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Бүлэг сэдэв: Family and friends 8-U-1-1 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр .....

Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... I
Family members
1 Say the family members and translate into Mongolian.
wife,……..mother (mum),-……. grandmother (grandma),-……….. daughter,………..-
sister…………, aunt……….., niece……….., granddaughter……….., mother-in-law………..,
grandfather (granddad)…………., son………., brother……….., uncle……….., nephew………..,
grandson……….., father-in-law……….., son-in-law…………, brother-in-law………….
❖ Both male and female: cousin………., sibling…………..
❖ Plural nouns: parents, grandparents, grandchildren…….
2 Divide female and male family members.
Female family members Male family members

3 Family tree Look at my family tree and answer the questions

a) What's my father's name? ……………..
b) What's my mother's name? ……………….
c) What's my older brother's name? ……………..
d) What's my little brother's name?
e) My mum's parents are Radnaa and
f) My dad's parents are Jargal and………………….

4. Answer the questions:

a) My father's wife is my ……………… wife, mother (mum),
b) My brother's cousin is my ………………. grandmother (grandma),
c) My uncle's wife is my ………………… daughter,
d) My uncle's daughter is my dad's ……… sister, aunt,
e) My Dad's father's …………………… niece,
f) I'm my mum's ………………………….. granddaughter,
g) I'm my brother's …………………………. mother-in-law,
h) We are our grandparents' ……………… daughter-in-law,
i) My mum's sister is my dad's …………... sister-in-law
j) My dad's brother is my ……………………. husband,
k)Radnaa is Khulan's ……………………… father (dad),
l) Dorj is Radnaa's ………………………… grandfather (granddad),
m) Khongor is Mendee's ………………. son, brother,
n) Dorj and Sansar are my…………………… grandson,
o) Sansar is Saraa's ……………………… father-in-law,
p) My cousin Jargal is my dad's ………………… son-in-law,
5 Match the answers on the right to their corresponding questions on the left.
What's Andrew like? a - She's very pretty and tall.
2. How are you? b - She's very shy.
3. Who do you look like? c - My mother.
4. What do you like? d - Like her mother, very talkative.
5. What does he look like? e - She's better, she left hospital two days ago.
6. What's she like? f - He's tall and blue eyed.
7. Who does Mandakh look like? g - Sports cars and science fiction films.
8. What does she look like? h - Not bad, thanks!
9. How's your mother? j - He looks like his father.
10. Who's Alimaa like? k - He's very talkative and quite attractive.

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Family and friends 8-U-1-2 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 2
Write about family.
1. Check the ‘Explanation’ tab above before doing these exercises. Complete the text below with the
a dad’s going His in loves reading ’s got taller than twice
I'm going to tell you about my family. I live with my brother, my mum, and my dad. We live 1
………Hovd aimag.
My ……… is Nyamdorj. He's 51 years old, and he's 3 …….History teacher. He's medium
height, and he 4 ……….. short grey hair and green eyes. He loves 5 …………. books and
watching documentaries about prehistoric times. He doesn't like sports.

My mum's name is Mendee. She's 49 years old. She's a little shorter 6 ……. my dad, and she's
got long brown hair and blue eyes. She is a shop owner. She sells beauty products in a shop
near our home. She 7 ……… swimming. She goes swimming 8 ……….a week.

I've got a twin brother. 9 ……….name's Luya. He's 21 years old, and he's got brown hair, like
me. But he is much 10 …………than me. He is very big and strong, and he loves playing rugby
and going to the gym.

Another very important member of our family is Cooper, our dog. He is ten years old, and we
love him!
2. Check the essay in Exercise 1 and match each gap in this diagram to the correct option. There
are TWO EXTRA options that you don’t need to use.

Gap 1: _____ Hobbies





3 Choose the correct options to complete these sentences.

I _____ tell you about my family. a. 'm going to b. going to c. 'm going
2_____ is Nyamdorj. a. My father name b. My father's name
c. The name of my father's
3.We live _____ Hovd. a. on b. at c. in
4.He's _____ teacher. a. - b. a c. an
5.He _____ short grey hair and green eyes. a. got b. have c. 's got
6.He loves _____ books. a. reading b. read c. to reading
7.She's shorter _____ my dad. a. that b. as c. than
8.He _____ sports. a. doesn't likes b. not likes c. doesn't like
9.She goes swimming twice _____ week. a. in a b. on a c. a
10.He's _____ than me. a. more tall b. taller c. more taller

4 Write about your family by essay writing diagram in exercise 1.2.

This is my family……………………………….

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Family and friends 8-U-1-3 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 3
What do they look like?
1 Look at the following pictures and write sentences describing their physical appearance

Name: Doña Clotilde Name: Don Name: Zulaa Name: Cristiano

Age: 65 Ramon Age: 34 Ronaldo
height: 1,75 mts Age: 70 Height: 1,50 mts Age: 23
weight: 45 kg height: 1,77 mts Weight: 40 kg Height: 1,83
Eyes: brown – big Weight: 60 kg Eyes: big-brown Weight: 70 kg
hair: shoulder-length Eyes: hazel -big Hair- blond – straight – long Eyes: brown – big
Appearance: ugly Moustache Appearance: Hair: Short- straight –
Hair:short-wavy- Pretty (beautiful) brown
black Appearance:
Appearance: ugly well built.
2 Write a short paragraph describing these 4 people. Follow the given example.
1. She is Doña Clotilde. She is an old woman. She is tall. She
is slim (thin) She has big brown eyes. She has shoulder
lenght hair (Her hair is shoulder lenght). She is an ugly
2.(Name) ……….(Age) …(Height) ……….(weight) ………
(moustache) ………(hair) ………(Appearance) ………
3. She is Shakira. (age) …….(Height) ……….
(Eyes) ………..(Hair)………
4.(Name) ……..(age) ………(Height) ………(Wight) ……….
(hair) ……..(Appearance) ……………
3 Choose the alternative that best answers each option correctly according to the pictures
1.Shakira is __________ than Doña clotilde. a. younger b. uglier c.smaller
2. Cristiano Ronaldo ______ than Shakira a.shorter b.well built c.taller
3. Don Ramon ___________ of them a.older b.the oldest c. the most old
4. Doña clotilde is _________than Don Ramon a.smaller b.shorter c.more short
5. Who is the oldest of them? a.Doña Clotilde b.Don Ramon c.Shakira
4 Choose a tag question for each sentence. 5.Choose and write the correct verb: look or
look like.
1. My little daughter always says she…… a
1. They are famous, … ? 2. Ann…………her mother.
2. Shakira is the shortest in three people, … ? 3. You ………tired. What's the matter?
3. Cristiano Ronaldo works here, … ? 4. Your trousers are very old. You ………a tramp!
4. It is not an interesting movie, …? 5. She's old but she………… beautiful.
5. Doña Clotilde is older than Shakira, …? 6. Look at your hair! You ……….a punk rocker.
6. They don’t speak Chinese, …? 7. You ……….so pretty in that dress!
7. Is it a Birthday card, …? 8. This house …………..a palace!.
8. He doesn’t exercise here, …? 9. The boss…………….intelligent but I think he's
9.She has big brown eyes not so.
10. You don't ………..well. Are you OK?
11. Tim, with this beard, you ……………. older.
12. Mary ……………. her sister.

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Family and friends 8-U-1-4 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 4

Read about friendships

A. Hi there, … ! Firstly, friendships are a difficult thing to understand. You were good friends.
However, a new person spoiled your friendship. But she has gone. What you need to do is to find
common interests that you share and use this as a conversation starter. Try to think why you three
became good friends, and then things should slowly begin to get back to normal. It will take some
time as everyone has to find their place in the group and re-establish their friendships.
Vocabulary section
1 Match phrases its Mongolian translation
1. Friendships are a difficult thing to a. Нөхөрлөлийг ойлгоход хэцүү юм.
understand b. Нөхөрлөлийг дахин сэргээх
2. It will take some time c. Яагаад гэдгийг ойлгох гэж оролдох
3. re-establish their friendships d. Сайн найз болох
4. Try to think why e. Сонирхол ижил
5. Became good friends f. Үүнд хугацаа орох болно.
6. Common interests
2 Complete the dialogue.
А. Do you understand about friendships?
B. Oh, Friendships are a difficult thing to understand. It will take time to find good friends
A. ……………………….
B. ……………………….
B. Hey … , Have you tried talking to your sister and both your parents about your feelings?
Opening up a discussion could help you. Let your parents know the situation at home. Also you
can see a counselor. I think it’s all about talking and making your family hear you and understand
better. I hope I helped a bit at least.
1. Opening up a discussion should help you. a. Гэр бүлийнхнийгээ илүү сайн ойлгуул.
2. Make your family understand you better b. Ядаж л чамд жаахан болов тус болсон
3. I hope I helped a bit at least. гэдэгт итгэж байна.
c. Нээлттэй ярилцах нь чамд хэрэгтэй.
3 Make own two sentences/ өөрийнхөөрөө дурын өгүүлбэр зохио/
C. Hi, … , All you can do is to be yourself. If you really like him, tell him how you feel. You can’t
make anyone like you. If he talks to you, then talk back. Hold a conversation and let him know that
you’re interested in him. Once you do that, see how it goes from there. If he doesn’t like you, then
that’s it. You can’t make him fall for you. Maybe he doesn’t even know that you like him. So, you
can’t get mad at him for being around other girls; although I know how you feel. Take one step at a
time and you’ll be fine. Good Luck!
1. All you can do is to be yourself. a. Хүний сэтгэлийг хүчээр татаж чадахгүй.
2. You can’t make anyone like you b. Аль болох өөрийнхөөрөө л байх нь
3. That’s it хамгийн чухал
4. I know how you feel c. Чамд ямар байгааг би ойлгож байна.
d. Ингээд л болно, (хангалттай- ярианы
6 Translate to Mongolian and learn by heart Зөвлөмж
1. friendships- Иймэрхүү урт тескт дээр ажиллахдаа нэг дор
2. spoiled- бүгдийг орчуулахад цаг их орж, мөн залхах, хэл
3. re-establish- сурах сонирхол буурах тал бий. Тиймээс аль
4. common interests- болох бага багаар нь хувааж ажиллах, дотроос
5. opening up a discussion- нь үг хэллэгийг нь онцолж аваад харилцан
6. situation- ярианд оруулж хэрэглэх, дурын өгүүлбэрээ
7. counselor- зохиох байдлаар өдөр тутмын хэрэглээнд
оруулж ярианыхаа чадварыг сайжруулаарай.

