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ERC 10 Justice Unit Mr.

Debating Justice

After having looked at the justice system, our unit on justice will shift to a different kind of justice: the concept of a fair and
just society. This concept can be broken down into three categories: questions on life and death, social questions, and
humanitarian questions. You will be exploring these questions in a debate format research assignment and presentation.

The class will be divided into three (3) groups of six (6). Each group will then split in two creating the debate teams.
1. Groups will be responsible for their own research, organization, and preparation. Each team will need to come up with
at least three (3) arguments – these arguments need to be well researched and referenced.
2. Proper debate decorum must be maintained and respected throughout. Any form of disrespect will not be tolerated and
will negatively impact your potential grade.
3. A debate outline will need to be submitted before the start of debates. This outline will need to include
a. A brief introduction of the topic/debate question,
b. The three arguments your team will be using,
c. Three potential counter arguments you could use to rebut the other team’s arguments,
d. A brief conclusion recapping your stance and your arguments,
e. A list of works cited with a brief paragraph for each source stating why your team chose and used this source,
and what argument(s) you used it for. The works cited must follow the MLA citation style.
Questions of Justice Debate Topics
1. Questions on life and death: euthanasia
a. Should people have the right to end their lives regardless of their reason, age, sickness, or any other potential
factor? Should the government be allowed to dictate whether or not a person can opt for euthanasia?
2. Social questions: distribution of wealth
a. Is it a government’s responsibility to govern/dictate how wealth is distributed? Should governments regulate
how much income is brought in by the top 1% of society?
3. Humanitarian questions: governmental international aid
a. Are countries responsible to provide international aid? Essentially, should the top economies of the world be
expected to provide international aid to those who need it?
Debate Format
1. Topic Introduction (1-2 mins): The moderator will open the debate by introducing the topic and the question being
debated. This introduction will be compiled by the moderator using each team’s introduction.
2. First Three Arguments (4-6 mins): A pre-determined random order will decide which team goes first. The team will
have to provide facts and well sourced evidence when presenting their arguments. Teams will have a maximum of six
(6) minutes.
3. Counter Arguments (4-6 mins): Same rules and regulations as the first team.
4. First Rebuttal (max. 4 mins): Following their counter arguments, the team will have a maximum of four (4) minutes to
rebut the initial three (3) arguments.
5. Second Rebuttal (max. 4 mins): The team that presented their arguments first will have four (4) minutes to rebut the
three (3) counter arguments.
6. Topic Conclusion (1-2 mins): The moderator will close the debate using the brief conclusions compiled by each team.
7. Question Period (2-3 mins): Once the debate has concluded, the class will have the opportunity to pose questions to
the separate teams.
More Information

 Debates begin on November 29. Outline must be submitted November 26.

 Groups must have different debate topics/questions. You are encouraged to choose one from the list provided. If your
group wishes to choose a topic not listed, you must discuss with me so I can approve the change.
 A link to the OWL Purdue MLA citation guide is available in Blackbaud.

Part 1: Debate Material (group mark)

1 2 3 4
At least three arguments are clear and concise,
and relevant to the topic.
1 2 3 4
The material is well researched, based in fact and
1 2 3 4
Appropriate sources are used and referenced.

1 2 3 4
An outline respecting all of the requirements is
1 2 3 4
Class time is spent researching and preparing. The
group remains on topic.

Part 2: Debate Presentation (individual mark)

1 2 3 4
Eye contact and focus is maintained throughout
the debate.
1 2 3 4
Appropriate tone of voice and language used.

1 2 3 4
Respectful of others when speaking.

1 2 3 4
Respectful when others are speaking.

1 2 3 4
Information is delivered and presented in a clear
and accurate manner.

Part 3: Audience Participation (individual mark)

1 2 3 4
When sitting in the audience, focus is maintained.

1 2 3 4
Not distracted or distracting others.

1-Below expectations 2- Approaching expectations

Total Score /48
3- Meets expectations 4- Exceeds expectations

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