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Master of Arts in Nursing

Synthesis of Lectures explanation or prediction of the expected results or

outcomes of the study. After the hypothesis are
DESCRIPTIVE & INFERENTIAL STATISTICS formulated, researchers start the Data Collection
Process which involves the process of acquiring
Descriptive Statistics allows for the collection, participants and collecting data for the study. It is
organization and presentation of data in a way that is important to note that steps on Data Collection Steps
easy to understand. While it can be used to describe varies depending on the research design, sample,
an entire population, descriptive statistics is more and measurement techniques. Once Data Collection
often applied to samples to capture the are complete, Data Analysis can begin by
characteristics of the population. Inferential employing different statistical methods to examine,
Statistics is utilized to draw conclusions about the reduce, and give meaning to the numerical data
statistical significance of the relationships or gathered (Descriptive Statistics) and to address
differences among the variables in the study. This objectives, questions, and hypothesis in the study to
may include quantifying the association between two allow inference from the study sample and to the
continuous variables or assessing the relationship target population (Inferential Statistics). The final
between an outcome variable and one or more risk step on the process is the Interpretation of
factors or confounding variables. Results which involves examining the entire
Both Quantitative and Qualitative Research are used research process for strengths and weaknesses,
to generate nursing knowledge for practice. organizing the meaning of the results, and forecasting
Quantitative Research is conducted to test theory by the usefulness of the findings for evidenced-based
describing variables (Descriptive Research), nursing practice.
examine relationships and to develop and refine
explanatory knowledge of nursing RESEARCH DATA
practice (Correlational Research), and determining Research Data can come from different sources. It
cause and effect interaction between variables to may be gathered directly from original
determine the effectiveness of nursing interventions source (Primary Data) using interviews, electronic
in predicting and controlling the outcomes desired for correspondents or questionnaires. It is considered
clients (Experimental Research). a Secondary Data if it was taken from either
published or unpublished materials. There are two
QUALITATIVE RESEARCH types of data which includes Desirable Data which is
Qualitative Research is a subjective approach used qualitative in nature and focuses on data that is not
to describe life experiences and situations and give quantifiable and describes the variables involved in a
them meaning (Creswell & Porth, 2018). While data study like sex and civil status. Quantifiable Data are
in quantitative research is on the form of numerical quantitative in nature and includes data that can be
values, data in qualitative design take the form of counted or is quantifiable like age, height and weight.
words, which are collected through interviews, Quantifiable Data can be further classified
observations, and focus groups and analyzed for into Discrete (if the data is exact, or answerable by
meaning. Qualitative Research is utilized to present yes or no) and Continuous (if data uses an
a detailed discussion of the lived experiences of the approximation while still measurable by using 5- or 4-
participants (Phenomenology), to discover a point scale)
possible explanation behind a particular
phenomenon (Grounded Theory), to investigate a
particular cultural group to get a clear understanding
of their beliefs and practices (Ethnography), to have
an in-depth study of a situation or a nursing
phenomenon (Case Study) and to study the life and
works of a well-known individual with the goal of
contributing to the body of In Inferential Statistics, researchers examine
knowledge (Biographical). When deciding to relationships, make predictions, and determine the
conduct a Qualitative Research, it is vital that we causality or differences in the study using the
become familiarized with each of these design in gathered research data. In Quantitative Research
order to determine which is most suitable for our where the variables are at the interval (data where 0
research goals. is moving or arbitrary) or ratio (data where 0 is fixed
or emanating from 0) level of measurement, and the
RESEARCH PROCESS values of the study participants for the variable are
The methods for Quantitative Research Design begin normally distributed Parametric Tests are used. On
with the Identification of the Problem. This usually the other hand, Non-Parametric Tests are
identifies an area of concern for a particular employed when variables are measured at
population or an area where there is a gap in the nominal (describes the characteristics, features
knowledge needed for nursing practice. This is and nature of data) or ordinal (describes
followed by the Formulation of Hypothesis which ranks) levels which is usually Qualitative in nature.
translates the research problem into a clear
Master of Arts in Nursing