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Family and friends 8-U-1-5 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 5
8-U- 1-5
A version B version
I Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. (5 points)
1. Do you enjoy ………cards? 1. Does she enjoy …………hockey? b. plays c. playing a. play b. plays c. playing
2. Students always ……to different clubs. 2. We always …………….to different clubs.
a.go b. goes c. going a. go b. goes c. going
3. I`m ……….than my sister. 3. We …………..than my sister.
a.tall b. taller c. tallest a. tall b. taller c. tallest
4. You speak English, ……….? 4. He speaks Chinese, ……….? you b. are you c. don`t you a. don’t he b. isn’t you c. doesn`t he
5. You ………….like your brother. 5. Sarah ………….like your brother.
a.sound b. sounds c. sounding a. sound b. sounds c. sounding
II Make question tags (8 points)
1. We are British, ……………? 1. You are the youngest in your family, ______?
2. He is the shortest in class,……? 2. Their sister doesn`t speak Russian, _________?
3. Your friends work here, …………? 3. She has a lot of good friends, _________?
4. Your dad always sends messages,…? 4. His grandparents don`t live in the countryside,
5. Their friends don’t speak Chinese,…? _____?
6. It is a Birthday card,………? 5. He doesn`t play tennis, ________?
7. We do exercise here, ……? 6. She is already 15, __________?
8. I am your teacher, ……….? 7. Your father is the oldest in your family, _____?
8. It isn`t nice idea to go out today, ____________?
III Write the correct form of look like and sound like. (4 points)
1.Who do you ………………….in your 1. What does your brother ……………?
family? 2. She ………..her mom
2.Bold ………………..……her father. 3. We …………his voice.
3.She ……………..…….her voice. 4. This song ………….a poem.
4.They ……………..……..their mother.
IV Complete the sentences. Use the words and expressions in italics. (3 points
/listening to music, playing computer playing basketball, cooking, watching movies
games, taking photos
1.One of my friends is good at …………, 1. My friends like to go to the cinema. They
he has got a professional camera. enjoy……
2.In my free time, I prefer……and I`ve got 2. We usually go to the picnic in summer. We
a lot of CDs like ……on the open fire.
3.Children usually stay at home because 3. My younger brother spends a lot of time on
they enjoy ………… …… He is good at sports.
V Circle one word in each line that doesn`t fit. (4 points)
1. An uncle, a grandma, a father, a friend, 1. a grandma, a father, a friend, a sister,an uncle,
a sister 2. watching TV, doing business, playing tennis
2. Listening to music, watching TV, doing listening to music
business, playing tennis 3. comedy, movie, news, books, drama,
3. Drama, comedy, movie, news, books
VI Answer the questions (2 points)
1. How many people are there in your 1. How often do you use Facebook?
class? 2. How many cousins have you got?
2. Who is the youngest person in your

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Family and friends 8-U-1-6 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 6
Unit 1 бүлэг сэдвийн хүрээнд үзсэн шинэ үгсийг мэддэг эсэхээ шалгаад мэддэг үгийнхээ ард
(√)тэмдэглэгээ бичиж,мэдэхгүй үгийнхээ монгол утгыг толь бичгээс олж, цээжилнэ үү.

1. Advertisement 19. Discussion 37. Introduce 55. Secret

2. Agreement 20. Download 38. Jewels 56. Shake
information head
3. Appearance 21. Edge 39. Know 57. Sheet
4. Appreciation 22. 40. Laugh 58. Similar
card- Embellishment
5. Attach- 23. Express 41. Let 59. Situation
6. Awesome 24. Expression 42. Look for 60. Someone
7. Become good 25. Fasten 43. Look 61. Sound like
8. Begin 26. Feather 44. Maybe 62. Spoil
9. Bully 27. Feeling 45. Newspaper 63. Step
10. Common 28. Felt 46. Nod 64. Stitch
11. Comparison 29. Friendship 47. Normal 65. Support
12. 30. Get mad 48. Open fire 66. Tag
Congratulations question
13. Conversation 31. Googly eyes 49. Prefer 67. Time limit
14. Copy 32. Glue 50. Professional 68. Typing on
camera computer
15. Counselor 33. Gratitude 51. Puppet, 69. Weak
hand puppet
16. Curly hair 34. Guess 52. Re-establish 70. Worksheet
17. Cut out 35. Inexpensive 53. Searching
the internet
18. Difficult 36. Interview 54. Scrap

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Routines 8-U-2-1 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... I
Daily routines 8-U-2-1
1.Vocabulary section
1.Match the pictures on the 2.Choose a right word. 3.Answer the questions.
right to the phrases on the left.
1 make a. read a book Does she read a book?
the made b. have a shower No, she doesn’t
c. get up She gets up
2 walk the dog a. have a lunch Does it have a lunch?
b. make the bed ………………………….
c. do the homework …………………………..
3 ride a bike a. get dressed Does she get dressed?
b. brush my teeth ………………………
c. have lunch
4 play the guitar a. have a shower Does she go to school?
b. go to school
c. do my homework
5 have a bath a. play football Does he play football?
b. listen to music
c. go to school
6 wake up a. get dressed Does she play the guitar?
b. play the guitar
c. walk the dog
7 go to school a. have lunch Does he watch TV?
b. watch TV
c. get dressed
8 read a book a. get up Does she get up?
b. go to school
c. play the guitar
9 brush my teeth a. go to school Does they go to school?
b. read a book
c. ride a bike
1 wash a car a. have classes Does they have classes?
0 b. walk the dog
c. listen to music
2 Using grammar section.
5 Put question forms of present Positive forms the present tense. Put negative forms of present
tense. Translate to Mongolian tense.
1.Do I ride a bike? 1. I ride a bike.- Би дугуй 1.I don’t ride a bike.
2................................ унадаг. 2…………………..
3................................ 2. You make breakfast. 3…………………
4................................. 3.She play chess. 4……………….
5................................. 4.He read a book. 5……………….
6................................. 5.It brush the teeth. 6………………..
7................................. 6.We wash a car. 7………………….
8.................................. 7.You have classes. 8……………………..
8. They have lunch.
6 Put question forms of simple Positive forms the simple future Put negative forms of simple
future tense. tense. Translate to Mongolian future tense.
1.Will I play the guitar? 1. I will play the guitar.- Би 1.I will not play the guitar
2……………………… гитар тоглох болно. .(won’t)
3……………………… 2. You will wash up cups. 2……………………….
4……………………… 3. She will listen to music. 3………………………..
5……………………… 4. He will wake up. 4…………………………
6……………………… 5. It will run. 5…………………………
Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…
7……………………… 6. We will make the bed 6………………………..
Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
8………………………. 7. You will clean windows. 7………………………..
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Бүлэг сэдэв: Routines 8-U-2-2
Сурагчийн овог нэр: .....................................

