient liquid fertilizer.

To know how much we can grow in one year, let's take a look at some of the plants that we can
grow at hydroponics and let see their growth time.

1. Lettuce: The leafy vegetables like Bibb, butter crunch, and romaine grow at a very high
rate. These vegetables take nearly 3 weeks to grow in the hydroponics system.

Whereas with soil they take 7-8 weeks.

2. The vegetables like Iceberg and other head lettuce take 6-8 weeks to grow in a
hydroponics system.

Whereas the soil will take 9-12 weeks.

3. Herbs: Herbs increase their growth by 25 percent. So when the herbs like spearmint take 8-9
weeks to grow in soil then the hydroponics will take nearly 6 weeks.

4. Leafy Greens: vegetables like Kale, mustard greens, spinach, Swiss chard, and watercress
can get ready in 3-4 weeks. Whereas with soil it will take 5-6 weeks.

Two of the most common and successfully grown crops through hydroponics in India are: lettuce and
herbs and tomatoes.

Let us see the growth of tomatoes with hydroponics and soil.

Tomatoes Hydroponics Soil

No, of fruit/plant 64 38

Yield/plant (kg) 2.05 1.2

Time to grow (Day) Nearly 58 Nearly 68

So on the basis of upper data, we can conclude the following:

1. If we want to grow lettuce leafy vegetables like Bibb, butter crunch, and romaine then in one
year we can produce more than double the amount of these vegetables with hydroponics
than soil. If in one hydroponics device we can plant “X” bibbs together, then the same device
will produce nearly “12*X” number of bibbs in one year.

We if grow lettuce like Iceberg and other heads then we can produce nearly 50 percent more
vegetables in the hydroponics system than soil in one year.

2. If we want herbs then the amount of these herbs produced in one year will be nearly 25-30
percent more in the hydroponics system than in soil.

3. If we do the analysis of leafy green then each vegetable like kale and mustard greens etc
have different duration for their growth but its production will also be 25-50 percent more in
one year in hydroponic devices than in soil.

4. Growth of tomatoes in one plant is nearly double in the hydroponics system. And it takes
nearly 10-20 percent less time to grow in the hydroponics than soil. If we talk about one year
then the production in the hydroponics will be more than the soil. And if we want to know how
many tomatoes we can grow in one year then it will depend upon the capacity of our device
and how many devices we are establishing.

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