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Multiple choice questions

1._____ Is the set of forces that energize, direct, and sustain behavior.
2.Which of the following statements regarding internal forces of motivation is true?
A.They are more important to understand than external forces of motivation.
B.They are less important to understand than external forces of motivation.
C.They are as important as external forces of motivation.
D.They are seldom recognized by managers.
3.Which of the following is NOT a “pull” force of motivation?
A.Availability of training
B.Performance-level goals
C.Rewards and compensation
D.Pressure for high levels of output
4.Which of the following is NOT an internal motivational force?
5.Characteristics of a job are considered _____ forces, which focus on _____.
A.External or push; what happens in the work setting
B.External or pull; what a person does in the work setting
C.Internal or push; what a person brings to his or her work
D.Internal or pull; what happens outside of the work setting
6.Which of the following is NOT a “push” force of motivation?
A.Security needs
B.Career advancement goals
C.Attitudes about the supervisor
D.The amount and timing of feedback
7.According to your textbook, all of the following EXCEPT _____ can be used to form
A useful framework for analyzing the sources of motivation in the workplace.
A.The characteristics of the job
B.The characteristics of the individual
C.The characteristics of the work situation
D.The characteristics of the business environment
8._____ Focus on the needs a person is trying to satisfy and the features of the work
Environment that seem to satisfy those needs.
A.Process theories
B.Content theories
C.Situational theories
D.Motivational theories
9.To begin motivating an apathetic associate, a manager informally questions her about
Her satisfaction with her job’s ability to provide safety, social interaction, self-respect,
And opportunities for growth. What theory of motivation is this manager most likely
Trying to apply in working with the associate?
A.Maslow’s need hierarchy
B.Vroom’s expectancy theory
C.Herzberg’s two-factor theory
D.Mcclelland’s acquired needs theory
10.Which of the following is NOT a content theory?
A.Maslow’s need hierarchy
B.Vroom’s expectancy theory
C.Herzberg’s two-factor theory
D.Mcclelland’s acquired needs theory
11.A plant manager in a small factory wishes to raise morale in his workforce. The
Manager notes that the working conditions at the plant are safe, clean, and pleasant,
And that recent expansion of the workforce has assured the employees that their jobs
Are secure. Which of the following actions should the manager take to ensure that the
“Belongingness” needs in Maslow’s hierarchy are satisfied?
A.Pay bonuses to workers who achieve specified goals
B.Publicly praise those workers who have been most productive
C.Set up after-work clubs, such as a softball team, to allow more social interaction
D.Foster the development of skills in workers who show talent in a particular area
12.Maslow’s hierarchy of needs includes all of the following categories EXCEPT _____.
D.Self actualization
13.Mcclelland’s acquired needs theory asserts that managers who work with high need
Achievers typically should NOT _____.
A.Expect them to take extreme risks
B.Assign moderately difficult tasks to them
C.Provide specific feedback on their performance
D.Assume they will take personal responsibility for their actions
14.According to Frederick Herzberg, _____ are elements associated with conditions
Surrounding the job.
A.Hygiene factors
B.Motivating factors
C.Economic factors
D.Environmental factors
15.A manager wishes to improve the job performance of a group of clerical workers.
Based on Herzberg’s theory, _____ would be an appropriate motivator.
A.Providing them with a better health care plan
B.Setting up a break room where coworkers could socialize
C.Offering them opportunities for achievement and recognition
D.Redecorating their offices so that they are pleasant and comfortable
16._____ Focuses on core job attributes, critical psychological states, and expected
A.The equity model
B.The expectancy model
C.The two-factor model
D.The job characteristics model
17.A manager is designing a new position for a head of training. Considering the job
Characteristics model, which of the following changes would be least likely to result
In a rich and rewarding job?
A.Making the job cover a variety of tasks, from one-on-one training, to supervision
And hiring of staff, to creating training materials
B.Making whoever holds the position responsible for consolidating and expanding
Training activities
C.Tying the success of the training program to the company’s overall strategy of
Upgrading its workforce
D.Building a state-of-the-art training center and new offices for the training staff
18._____ Involves increasing the complexity of a job to provide a greater sense of
Responsibility, accomplishment, and achievement.
A.Goal setting
B.Job enrichment
C.Job enhancement
D.Positive reinforcement
19.While they agree that satisfaction is a factor in motivation, scholars note that there is
Little evidence that increasing employee satisfaction actually increases motivation.
This has led them to criticize the _____ as being overly simplistic.