Speaking and writing, listening skills on daily routines. 8-U-2-2

Say and repeat these daily routines and translate from English to Mongolian
clean the tidy your walk the dog paint the sweep the floor eat lunch
windows room ………….. house ……….. …………..
………… ……………. ……………
set the take a picture do take pictures stand up clean the
alarm ……………. the housework …………….. …………… house
…………… …………… …………….
comb hair play games wait for the arrive home meet friends vacuum
………….. ………….. bus …………. …………… rooms
…………….. ………….
turn of light go shopping do the dishes watch do the laundry draw
…………… ………….. ……………. television …………. picture
cook dinner drive to work have a break play video iron the clothes get up
…………….. ……………… …………… games ……………… ………..
. ………………
go to bed meet friends paint a picture do your hang wash clothes
…………… …………….. ……………… homework the clothes …………
……………. …. ……………… ……………….
have a cup go for a walk take out the have lessons wash cook
of coffee rubbish ……………….. the dishes ………
………… …………….. …………………
surf the net wait for the arrive home go home have a break use a computer
……………. bus ………………. …………… …………. ……….
take out the take a taxi cut the grass finish school clean do exercise
rubbish ……………… ……………… ……………. the bathroom …………
…………… … ………..
Ask questions and write 6 daily routines of you, your mother, father and friend without duplication
1. What do you do in the morning? 1.I have a cup of coffee in the morning.
2. What do you do in the afternoon? 2………………………………………………
3. What do you do in the evening? 3………………………………………………
4. What does your mother do in the morning? 4………………………………………………
5. What does your mother in the afternoon? 5………………………………………………
6. What does your mother in the evening? 6………………………………………………..
7. What does your father do in the morning? 7……………………………………………..
8. What does your father do in the afternoon? 8…………………………………………….
9. What does your father do in the evening? 9………………………………………………
10. What does your friend do in the morning? 10………………………………………………
11. What does your friend do in the afternoon? 11………………………………………………..
12. What does your friend do in the evening? 12…………………………………………………
in the morning in the afternoon in the evening
1. You get up ……………. ……………………… ………………………

2. Your mother ………………………… ……………………….. ………………………..

............................... ............................... .................................

3. Your father ………………………. ……………………….. ………………………….

............................... ................................... ..................................

4. Your friend …………………………… …………………… ………………………..

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Бүлэг сэдэв: Routines 8-U-2-3
Сурагчийн овог нэр: .....................................
Write daily routine in English (writing and speaking skills) Work sheet
1 Togtokh’s daily routine Below you can find some examples on how to write ten
sentences daily routine in English
His name is Togtokh. He always wakes up at 7 o’clock in the
morning then he washes his face and brush his teeth. After that,
he has a shower then put his clothes on and prepare his school
bag. Next, He has his breakfast and waits for the school bus. At
8 o’clock he goes to school and starts his first art class. After
that, he often takes his lunch break and does his homework. At
around 4 o’clock he does his hobbies. He plays guitar and does
some exercises he goes back home and take a rest. Next, he
usually watches some TV and chat with his family then he helps
his mother in the house. At 9 o’clock he reads a book and goes
to sleep.

2.Ask 6 questions from others. 3.Answer the following questions from Togtokh’s daily routine
1. What tiime does Togtokh wake up? 1.Togtokh wakes up at 7 o’clock
2. What does Togtokh do in the morning? 2.
3. What does Togtokh do at 8 o’clock? 3.
4. What does Togtokh do at 4 o’clock? 4.
5. What does Togtokh do at 9 o’clock? 5.
6. What tiime does Togtokh go to bed? 6.
4.Zulaa’s daily routine 4.Fill in the Blanks. (see the picture and Togtokh’s daily routine)
Her name is Zulaa. She always wakes up at 7 o’clock in the
morning then she washes her face and brush her teeth. After
that, she does ——————————. ———————————
—————— Next, she has her breakfast and wait for the
school bus. At 8 o’clock she———————————she goes
to the second class. After that, she———— takes her lunch
break and ———————————. At around 12 noon she
goes back home and takes a rest. Next, she usually watches
some TV and chat with her family then she does her homework
and help her mother in the house. At 9 o’clock she reads ———
—— -----------------------.
6.It’s your turn now. 7.Ask the questions
1. I get up early in the morning around 6am. 1.What time do you get up in the morning?
2. First, I take a shower then I brush my teeth. 2………………………………………..
3. After that, I eat my breakfast. 3………………………………………..
4. Next, I put my clothes on and catch the train to 4………………………………………..
work. 5……………………………………..
5. In addition, I always take my tea break at 10am 6…………………………………….
then I finish work at 4pm.
6. Finally, I get home at 5 in the evening and have
dinner then go to bed.
8.Write ten sentences daily routine in English about yourself. Use conjunctions
Write a short paragraph or Fill in the Blanks.
essay using conjunctions: I get up early in the morning around 6am. First, I take a shower then I
brush my teeth. After that, I eat my breakfast. Next, ————————
Then- тэгээд, next-дараа нь, ———————————————————————. In addition, I
after that- түүний дараа always take my tea break at 10am then I—————————————.
And -харин, or эсвэл, Finally, I get home at 5 in the evening and have dinner then go to bed.
because- учраас, so-иймээс
In, on, at, above, under
Now you write ten sentences:
Always- үргэлж, ……………………………………………………………………….
usually-ихэвчлэн, often-үе үе ………………………………………………………………………..
First- эхлээд, second-хоёр …………………………………………………………………….
дугаарт, finally-эцэст нь ……………………………………………………………………….

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Routines 8-U-2-4 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 4

Reading and UF skills 8-U-2-4

1. a. Fill in the blanks from verbs. b.
drive, cry, dance, run, write, listen, drink, wash climb fly learn ask play watch carry open
read laugh, sing eat ....... a glass of tea 1.Fish swim; birds ....... ....... a newspaper 2."Your hands are dirty; go and ....... them!" ....... at a funny joke 3." ....... the window, please. It's very hot in here. ....... a nice song 4.In school we ....... many new things. ....... a fast car 5."If you're so hungry, ....... an apple!" ....... because you are unhappy 6."I can't ....... this suitcase; it's too heavy." ....... at a disco 7.If you don't know the answer, ....... the teacher! ....... because you're late for class 8."Do you ....... TV every day?" ....... a "Thank You!" letter to your friend 9."I ....... chess with my grandfather once a week." ....... to music 10."I want to ....... Mount Everest one day!"
2 Choose the correct tense verbs
I (am/is) a student of class 8. Every day I (get up/gets) up early in the morning at around 6.30 a.m.
I (brush/brushes) my teeth and wash my hands and face. After that I (do/does) some
physical exercises. When I (come/comes) home, I take a bath and get ready for school.
I (have /has) my breakfast and then go to school. I come back home by 3 p.m. My mother
give/gives me milk to drink. After that my private tutor (/come/comes) to teach me at home and
she leaves by 8.30 p.m. When she (go/goes) away I switch on the television to watch some
cartoon shows. After watching TV for half an hour, I do my homework given by my private tutor.
Sundays and holidays (are/is) spent differently. We all (go/goes) to park in the morning and return
before lunch.
3 Fill in the blanks from verbs.
1. We usually …… school and stay in line. a. come to
2. Our headmaster ………us to walk into school building as a b. allows
class. c. finishes
3. Every class starts and ………with the bell. d. clean
4. When we finish class, we …….our classroom e. arts or sports
5. On Wednesdays, we stay for extra things like ………. club. f. wear
6. Every pupil has to ……..a school uniform g. school rules
7. Also there are ………, we all have to follow them
4 Read facts and statistics about children and things they do.
• Only one in three children is physically active every day.
• 28.0% of Americans, or 80.2 million people, aged six and older are physically inactive.
• Children now spend more than seven and a half hours a day in front of a screen (e.g., TV,
videogames, computer).
• Nearly one-third of high school students play video or computer games for 3 or more
hours on an average school day.
• Physical inactivity has consequences as overweight, obesity, a risk for diabetes, high
cholesterol, asthma and poor health conditions
Choose True or False from the facts True or False
1. These facts are positive. 1. True or False
2. Nearly one-third of high school teachers play video 2. True or False
3. Physical inactivity has consequences as overweight 3. True or False
4. Overweight is good for health. 4. True or False
5. High cholesterol is bad for health 5. True or False
6. Asthma is good for health 6. True or False
7. Spend more time playing game is good for studying. 7. True or False
5 Vocabulary section: Odd one out
1. overweight, a risk for diabetes, asthma, game 1.
2. computer, screen, TV, high cholesterol, 2.
3. poor health conditions, consequences, obesity, video 3.
4. children, people, students, computers 4.

