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WEEK 1 MATERIAL idea to present, an objective or purpose for

READING AND WRITING presenting the idea, and readers or

audience. They use a variety of techniques
UNIT 1 such as problem-solution, comparison and
INTRODUCTION TO READING, WRITING, AND contrast, and argumentation to achieve
2. Poetry – this consists of language that uses
aesthetic and rhythmic qualities. It has a
strong musical quality in which the words
Genre Forms: Text Features and Structures
are highly charged with meaning. It also
uses structural elements such as line,
The term genre has been ordinarily regarded as a ;
length, and stanzas.
literary or artistic category.
A. Lyric Poetry consists of highly musical verses
The main literary genres are prose, poetry, and
that express the observations and feelings
of a single speaker.
1. Prose – a writing that is similar to everyday
B. Narrative Poetry are poems that tell a story.
speech and language. Its form is based on
C. Ballads are songlike poems that tell a story,
sentences and paragraphs. It is usually
often dealing with adventure and romance.
composed of continuous lines of text.
D. Epics are long, narrative poems, written in a
The main categories of prose are fiction or
dignified style, that celebrate the
nonfiction. These terms are used to denote how
adventures and achievements of one or
they are related to the world. In simple terms,
more heroic figures of legend, history, or
fiction involves characters not truly existing in the
world while nonfiction can be characterized as real,
E. Free verse is poetry not written in a regular
to some degree.
rhythmical pattern or meter. This means
that the beauty of delivery is up to the one
A. Fiction is a prose narrative in which
reciting the poem.
situations and characters are invented by
F. Sonnets are a form of rhyming lyric poetry
the writer. In prose texts such as novels,
with fourteen lines that follow an iambic
novellas, short stories, and folktales, the
pentameter rhyme scheme; each line has
characteristics and events are imagined by
ten syllables; and every other syllable is
the author. Fiction allows the reader to
explore new worlds, share the joys and
G. Haiku is a special type of poetry from Japan,
sorrows of the characters, and learn from
consists of seventeen syllables arranged in
the invented experiences of others. A
three lines, five syllables in the first line,
relatively new form of fiction is magical
seven in the second, and five in the third.
realism in which magical things and
H. Limerick is a nonsensical poem with a very
situations are combined with realistic
specific structure. It is composed of words
with stress on the second syllable. Many
B. Nonfiction, on the other hand, such as
limericks were written by the
biographies, autobiographies, and essays,
British poet, Edward Lear. It is such a special
deals with real people, places, things, and
kind of poem in terms of structure and
events. Writers of nonfiction keep in mind
the following as they write: a topic or an
3. Drama – is a story told in dialogue by 1. Consumer Documents
performers before an audience. It includes These are printed materials that accompany
stage plays, television plays, radio plays, and products and services. They usually provide
even movies. In drama, actors make a world information about the use, care,operation, or
come alive before an audience. Like fiction, assembly of the product or service they
the elements of drama include character, accompany. Applications, contracts, warranties,
conflict, setting, theme, and plot. manuals, instructions, labels, brochures, and
A. A comedy is a type of drama that is schedules are some forms of consumer documents.
humorous and has a happy ending. 2. Public Documents
B. A farce is a funny play for the theater based These are documents written for the public to
on ridiculous and unlikely situations and provide information that is of public interest or
events. concern. Government documents, speeches, signs,
C. A tragedy is a drama form in which the main and rules and regulations are some forms of public
character, often a person of dignified or documents.
heroic structure, suffers a downfall. The 3. Workplace Documents
downfall may result from outside forces or These are materials that are produced or used
from a tragic flaw – a weakness within a within a workplace. Their purpose is to aid in the
character. functioning of a business.
D. A melodrama is a drama form that is full of 4. Textbooks
exciting events and in which the characters These are materials used in school. Their purpose is
and emotions seem to be too exaggerated to educate people.
to be real. 5. Newspaper Articles
E. A historical drama is a play that takes place These materials provide readers with timely news,
in the past and is based on real events. In opinions, and advertisements.
many of these plays, the characters are also
based on real historical figures. The TEXT FEATURES AND TEXT STRUCTURES
dialogue and the action, however, are Text features are design elements of a text that
mostly created by the playwright. An indicate its organizational structure or make its key
example is Julius Caesar by William ideas and information understandable.
Shakespeare. It is a drama about the life of
Julius Caesar, particularly focusing on his Types of Text Features
assassination by members of the Roman 1. Headings and subheadings in boldface or
senate. italic type
This feature helps the readers see the
GENRE AND GENRE FORMS organization of the text.
Texts have also been classified simply into literary 2. Bulleted and numbered lists
texts and informational texts. Literary texts include This feature shows items of equal or
short stories, novels, poems, and dramas. decreasing importance.
Biographies, autobiographies, and essays can also 3. Caption
be considered literary texts. Informational texts, on This accompanies a graphic aid, gives
the other hand, provide factual information. information that is not necessarily obvious
Consumer, public, and workplace documents are from the image itself.
cond=sidered informational texts.
Patterns of Development 4. Sequence
Patterns of development or patterns of This can be in terms of chronological order, the
organization are specific ways writers organize their order in which events take place in time; spatial
writing for a specific purpose. These are also called order, the order of objects in space; and order of
text structures. importance, that is, going from the most important
to the least important or the other way around.
1. Cause-effect organization
This organization shows causal relationships 5. Main idea and details
between events, ideas, and trends. Cause-effect This is a pattern of organization in which a central
relationships may be directly stated or merely idea about a topic is supported by details. These
implied by the order I supporting details may be in form of examples,
which the information is presented. Writers often facts, statistics, or quotes. This pattern can also be
use the cause-effect pattern in historical and called illustration.
scientific writing. Cause-effect relationships may
have several
A. one cause with one effect
B. one cause with multiple effects
C. multiple causes with a single effect
D. a chain of causes and effects

2. Compare-and-contrast organization
This organization provides a way to look at
similarities and differences in two or more subjects.
A writer may use this pattern of organization to
compare the
important points or characteristics of two or more
subjects. These points or characteristics are called
points of comparison. The compare-and-contrast
pattern may be developed in either two ways:
A. point-by-point organization; and
B. subject-by-subject organization

3. Problem-solution order
This organization is a pattern in which a problem is
stated and analyzed and then one or more
solutions are proposed and examined. This is often
used in persuasive writing such as editorials and

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