A.Equity theory
B.Expectancy theory
C.Two-factor theory
D.Hierarchy of needs theory
20._____ Asserts that individuals are likely to compare the ratios of inputs to outcomes
They receive against the ratios of other people, such as colleagues or acquaintances.
A.Acquired needs theory
B.Equity theory
C.Expectancy theory
D.Two-factor theory
21.According to the job characteristics model, _____ is the degree to which a job has a
Substantial impact on the lives of other people.
B.Task identify
C.Task significance
D.Feedback from the job
22.Hackman and Oldham proposed that _____ is the degree to which a job requires the
Completion of a “whole” and identifiable piece of work.
B.Skill variety
C.Task identity
D.Task significance
23.Whereas _____ focus on which variables affect motivation, _____ focus on how the
Variables affect motivation.
A.Content theories; process theories
B.Process theories; content theories
C.Equity theories; expectancy theories
D.Goal-setting theories; reinforcement theories
24.All of the following EXCEPT _____ are process theories of work motivation.
A.Goal-setting theory
B.Expectancy theory
C.Social cognitive theory
D.Acquired needs theory
25.Within the context of the job characteristics model, _____ is involved when a
Machine designer knows that her schematics are correct, as very few are rejected by
The machine shop.
A.Skill variety
B.Task identify
C.Task significance
D.Feedback from the job
26.A low-level manager in a certain company finds out that a colleague who performs
Similar work is getting paid considerably more than he is. According to equity theory,
Which of the following is the LEAST likely way this worker might think in order to
Reduce his feelings of inequity?
A.“Obviously I’m really not very good at what I do.”
B.“I suppose her job must be a lot more demanding than mine.”
C.“I’m not going to push myself anymore, since it does not get me anywhere.”
D.“Oh well, at least I’m doing better than anyone else in my family ever did.”
27.The basic components of _____ are effort, performance, and outcomes.
A.Equity theory
B.Goal-setting theory
C.Expectancy theory
D.Social cognitive theory
28.Expectancy theory asserts that “instrumentality” or _____ is the probability that a
Particular level of performance will lead to particular outcomes or consequences.
29.A software engineer believes that if she can complete her current project on time she
Will get the promotion to team leader that she strongly desires. However, she doubts
That she can complete the project on time. Within the context of expectancy theory,
What level of motivation would the engineer have and why?
A.Very high, since the level of expectancy and the level of valence are both high
B.Moderately high, as high levels of valence and instrumentality offset low
Expectancy levels
C.Moderate, since high levels of expectancy and high levels of valence will be
Balanced by the low level of instrumentality
D.Low, since the expectancy, instrumentality, and valence of the outcome must all be
High for motivation
30.According to expectancy theory, valence, outcome, and performance interact in a
Multiplicative way to determine _____.
A.The cost of a particular course of action
B.The projected results of a particular task
C.The anticipated value of a particular outcome
D.The amount of effort a person will expend on a particular task
31.Self-efficacy is an individual’s confidence about his or her abilities to mobilize the
_____ Needed to execute a given task successfully within a specific context.
B.Cognitive resources
C.Courses of action
D.All of the above
32.From an expectancy theory perspective, a manager who wanted to boost motivation
Levels would be least likely to _____.
A.Identify rewards that are valued
B.Limit praise to encourage hard work
C.Dispense rewards directly following particular levels of performance
D.Strengthen employees’ beliefs that their efforts will lead to valued rewards
33.Social cognitive theory proposes that all of the following EXCEPT _____ would
Increase an individual’s self-efficacy.
A.Being motivated to reduce feelings of inequity
B.Attributing success on similar tasks to his or her own capabilities
C.The opportunity to observe and model others’ successful behavior
D.Statements from others that convince the person that he or she can be successful
34.Albert Bandura’s social cognitive theory defines _____ as gaining knowledge by
Observing how others perform a task and then modeling one’s own behavior in a
Similar manner.
A.Interactive mastery
B.Vicarious learning
C.Ocular discernment
D.Physiological observation
35.A call center manager hopes to improve the performance of her staff by decreasing
The average time spent on a call. First, she sets up a performance board where the
Average length of a call for the previous week is posted and compared to the average
Call length for the previous four weeks. Then, she encourages the staff to reduce the
Average. According to goal-setting theory, how could she improve this scheme?
A.She should make the goal easier.
B.She should make the goal more specific.
C.She should make the goal less specific.
D.She should make the goal more elaborate.
36.Goal-setting research suggests that people will exert higher levels of effort when
Goals are _____.