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Routines 8-U-2-5 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 5
Self-check 8-U- 2-5
A version B version
I Choose the correct answer (4 points)
1. My friend is a tidy person. She always 1. Their children always ... their parents m
... her room. gardening. They are very hard-working.
a. clean b. cleans c. doesn’t clean 2. a. don’t help b. help c. helps
2. I get up at 7am in the morning by 3. My brother ... because he doesn’t have time.
myself. I ... an alarm clock. a. exercises b. exercise
a. use b. uses c. never use c. never exercises
3. We ... English at school and at home. 4. In summer, we often ... because of the hot
We enjoy it very much. weather. a. don’t take a shower
a. study b. don’t study c. studying b. take a shower c. takes a
4. A lot of children play games a lot and shower
... their homework. 5. There are different clubs at school and our
a. do b. doing c. don’t do classmates ... them very much.
a. enjoys b. never enjoy c. enjoy
II Add 4 words in each line. (6 points)
1.Things to do at school: 1. Morning activities:
have lesson, …… ……… ……. have breakfast, …… ……… …….
2.Daily activities: 2. Things to do at home;
go to school …. ..……. …….. make bed, ……. ….….. ……..
3.Weekend activities; wash clothes 3. Free time activities;
…….. ……… …….. Play tennis, …….. ……. ……..
III Write the verbs in brackets with present simple. (4 points)
1.I always ………….…..(to go) to school. 1. We always ……(to play) basketball on
2.Bat never …………….(to drink) coffee. Sundays.
3.They usually ………….(to play) football. 2. My parents never ……(to drink) coffee before
4.Delger often ………….(to watch) TV. going to bed.
3. They usually ………(to eat) lunch together.
4. My sister often ……..(to sing) English songs.
IV Change the positive sentences into negative sentences (4 points)
1.My sister always wakes up at 7:00 in the 1. I always have lunch at noon.
morning………………….. ………………………….
2.We usually have breakfast at 7:30. 2. My brother sometimes goes to the cinema
………………………… with my friends in the evening.
3.My brother catches the bus to university ………………………….
at 8:00…………………………… 3. I usually have dinner with my family at about
………………………………………… 7:00 in the evening.
4.They usually start studying at 8:30. ………………………..
……………………………………….. 4. Bold goes to bed before 11 o’clock.
V Complete the gaps with much, a lot of, little or often (4 points)
1.There are …car parks in the centre of 1.There is ………new cheap furniture in that store.
town. 2.We ………..write an email to our grandparents.
2.How …do you go to night clubs? 3.There are a ………. shops near the university.
3.Hurry up! We only have ……time before 4.It's very quiet. There aren't ………traffic on the
the coach leaves. road today.
4.We don’t eat …… junk foods at home.
VI Read the text and answer the questions (3 points)
Selena Gomez is a famous Disney star. She was born on the 22nd of July, 1992. She’s from a
small town called Grand Prairie, Texas where she lives with her mum, dad, and four dogs. Her
dogs’ names are Chip, Willy, Fina, and Wallace. She is a kind and sociable person and likes
helping people. Selena often goes to the gym to play basketball. Also, she goes to the dancing
and singing club. In 2002, Selena started acting and played in several films as Another Cinderella
Story and Princess Protection Programme. She stars in the Disney shows.

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Routines 8-U-2-6 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 6
Unit 2 бүлэг сэдвийн хүрээнд үзсэн шинэ үгсийг мэддэг эсэхээ шалгаад мэддэг үгийнхээ ард
(√)тэмдэглэгээ бичиж,мэдэхгүй үгийнхээ монгол утгыг толь бичгээс олж, цээжилнэ үү.
1. Act 19.Gardening 37.Obesity 55.Sociable

2. Allow 20.Get food on 38.Overweight 56.Sofa

3. Asthma 21.Habit 39.Pajamas 57.Spoon
4. Average 22.Headmaster 40.Physical 58.Superstitious
5. Believe 23.Inactive 41.Physically 59.Take a
6. Bell 24.Iron 42.Poor health 60.Take the
condition rubbish out
7. Break the rules 25.Keep things in 43.Project work 61.Take a
place shower
8. Chain game 26.Lay the table 44.Put make-up 62.Throw things
all over
9. Cholesterol 27.Lock the door 45.Quantifier 63.Tidy a room
10.Coin 28.Look after 46.Reason 64.Tidy person
11.Comb hair 29.Lose things 47.Regular 65.Turn off
12.Conduct survey 30.Luck 48.Request- 66.Useful
13.Consequence 31.Make bed 49.Reply 67.Vacuuming a
14.Council 32.Make sure 50.Routine 68.Voicemail
15.Diabetes 33.Mess, make a 51.Rubbish 69.Walk the dog
16.Extra 34.Messy person 52.Set the alarm 70.Wash up
17.Factual 35.Milk the cows 53.Screen
18.Feed the 36.One-third 54.Set the alarm

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: All in a week 8-U-3-1 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 1
Foods 8-U-3-1
1.Vocabulary section
1. Say food names and match the picture of food
1 banana cheese chocolate cheese egg butter yogurt
coffee egg fish meat potato margarine cottage cheese
rice tea sandwich
2 apple banana chicken ice cream sandwich sausage
chocolate coffee egg fish juice hamburger hot dog bread
meat tea pizza steak yogurt
3 beer bread chicken chocolate roast chicken fish seafood
coffee meat milk orange potato ham kebab bacon sour
rice cream cake hamburger
4 apple banana beer cheese cheese egg butter margarine
chicken coffee egg milk yogurt cottage cheese
tea vegetables sandwich beer
5 cheese chicken chocolate sandwich ice cream
coffee egg fruit milk orange sandwich vegetables
vegetables bread sausage hamburger hot dog
6 beer cheese chocolate coffee bread pizza steak roast
egg fruit meat potato tea chicken fish seafood ham
vegetables kebab bacon sour
7 beer cake chocolate sausage hamburger hot dog
egg fruit potato rice tea bread pizza steak roast
vegetables apple chicken fish seafood bread
8 beer egg fish fruit juice meat ice cream sausage
milk potato rice tea hamburger hot dog bread
pizza steak roast vegetables
9 beer cake cheese chicken roast chicken fish seafood
chocolate egg juice orange ham kebab bacon sour
potato tea cream banana
10 banana, beer, bread, chicken seafood ham kebab bacon
chocolate, coffee, fruit, orange sour cream chicken fish ice
rice tea cream
2 Write the chosen food names
1. rice tea, butter, sandwich 6………………………………
2……………………….. 7………………………..
3………………………… 8……………………….
4………………………….. 9………………………..
5……………………. 10………………………..
3 Read the sentences and match adjectives to feelings. Write Mongolian
1. Anu doesn't like storms. She is h.scared a. tired tired-ядарсан
2. Nasanbat wants to drink. He's ... b. sad
3. Anand had a good mark in his exam. He is ... c. depressed
4. Saraa and Sergelen enjoy dancing a lot. d. jealous
They are very ... together. e. surprised
5. Tuvshin wants to eat. He is .. f. Ill
6. Tuya has got nothing to do. She's ... g. nervous
7. Damdin has got a lot of big problems and she's ... h. scared
8. Bat's friend is not here. Bat feels ... i. thirsty
9. Onon has walked all day. He's very ... j. pleased
10. Saraa's boyfriend is with another girl. Saraa is .. k. happy
11. Buya didn't know about the party. She was very... l. hungry
12. Delger doesn't feel well. He's ... m. bored
13. Jargal has got an exam. He is very ...

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: All in a week 8-U-3-2. Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 2
Weekly activities. Read and choose correct one. 8-U-3-2
A B write answers
1 a. wake up, a. take a shower 1A-wake up
b. turn off the alarm, b. set the alarm 1B-take
c. get up c. lock the door, a shower
d. have a cup of d. turn off the lights,
2 a. read the a. go to work 2A…….
newspaper b. drive to work. 2B…….
b. have breakfast. c. check my emails
c. have a shower d. take a taxi
d. get dressed.
3 a. comb my hair. a. lunch meeting. A……..
b. brush your teeth, b. take the bus B……….
c. make-up c. work on the
d. go home computer,
d. have a meeting.
4 a. cook dinner. a. make telephone A……..
b. do their calls. B………
homework, b. have lunch.
c. watch television. c. report to my boss
d. watch the News. d. have a classes
5 a. take the rubbish a. go shopping A……..
out, b. do the housework
b. wash the dishes. c. do the washing B………
c. feed the dog d. have a picnic,
d. go to bed
6 a. stay at home a. wash the car, A……..
b. go out with b. shine my shoes
friends. c. go to the mall B………..
c. visit grand parents d. go to the gym
d. water the garden.
2 Write your answers on the lines below
1. What are some of the daily activities that you do at home?
2. What are some daily activities that you do at work or at school?
3. What are some weekly activities that you do?
3 Classify these activities.
Daily activities at home Weekly activities Daily activities at work or school
1………………. 1………………. 1……………….
2……………… 2……………… 2………………
3………………… 3………………… 3…………………
4……………….. 4……………….. 4………………..
5……………… 5………………. 5……………….

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: All in a week 8-U-3-3. Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 3
Using Wh- and Yes/No questions 8-U-3-3
Wh-word + do/does first Yes/No question
do/does first
Read the questions and write your answers on the lines below
1 A. Answer these questions B. Put line numbers on daily C. Make 12 Yes/No questions
activities and write. from pictures
1.What time do you wake up? 1.Do they get up at seven
2.What time do you have o’clock?
breakfast? 2.……………………………?
3.What time do you brush 3…………………………..?
your teeth? 4.………………………….?
4.What time do you take a shower? 5…………………………...?
5.What time do you get dressed? 6…….……………………..?
6.What time do you go to school? 7…..……………………….?
7.What time do you eat dinner? 8….………………………..?
8.What time do you go to bed? 9……………………………?

