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Nathan Coumbe: Hello, and welcome to the course. You are here today to learn all about the best
strategies to create better quality courses on your own. My name is Nathan
Coumbe, and I am a Content Developer with Lurn. And I've been a teacher for
the last 10 years or so. I started off as a freelance music instructor and then
moved into teaching workshops and courses and classes for Apple. And now I'm
working at Lurn, creating courses of my own. And this topic is very near and
dear to my heart. I love creating learning environments for people, and I want to
share some of the best practices that we have found at Lurn to create quality
courses so that you can help lots of other people and make a good amount of
money doing it. So why does this particular topic matter? Why does it matter
that you should be able to create better quality courses?

Well, like with all industries, um, quality is better. Better quality products, in this
case, better quality courses means easier and more sales, better marketing and
easier marketing. And it also means that you are going to have happier
customers as well. So when we talk about getting easier and more sales, what
we mean by that is better quality courses are going to mean that you will have
more money for your business. So you will have more revenue that you can pay
yourself from. So you'll be able to take more money home. You'll have more
money to grow your business, to invest in other product lines, to create more
products, all sorts of stuff. More sales also means that you're going to be able to
serve more customers. So you're going to reach a wider audience and you're
going to help more people. You can also charge higher prices when you have
higher quality courses, which means you can either sell fewer courses and still
make a lot of money, or you can sell a bunch of core courses and make tons and
tons of money. So higher quality means higher prices. And then finally, when
you have higher quality products, you are able to upsell your current customers
because they know that you produce high quality content. They're going to be
more likely to buy more things from you or higher priced things from you as

Now, better quality also means that you get to have better and easier
marketing. You'll be able to reach more people about your product. If your
course is of higher quality, you'll be able to stand out from the competition. The
online education platform is a multi-billion dollar industry, and there are
hundreds of thousands of people out there creating courses every day. And a lot
of them aren't that great. If you can create higher quality courses, you will be
able to stand out from the competition, which means you will be able to get a
higher percentage of the market. And you'll be able to charge those higher
prices and get more sales like we just mentioned. And then you're also going to
be more memorable to potential customers. Marketing is an exercise in
memorization. People rarely buy something. The first time that they see it, a lot

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6 Strategies To Create Better Courses

of times they don't buy it the second or the third time. But the strategies in this
course are going to help you stand out.

It's going to help you, uh, help customers. Remember you better so that when
the time comes for them to buy, they will think of your product first. And then
finally better quality courses, better quality products in general, leads to word
of mouth marketing customers that buy high quality products are going to tell
other people about it and a happy customer that tells other people about it is
the best and cheapest marketing that you can find, which means better quality
courses also lead to happier customers. That means they're more likely to buy
again, happier customers tend to be repeat customers. So higher quality courses
means that your current customers are going to keep coming back. Like we said,
they're also going to tell other people, happy customers tell other people about
the great experiences that they have. You have to be careful though, because
they'll also tell people about the bad experiences that they have.

So that's another reason why quality is important. You'll also help them get
better results and that's, you know, satisfying for you, but it's also much more
satisfying for them. If they take a quality course and see noticeably improved
results after it, they're going to be happier. They're going to tell more people
that's better for your business. And then finally, it's less work for you because
you don't have, if you have a high quality course, you don't have to work as hard
to convince people that your course is of high quality. And then finally, it's more
satisfying for you, the creator. You won't be able to help, but feel awesome
after you create a fantastic course. So this particular course is going to teach
you six strategies for creating the best possible courses that you possibly can.
We're going to talk about creating goals, centered courses and building your
system, your courses around systems.

Then we're also going to talk about learning from other course creators,
including bonuses as part of your course, not getting distracted simply by
making content and always keeping your student front of mind when you're
writing, recording. However it is that you're making your course. And before we
go on, I want you to know that you do not have to feel like you have to do all of
these at once in the next course that you make. If you just implement one of
these strategies, you will have a much higher quality course than you would
otherwise. So when you're ready to learn the first strategy, keep going ahead.
Let's get started.

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