A.Easy and general
B.Challenging and specific
C.Very difficult to attain and specific
D.Moderately easy to attain and general
37.A study jointly conducted on American and Israeli students showed that a lack of
Participation had a much more serious negative effect on the Israeli students than on
The American students. The results of this study suggest that _____.
A.Goals will not have a positive effect on performance, unless they are properly set
B.Goals have little positive effect on performance, even if they are properly set
C.Participation in goal setting will be more effective in countries and cultures where
Collective decision making is the norm
D.Participation in goal setting will be more effective in countries and cultures where
Individualism is the norm
38.A production supervisor receives a bonus for each day a project is completed ahead of
Schedule. This is an example of _____.
B.Negative reinforcement
C.Positive reinforcement
D.Equitable incentivization
39.Shortly after Christmas, a catalog company is besieged by complaints of poor service,
So a task force designs an incentive plan to motivate associates to fill orders more
Quickly and more accurately. To be an effective positive reinforcement strategy, the
Proposed incentive plan should NOT be _____.
40.A sales representative is told that if he exceeds his sales for the last quarter by 20
Percent then some of his more difficult clients will be transferred to another sales
Representative. This is an example of _____.
C.Negative reinforcement
D.Positive reinforcement
41.When a manager uses _____ to lessen the likelihood of a behavior being repeated, he
Or she avoids providing any positive consequences as a result of that behavior.
C.Enactive mastery
D.Negative reinforcement
42.Manager A takes the time to know her subordinates well enough so that she can adapt
Her motivational strategies to each; consequently, the work groups she supervises
Consistently perform very well. When Manager B resigns unexpectedly, a senior
Manager congratulates Manager A on her excellent managing skills and reassigns her
To Manager B’s work groups. Although the reassignment is meant to demonstrate
Respect for Manager A’s abilities, it will likely function as a/an_____ and _____ the
Probability of her high performance.
A.Extinction; increase
B.Unintended punishment; decrease
C.Negative reinforcement; decrease
D.Positive reinforcement; increase
43.A shift manager at a fast-food restaurant is using _____ when she fines a habitually
Tardy crewmember the equivalent of one hour’s pay each day he is late for work.
C.Negative reinforcement
D.Employment psychology
44._____ Increase the probability that people will repeat a behavior; _____ decrease the
Probability that people will repeat a behavior.
A.Extinction and punishments; positive reinforcements and negative reinforcements
B.Extinction and positive reinforcements; punishments and negative reinforcements
C.Positive reinforcements and punishments; negative reinforcements and extinction
D.Positive reinforcements and negative reinforcements; extinction and punishments
45.Which of the following is NOT a step in a program that systematically applies the
Principles of reinforcement theory to motivate employees?
A.Measure desired behaviors
B.Describe desired performance in broad, general terms
C.Evaluate the effectiveness of the program
D.Provide frequent positive consequences for specified desired behaviors
46.The direction of a group’s influence on the motivation of an individual in that group
Will likely depend on _____ of the group.
A.The norms
B.The cohesion
C.The mission
D.The valence
47.Which of the following is NOT a part of the immediate social environment that can
Influence employee motivation?
B.Safety issues
D.Workgroup peers
48.From a manager’s perspective, in-group influence_____ when the in-group’s norms
Oppose organizational norms.
A.Decreases motivation
B.Increases motivation
C.Neutralizes motivation
D.Eliminates motivation
49.From an expectancy theory framework of motivation, a reward system designed to
Promote competition and risk taking would be successful with _____workers.
50.Scholarly research has defined _____ as the degree of general importance that
Working has in the life of an individual at a point in time.
C.Work centrality
D.Positive reinforcement
51) The job satisfaction of an employee is depend on the
A) behaviour b) attitude
C) personality d) employer
52) Success of each organization is depending upon the performance of
A) employer b) management
C) vendor d) employee
53) A satisfied employee will be a
A) motivator to others b) manager c) High performer d) Team Leader
54) _______________ is not a capability of an employee having Positive attitude
A) Focus b) creativity c) Pessimism d) Confidence
55) Which one is not a benefit to employee which results through positive attitude of an employee
A) Promotion b) Less stress c) Job security d) enjoying life
56) Belief, opinion, knowledge, emotions feelings intention are the components of
A) OB b) Job satisfaction c) Attitude d) Personality
57) Components of Attitude can majorly be segregated in to _________ types
A) 7 b) 4 c) 3 d) 6
58) The attitude based on Beliefs, opinion, Knowledge, or information about the particular event
Which the employee possesses is under ____________ component of Attitude.