2 Write your answers. Write these picture’s line

1.I get up at 7 am. 1.We get up at seven o’clock.
2…………………………….. 2.
3……………………………… 3
4…………………………….. 4.
5……………………………. 5.
6…………………………….. 6.
7……………………………… 7.
8………………………………… 8.
3 Put the words in the correct order to make a
1. ( o'clock / seven / up / wake / I / at / . ) 1. I wake up ay seven o’clock.
2. ( thirty / I / breakfast / have / at / seven / . ) 2………………………….
3. ( eight / teeth / my / brush / I / at /. ) 3……………………………
4. ( shower / What / you / do / time / take / a / 4…………………………….
?) 5………………………….
5. ( get / dressed / I / at / fifteen / eight / . ) 6……………………………….
6. ( time / What / school / you / do / go / to / ? 7……………………………..
) 8…………………………
7. ( dinner / I / eat / seven / at / pm / . )
8. ( go / sleep / to / I / at / eleven / o'clock / . )
4 Make Wh-questions to the underlined words.
1. I get up at 6:00 am 1.What time do you get up? (what time)
2. You take a shower at 7 o’clock? 2………………………………….
3. She dresses to go to school 3………………………………….
4. He has breakfast in the morning. 4…………………………………….
5. She takes the bus to school 5……………………………………
6. We go back to my house at 3:00 pm 6…………………………………….
7. You have dinner at 5 pm 7……………………………………….
8. They do my homework at 6 pm. 8………………………………………..
9. I go to sleep at 9 o’clock. 9………………………………………

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: All in a week 8-U-3-4.
Сурагчийн овог нэр: .....................................
4 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг

Food -2 8-U-3-4
Definitions and Examples Introductory Exercises
1 Match each word with its definition.
a. bake - жигнэх, шарах ___ 1. The part of a stove used for baking
b. cake -торт ___ 2. To cook in an oven
c. hunger - өлсөх ___ 3. A vegetable
___ 4. To get ready for cooking
d. lid - таг
___ 5. The need for food
e. oven-жигнүүр ___ 6. With a lot of sugar
f. pot -тогоо ___ 7. To like one thing better than another
g. potato-төмс ___ 8. A machine to make food cold
h. prefer - эрхэмлэх ___ 9. A sweet baked food
i. prepare- бэлдэх
j. refrigerator - хөргөгч
k. sweet- чихэрлэг
2 Answer each question with a word from the food vocabulary.
1.What is something you put on a pot? 1.
2. Where do you put food to make it cold? 2.
3. What part of a stove is used for baking? 4.
4. What is the name of a sweet baked food? 5.
5. What happens to water at 2120 F/ 1000 C? 6.
6. What are you people who need food?
7. What can you put food in to cook it? 9.
8. What vegetable do Americans like to eat? 10
9. Which word means to make food?
10. What is made of paper and used for carrying things?
Study Exercises 4. Fill in blank the appropriate words.
3 Write True or False. 1. ____________people need food.
___ 1. You can make food cold on a stove. 2. Cakes are ________ because we prepare
___ 2. People use bags for carrying things. them with a lot of sugar.
___ 3. You bake a cake in an oven. 3. Foods like milk and meat should be put in a
___ 4. When people do not need food, they are hungry. _________.
___ 5. If you like rice better than potatoes, you prefer 4. My mother _______-d my dinner last night.
rice. 5. Mrs. Jones used to _________ every week.
___ 6. A potato that is cooked in an oven is boiled. 6. You cook soup and rice on a _______.
___ 7. You can use a bag to bring food from the store. 7. Her mother and father _______ Italian
___ 8. People bake bread in an oven. food, but she likes Chinese food better.
___ 9. You should not refrigerate milk. 8. When you put a __________on a pot, the
___ 10. You cook soup in a pot on the stove. water _________-s sooner.
9. Mary bought ten pounds of _________-es

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: All in a week 8-U-3-5 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 5
UF skills 8-U-3-5
We use “Some” is used in positive statements
We use “Any” is used in questions and with not in negative statements.
Something, Anything, Someone, Anyone etc.
Compound nouns with some- and any- are used in the same way as some and any.
1 some / any 2.someone/ something/ anyone/anything/ anywhere
1. There aren’t ………. help. 1. I've got ………. in my eye.
2. Do you know ………… Americans? 2. There is …………at the door.
3. We need …………… more coffee. 3. We haven't heard ……… about Peter. Is he ill?
4. She’s got ………… interesting friends. 4. Do you live ………near Mandy?
5. I didn’t have ……….. breakfast today. 5. ……….wants to see you.
6. He hasn’t done …… work for ten years. 6. Has ………. seen my bag?
7. Have you got ……… brothers and sisters? 7. My teacher asked me ………...
8. I’m having ……….. problems with my car. 8. Can I have ………… to drink?
9. Are there ……….. restaurants near here? 9. Don't worry. ……… can tell you where the
post-office in this town is.
10. I don't know ……… about it.
3 Fill in the blanks with much, many, and a lot 1. Put in much or many.
1. Jargal hasn’t _____money. 1. I haven’t got _________time.
2. There is ________gold in the bag 2. Do you play __________football?
3. I haven’t got _____birds in the sky! 3. I don’t eat ___________ meat.
4. There aren’t _____cars in the street. 4. There aren’t __________ people here.
5. Are there _______apples on the tree? 5. We don’t have _________rain in summer.
6. Zulaa spends _____money at the shops. 6. Are there _________Chinese in your country?
7. Have you got ___bread in the cupboard? 7. Have you travelled to __________countries?
8. Are there _______children on the beach? 8. Was there ___________traffic on the road?
9. We are early. We have _______time.
8-U- 3-5
A version B version
I Group the words into two categories /4 points/
Fizzy drinks, fruits, biscuits, milk products, Green vegetables, eggs, fast food, , fruits,
ice cream, meat, water, sweets biscuits, milk products, ice cream, sweets
Healthy food Unhealthy food Healthy food Unhealthy food
…………….. ………………….. …………….. …………………..
…………… ………………….. …………… …………………..
…………….. …………………. …………….. ………………….
II Unjumble the words to make correct TV programs /3 points/
III Complete the sentences using some/any/something/anything /4 points/
1.Children eat ……sweets which is bad for 1. People eat ……sweets which is bad for their
their teeth teeth
2.I don’t write ……….essays to improve 2. They don’t write ……essays to improve my
my writing skill writing skill
3.There is …… to read. It is very boring 3. There is …… to watch. It is very boring
4.Don’t eat ……………… It is dangerous. 4. Don’t eat ……………… It is bad.
IV Choose the correct form /3 points/
1.He make/makes us happy 1.They make/makes us happy
2.Writing essay make/makes me boring 2.Learning English make/makes me boring
3.They make/makes her smile 3.He make/makes her smile
V Change the sentences into Yes/No questions /3 points/
1.I like pizza. 1.They like fizzy drinks
2.TV shows make me sleepy. 2.Reading book makes me sleepy.
3.We watch cartoon every day. 3.We watch TV every day.
VI Make WH-questions to the underlines words /3 points/
1.We watch our movie before news 1.They watch their news movie
Дууссан: .....онbefore
.... сарcartoon
....өдөр .... Цаг…
2.I like to play tennis. 2.He likes to play chess.
Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
3.They meet on the mountain. 3.We meet on the mountain.
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: All in a week 8-U-4-6 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 6
Unit 3 бүлэг сэдвийн хүрээнд үзсэн шинэ үгсийг мэддэг эсэхээ шалгаад мэддэг үгийнхээ ард
(√)тэмдэглэгээ бичиж,мэдэхгүй үгийнхээ монгол утгыг толь бичгээс олж, цээжилнэ үү.
1. Adventure 19.Entertaining 37.Nutritious 55.Sophomore
2. Attend club 20.Essentially 38.Outline 56.Starving
3. Babysit 21.Excited 39.Part 57.Stay away
4. Brainstorming 22.Fatty food 40.Personal 58.Strength
5. Celebrity 23.Feeling 41.Portion 59.Suggest
6. Climb the rock 24.Fictional 42.Poster 60.Surprised
7. Clown 25.Fizzy drink 43.Probably 61.Talk show
8. Comedy 26.Health care 44.Protect 62.Throughout
the world
9. Comfort food 27.Healthy 45.Quantity 63.Topical
10.Conservation 28.Historical 46.Relief 64.Trouble
11.Clarify 29.Improve 47.Relieve 65.Unhealthy
stress food
12.Definition 30.Instructional 48.Satisfying 66.Usual
13.Delicious 31.Issue 49.Secondary 67.Various
14.Different 32.Lifeguard 50.Senior class 68.Weather
15.Documentary 33.Mashed 51.Skill 69.Weekday
16.Educational 34.Mention 52.Sleepy 70.Zodiac sign
17.Effort 35.Nobody 53.Snorkeling
18.Enjoyable 36.Non fictional 54.Solve

