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Question #1,2,4,8 Question #3,7,9,11 Question #5,6,10,12 Question #1,5,4,10


3 2 2 3
2 3 3 2
3 4 2 3
2 3 3 2
TOTAL 10 12 10 10

With completing the leadership style quiz I found that I have a participative leadership style which
allows for group members input but the final decision is left to the leader. This type of leader fits me
perfectly and I was not surprised to see the answer. I try to engage each team member in identifying
necessary goals and developing procedure or strategies for reaching those goals. We tend to build plans
through participation and then I, the Leader, make the final decision. I feel it is important to have your
subordinates communicate and contribute in planning, it puts everybody’s current situation on the table
and allows you to schedule accordingly. Leaders need to stay humble in my opinion, because it is not
possible for you to know everything. They must remain flexible and have a good sense of individual
responsibility. And I believe that all members of the team should be involved in the decision making
process but that it takes one person to make the final decision and enforce it. Allowing others to assist
in the decision making process increases the chances that compliance will be upheld and more group
members will participate at an enthusiastic level.

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