A) Behavioral b) Cognitive c) Affective d) Positive
59) The attitude based on the concept that “every individual will have an Intention to react in a
Certain way toward something is “ under ____________ component of Attitude.
A) Behavioral b) Cognitive c) Affective d) Positive
60) The attitude based on Feelings, sentiments and emotions of any person is under
____________ Component of Attitude.
A) Behavioral b) Cognitive c) Affective d) Positive
61) __________________ is the only component of attitude which is visible and can be observed Directly.
A) Behavioral b) Cognitive c) Affective d) Positive
62) The statement “My friends are good” is an example of _____________ component of
A) Behavioral b) Cognitive c) Affective d) Positive
63) The statement “I don’t feel comfortable in crowd” is an example of _____________
Component of attitude.
A) Behavioral b) Cognitive c) Affective d) Positive
64) The statement “I am going to apologies for my mistake” is an example of _____________Component of attitude.
A) Behavioral b) Cognitive c) Affective d) Positive
65) ____________ component of attitude is a result of family condition, childhood experiencesEtc…
A) Behavioral b) Cognitive c) Affective d) Positive
66) Which is not a method used for changing the attitude of Employee
A) use of fear b) Providing new information
C) Performance appraisal d) Giving Feedback
67) Among the following which is not a problem in changing the attitude of the employee
A) Insufficient Information b) Resistant by employee
C) Cognitive Dissonance d) Cognitive Dissonance
68) Motivation includes
A) job enrichment b) Job rotation c) Job enlargement d) all of the above
69. Gibson’s direct theory of perception is important because it shows perception to be
70. Before light is absorbed by cells in the retina, it travels through a number of structures at the front of the eye. What is
the correct order of these structures?
A.Cornea; pupil; lens
B.Pupil; cornea; lens
C.Cornea; lens; pupil
D.Pupil; lens; cornea
71. What transmits electrical information from the ear to the brain?
A.Outer hair cells
B.Auditory nerve fibres
C.Ganglion cells
D.Rods and cones
72. How many chambers are there in the human cochlea?
73. Perception is …
A. .… An accurate representation of the world
B… an appropriate representation of the world
C… an adequate representation of the world
D… a native representation of the world
74. A driver fails to notice a pedestrian who has just stepped out into the road. This is an example of
A.Change blindness
B.Attentional blindness
C.Space-based attention
D.Inattentional blindness
75. In the cochlea, the basal membrane is tonotopic, i.E. Sounds are
A.Organized spatially according to frequency
B.Organized in terms of how frequently they fire
C.Organized spatially according to the size of connecting nerve fibres
D.Organized according to left or right ear input
76. Which one of the following is NOT a pair of Gestalt psychology principles?
A.Continuity and closure principles
B.Similarity and emergence principles
C.Symmetry and order principles
D.Proximate and eminence principles
77. The organ of Corti is responsible for
A.Limiting sound amplitude so as not to damage the inner ear organs
B.Reducing the amount of environmental noise
C.Amplifying attended sounds
D.Converting basilar membrane movement to brain activity
78. Which area of the temporal lobes is thought to be specialized for processing face-like stimuli?
A.The fusiform gyrus area (FGA)
B.The focal face area (FFA)
C.The fusiform facial area (FFA)
D.The face formation arena (FFA)
79. Which one of the following statements is NOT an account of constructivist perception?
A.Perception is not just sensation, it is an active process
B.Perception is a direct by-product of sensations and hypotheses about the world and how it works
C.Perception is derived from visual information in the optic array
D.Perception is influenced by individual differences
80. The auditory ventral stream terminates in
A.Shatner’s bassoon
B.Orbitofrontal cortex
C.Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
D.Cingulate gyrus
81. Rod photoreceptors are principally involved in processing
C.Visual acuity
82. Cells leaving the eye travel along two major visual routes (and some minor ones). One of these is the lateral genicular
pathway. What is the other major pathway?
A.The ocular geniculate pathway
B.The tuberoinfundibular pathway
C.The mesocortical pathway
D.The retinotectal pathway
83. In the direct theory of perception, information in the visual field that remains constant is the
A.Optic array
B.Optic flow
84. Two processes that when independently disrupted leave the other one intact are known as
A.Double jeopardy
B.Double entendre
C.Double dissociation
D.Double association
85. What is the name for the phenomenon of experiencing one kind of impression when stimulated by a different sensory
organ stimulus (e.G. Tasting shapes, smelling colour, seeing sounds)?