show how consistent the results from the

RESEARCH VARIABLES questionnaires are or how well it actually measures.
Research Variables simply put, refers to the To do this Reliability Testing must be employed. 15-
research data. It may include the qualities, properties, 20 respondents will answer the questionnaire and
or characteristics of persons, things, or situations that their answers will not be included in the study.
change or vary that are measured in the study. It is
important to take note that variables should be If the hypothesis includes a variable that cannot be
concisely defined to promote their measurement or measured directly, a scale will be used to make the
manipulation in quantitative studies. Types of variable measurable. The scale consists of group of
Research Variables includes Independent questions (items) which are used to jointly measure
Variable (variables that researchers cannot the variable. The goal is to have the responses on the
manipulate), Dependent Variable (variable that questions (items) match well and are highly
researchers can control or manipulate), correlated (internal consistency) This internal
and Extraneous Variable (variables that may have consistency is what Cronbach’s alpha will
some effect to independent variables) measure. Cronbach’s alpha is used if the
The root source of research data is the questionnaire has more than two answer possibilities.
population. An accurate sampling technique should A result of 0.70 and above determines that the
be utilized to ensure that the sample accurately questionnaire used is reliable.
represents the population being studied. It is crucial
to note that the relationship between the population For questionnaires with varying difficulty or
size and sample size is inversely proportional. combinations of questions that are easy, moderate or
challenging, Kuder-Richardson 20 is utilized. The
HYPOTHESIS scores for KR-20 range from 0 to 1, where 0 is no
A hypothesis is the formal statement of the expected reliability and 1 is perfect reliability. The closer the
relationship between two or more variables in a score is to 1, the more reliable the test.
specified population. It translates the research
problem into a clear explanation or predictions of the Another thing to take into consideration in ensuring
expected results or outcomes of the study. After a null the integrity of a quantitative study is its validity. In
hypothesis was formulated, inferential statistics can ensuring the internal validity, it is vital that
be applied to determine whether to accept or negate researchers scrutinize the questionnaire and adapt it
the null hypothesis. In Comparative Design, two to the respondents of the study. The causal
variables are compared to determine if there are relationship between the variable must also be clearly
significant difference between them. In Correlational demonstrated. To ensure External Validity,
Design, the existence or non-existence of relationship researchers must establish a perfect fit of
of dependent and independent variable are questionnaires and respondents. Most importantly,
determined while on Experimental or Quasi the findings of the study can be generalized to other
Experimental Design, researchers try to determine relevant settings or groups.
the significant effect or none of a variable to another.
For Qualitative Research Designs, researchers
The most important thing when we conduct our own must establish the trustworthiness of the study by
study is that it must contribute to the body of meeting the following criteria.
knowledge of the nursing profession. Research
findings will influence nursing practice indirectly and Credibility
add to the nursing’s body of empirical knowledge Most researchers argue that this is the most
allowing for the integration of the best research important criterion for a assessing the quality and
evidence with our clinical expertise, and client’s integrity of a qualitative research design. It refers to
values and circumstances to produce a quality health how confident are we that study’s data and its
outcome. interpretation is truthful. It is vital that as someone
reads the study, the researchers must be able to
The goal of our research is not merely to satisfy the provide the reader within that study enough
degree requirement but to contribute to the body of information and evidence that the contents of the
knowledge of our profession. With this goal, it is vital study are truthful.
to ensure that our research is reliable and valid. In
presenting a study, the reliability and validity are the Dependability
first thing that the panel of experts looks for and us, Since dependability refers to the stability of data
as researchers must be able to present what makes overtime and over conditions, it can be considered as
our study reliable and valid. a pre-requisite in attaining credibility of a study. This
necessitates the researcher to read the study multiple
In a reliable study, researchers must be able to times to ensure that the data is properly and correctly
present evidence that if another researcher will interpretated. Having only one researcher go over the
conduct the same study using the same methods, the data and interpret it is not enough, the research must
study will yield the same result. Researchers must
Master of Arts in Nursing

also be scrutinized by another researcher or a mentor

to ensure consistency of data and its interpretation. Chi-square test is used to discover if there is a
relationship between two categorical variables.
Confirmability Researchers must use Chi-square test to analyze
This refers to having another researcher having the their data if the two variables are measured at an
same interpretation of the research data after ordinal or nominal level or if the two variables consist
meticulously examining it. It also prevents having the of two or more categorical independent groups like
researcher’s personal bias influence the gender, ethnicity, physical activity level and
interpretation of the data. profession.