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Day and night 8-U-4-1. Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 1
Day and night 8-U-4-1
1 A B C
Read and say these words, then choose Complete the sentences Circle the
correct one to match the pictures. with a word from the different one
following words.
1 falling, star, sunny, darkness What makes stars twinkle TheEarth/orbit
sunrise. Pole Star. twinkle, in the dark sky? Planets /Sun/radius/ Owl
sun, equator, dizzy, don’t because they aren’t
2 falling, star, sunny, darkness The Little Bear is a ……... calendar / days /
sunrise. Pole Star. twinkle, sun, The star at the end of the years / leap
equator, dizzy, tail is the Pole Star. year/Cows

3 falling, star, sunny, darkness We decided to get up early North Pole/

sunrise. Pole Star. twinkle, so that we could see the Equator/
sun, equator, dizzy, pinks and yellows of the Antarctic/Foxes
4 falling, star, sunny, darkness As I was watching Torch/lighthouse
sunrise. Pole Star. twinkle, sun, television, the power went
equator, dizzy, off leaving me in ………
5 falling, star, sunny, darkness The weatherman said :
Sky /clouds /
sunrise. Pole Star. twinkle, ‘tomorrow will be a bright
sun, equator, dizzy, ……. Let’s go to the beach!
6 falling, star, sunny, darkness I have just seen a ……..
sunrise. Pole Star. twinkle, sun, star, I’ll make a wish
equator, dizzy, e
2 Match the same meaning.
A. Sun B. Night
1. sunrise a. it is broad daylight 1. at sunset a. in the moonlight
2. dawn b. the sun is up 2. dusk b. the moon is gleaming
3. daylight c. midday 3. twilight c. a starlit night
4. sunbeam d. noon 4. night d. daylight is falling
5. to shine e. midday 5. darkness e. daylight is falling
6. bright f. noon 6. midnight f. it is getting dark
7. sunny g. a dazzling light 7. to twinkle g. the night falls
8. sunlight h. the glare of noon 8. at sunset h. it is pitch dark
Match the opposite meaning.
1. at sunset a. midday 1. sunrise a. daylight is falling
2. dusk b. noon 2. dawn b. it is getting dark
3. twilight c. a dazzling light 3. daylight c. the night falls
4. night d. the glare of noon 4. sunbeam d. it is pitch dark
5. darkness e. it is broad daylight 5. to shine e. in the moonlight
6. midnight f. the sun is up 6. bright f. the moon is gleaming
7. to twinkle g. midday 7. sunny g. a starlit night
8. at sunset h. noon 8. sunlight h. daylight is falling
3 Put the correct form of regular and irregular verbs.
1. Yesterday I … (go out) till midnight.
2. They … (come) late, so we missed the first part of the lecture.
3. Last week, we … (meet) each other.
4. My best friend … (give) me many gifts for my birthday.
5. We … (make) a lot of mistakes, we need to correct them now.
6. My younger brother … (forget) his toys, so he ran around the playground.

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Бүлэг сэдэв: Day and night 8-U-4-2.
Сурагчийн овог нэр: .....................................
Present simple 8-U-4-2
❖ We make the past simple just like the present simple except we use 'did' instead of 'do /
does'. It's really easy because 'did' doesn't change, even with 'he / she / it'.
❖ the verb 'be', which becomes 'was' or 'were':
❖ Make the positive by adding '-ed' to the infinitive. For example, 'play' becomes 'played'.
However, there are some irregular verbs, for example 'go' becomes 'went' and 'run'
becomes 'ran'.
1 ‘Yes / No’ ‘Wh’ Questions
Positive form: Translate to Mongolian
I walked (regular)- Би алхсан. Did I walk? Where did I go?- Би хаашаа
You played (regular)-Чи............. ...................... явсан бэ?
He cooked (regular). Тэр.......................... ..................... What did you play?....................
She listened (regular) Тэр ..................... .................... What did he cook?.....................
It rained (regular) ............................. .................... Why did she listen?.....................
We ate (irregular)............................... ...................... When did it rain?.........................
They drank (irregular)......................... ...................... Where did we eat?......................
How did they travel?................
2 Make the past simple with ‘be’ – it could be Make the past simple, positive, negative or
positive, negative or question question
1) Where …..(she/go)? 1. I ………(not/drink) any beer last night.
2) What ……(you/do)? 2. She …….(get on) the bus.
3) He ……..(work) in a bank. 3. What time ………(he/get up) yesterday?
4) You ……(not/call) me. 4. Where ………..(you/get off) the train?
5) …………(you/wear) your red dress? 5. I ……….(not/change) trains at Victoria.
6) He …….(not/read) that book. 6. We ………(wake up) very late.
7) …………(you/go)? 7. What ………..(he/give) his mother for
8) ………....(she/study) last night? birthday?
9) …………(we/arrive) last? 8. I ………..(receive) a letter.
10) Who …….(you/meet) ? 9. We………. (not/use) the computer last night.
11) ………….(they/come) to the party? 10. …………(she/make) good coffee?
12) She …….(not/meet) him. 11. They ………..(live) in Hovd
13) ………….(she/go)? 12. She ……….(read) the newspaper yesterday.
14) You ………(meet) a friend. 13. I…………. (not/watch) TV.
15) Which ……..(you/like)? 14. He…………. (not/study) for the exam.
16) I …………(not/forget) your book. 15. ……………(he/call) you?
17) What …...(he/do) at the weekend? 16. ………….(I/forget) something?
18) She ……..(not/like) chocolate. 17. What time ………..(the film/start)?
19) What ……..(you/buy) yesterday? 18. He ………….(have) a shower.
20) …..(you/have) a good holiday? 19. Why ……………(you/come)?
20. ………………(he/go) to the party?
3 Past Simple 'Be'
1) (I / be / at the cinema last night) 11) (you / be / in the garden)
………………………………. ……………………………….
2) (the children / be / naughty)? 12) (what / his name / be)?
………………………………….. …………………………………….
3) (we / be / in a cafe when you called)?. 13) (it / not / be / cold)
……………………………. …………………………………
4) (I / be / late)?................ 14) (she / be / beautiful)?.............................
5) (she / be / a teacher when she was young) 15) (she / not / be my wife at the time)
……………………….. ……………………………………..
6) (where / we / be)?......................... 16) (he / be / hungry)……………………
7) (you / be / okay)?.......................... 17) (why / you / be / late)?............................
8) (we / be / too tired)……………………. 18) (you / not / be / early)……………………….
9) (how / the party / be)?.......................... 19) (they not / be / in love)………………………..
10) (they / be / late for the interview) 20) (we / not / be / in China)………………………

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв:Day and night 8-U-4-3 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 3
Past Continuous 8-U-4-3
❖ Make the past continuous past simple with 'be' (subject + was / were). Then just
add verb-ing.
1 Put ‘Yes / No’ Put ‘Wh’ Questions and translate
Positive form: Translate to
Questions and say to Mongolian.
Mongolian meaning.
I was sleeping- Би унтаж байсан. Was I listening? Why was I working? - Яагаад би
You were working Were you ............? ажилласаар байсан бэ?
He was coming Was she ...............? Where were you living?
She was reading. Was he ..............? How was she travelling?
It was raining Was it ................? Where was he going?
We were shopping Were we .............? Why was it snowing in the
They were watching a film Were they ............? summer?
What were we eating?
Why were they studying?
2 Make the correct form of the past continuous and translate each sentence
1) (he / cook) 11) (why / she / run)?
He was cooking ………………………….
2) (she / play cards)? 12) (you / not / read)
…………………………….. ……………………………….
3) (I / not / cry) 13) (how / we / do at that time)?
………………………… …………………………………..
4) (you / not / feel well) 14) (he / not / watch a film at 3pm)
……………………………….. ………………………………………..
5) (where / I / go when I met you)? 15) (I / do my homework at eight o'clock)
…………………………….. ………………………………………..
6) (she / not / sleeping at midnight) 16) (where / it / rain)?
…………………………………… ………………………………………..
7) (I / work)? 17) (you / shop when I called you)
…………………………….. ………………………………………..
8) (you / sleep when I got home)? 18) (she / eat dinner when we arrived)
…………………………… ………………………………………….
9) (it / rain at lunchtime) 19) (he / live in Tokyo at the time)?
…………………………. …………………………………..
10) (what / you / do)? 20) (it / snow)?
…………………………….. ………………………………….

