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Bunny paint an Easter egg 1 Designed by Crea-Me © 2010

Little Bunny

Yarn in White (WPI 17) and Light Pink (WPI 17)

With C/2,5 mm crochet hook Little Bunny will become 30 cm.
Stuffing, 2 eyes from 4 mm., Long Tweezers,
Stitch marker, Yarn needle and Scissors

Crochet Abbreviations

St(s) --- Stitch(es)

Ch(s) --- Chain(s)
Sl st --- Slip stitch
Sc --- Single crochet
Hdc --- Half Double crochet
Dc --- Double Crochet
Trc --- Triple Crochet
Rnds --- Rounds
Sk --- Skip
FL --- Front Loop
BL --- Back Loop
Dc2tog --- Double crochet 2 together.
Sc2tog --- Single crochet 2 together. Insert hook in next st, draw up
a loop, (2 loops on hook), insert hook in next stitch, draw up a
loop (3 loops on hook), yarn over and draw through all 3 loops.
WPI --- Wrap your yarn around a pencil, or ruler or any other
similar object and count the number of wraps per inch.
Color changing --- Cut the yarn, and pull the end all the way through the
center of the last st made. Using a yarn needle: If joining sc
sts: weave the end under both loops of the 2nd st to the left,
then back down through the center of the last st. If joining
sl sts: weave the end under both loops of the next sl st to
the left, then back down through the center of the last sl st.

Bunny paint an Easter egg 2 Designed by Crea-Me © 2010

Body (make 1)

Round 1 In White, make an adjustable ring and work 6 sc in the ring,

do not join, using the stitch marker to mark the first stitch of
the next round --- 6 sts.
Round 2 2 sc in each st around --- 12 sts.
Rnds 3-7 Sc around --- 12 sts.
Round 8 *1 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 18 sts.
Round 9 1 sc, *2 sc in next st, 2 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 1 sc --- 24 sts.
Round 10 *3 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 30 sts.
Round 11 6 sc, 2 sc in next 2 sts, 14 sc, 2 sc in next 2 sts, 6 sc --- 34 sts.
Rnds 12-21 Sc around --- 34 sts.
Round 22 11 sc, *2 sc in next st, 1 sc * 5 times, 2 sc in next st, 12 sc -- 40 sts.
Round 23 Sc around --- 40 sts.
Round 24 12 sc, *2 sc in next st, 2 sc * 5 times, 2 sc in next st, 12 sc - 46 sts.
Round 25 Sc around --- 46 sts.
Round 26 12 sc, 2 sc in next st, 20 sc, 2 sc in next st, 12 sc --- 48 sts.
Rnds 27-38 Sc around --- 48 sts.
Round 39 2 sc, *sc2tog, 4 sc* 7 times, sc2tog, 2 sc --- 40 sts.
Round 40 *3 sc, sc2tog* to end --- 32 sts.
Round 41 1 sc, *sc2tog, 2 sc* 7 times, sc2tog, 1 sc --- 24 sts.
Round 42 *1 sc, sc2tog* to end --- 16 sts.
Round 43 *Sc2tog* to end --- 8 sts.
Use tweezers to stuff Body.
Close the hole (Push needle with remaining tail true al sts and pull.)
and weave in the remaining yarn.

Head (Make 1)

Round 1 In White, make an adjustable ring and work 6 sc in the ring,

do not join, using the stitch marker to mark the first stitch of
the next round --- 6 sts.
Round 2 2 sc in each st around --- 12 sts.
Round 3 *1 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 18 sts.
Round 4 1 sc, *2 sc in next st, 2 sc* 5 times, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc --- 24 sts.
Round 5 *3 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 30 sts.
Round 6 2 sc, *2 sc in next st, 4 sc* 5 times, 2 sc in next st, 2 sc --- 36 sts.
Rnds 7-12 Sc around --- 36 sts.
Round 13 13 sc, 4 sc, 3 sc in each of next 4 sts (for eyes, place marker in
3th), 2 sc, 3 sc in each of next 4 sts (for eyes, place marker in
2th), 13 sc --- 52 sts.

