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Inglés I Calificación:

Apellidos y Nombres: _______________________________________ C.I.:___________ Secc.:______

Apellidos y Nombres: _______________________________________ C.I.:___________ Secc.:______

-Lea con detenimiento cada planteamiento que se le presenta a continuación antes de responderlo.
-Analice, presente y escriba sus respuestas de forma clara y legible.
-Cada error ortográfico se penalizará con -0,50 puntos.
-Puede utilizar el diccionario si lo tiene. No se permite el préstamo de diccionarios durante el examen.
-Cualquier duda consúltela solamente con el profesor durante los primeros 5 minutos

PARTE I: Lea el siguiente texto.


Darwin had an important influence on the early understanding of emotion, as he had an

important influence on many things. In very brief summary, in The Expression of the Emotions in
Man and Animals, Darwin suggested that emotional expressions have not evolved; they do not depend
on natural selection. Instead, he argued that they are either simply dependent on the way in which the
nervous system is wired or possibly are remnants of old habits. What Darwin sought to achieve was,
to place humans on a continuum with other animals, based on his documentation of emotional
expressions across a range of species. Facial expression of emotion is not really an expression at all,
but merely something that goes along with the motion was also pointed out by him; it has no
communicative function. This might have been an interesting point to make at the time, but more
recent thought has clearly shown the usefulness of seeing emotional expressions as having a
communicative function. Fridlund points to two developments that cast more than doubt on Darwin’s
views of facial expression: “the rediscovery of Mendelian inheritance led to the refutation of the
Lamarckian use-inheritance mechanism for hereditary transmission” (check the book titled Mendel
and his recent discoveries in order to further dig on this matter). The second development was that of
adaptationist accounts of signaling behavior. So, ironically, Darwin’s own insistence on natural
selection led to the downfall of his non-adaptationist accounts of expressive displays. Replacing
Darwin’s views of expressive movements are accounts in terms of information in which “the ecology
of social interaction is shaped by co-evolution of displays of social intent with the vigilance for them”.
Perhaps the major, lasting influence of Darwinian thinking on an understanding of emotion is a
predilection among many theorists to adopt a functional perspective. However, there is sometimes
confusion between function in an evolutionary sense and function in an everyday sense.

PARTE II: Realice lo siguiente:

1. Ubique una oración en voz pasiva, subráyela y tradúzcala
2. Ubique una oración en voz activa en presente perfecto, subráyela y tradúzcala
3. Ubique una oración en voz activa imperativa, subráyela y tradúzcala

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