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1. Define self-awareness, motivation, values and values education.
Self-awareness is defines as the understanding of one’s own identity or individuality and it
entails discovering our true nature.
The set of factors that influence one’s decision to engage in a certain conduct is referred to
as motivation. And because of its critical significance in student learning, it plays an
important part among the educators.
The word “values” comes from the Latin word “valere” which means “to be worth”, to be
powerful and to be intrinsically valued or attractive. It can also be the bases of judging what
attitudes and behaviors are correct and desirable and what are not. In addition, value might
me something or someone that is beneficial and is seen as good or worthy.
Values Education
It refers to the process on instilling values in young people by providing knowledge of the
rules necessary to function in the manner of relating to others. And to cultivate in the pupil
an understanding of certain basic principles as well as the ability to apply these rules
sensibly and the fixed desire to do so.
2. Explain each of the windows in the Johari’s window.
Johari's window is a cognitive psychological tool in which you are represented by four
windows of selves. The "Open Self" is the first window; it displays all of the information,
behavior, attitude, feelings, desire, motivations, thoughts, and so on that you and others
know about yourself. The "Blind Self," on the other hand, contains knowledge about
yourself that neither you nor others are aware of. The "Unknown Self" is the next window,
and it reflects
those aspects of yourself that neither you nor others are aware of. Finally, there's the
"Hidden Self," which comprises everything you know about yourself but don't want others to
3. Explain each stages in the Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs.
The Maslow Hierarchy of Needs is most commonly depicted as a five-level hierarchical
pyramid. However, the most recent renderings of the hierarchical pyramid include eight
levels, with the most fundamental needs at the bottom and the most complicated needs at the
top. Human needs are divided into two categories: basic and meta. The first stage of the
pyramid includes physiological needs such as food, drink, shelter, and sleep; and
psychological wants such as security or safety (2nd stage), belongingness or attachment (3rd
stage), and self-esteem (4th stage). The second stage of Maslow's hierarchy of needs
comprises being safe from immediate danger, whereas the third stage entails belonging to a
group, close friends with whom to confide, and the fourth stage entails a sense of
progressing in the world, recognition, and minimal self-doubts.
The higher requirements, on the other hand, are referred to as Meta needs or being needs
(growth needs). Cognitive (5th stage), aesthetic (6th stage), self-actualization (7th stage),
and self-transcendence are examples of these. The fifth stage promotes knowledge
contribution, while the sixth stage emphasizes increasing curiosity about the inner workings
of all things, the seventh stage is a state of well-being, and the final stage is a transonic level
that emphasizes visionary institution and oneness consciousness.

Self-awareness Questions
What are your strengths?
My strength in life is my family, friends as well as the things that I knew I am more capable
about. And most of all, God.
What are your weaknesses?
On the contrary, my weaknesses are losing love ones, the feeling of being unworthy and by
any chance, losing my faith to all.
How do your friends describe you?
Most of my friends describe me as a clumsy one, out of this world type of a person. Because
I’m always spacing out whenever they are talking to me. Also, they see me as the person
who has the attitude of raising voice if I don’t agree to someone. Being light-hearted,
expressive and confident is also the way they would describe me.
Do you agree with the descriptions? Why or why not?
In some cases, yes, I do agree with how they describe me, because that’s actually a
fact and I’ve been with them for so many years and we already got to know each
other very well. However, people change as the time goes by, and I must say that I
also did change too, just a little bit. But I’m still that clumsy and out of this world
type of a person.
3. List two situations when you are most at ease. What specific elements were present
when you felt that way?
There are times that I feel confident and free. One of these is when I’m joining a
cosplay activity. Because in here, I can be who I want to be and I can easily express
my emotions through portraying someone. And it really boosted my confidence for I
feel different from my own self. Another one, is when I’m on the beach or just in the
seashore. I don’t know, but I find it relaxing as well as it makes me calm. The
scenery of you watching the sunset and the smell of the salty fresh air and the sound
of the ocean waves is a music to my ears.