Bunny paint an Easter egg 3 Designed by Crea-Me © 2010

(There are 4 sts between the markers from eyes.)
Round 14 13 sc, 12 hdc, 2 sc, 12 hdc, 13 sc --- 52 sts.
Rnds 15-18 Sc around --- 52 sts.
Round 19 *2 sc, sc2tog* to end --- 39 sts.
Round 20 *1 sc, sc2tog* to end --- 26 sts.
Round 21 *Sc2tog* to end --- 13 sts.
Round 22 *Sc2tog* to last st, sl st --- 7 sts.
Use tweezers to stuff Head.
Close the hole (Push needle with remaining tail true al sts and pull.).

Nose (Make 1)

Round 1 In Light Pink, make an adjustable ring and work 6 sc in the ring,
do not join --- 6 sts.
Round 2 Sc around --- 6 sts.
Round 3 *2 sc in next st., 2 sc* 2 times --- 8 sts.
Push flat and sew together, leave a long tail to sew on the nose and
to embroidery the mouth.

Inner Ear (Make 2)

Round 1 In Light Pink, ch 31, using the stitch marker to mark the first
stitch of the next round Start in the 2th ch from hook, 29 sc, 3 sc
in last st., (working in opposite side) 29 sc --- 61 sts.
Round 2 3 sc , 24 hdc, 3 sc, 3 sc in next st., 3 sc, 24 hdc, 3 sc --- 63 sts.
Round 3 2 sc, 27 hdc, 2 sc, 3 sc in next st., 2 sc, 27 hdc, 2 sc --- 65 sts.
Round 4 2 sc, 30 hdc, 3 sc in next st., 30 hdc, 2 sc --- 67 sts.
Round 5 33 sc, 3 sc in next st., 33 sc --- 69 sts.
Fasten off, as by Color Changing and weave in the remaining yarn.

Outer Ear (Make 2)

Round 1 In Light Pink, ch 31, using the stitch marker to mark the first
stitch of the next round Start in the 2th ch from hook, 29 sc, 3 sc
in last st., (working in opposite side) 29 sc --- 61 sts.
Round 2 3 sc , 24 hdc, 3 sc, 3 sc in next st., 3 sc, 24 hdc, 3 sc --- 63 sts.
Round 3 2 sc, 27 hdc, 2 sc, 3 sc in next st., 2 sc, 27 hdc, 2 sc --- 65 sts.
Round 4 2 sc, 30 hdc, 3 sc in next st., 30 hdc, 2 sc --- 67 sts.
Round 5 33 sc, 3 sc in next st., 33 sc --- 69 sts.
Round 6 To Assemble Ears, place Inner and Outer pieces together with
right side from Outer Ear facing and wrong side from Inner Ear

Bunny paint an Easter egg 4 Designed by Crea-Me © 2010

up, working through both thicknesses. Sc around in Outer Ear and
in FL from Inner Ear --- 69 sts.
Round 7 Working through both thicknesses. Sc around in Outer Ear and in
BL from Inner Ear --- 69 sts.
Fasten off, as by Color Changing and weave in the remaining yarn.

Sew on nose and make chin: Start at middle of nose. Push yarn needle down
between the 2 sc on round 13 and 14 from head (5 rows), push yarn needle up (1
row lower) again to nose, pull tight, Sew on the rest of the nose in position and
embroidering the mouth, fasten off and weave in the remaining yarn. Place eyes
on same round as nose, where you placed the eye marks, pull tight, fasten off
and weave in the remaining yarn. Place ears between round 6 and 7. pull tight,
fasten off and weave in the remaining yarn.

Fingers, Hand and Arm (Make 2)

Finger 1and 2:

Round 1 In White, make an adjustable ring and work 8 sc in the ring,

do not join, using the stitch marker to mark the first stitch of
the next round --- 8 sts.
Rnds 2-5 Sc around --- 8 sts.
Fasten off, as by Color Changing.
Use tweezers to stuff Fingers.

Finger 3:

Round 1 In White, make an adjustable ring and work 8 sc in the ring,

do not join, using the stitch marker to mark the first stitch of
the next round --- 8 sts.
Rnds 2-5 Sc around --- 8 sts.
Round 6 4 sc, 4 sc (in Finger 2), 8 sc (in Finger 1), 4 sc (in Finger 2), 4 sc (in
Finger 3) --- 24 sts.
Round 7 Sc around --- 24 sts.
Round 8 *2 sc, sc2tog* to end --- 18 sts.
Rnds 9-12 Sc around --- 18 sts.
Round 13 *1 sc, sc2tog* to end --- 12 sts.
Round 14 Sc around --- 12 sts.
Round 15 *4 sc, sc2tog* 2 times --- 10 sts.
Use tweezers to stuff Hand.
Rnds 16-25 Sc around --- 10 sts.