3 Make the correct form of the past continuous

1) (when / he / work there)? 12) (where / I / stay)?
When was he working there? …………………………………
2) (you / make dinner)? 13) (why / he / study on a Saturday night)?
…………………………….. ……………………………
3) (they / drink coffee when you arrived)? 14) (I / go to school when you saw me)
…………………………………… ………………………………..
4) (when / we / sleep)? 15) (you / sleep at 6am)
…………………………………. ………………………….
5) (they / study last night) 16) (she / work when I called)
………………………………….. ………………………………..
6) (we / talk when the accident happened) 17) (we / not / leave when you called)
………………………………… ……………………………..
7) (he / not / exercise enough) 18) (I / not / stay in a hotel)………………………..
…………………………….. 19) (we / make too much
8) (I / talk too much)?............................ noise)?...........................
9) (it / not / snow)…………………………….. 20) (they / take the exam)?
10) (how / they / feel)? ………………………………

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Day and night 8-U-4-4 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 4
The Earth 8-U-4-4
1. The Earth is in an orbit that is circular around the Sun. The radius of this orbit
is 150 million km (which is the distance to the Sun). It takes a year (365¼ days),
for the Earth to complete one orbit. To fit this into the calendar we have 365 days for three years
and then 366 days for a leap year. The Earth spins rapidly about its N-S axis; each rotation takes
one day. Because of this spin, it looks like the Sun moves across the sky taking 24 hours to go
right round the Earth. In fact, the Sun stays still and it is the spin of the Earth that makes us think
that the Sun moves. The earth revolves at a thousand miles per hour. It is enough to make you
dizzy. Is this true if you stand a) on the North Pole or b) on the Equator?
2. The diagram shows rays from the Sun. You can see that the Sun's heat and light rays strike
the equator, directly and not inclined at an angle. This is why it is so hot in countries near the
equator. At the North and South Poles, the rays from the Sun go across the Earth at a very small
angle. Hardly any heat hits the Earth in these regions and that is
why the Arctic and Antarctic regions are so cold. The Sun rays in March and September travel
from left to right as shown on the diagram.
1 Translate to Mongolian 2.Circle the different word.
sun- нар leap year. 1. circular/orbit/radius/rotation/because
spins dizzy. 2. Earth/ Sun/ North Pole/ dizzy/ Equator
rotation orbit 3. move /round /spin/ calendar /round
diagram rays 4. angle/ diagram/ heat / circular/ orbit.
equator heat 5. cold/ hot/ heat/ dizzy / days
the Earth angle
3 Choose true of False from the text. If false why?
1. The diagram shows rays from the Sun True of False
2. Antarctic regions are so hot. True of False
3. It takes a year 365 days. True of False
4. The earth revolves at a thousand miles per True of False
hour. True of False
5. The Sun's heat and light rays are cold. True of False
6. Hot in countries near the Arctic.
4 Fill in blank the appropriate words.
1. The Earth ………rapidly about its N-S axis word/show/ ray/ spin/
2. The diagram ………..rays from the Sun. take/move
3. Sun's heat and light ………. strike the equator.
4. It ………a year for the Earth to complete one orbit.
5. Sun …….. across the sky taking 24 hours
5 Read the passages again and answer the questions.
1. What is the distance from the earth to the sun?..................................................................
2. How long does it take the earth to go once around the sun?...............................................
3. How many days are there in a year?....................................................................................
4. How many days are there in a leap year?............................................................................
5. Explain why we have an extra day once every four years……………………………………..
6. Can you find out what happens each century, and why the year 2000 is
special? The real year is 365.25636 days………………………………………………
Simple Past Past Progressive
use with the action that interrupts use with the ongoing action
My husband called while I was making dinner.
6 Fill in blank the appropriate tense.
While I …….(text), the school bus………….. (arrive).
He ….(listen) to the radio while he ………(be) preparing breakfast
While we …..(wait), we (be)……… doing crossword puzzles.
My father ……….. drive at 70 km/h when a policeman (….stop) him
What ……. you…..( do)when you heard about 9/11?

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Day and night 8-U-4-5 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 5
8-U- 4-5
A version B version
I Choose the correct form to complete each sentence. /4 points/
1.Our alarm clock ……………..last night. 1. My dad ……………outside at 8 p.m last night.
a.stop b. stopped c. was stopping a. stand b. stood c. was standing
2.Butterflies ……………over the flowers on 2. Helicopters ………over the head on that day.
that day. a. flying b. fly c. were flying
a.flying b. fly c. were flying 3. Last Friday I ……my purse in the street.
3.Last spring we ……our direction in the a. lost b. loose c. loosing
forest. 4. It …………very hot yesterday.
a.lost b. loose c. loosing a. be b. was c. were
4.The day ………….very hot.
a.becoming b. was becoming
c. become
II Write past forms of irregular verbs. /5 points/
1. go …………. 1.have ………….
2. do…………. 2.hear………….
3. sleep…………. 3.see………….
4.take ……………
4. make ……………
5.tell …………..
5. find …………..
III Complete the sentences with these words. /earth, sun, sky/ /3 points/
1.The ………sets in the west. 1. There are heavy…..on rainy days.
2.The ……...has a circular orbit. 2. The……goes round the earth.
3.We have a blue…………all year around. 3. We can see bright ….at night.
IV Change sentences into Yes/No questions. /4 points/
1. He was watching fireworks. 1.Plop went down the tree to explore the dark.
2. Students talked about the project. 2.I was sleeping at 11 pm.
3. Ancient people believed in legends 3.We got up when the baby was crying last night.
about the sun. 4.The story had a happy end.
4. The sun was shining in the sky.
V Unjumble the letters and write the words. /4 points/
1.htroc 1.lanedc
2.tligehuhos 2.alpm
3.rfisfliee 3.erfislief
4.nepigo 4.xesof
VI Write your daily routines in 5 sentences. /5 points/
1.……………………………… 1.…………………………
2.……………………………. 2.……………………….
3.………………………….. 3.………………………..
4.……………………………… 4.………………………..
5.……………………………… 5.………………………….

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв:Day and night 8-U-4-6 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 6
Unit 4 бүлэг сэдвийн хүрээнд үзсэн шинэ үгсийг мэддэг эсэхээ шалгаад мэддэг үгийнхээ ард
(√)тэмдэглэгээ бичиж,мэдэхгүй үгийнхээ монгол утгыг толь бичгээс олж, цээжилнэ үү.

1. Altogether 19. Diversity 37. North Pole 55. Scowl up

2. Angle 20. Dizzy 38. Orbit 56. Siren lights
3. Awake 21. Drop 39. Owl 57. Shiny boot
4. Axis 22. Each 40. Planet 58. Snail
5. Beetles 23. Efficient 41. Playground 59. Species
6. Beneath 24. Equator 42. Pond 60. Spin
7. Bug 25. Fireflies 43. Produce light 61. Stream
8. Bulb- 26. Firework 44. Ray 62. Street
9. Campfire 27. Foxtrot 45. Rapidly 63. Strike
10. Candle 28. Freeze 46. Regardless 64. Sun rise
11. Change 29. Imagine 47. Region 65. Sun’s heat
12. Circular 30. Incline 48. Regular 66. Task
13. Complete 31. Insect 49. Revolve 67. Teardrop
14. Contraption 32. Irregular 50. Rise 68. Telescope
15. Control 33. Lay egg- 51. Rotation 69. Thread-
16. Curiosity 34. Leap year 52. Rotting wood 70. Torch
17. Directly 35. Light ray 53. Runway 71. Tropical-
18. Distance 36. Lighthouse 54. Scout 72. Verandah

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Around town 8-U-5-1 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 1
Housing 8-U-5-1
1 Definitions and Examples Introductory Exercises
Match each word with its definition.
a. avenue ___ 1. a very small house
b. cabin ___ 2. the top of a house
c. closet ___ 3. to build
d. complains ___ 4. a home
e. construct ___ 5. a very small room where you store clothing
f. hall ___ 6. to put right something that is broken
g. ideal ___ 7. to write your name
h. manager ___ 8. perfect; what you like best
i. repair ___ 9. to say that you are not satisfied with something
j. residence ___ 10. an area to walk through inside a home or building
k. roof
l. shelf
m. sign
n. sink
o. stairs
2 Answer each question with a word from the housing words
1. What do people do when they’re not satisfied with 1.
something? 2.
2. What do you call the place where someone lives? 4.
3. Where do you put dirty cups and plates? 5.
4. Where do you put books? 6.
5. What do people often do if something is broken? 7.
6. Where do you put your clothes? 9.
7. What’s another name for a street? 10
8. What do you walk up or down in a house?
9. What do people call something that is perfect?
10. Who is the person who directs an office or a business?

3 Write True or False Circle the different word.

3 ___ 1. Most people live in cabins. 1. street park avenue
___ 2. Your residence is where you live. 2. bathroom bedroom cabin
___ 3. The roof is in the basement of a house. 3. repair break destroys
___ 4. You may find cabins in the mountains or near a beach. 4. preferable perfect ideal
___ 5. Most apartments do not have sinks. 5. reside live work
___ 6. The manager of an apartment building may not be the 6. roof top basement
owner. 7. office residence house
___ 7. Bedrooms usually have closets. 8. sink shelf complaint
___ 8. All houses have stairs. 9. closet manager hall
___ 9. Avenues are found mainly on farms.
___ 10. Old buildings often need a lot of repairs.