Transferability Spearman’s Rank Correlation (Spearman rho) is a

This refers to the extent to which the findings of a non-parametric test used to measure the relationship
study can be transferred to other settings or groups. between 2 variables that is ordinal in nature
This requires that researchers include a report
detailing the people included in the study, the setting Kruskal-Wallis Test (Mann-Whitney Test) is a non-
it took place providing information to other parametric test used to determine the significant
researchers to make a judgement call on whether differences/comparing between 2 or more
they can use the results of the study on their own independent groups or different samples of known
study. variables.

• In Etic Approach to quantitative research A Comprehensive Analysis of a Quantitative

designs, the researcher stays outside of the Study entitled “Knowledge and Attitude on the
research. The researcher only collects the Nurse Practitioner Role of Nurses and
data for the study and his responsibility ends Physicians in Two Tertiary Hospitals in Metro
after the collection of data. Manila.”
• In Emic Approach, the researcher is part of
the study and has to immerse himself into the
population being studied. Introduction
Nursing is a dynamic profession. While its core
Measures of Association and Correlation is used values and nursing functions remain constant,
to associate 2 variables (dependent and nursing actions need to be constantly reviewed,
independent) and is used to predict, forecast & analyzed and updated to meet the ever-changing
estimate. health needs of the people. This is made possible
through research. Nursing research requires the
Regression Analysis by Francis Galton application of one's nursing education and
Regression Analysis is used when correlating if experiences for the continuing advancements that
there is a significant or strong relationship with promote optimal nursing care and the growth of the
variables. nursing profession(Tingen et al., 2009).
Example: Associating sex and leadership skills.
Nursing Research is a scientific investigation which
Pearson rCoefficient Correlation begins with a research question and the entire
It is a parametric inferential tool used to determine the research will be designed to produce a reliable
degree or strength of the relationship between the answer to this question. This requires the use of
independent and dependent variables. In Karl appropriate research instruments and collection of
Pearson’s coefficient of correlation, the value range data. Once data is complete, statistical analysis will
is -1 to +1 with -1 signifying strong negative be utilized to answer the research question. Every
correlation while +1 indicates strong positive step of the research process is sequential and
correlation. cumulative (Hayat, 2012) thus it is vital that every step
If CV > TV, reject the null hypothesis is done correctly, failure in one of the steps will render
If CV < TV, accept the null hypothesis the entire study of no value
If CV = TV, reject the null hypothesis
Comparative Methodology
If TV > Critical Value, reject the null
Design In this paper, a quantitative study by Duller (2020)
If TV< Critical Value, accept the null entitled “Knowledge and Attitude on the Nurse
hypothesis Practitioner Role of Nurses and Physicians in Two
Tertiary Hospitals in Metro Manila.” will be
If p value is higher than the level of comprehensively analyzed. The analysis will focus on
significance (.05), accept the null the following:
Correlational hypothesis 1. Methodology
Design If p value is lower than the level of 2. Sampling Technique
significance (.05), accept the null 3. Questionnaire's content, validity & reliability
hypothesis 4. Hypothesis Testing
Master of Arts in Nursing