A.Divided attention
D.Perceptual loa
86. The fovea contains a concentration of
C.Rods and cones
D.Vitreous humour
87. Which of the following is NOT an element of Broadbent’s theory of attention?
A.Limited capacity processor
B.Selective filter
C.Sensory buffer
88. The direct perception of an object’s purpose is the
A.Ecological optic
D.Optic array
89.Organisational behaviour is_______
a) A science
b) An art
c) A science as well as an art
d) None of the above
90) A science as well as an art
91.Communication begins with _____
a. encoding
b. idea origination
c. decoding
d. channel selection
92.A study of the culture and practises in different societies is called _____
a) Personality
b) Anthropology
c) Perception
d) Attitudes
93.Forces affecting organisational behaviour are _______
a) People
b) Environment
c) Technology
d) All of the above
94.Scope of Organizational Behaviour does not include ______
a. Leadership
b. Perception
c. Job Design
d. Technology
95.In present context, challenges for Organizational Behaviour are _____
a) Employee expectation
b) Workforce diversity
c) Globalization
d) All of the above
96.Meso organisation behaviour is related with
a) Individual behaviour
b) Group behaviour
c) Organisational behaviour
d) None of these
97.Organizational behaviour focuses at 3 Levels-
a. Individuals, Organisation, Society
b. Society, Organisation, Nation
c. Employee, Employer, Management
d. Individual, Groups, Organisation.
98.__________ is recognised as father of “Human relations”
a) William Gilbreth
b) Hendry Fayol
c) F.W.Taylor
d) Elton Mayo
99.Some of OB’s challenges and opportunities include all of the following except
a) reinforcing the importance of traditional methods of management
b) offering specific insights to improve interpersonal and people skills
c) helping us learnt to cope in a continues changing world
d) facilitating the improvement of quality and employee productivity
100.Edward Tolman is related to ______
a) Behaviourist Framework
b) Cognitive approach
c) Social Cognitive Framework
d) None of these
101.Hawthorne Studies is related to which stage of the organisational behaviour evolution?
a) Industrial revolution
b) Scientific management
c) Organisational behaviour
d) Human relations movement
102Which of the following represents the correct sequencing of historical developments of Organisational Behaviour?
a) Industrial revolution —> Scientific management –> Human relations movement –> OB
b) Industrial revolution —> Human relations movement —> Scientific management –> OB
c) Scientific management —> Human relations movement –> Industrial revolution –> OB
d) None of these.
103.The field of organizational behaviour examines such questions as the nature of leadership, effective team development,
b) Organisational control; conflict management
a) Interpersonal conflict resolution; motivation of individuals
c) Motivation of individuals; planning
d) Planning; development
104.Organisational Behaviour is a field of study backed by a body associated with growing concern for people at the
a) Theory
b) Research
c) Application
d) All of the above
105.Which of the following is not correct for the organisational behaviour?
a) Organisational behaviour is an integral part of management
b) Organisational behaviour is a disciplinary approach
c) Organisational behaviour helps in analysis of behaviour
d) Organisational behaviour is goal-oriented
106.Which one of the following is the definition given by Fred Luthans _____
a) Organisational behaviour is to understand, predicting and controlling human behaviour at work
b) Organisational behaviour is subset of management activities concerned to human behaviour
c) Organisational behaviour is a branch of social sciences that seeks to build theories
d) Organisational behaviour is a field of study that investigates the impact on behaviour
107.Contribution/s of human relations movement is/are
a) Great Depression
b) Labour Movement
c) Hawthorne Studies
d) All of these
108Nowadays a lot of stress is being put on the __________ of the employee in the organisation
a. Character
b. improvement
c. Behaviour
d. Rewards
109.The term ‘psychology’ is derived from the word ‘psyche’, which means ‘soul’ or ‘spirit’_______
a) Latin
b) French
c) Greek
d) None of these
110.The field of organisational behaviour is primarily concerned with _____
a) The behaviour of individual and groups.
b) How resources are effectively managed.
c) Control processes and interactions between organisations, external context.
d) Both a and c.