Bunny paint an Easter egg 5 Designed by Crea-Me © 2010

Round 26 *4 sc, 2 sc in next st.* 2 times --- 12 sts.
Round 27 *5 sc, 2 sc in next st.* 2 times --- 14 sts.
Round 28 Sc around --- 14 sts.
Round 29 *5 sc, sc2tog* 2 times --- 12 sts.
Round 30 *Sc2tog* to end --- 6 sts.
Use tweezers to stuff Arm.
Close the hole and weave in the remaining yarn.

Sew on arms and head by pushing the needle in one arm than in site of body
between row 5 and 6 back to other site from body, than in other arm, (one row
lower) and back in body again, push needle to neck (last row from body) push
true last row from head on both sides, back in neck again to where you started,
pull tight, fasten off and weave in the remaining yarn.

Fingers (Make 6)

Round 1 In Light Pink, make an adjustable ring and work 6 sc in the ring,
Joint with sl st. --- 6 sts.
Fasten off, as by Color Changing, leaving a long tail to sew on the
Light Pink Fingers to the White Fingers. Weaving in ends.

Hand Sole (Make 2)

Round 1 In Light Pink, make an adjustable ring and work 7 sc in the ring,
do not join, using the stitch marker to mark the first stitch of
the next round --- 7 sts.
Round 2 2 sc, 3 sc in next st, 1 sc, 3 sc in next st, 2 sc --- 11 sts.
Round 3 3 sc, 3 sc in next st, 3 sc, 3 sc in next st, 3 sc --- 15 sts
Round 4 (Half Round, do not finish!) 3 sc in next st, sl st.
Fasten off, as by Color Changing, leaving a long tail to sew on the
Light Pink Hand Sole to the White Palm of Hand.
Weaving in ends.

Toes and Foot (Make 2)

Toe 1:

Round 1 In White, make an adjustable ring and work 4 sc in the ring,

do not join, using the stitch marker to mark the first stitch of
the next round --- 4 sts.
Round 2 *2 sc in next st.* to end --- 8 sts.

Bunny paint an Easter egg 6 Designed by Crea-Me © 2010

Round 3 Sc around --- 8 sts.
Fasten off, as by Color Changing.
Use tweezers to stuff Toes.

Toe 2:

Round 1 In White, make an adjustable ring and work 4 sc in the ring,

do not join, using the stitch marker to mark the first stitch of
the next round --- 4 sts.
Round 2 *2 sc in next st.* to end --- 8 sts.
Rnds 3-4 Sc around --- 8 sts.
Fasten off, as by Color Changing.
Use tweezers to stuff Toes.

Toe 3:

Round 1 In White, make an adjustable ring and work 4 sc in the ring,

do not join, using the stitch marker to mark the first stitch of
the next round --- 4 sts.
Round 2 *2 sc in next st.* to end --- 8 sts.
Round 3 Sc around --- 8 sts.
Use tweezers to stuff Toe.
Round 4 8 sc, 4 sc (in Toe 2), 8 sc (in Toe 1), 4 sc (in Toe 2),
4 sc (in Toe 3) --- 24 sts.
Start Foot.
Rnds 5-8 Sc around --- 24 sts.
Round 9 *2 sc, sc2tog* to end ---18 sts.
Rnds 10-16 Sc around --- 18 sts.
Round 17 *1 sc, sc2tog* to end --- 12 sts.
Rnds 18-19 Sc around --- 12 sts.
Round 13 *sc2tog* to end --- 6 sts.
Use tweezers to stuff Foot.
Close the hole and weave in the remaining yarn.

Toes (Make 6)

Round 1 In Light Pink, make an adjustable ring and work 6 sc in the ring,
Joint with sl st. --- 6 sts.
Fasten off, as by Color Changing, leaving a long tail to sew on the
Light Pink Toes to the White Toes. Weaving in ends.