Results Specific to this research, a T-Test was used and the

These are the results of the comprehensive analysis following was entered into the G*Power software
of the study “Knowledge and Attitude on the Nurse together with consideration for attrition rate of 20%
Practitioner Role of Nurses and Physicians in Two which resulted in the sample size of 72 participants.
Tertiary Hospitals in Metro Manila.” a. 0.80 = Large Effect Size
b. 0.05 = Probability Error
Methodology c. 0.80 = Power
The researcher utilized an exploratory quantitative
research design for this study. This type of research The following inclusion criteria was also identified and
design perfectly suits the study due to the nature of implemented for the study.
the study’s subject. The researcher wants to a. Either RN or MD employed in the hospital
determine the knowledge and attitudes of nurses and included in the study
doctors working in two tertiary hospitals in Metro b. Must be willing to sign an informed consent.
Manila on the Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) role in c. Must answer the research instrument
the Philippines. While APN Role is well established in completely
western countries as early as 1960s ((Hibbert et al.,
2017) it remains to be defined, legislated, and
regulated in most Asian countries including the
Philippines. Since studies on APN role conducted in Questionnaire's content, validity & reliability
the Philippines is very few to non-existent combined For this study, an adapted version of the Northern
with the broadness of the topic, utilizing an Emergency Nurse Practitioner Staff Survey that was
exploratory quantitative research design can be previously used in a similar study in Australia
useful to find more detail on the topic and its results exploring the knowledge and attitudes of staff in the
may be used as objectives, problem formulations, Emergency Department regarding the
sampling designs, or better methodologies for future implementation of a new Nurse Practitioner role
research on the topic. (Considine & Martin, 2005). The instrument was
modified to ensure that all items accurately reflect the
The use of a modified version of an instrument that practice in the Philippines. To ensure its content
was used to conduct a similar study also proved to be validity, it was evaluated by a panel of Advanced
advantageous as the questionnaire items already Nurse Practicing with high credentials practicing in
accurately addressed the research questions and the the United States of America. It received an excellent
modifications made ensures that the questions content validity index of 0.979 and its reliability was
applies to the practice here in the Philippines. established by the test of international consistency
with Cronbach's alpha at 0.947.
Sampling Technique
To determine the required sample size for the study, The instrument is consisting of 19 items rated using a
the researcher used the G* Power 3.0.10 which is a 5-Point Likert Scale as follows:
free-to-use software used to calculate statistical a. 1 = strongly disagree
power. The program offers the ability to calculate b. 2 = disagree
power for a wide variety of statistical tests including t- c. 3 = no opinion
tests, F-tests, and chi-square-tests, among others. d. 4 = agree
e. 5 = strongly agree

Hypothesis Testing
1. State the null hypothesis
There is no significant difference in nurses
and physicians’ knowledge and attitudes on
the Nurse Practitioner Role of Nurses.

2. Define the default alpha (margin or error)

For this study, default alpha is set to 5% or

3. Apply the appropriate statistical equation

t = ( x̄1 – x̄2) / √ [(s21 / n 1 ) + (s22 / n 2 )]
t = (3.34 - 3.13 / [(0.816 / 41) +(0.500 / 25)]
t = 1.30

4. Calculate the tabular value

On this study, the researchers identified the
statistical significance (p) to be <0.05

Master of Arts in Nursing

5. Calculate the computed value

The result of the study did not reach the
significant value

6. Make a decision based from the numerical

Based on the non-significant results, the
researchers accepted the null hypothesis
that “There is no significant difference in
nurses and physicians’ knowledge and
attitudes on the Nurse Practitioner Role of
Nurses.” They further stated that this was
similar to the pre-intervention scores in the
study of attitudes and knowledge of MDs and
RNs in Australia before the assignment of a
new NProle in the Emergency Department
(Considine & Martin, 2005).
7. Based on the previous steps, draw
The researchers concluded that there is no
significant difference in nurses and
physician’s knowledge and attitude on the
Nurse Practitioner Role of Nurse based on
their overall scores. The researchers also
recommended that educational interventions
be implemented to increase the knowledge
and attitudes on the NP role among Filipino
nurses and physicians in the Philippines.

In conducting a study, just showing the data collected
from the participants is not enough. It is vital that
these data are analyzed and interpreted carefully to
provide concrete support to the study. The process of
using mathematical equations on interpretation of
data is very complex and may appear very
challenging but once complete, provides confident
answers to the whys of the study.

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