111.The____________ is based on the environment. Though____________ like thinking, expectations and perception do
exist, and they are not needed to manage or predict behaviour.
a) Behaviouristic approach, Cognitive processes,
b) cognitive processes, behaviouristic approach
c) Social cognitive, behaviouristic approach
d) Cognitive processes, social cognitive
112.Organisational Behaviour is the study of _____________ in the organisation
A. Human
B. Employer
C. Human Behaviour
D. Employees
113.The Hawthorne experiment was conducted by________
a) William Gilbreth
b) Hendry Fayol
c) F.W.Taylor
d) Elton Mayo
114.OB Helps to understand behaviour of human in ___________.
a) work place and Society
b) work place only
c) Society only
d) Department only
115.OB does Not contributed to improve
a) Motivation
b) Efficiency
c) interpersonal relations
d) Communication
116.Due to emphasis on productivity & efficiency, employee are not allowed to work with harmony with one another is a
limitation of_____
a) Organizational Cultural
b) Organizational Structure
c) Organizational Behaviour
d) Organisational Value
117.Common uniform, canteen, office does not mean common treatment is a limitation of
a) Organizational Cultural
b) Organizational Structure
c) Organizational Behaviour
d) Organisational Value
118.Which of the following is not a contributing discipline of OB
a) Anthropology
b) Psychology
c) physiology
d) sociology
119.____________ is a Study of individual Behaviour
a) Anthropology
b) Psychology
c) political science
d) sociology
120.__________ is a Study of Group Behaviour
a) Anthropology
b) Psychology
c) physiology
d) sociology
121.___________ is a Study of man, his work and Culture
a) Anthropology
b) Psychology
c) Social psychology
d) sociology
122._________ focuses on the influence of people on one another
a) Anthropology
b) Psychology
c) Social psychology
d) sociology
123.________ framework is based o the concept of Expectancy, demand and Intention of the human being.
a) Behaviouristic
b) Expectancy
c) Cognitive
d) Social learning
124.The study of organizational behaviour has certain basic assumptions. They are _____
a) An industrial enterprise is an organisation of people.
b) These people must be motivated to work effectively.
c) The goals of the employee and the employer may not necessarily coincide.
d) All of the above.
125.“Leadership motivates the people to work and not the power of money”, this concept is related to _______
a) Autocratic model
b) Custodial model
c) Supportive Model
d) Collegial Model
126.Which of the following forms the basis for the autocratic model of OB?
a) Obedience
b) Authority
c) Power
d) Dependence on boss
127.Which of the following frameworks is used in the development of the overall model of OB?
a) The cognitive framework
b) The behaviouristic framework
c) The social learning framework
d) All of the above
128.Which of the following frameworks is based on the expectancy, demand and incentive concepts?
a) The cognitive framework
b) The behaviouristic framework
c) The social learning framework
d) The supportive framework
129.“Might is right” is the motto of ______
a) Autocratic Model
b) Custodial Model
c) Supportive Mode
d) Collegial Model
130.According to Edward Tolman, ______________ consists of the expectancy that a particular event will lead to a particular
a) eventual
b) Behaviour
c) Learning
d) Attitude
131.The 3 Theoretical Framework of OB are
a) Cognitive, Social and Technical
b) Cognitive, Behaviouristic, Social
c) leadership, attribution, motivation
d) attribution, Perception and motivation
132.________ explains internal processes of choice among different behaviours
a) Equity Theory
b) Expectancy theory
c) Goal attain theory
d) Goal setting Theory
133.__________ explains how and why people react when they feel unfairly treated
a) Equity Theory
b) Expectancy theory
c) Goal attain theory
d) Goal setting Theory
134._________ focuses on how to set goals for people to reach
a) Equity Theory
b) Expectancy theory
c) Goal attain theory
d) Goal setting Theory
135.Every individual set his goal and he also know the _____________ which will take him to achieve the goal.
a) Process
b) Behaviour
c) Event
d) way
136._______ insist that it is advisable and fruitful to the study the behaviour of the human being which is visible than
studying the mind which is elusive in nature.
a) Ivan Pavlov and Jon B. Watson
b) Ivan Pavlov
c) Jon B. Watson Ivan Pavlov and A.Maslow
d) None of the above
137.__________ is the behaviour for a stimulus.
a) Stimulus
b) response
c) Perception
d) Attitude
138.Behavioural framework based on ______ behaviour and ___environmental variables.
a) Observable —- Non Observable
b) Observable —- Observable
c) Non Observable —- Observable
d) Non observable —- Non Observable
139.Human can project ____ behaviour for ____ stimulus and he exhibit a response depending on environmental
a) different—– different
b) same——same
c) same———different
d) different—— same
140.As per _________ Behaviour is not the outcome of stimulus alone, but it is an outcome which also depends on
contingent environmental consequences of a behaviour
a) Behaviouristic Framework
b) Cognitive Framework
c) Sinner Framework
d) Behaviour Theory
141.________ means the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience,
and the senses.