Bunny paint an Easter egg 7 Designed by Crea-Me © 2010

Feet Sole (Make 2)

Round 1 In Light Pink, make an adjustable ring and work 7 sc in the ring,
do not join, using the stitch marker to mark the first stitch of
the next round --- 7 sts.
Round 1 In Light Pink, make an adjustable ring and work 7 sc in the ring,
do not join, using the stitch marker to mark the first stitch of
the next round --- 7 sts.
Round 2 2 sc, 3 sc in next st, 1 sc, 3 sc in next st, 2 sc, start crocheting
in first part you made, sk first st, 2 sc, *2 sc in next st*
2 times, 2 sc --- 19 sts.
Round 3 3 sc, 3 sc in next st, 3 sc, 3 sc in next st, 6 sc, *2 sc in next st* 2
times, 3 sc --- 25 sts.
Fasten off, as by Color Changing, leaving a long tail to sew on the
Light Pink Feet Sole to the Back of White Feet. Weaving in ends.

Leg (Make 2)

Round 1 In White, make an adjustable ring and work 6 sc in the ring,

do not join, using the stitch marker to mark the first stitch of
the next round --- 6 sts.
Round 2 2 sc in each st around --- 12 sts..
Round 3 *1 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 18 sts.
Round 4 1 sc, *2 sc in next st, 2 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 1 sc --- 24 sts.
Round 5 *3 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 30 sts.
Round 6 2 sc, *2 sc in next st, 2 sc* 5 times, 2 sc in next st, 2 sc --- 36 sts.
Rnds 7-11 Sc around --- 36 sts.
Round 12 2 sc, *sc2tog, 4 sc* 5 times, sc2tog, 2 sc --- 30 sts.
Rnds 13-14 Sc around --- 30 sts.
Round 15 *3 sc. Sc2tog* to end --- 24 sts.
Rnds 16-19 Sc around --- 24 sts.
Round 20 Sc2tog, sc 22 --- 23 sts.
Round 21 Sc2tog, sc 21 --- 22 sts.
Round 22 Sc2tog, sc 20 --- 21 sts.
Round 23 Sc2tog, sc 19 --- 20 sts.
Round 24 Sc around --- 20 sts.
Round 25 Sc2tog, sc 18 --- 19 sts.
Round 26 Sc around --- 19 sts.
Round 27 Sc2tog, sc 17 --- 18 sts.
Round 28 Sc around --- 18 sts.
Round 29 Sc2tog, sc 16 --- 17 sts.

Bunny paint an Easter egg 8 Designed by Crea-Me © 2010

Round 30 Sc around --- 17 sts.
Round 31 Sc2tog, sc 15 --- 16 sts.
Round 32 Sc around --- 16 sts.
Fasten off, as by Color Changing, leaving a long tail to sew on the leg
to the feet. Use tweezers to stuff Leg.

Sew on Feet and Legs: With remaining yarn from leg, sew on the leg on top of
the back from feet. Sew on the legs by pushing the needle in one leg than in site
of body to the other site from body, than in the other leg, (one row lower) and
back in body again, push needle back to where you started, pull tight, fasten off
and weave in the remaining yarn.

Tail (Make 1)

Round 1 In White, make an adjustable ring and work 8 sc in the ring,

do not join, using the stitch marker to mark the first stitch of
the next round --- 8 sts.
Round 2 2 sc in each st around --- 16 sts..
Round 3 *1 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 24 sts.
Round 4 1 sc, *2 sc in next st, 2 sc* 7 times, 2 in next st, 1 sc --- 32 sts.
Round 5 *3 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 40 sts.
Rnds 6-7 Sc around --- 40 sts.
Round 8 *3 sc, sc2tog* to end --- 32 sts.
Round 9 1 sc, *sc2tog, 2 sc* 7 times, sc2tog, 1 sc --- 24 sts.
Round 10 *1 sc, sc2tog* to end --- 16 sts.
Round 11 *sc2tog* to end --- 8 sts.
Fasten off, as by Color Changing, leaving a long tail to sew on the
Tail to the body and making the belly.
Use tweezers to stuff Tail.

Sew Tail and make Belly: With remaining yarn from tail, sew on the tail to the
back of body, by pushing in needle threw body to belly place. Push the needle 1
row lower back to where you started and sew on the rest of the tail in position.