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Around town 8-U-5-2 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 2

Type of house 8-U-5-2

1 Use the word above to complete the B. Match numbers Translate into
following. mongolia
1. A Continuous row of house are called….. a. detached house
2. A single floor house is a ………… b. bungalow,
3. A house that is joined by one wall is….. c. terrace house
4. The rich and famous own one of these…. d. cottage
5. A house that is in countryside is called….. e. caravan / static
6. A house that stands on its own is called… f. mansion
7. The Queen lives in a ……… g. block of flat
8. The large buildings were many people h. semi detached
live… i. palace
9. A mobile home is called a ……
Answer these questions. Matching left column
Have you ever stayed in a caravan? 1. Windows are made of a. wood and glass
I have never stayed in a caravan. 2. A football is made of b. wood
Have you ever stayed in a beach house? 3. Block of flat are made c. paper.
of d. glass or plastic.
Have you ever stayed in a tent? 4. Books are made of
5. Robots are made of e. concrete.
Have you ever stayed in a bungalow? 6. Tables and chairs are f. metal.
made of g. oranges.
Have you ever stayed in a cottage? 7. A pullover is made of h. leather.
8. Jeans are made of i. rubber.
Have you ever stayed in a boat house? 9. Bottles are made of
j. wool.
10. Tyres are made of
11. Juice is made of k. cotton.
2 1. Describe your building.
Question type Answer Add some features you know
1. Do you live flat or I live in….. apartment, ger house, farm house, log house,
house? beach house, tent,
2. What type of building is It is…… a big, wooden house bungalow, tree house,
it? underground house,
penthouse, house boat, castle etc…..
3. How big, how many It has …..rooms. Big, 4 rooms, 2 floors………………..
floors, how many
4.Where it is? Is it in city…… a. desert area: dry without many green plants
Is your building in a city, a b. forest area: green with a lot of trees
town, or the country? e. beach town: near the ocean
near the mountains
5.What is it made of? It is made of…. materials ( concrete,wood, glass, metal,
stone etc.)

6.Any special features? (swimming pool, garden, great view etc.)

7. What color is it? It is……. Yellow, white…………………….
Write ten sentences about your building.
My building is in ……………………….

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Around town 8-U-5-3 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 3
1 Read the text.
We believe, our future will be very different from today. People will do less
housework and they will have a lot of free time. Most people will have electronic
machines to do their jobs. All houses and apartments will have central heating
and air conditioning. Streets in the city will have electric cars and air will be
2 Change the future simple into question forms in the sentences
1. Our future will be very different from today. 1.Will our future be very different from today?
2. People will do less housework. 2.
3. they will have a lot of free time. 3.
4. Most people will have electronic 4.
machines. 5.
5. All houses and apartments will have
central heating.
3 Complete the sentences from the left column.
1. We believe, our future……. a. will have central heating and air
2. People will do less housework and…… conditioning.
3. All houses and apartments…….. b. and air will be fresh.
4. Streets in the city will have electric will be very different from today.
cars…………….. c. they will have a lot of free time
People will still go to work and children will still go to school. But people’s jobs
will be a lot easier. There will be robots that will help factory workers, people in
the offices and shop assistants. Robots will work at nights. They will copy, print
and make products. They will also clean offices and buildings.
4 Change the future simple into past simple forms in the sentences.
1. People will go to work 1.People went to work.
2. People’s jobs will be a lot easier
3. The robots will help factory workers
4. They will also clean offices and buildings.
5. Children will go to school.

There will be little difference between the city and the countryside. More cars
will be in the countryside and more machines will be on the farms. For example,
people won’t milk the cows but machines will. There will be machines that will
feed the animals on the farms. Herders will live in farm houses, and all aimags
and soums will have electricity and internet access. There will be lots of nice tall
buildings in the countryside, and the roads will be wider and easier to drive.
5 Change the future simple into past simple negative form in the sentences
1. More cars will be in the countryside 1. More cars won’t be in the countryside.
2. Herders will live in farm houses 2. …………………………………………..
3. There will be lots of nice tall buildings in 3. ………………………………………….
the countryside 4. ………………………………………….
4. There will be little difference between
the city and the countryside.
6 Answer these questions
1. Why will people have more free time? 1.
2. What will all house and apartments 2.
have? 3.
3. What kind of cars will be in streets? 4.
4. Why will people’s work be easier? 5.
5. What will the countryside look like? 6. 6.
How will herders and farmers’ life change?

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Around town 8-U-5-4 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 4
8-U- 5-5
B version A version
I Look at the pictures and match them to their names /4 points/

1.tent 1.apartment
2.beach house 2.bungalow house 3.tipi
4.log house 4.houseboat
II Write past participle (III) forms of irregular verbs. /5 points/
1. have 1. go ………….
2. hear…………. 2. do………….
3. see…………. 3.sleep………….
4.make ……………
4. take ………..
5.find …………..
5. tell ………….
III Complete the sentences with the correct form of verbs/4 points/
1. Zaya ………(be) in a houseboat twice. 1.I ………… (never stay) in a houseboat.
2. Bold and Bolor……(live) farm house for 2.Bold …… (already visit) tipi twice.
15 years. 3.………. you … (ever live) in beach house?
3. ……she ……(ever stayed) in tipi? 4.Sarah and I ………...(see) Hogan for the first
4. Sarah and I …… (never see) Hogan time.
IV Add two words for each column. /3 points/
Places ……………………………………… Air transport ……. ………
Types of transport …………………………. Sea transport …….. ……….
Types of housing…………………………. Land transport …….. ………
V Choose the correct answer /5 points/
1. I … a horse once in my life. 1. Recently the underground transport … more
a. ride b. rode c. ridden efficient.
d. have ridden a. become b. became
2. Last summer I saw people who … in a c. has become d. becoming
beach house by the sea. 7. Street traffic … much better in the future.
a. stay b. stayed a. be b. was c. has been d. will be
c. have stayed d. staying 8. Last time we … a lot of public signs around
3. Farmers usually … in a farm house. the city.
a. live b. lived c. have lived d. living
a.see b. saw c. seen d. have seen
4. Once I … riding a camel in the Gobi. 9. Airports always … to me a busy place.
a. try b. tried c. have tried d. trying
a. seem b. seemed
5. City transport … since the 90s. c. have seemed d. has seemed
a. never change b. never changed 10. Some of the foreign tourists … in a
c. never changing d. has never changed
Mongolian ger before.
a. never be b. never were
c. never been d. have never been
VI Change the present simple into future forms in the sentences. /4 points/ (will ….)
1.Robots become more intelligent. 1.Robots clean the house.
………… ………………
2.People don’t use petrol car. 2.People don’t have to work hard.
..………… …………….
3.Air is fresh and less polluted. 3.Roads are wide and free.
…… ………………
4.Cities aren’t populated anymore. 4.Air isn’t polluted anymore.

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Around town 8-U-5-5 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 5
Unit 5 бүлэг сэдвийн хүрээнд үзсэн шинэ үгсийг мэддэг эсэхээ шалгаад мэддэг үгийнхээ ард
(√)тэмдэглэгээ бичиж,мэдэхгүй үгийнхээ монгол утгыг толь бичгээс олж, цээжилнэ үү.

1. Air 19. Exchange 37. Observe 55. Survey

2. Airport 20. Factory 38. On a plane 56. Template
3. Air transport 21. Ferry 39. On a road 57. Tent
4. 22. Flight 40. Participle 58. Ticket
Announcement form office
5. Apartment 23. Foreign 41. Paragraph 59. Tipi
6. Assistant 24. Get on the 42. Passengers 60. Tire
7. Beach house 25. Helicopter 43. Pen pal 61. Tourist
8. Building 26. Herder 44. Pick up 62. Traffic
9. Bungalow 27. Houseboat 45. Possible 63. Transport
10. Canoe 28. Imaginary 46. Predict the 64. Tube
future station
11. Caravan 29. In a zoo 47. Prediction 65. Turn left
12. Caution 30. Internet 48. Public sign 66. Turn right
13. Central 31. Journey 49. Public 67. Twin tower
heating- transport
14. Departure 32. Land 50. Safety 68.
gate transport Underground
15. Distance, 33. Life vest 51. Sea 69. Vehicle
short distance- transport
16. Different 34. Log house 52. Shelter- 70. Wider
Station, At a
17. Drop off 35. Lorry- 53. Single file
18. Electronic 36. Modern 54. Summary
machine convenience

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдвүүдийн дасгал ажлын хуудастай ажиллах
өөрийн үнэлгээний нэгдсэн зураглал
Бүлэг сэдэв Ажлын хуудас Өөрийн үнэлгээ
Unit Worksheet Багшаас дэмжлэг Бие даан судлах, Хангалттай
авах дахин гүйцэтгэх хийсэн
Unit 1 Worksheet 1
Worksheet 2
Family and
friends Worksheet 3
Worksheet 4
Worksheet 5
Worksheet 6
Unit 2 Worksheet 1
Worksheet 2
Worksheet 3
Worksheet 4
Worksheet 5
Worksheet 6
Unit 3 Worksheet 1
Worksheet 2
All in a week
Worksheet 3
Worksheet 4
Worksheet 5
Worksheet 6
Worksheet 1
Worksheet 2
Unit 4
Worksheet 3
Day and night Worksheet 4
Worksheet 5
Worksheet 6
Unit 5 Worksheet 1
Worksheet 2
Around town
Worksheet 3
Worksheet 4
Worksheet 5

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