a) Learning
b) development
c) Cognition
d) Training
142.The social cognitive theory states that the person and the external situations are _________ with each other along with
the behaviour itself to determine the behaviour.
a) related
b) linked
c) interdependence
d) combined
143.__________ states that along with cognitive and external situation the experiences faced through relevant past events
determines what a person becomes and this will create an impact in subsequent behaviour.
a) Behaviouristic Framework
b) Cognitive Framework
c) Social Cognitive Framework
d) Social Framework
144.________ developed social learning theory into the more comprehensive social cognitive theory (SCT).
a) Bandura
b) Luthans
c) Sinner
d) I Pavlo
145._______have translated this SCT into the theoretical framework for organizational behavior.
a) Stajkovic and Luthans
b) Stajkovic and Sinner
c) Sinner and Luthans
d) Stajkovic and Pavlo
146.Bandura identified _____ basic human capabilities as a part of SCT.
a) 4
b) 3
c) 5
d) 6
147.People process visual experiences into cognitive models. They help in future action is
a) Symbolizing
b) Forethought
c) Observational
d) Self Answer: Regulatory
148.Employees plan their actions is called as
a) Symbolizing
b) Forethought
c) Observational
d) Self-regulatory
149.Employees learn by observing the performance of the referent group (peers, supervisors and high performers) and the
consequences of their actions is referred as.
a) Symbolizing:
b) Forethought
c) Observational
d) Self-regulatory
150.Employees self regulate their actions by setting internal standards
a) Self-reflective
b) Forethought
c) Observational
d) Self-regulatory
151.Employees reflect back on their actions (how did I do?) and perceptually determine how they believe then can
successfully accomplish the task in the future given the context
a) self- reflective
b) Forethought
c) Observational
d) Self-regulatory
152.Expectancy theory is a theory comes under ___________ theory.
a) Process
b) Content
c) Attribution
d) perception
153._________ contains the theories which gives an Idea about what employees wants or needs.
a) Expectancy theory
b) Maslow theory
c) Process Theory
d) Content Theory
154.Which of the following is not an example of Content Theory?
a) Maslow Theory
b) Herzberg’s Theory
c) Expectancy theory
d) Alderfer’s ERG theory
155._________ theory emphasis that, Unsatisfied need can influence the behaviour satisfied one will not act as a motivator.
a) Maslow Theory
b) Herzberg’s Theory
c) Expectancy theory
d) Alderfer’s ERG theory
156.Which of the following is not a part of the hygiene factor of two-factor theory
a) Company policy
b) Administration
c) responsibilities
d) Interpersonal Relations
157.The purpose of job enrichment is to ______
a. expand the number of tasks an individual can do
b. increase job efficiency
c. increase job effectiveness
d. increase job satisfaction of middle management
158._____________ is the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish the goals.
a) Bonus
b) Motivation
c) Performance-based Incentive
d) Promotion
159.___________ is the force of action or motivation.
a) Behaviour
b) Stimulus
c) Perception
d) Attitude
160.Motivation includes ______
a) job enrichment
b) Job rotation
c) Job enlargement
d) all of the above
161.High rate of ______________ increase cost and tend to place less experienced employee in job
a. Training
b. Absenteeism
c. Employee Turnover
d. Strikes
162.Which of the following is a strategy of job design that increases job depth by meeting employees needs for
psychological growth?
a. Job rotation
b. Job enrichment
c. Job enlargement
d. Job engagemnt
163.According to Herzberg, which of the following is a maintenance factor?
a. Salary
b. Work itself
c. Responsibility
d. Recognition
164.___________ a young Welsh factory owner was one of the first to emphasise the human needs of employees: He
refused to employ young children
a) Andrew Ure
b) J.N. Tata
c) Robert Owen
d) None of these
165.The job satisfaction of an employee depends on the
a) behaviour
b) attitude
c) personality
d) employer
166.Job Satisfaction have ________________ related to Absenteeism and Turnover
a. Positively
b. Negatively
c. directly
d. Elastically
167._____________ advocated that humans are essentially motivated by levels of needs
a. A. Maslow
c. Elton mayo
d. Ivon Pavlov
168.In order from lowest to highest, what are Maslow’s five classes of needs?
a. Social-esteem-physiological-safety-self-actualization
b. Physiological-safety-social-self-actualization-esteem
c. Physiological-safety-social-esteem-self-actualization
d. Self-actualization-esteem-safety-social-physiological
169.Maslow says that Human beings are full of needs & wants. And these needs will lead to their______
a) Job
b) Behavior
c) Attitude
d) Motivation
170.The person will try for the complex level need when his ______________ is satisfied.