Bunny paint an Easter egg 9 Designed by Crea-Me © 2010

Paint an Egg

Yarn in Blue, Yellow, Pink, White, Grey, Dark Brown, Light Brown (all WPI 17)
With C/2,5 mm crochet hook The Egg will become 19 cm.
With C/2,5 mm crochet hook Paint buckets will become 5, 6 and 7 cm.
With C/2,5 mm crochet hook The Brushes will become 23 cm.
Stuffing, Long Tweezers, Stitch marker, Yarn needle and Scissors

Crochet Abbreviations

St(s) --- Stitch(es)

Ch(s) --- Chain(s)
Sl st --- Slip stitch
Sc --- Single crochet
Hdc --- Half Double crochet
Dc --- Double Crochet
Trc --- Triple Crochet
Rnds --- Rounds
Sk --- Skip
FL --- Front Loop
BL --- Back Loop
Dc2tog --- Double crochet 2 together.
Sc2tog --- Single crochet 2 together. Insert hook in next st, draw up
a loop, (2 loops on hook), insert hook in next stitch, draw up a
loop (3 loops on hook), yarn over and draw through all 3 loops.
WPI --- Wrap your yarn around a pencil, or ruler or any other
similar object and count the number of wraps per inch.
Color changing --- Cut the yarn, and pull the end all the way through the
center of the last st made. Using a yarn needle: If joining sc
sts: weave the end under both loops of the 2nd st to the left,
then back down through the center of the last st. If joining
sl sts: weave the end under both loops of the next sl st to
the left, then back down through the center of the last sl st.

Bunny paint an Easter egg 10 Designed by Crea-Me © 2010

Inner Egg Top (Make 1)

Round 1 In White, make an adjustable ring and work 6 sc in the ring,

do not join, using the stitch marker to mark the first stitch of
the next round --- 6 sts.
Round 2 2 sc in each st around --- 12 sts.
Round 3 *1 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 18 sts.
Round 4 1 sc, *2 sc in next st, 2 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 1 sc --- 24 sts.
Round 5 *3 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 30 sts.
Round 6 2 sc, *2 sc in next st, 4 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 2 sc --- 36 sts.
Round 7 *5 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 42 sts.
Round 8 3 sc, *2 sc in next st, 6 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 3 sc --- 48 sts.
Round 9 *7 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 54 sts.
Round 10 4 sc, *2 sc in next st, 8 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 4 sc --- 60 sts.
Round 11 *8 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 66 sts.
Round 12 5 sc, *2 sc in next st, 10 sc* 5 times, 2 sc in next, 5 sc --- 72 sts.
Round 13 Sc around --- 72 sts.
Round 14 4 sc, *2 sc in next st, 8 sc* 7 times, 2 in next st, 4 sc --- 80 sts.
Round 15 Sc around --- 80 sts.
Round 16 *9 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 88 sts.
Round 17 Sc around --- 88 sts.
Round 18 5 sc, *2 sc in next st, 10 sc* 7 times, 2 in next st, 5 sc --- 96 sts.
Round 19 Sc around --- 96 sts.
Round 20 *11 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 96 sts.
Round 21 Sc around --- 96 sts.
Round 22 6 sc, *2 sc in next st, 12 sc* 7 times, 2 in next st, 6 sc --- 112 sts.
Round 23 Sc around --- 112 sts.
Round 24 *13 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 120 sts.
Round 25 Sc around --- 120 sts.
Round 26 7 sc, *2 sc in next st, 14 sc* 7 times, 2 in next st, 7 sc --- 128 sts.
Rnds 27-29 Sc around --- 128 sts.
Round 30 *15 sc, 2 sc in next* to end --- 136 sts.
Rnds 31-33 Sc around --- 136 sts.
Round 34 8 sc, *2 sc in next st, 16 sc* 7 times, 2 in next st, 8 sc --- 144 sts.
Rnds 35-44 Sc around --- 144 sts.
Round 45 Sc around in FL Only! --- 144 sts.
Rnds 46-50 Sc around --- 144 sts
Round 51 Sl st around --- 144 sts.
Fasten off, as by Color Changing and weave in the remaining yarn.

