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Name: Nadia Amin

Id: 2135064690
Course Code: EMB 500

Tale of a Businessman

From a very young age, I had been amazed about how people take the risk to turn a small
initiative into a successful business. I always cherish the people who have the qualities to dream
big and have the talent to make that dream come true. I always had a hidden dream to be a
successful businessman but could not become so. During my last office tour, I had a chance to
meet someone who started his journey in business at a very young age. His name is Nazmus
Shakeb. He is the managing partner of a renowned travel agency in Dhaka named Al Safwa
Tours & Travels. He started his business with a very small investment back in 2011. Back in
those days he was still doing his graduation when having lesson about entrepreneurship. I asked
him whether he took any institutional certification for learning about travel business or not. He
replied with a very interesting line, “no certification can teach you real life struggle lesson-only
practical knowledge about something can led you to success”. The next line he said was even
more interesting, “though, I enrolled myself in different courses related to travel business and
airlines rules and regulations”. I smiled looking at him, when he cleared himself saying, anyone
should learn both institutional and practical lesson as much as possible. With his farsighted
perspective he could understand the importance about both things, So, he completed his MBA
and at the same time pursued different course related to his business, when in practical life he
was learning more by day-to-day business activities.
As I said, I was on my business trip-we were having a conversation after dinner about our
corporate life events. I was sitting right beside him, noticing how he became the center
spokesperson of that little chat. He was sharing little stories one by one, and everyone gathered
there was just listening to him curiously. I was being so eager to know more about his secret
talent becoming this successful. After a meanwhile I asked him how he made it work so
successfully. He smiled and replied that communication is the only thing he knows and that does
all the hard part for him. Suddenly that sparked in my mind, he is right indeed. During that whole
evening the prime skill he was using to make everyone listen to him was communication. He
said that he must communicate with the customers, vendors, other agents, and airlines companies
simultaneously every day. According to him only a good communication skill can bring a sale.
He explained, to sell the product/service one should have a clear idea what the customer wants,
otherwise all hard work would not bring any good. To understand what customer wants
perfectly, one should communicate properly. From learning about customer demand to
convincing him regarding the service offered all it takes only communication. Mr. Shakeb
explained how he needs to negotiate with customers and make a good deal with airlines and hotel
owners to serve the customers best. So, I was wondering what form of communication he uses
most! He answered, it depends on what it needs to get the deal. If it requires to communicate
verbally, he meets in person with customer, on the other hand when it demands a more formal
correspondence, he uses email or business letter. When I asked him about his working hour, he
told me that success has no fixed working time. To maintain the good sale and rapport, he needs
to have meetings and reply to the queries of customer regardless any time or schedule.
Now, we all understand, no journey is obstacle less. Even a perfect one can have
drawbacks, right? After hearing all those success story of him, I was wondering what challenges
a perfect communication can have or if he has any! I asked him what challenge he faces in this
journey of success. Mr. Shakeb expressed his drawback and explained the challenge he faces
when he needs to do the email correspondence with anyone. I found it interesting and asked him
to tell me more about it. He said that he is good at reading people face. When he interacts with
someone face to face, it is easier for him to get the idea what the opposite person wants or how
he wants it. It is easier for him to understand quickly customers demand when he communicates
in person. Also, a communication which takes place over telephone or mobile is fine for him.
When he can listen the customer loud and clear, he can precisely understand the customer’s
concern. With this kind of direct communication, it is easier to negotiate or convince customer as
well, he added. But in email, he needs to communicate in a more formal way and must chose
words selectively which might not be so helpful always to understand the customer’s demand.
Thus, it turns out hard for him to make it work.
However, he likes to take these challenges and loves to find out effective solution to
overcome those. He said that these are the practical lessons for any businessman. One does not
progress in profession if does not face any challenge at all. I asked him about his strategy to
confront and deal with those challenges. He replied with a big smile that there is no shortcut
though. Using concise and concrete words in formal correspondence to get the clear idea and
delivering purposeful reply to the queries of customers do the magic. He also added that one size
does not fit all, so he needs to acclimatize himself everyday to deal with these challenges. End of
the day, it is all about ups and downs and he fails someday as well. But the secret strategy of
becoming what he is today always turns out to be never giving up and giving the utmost effort.

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