a) Basic need
b) family
c) Income
d) Job
171.In _______the needs are arranged in an order as per their importance (basic to complex)
a) Maslow need Theory
b) Herzberg theory
c) Satisfaction theory
d) Mayo theory
172.The individuality, humanness and mental health of the person will improve ___________ the level of need he satisfied.
a) less than
b) Greater than
c) at Per with
d) None of the above
173.Salary, and basic working condition will come under _____________ Needs
a) Safety
b) Physiological need
c) social need
d) organizational
174.____________ need improves the confidence level of an employee when satisfied.
a) Social
b) Safety
c) Basic
d) Esteem
175.Responsibility, Advancement etc are an example of
a) Motivators
b) hygiene factors
c) improvement factors
d) advance factors
176.The higher-order needs specified by Maslow is considered as____________ as per Herzberg.
a) Motivators
b) hygiene factors
c) improvement factors
d) advanced factors
177._______ and fringe benefits are no longer employees first priority
a) Wages
b) bonus
c) rewards
d) promotions
178.A satisfied employee will be a____
a) motivator to others
b) manager
c) High performer
d) Team Leader
179.The success of each organization is depending upon the performance of
a) employer
b) management
c) vendor
d) employee
180.____________ is not a capability of an employee having Positive attitude
a) Focus
b) creativity
c) Pessimism
d) Confidence
181.Which one is not a benefit to employee which results through positive attitude of an employee
a) Promotion
b) Less stress
c) Job security
d) enjoying life
182.Belief, opinion, knowledge, emotions feelings intention are the components of
a) OB
b) Job satisfaction
c) Attitude
d) Personality
183.Components of Attitude can majorly be segregated in to _________ types
a) 7
b) 4
c) 3
d) 6
184.The attitude based on Beliefs, opinion, Knowledge, or information about the particular event which the employee
possesses is under ____________ component of Attitude.
a) Behavioral
b) Cognitive
c) Affective
d) Positive
185.The attitude based on the concept that “every individual will have an Intention to react in a certain way toward
something is “ under ____________ component of Attitude.
a) Behavioral
b) Cognitive
c) Affective
d) Positive
186.The attitude based on Feelings, sentiments and emotions of any person is under ____________ component of Attitude.
a) Behavioral
b) Cognitive
c) Affective
d) Positive
187.__________________ is the only component of attitude which is visible and can be observed directly.
a) Behavioural
b) Cognitive
c) Affective
d) Positive
188.The statement “My friends are good” is an example of _____________ component of attitude
a) Behavioral
b) Cognitive
c) Affective
d) Positive
189.The statement “I don’t feel comfortable in crowd” is an example of _____________ component of attitude.
a) Behavioral
b) Cognitive
c) Affective
d) Positive
190.The statement “I am going to apologies for my mistake” is an example of _____________ component of attitude.
a) Behavioral
b) Cognitive
c) Affective
d) Positive
191.___________ component of attitude is a result of family condition, childhood experiences et
a) Behavioral
b) Cognitive
c) Affective
d) Positive
192.Which is not a method used for changing the attitude of Employee
a) use of fear
b) Providing new information
c) Performance appraisal
d) Giving Feedback

193.Among the following which is not a problem in changing the attitude of the employee
a) Insufficient Information
b) Resistant by employee
c) Cognitive Dissonance
d) Cognitive Dissonance
194.Psychological process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to
their environment is definition of
a) Attitude
b) thinking
c) Perception
d) Personality
195.A Process of receiving, selecting, organizing, interpreting, checking and reacting to sensory stimuli or data so as to form
a meaningful and coherent picture of the world is
a) Attitude
b) thinking
c) Perception
d) Communication
196.The__________________ theory states that human mind will receive or accept only those information which it feels
that it is relevant.
a) Perception theory
b) Selective Perception
c) relevance Theory
d) none of the above
197.______________ deals with how the social perceiver uses information to arrive at causal explanations for events.
a) Attribution theory
b) Social Perception Theory
c) Selective Perception
d) social Theory
198.____________ is the sequence of psychological steps that a person uses to organize and interpret information from the
outside world.
a) Perceptual process
b) Thinking process
c) Selection Process
d) Sequential theory
199.Which of the following is not a step in perceptual Process?

a) Object

b) selection

c) Perception

d) Response

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