There are times that I feel confident and free. One of these is when I’m joining a
cosplay activity. Because in here, I can be who I want to be and I can easily express
my emotions through portraying someone. And it really boosted my confidence for I
feel different from my own self. Another one, is when I’m on the beach or just in the
seashore. I don’t know, but I find it relaxing as well as it makes me calm. The
scenery of you watching the sunset and the smell of the salty fresh air and the sound
of the ocean waves is a music to my ears.
4. What type of activities you enjoy doing when you were a child?
When I was kid, I enjoy playing with the other kids here in our place. Playing tag,
bahay-bahayan and many childhood games back then. I also enjoy receiving gifts and
writing some letters when there’s a member of the family who’s going to celebrate
their birthdays. And most of all, sneaking while eating some chocolates and
What about now?
Now that I am old enough, I must say that everything has changed. But it doesn’t
change the fact that I still do enjoy sneaking while eating foods that my mother
forbids me to eat. I also enjoy reading Wattpad books, watch some anime as well as
I also enjoy playing mobile games, do some painting artworks, sleeping and most of
all, spending time with my family and teasing my nieces until they cry.
5. What motivates you? Why?
The things that motivate me to keep on going is my family. Their sacrifices, working
hard just to provide us a good life and sustain our daily needs. Also, my dreams in
life that keeps me to move forward and never give up. Because I dreamed a lot of
things and I want to fulfill them as I grew older. I want to give my family a better life
and for me to have a stable job. So that’s why I will also work hard, study hard for
me to reach my goals. And most of all, what motivates me in any circumstances is
my faith with God. Because I know that he has plans for me and he would not leave
by my side. I believe that he’s just around, watching me and guiding me throughout
the life.
6. What are your dreams in the future?
As I’ve said, I always dream big. I want to give my family a nice and happy life. I
want to fulfill my dream of becoming a public lawyer. To help those people in need
to have their justice. I also want to have a house abroad specifically in Amsterdam.
And to travel the world with my family and love ones and to see the Aurora Borealis.
I dream that, my dreams would come true in the future.
What steps are you taking to achieve your dreams?
One step at a time. I’ll study and work hard for me to finish my studies and to find a
good job. Never give up and just keep on moving forward. For one day you’re going
to look out from your feet and you’ll be at your destination.
7. What do you fear most in life? Why?
To be honest, I don’t fear death because life is just temporary. At the end of the day,
when we reach our limit, we would be taking back our life to God. What I fear is that
losing someone in life and regretting that I did not do anything good to them. I fear to
be left alone. I fear that I wouldn’t be able to fulfill my dreams in life. I fear that
every hard work will just go to nothing.
8. What stresses you?
There are so many things to be stressed about. First, this pandemic. It really stresses
me, thinking about the things happening around the world. The deaths, viruses and
etc. Second, is this online set up of a new normal education, I, myself really
struggling on how would I adopt and adjust to this. The school works that I haven’t
done yet and needed to pass. And the fact that I always do overthink, and that’s
stressing me out too.
What is your typical response to stress?
When I’m feeling stress, I usually go unwind. Maybe going to the beach just to relax
and watch the sunset. It keeps me calm and remove the negative thoughts in my
mind. I also eat my comfort food and just go sleep. I usually do sleep when I feel
stress because in that way, I have a time to escape reality even just for a short period
of time.
9. What qualities do you like to see in people? Why? Do you have many friends as
you described? Why or why not?
The qualities that I like to see in people is that they are caring and not that plastic
vibe. I always want people with good attitude and also have a good heart. A friendly
and the type of person who you can lean on and put a smile on their faces. Usually, I
can say that I have many friends. People whom I can rely on and share my life
experiences with. Those whom I can laugh with and do crazy things once in a life
10. When you disagree with someone’s viewpoint, what would you do?
Well in my case, I always tell that I disagree with them. But not in a rude way that
they would be offended. I always raise my voice in a nice and friendly way. I respect
their opinion, however they should also here someone’s side for them to be
enlightened and help them decide and make decisions wisely.

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