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Create Goal Centric Courses

Nathan Coumbe: Hello and welcome back to the course. I'm Nathan Coumbe, Content Developer
over at Lurn, and you are learning all about different strategies to create better
courses in the future. So today we're talking about the first strategy that you
should employ, and that is to create goal centric courses. Students, when they
are undergoing any sort of education, whether it's a college degree or an online
course, or a project for school or something like that, they want an end goal.
They want to get to the end of a course and have achieved something. By the
end of it, there are lots of courses, lots of lectures out there that are solely
informational. They just give these broad sweeping overviews about topics, but
they don't actually give any meat. They don't give any sort of practicality for
somebody to go out and implement what it is that they're learning.

They're just supposed to sit there and learn the information that's being
spouted out to them. That's not what students want. What they want at the end
of a course is to have something to show for it when they're done, have
something to show off. So that's why we recommend any course that you
create, make it specific, make it goal centric. So goal centric courses help a
student achieve a particular goal, solve a particular problem, or they have some
sort of project to complete by the end of the course, something like that. So
they're very specific and they have a definite outcome that says, by the end of
this course, you will have achieved X, Y, or Z. Now goal centric courses also help
a lot with the marketing of your course. That's why this is such an important
strategy to employ. Um, lots of people employ online courses to develop skills
or solve problems specifically at work, whether they're an employee or whether
they have their own company, that they are, you know, running themselves like
something like that.

So if your course is goal centered goal centric or specific, it helps them learn a
targeted skill versus just giving them general knowledge. It's going to be much
more likely that students are wanting will want to buy it from you. So who as an
example, think about if you were an employer, who would you rather hire
somebody that says, I know marketing or somebody that can come to you and
say, I can create YouTube ads that are more, that are guaranteed to get you 10
times back, what it costs to run them. That's very specific and an employer, or,
you know, somebody that's hiring a freelancer is going to want to do that.
They're going to want to hire that person because they are telling them that
they can get them a specific result. So if you can market your courses in a way
that tells the students, you will be able to do this very specific thing by the end
of it, it's going to make it a much more in demand course.

Um, but mainly because it makes the students themselves more marketable,
they can go to an employer or they can start a business with the skill that they
learn, or they can create new products for the business that they already run

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6 Strategies To Create Better Courses

and make themselves more marketable and make themselves more profitable,
profitable along the same lines of marketing is this bonus idea. It would really
help you make a better course. If you wrote your sales page first, before you
ever touched the course, a great practice, for course, creators to get into is to
write the sales page for their course, what you would need to tell people that
are thinking about buying your course to make them want to buy the reason
this works is because you have to think through exactly who your course is for
your ideal customer, that customer avatar. And you'll be essentially having a
conversation with them.

You'll also lay out exactly what your students are going to achieve. It goes back
to that specificity, the goal that you're trying to help them hit. And whether you
mean to or not, you're going to end up outlining the course step-by-step
because you're going to want to break down the steps that a student takes into
your course to learn the topic. It's also a great way for you to understand why
your course matters because that's what sells the course to people. Why the
topic that you're covering is so important for them to learn and how it's going to
impact their life and make their life better. The why behind the course. So if
you're creating a course and you haven't started yet, think about writing the
sales page for it first, and actually do it, you'll have a lot of great ideas for how
to approach your course, how to structure it, but you'll also have a great
introductory video because that's normally what the introduction video is,
which is just a sales presentation to ensure that the person that got the course
actually goes through and finishes it.

Goal centric courses also make your work as a course, creator easier because
you are creating a course on a very specific outcome-based topic. You don't
have to cover everything. So if you're teaching somebody a general course on
digital marketing, it's going to be a huge long course with tons of content hours
and hours of content. But if you're teaching them a specific goal oriented
method on how to create, you know, high value Facebook ads, that's very
specific. You don't have to give them all of the information about Facebook and
digital marketing. You just have to give them enough information to hit the goal
or solve their problem. We're finished their project. So goal centric courses
make your life as a course, creator, easier and easier work for you means that
you can create more courses in less time, which means you can help more
students. You can also have a bigger catalog of products to offer. And all of this
means that you will be able to make more money as a course creator. And I
wanted to show you guys an example of a course that does this really, really
well. It's very specific. It's very goal centric. It's one of the best online courses
that is goal centric that I have ever taken. And I wanted to show it to you today.

So I'm on Udemy. And this is the course that I referenced. It's called build a
Lucrative Copywriting Portfolio with ease and it's by a great copywriting
instructor named Tam Henderson. And the description says it all five repeatable
copywriting exercises to build your awesome portfolio land your first client in
this course, very specific, very goal centric, goal oriented course, how to very
quickly create a portfolio, how to present your work. And then finally, how to

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6 Strategies To Create Better Courses

land your very first copywriting client. That's the basis of this course. The goal is
to create a portfolio that leads to your very first client as a freelance copywriter.
And it's one of the best examples that I have found of a goal specific goal centric
course. It's a great way to model your future course ideas on this so that you
can potentially create your own course. That's just as focused just as goal
centric. I really

Can't emphasize this enough. It's vitally important that you base your course on
a specific outcome. So by the end of such, and so course you will know how to
create high converting sales pages or in Tam's case, you will land your very first
copywriting client with this portfolio that you will create very specific goal
centric. It's going to help you with marketing. It's going to make it more
appealing to students, and it's going to make your life easier as a course creator.
So think about what specific outcome you want students to achieve when they
go through your course and base it around that outcome. When you're ready,
we'll talk about the next strategy in the next video.

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