Bunny paint an Easter egg 11 Designed by Crea-Me © 2010

Outer Egg Top (Make 1)

Round 1 In Blue, make an adjustable ring and work 6 sc in the ring,

do not join, using the stitch marker to mark the first stitch of
the next round --- 6 sts.
Round 2 2 sc in each st around --- 12 sts.
Round 3 *1 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 18 sts.
Round 4 1 sc, *2 sc in next st, 2 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 1 sc --- 24 sts.
Round 5 *3 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 30 sts.
Round 6 2 sc, *2 sc in next st, 4 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 2 sc --- 36 sts.
Round 7 *5 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 42 sts.
Round 8 3 sc, *2 sc in next st, 6 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 3 sc --- 48 sts.
Round 9 Change to Pink, *7 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 54 sts.
Round 10 4 sc, *2 sc in next st, 8 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 4 sc --- 60 sts.
Round 11 *8 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 66 sts.
Round 12 5 sc, *2 sc in next st, 10 sc* 5 times, 2 sc in next, 5 sc --- 72 sts.
Round 13 Sc around --- 72 sts.
Round 14 4 sc, *2 sc in next st, 8 sc* 7 times, 2 in next st, 4 sc --- 80 sts.
Round 15 Sc around --- 80 sts.
Round 16 *9 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 88 sts.
Round 17 Sc around --- 88 sts.
Round 18 5 sc, *2 sc in next st, 10 sc* 7 times, 2 in next st, 5 sc --- 96 sts.
Round 19 Change to Blue, Sc around --- 96 sts.
Round 20 *11 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 96 sts.
Round 21 Sc around --- 96 sts.
Round 22 6 sc, *2 sc in next st, 12 sc* 7 times, 2 in next st, 6 sc --- 112 sts.
Round 23 Sc around --- 112 sts.
Round 24 *13 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 120 sts.
Round 25 Sc around --- 120 sts.
Round 26 7 sc, *2 sc in next st, 14 sc* 7 times, 2 in next st, 7 sc --- 128 sts.
Rnds 27-29 Change to Yellow, Sc around --- 128 sts.
Round 30 *15 sc, 2 sc in next* to end --- 136 sts.
Rnds 31-33 Change to Blue Sc around --- 136 sts.
Round 34 8 sc, *2 sc in next st, 16 sc* 7 times, 2 in next st, 8 sc --- 144 sts.
Rnds 35-38 Sc around --- 144 sts.
Rnds 39-48 Change to Pink Sc around --- 144 sts.
Rnds 49-45 Change to Blue Sc around --- 144 sts.
Round 46 Turn the Inner Egg Top inside out and push Inner in Outer Part!
Sc around true Pink and front loop from Inner Part
(Round 44) --- 144 sts.
Rnds 47-50 Sc around --- 144 sts.

Bunny paint an Easter egg 12 Designed by Crea-Me © 2010

Round 51 Sl st around --- 144 sts.
Fasten off, as by Color Changing and weave in the remaining yarn.

Outer Egg Bottom (Make 1)

Round 1 In Blue, make an adjustable ring and work 6 sc in the ring,

do not join, using the stitch marker to mark the first stitch of
the next round --- 6 sts.
Round 2 2 sc in each st around --- 12 sts.
Round 3 *1 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 18 sts.
Round 4 1 sc, *2 sc in next st, 2 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 1 sc --- 24 sts.
Round 5 *3 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 30 sts.
Round 6 2 sc, *2 sc in next st, 4 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 2 sc --- 36 sts.
Round 7 *5 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 42 sts.
Round 8 3 sc, *2 sc in next st, 6 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 3 sc --- 48 sts.
Round 9 *7 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 54 sts.
Round 10 4 sc, *2 sc in next st, 8 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 4 sc --- 60 sts.
Round 11 *8 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 66 sts.
Round 12 5 sc, *2 sc in next st, 10 sc* 5 times, 2 sc in next, 5 sc --- 72 sts.
Round 13 Change to Pink *11 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 78 sts.
Round 14 6 sc, *2 sc in next st, 12 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 6 sc --- 84 sts.
Round 15 *13 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 90 sts.
Round 16 7 sc, *2 sc in next st, 14 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 7 sc --- 96 sts.
Round 17 *15 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 102 sts.
Round 18 8 sc, *2 sc in next st, 16 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 8 sc --- 108 sts.
Round 19 *17 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 114 sts.
Round 20 9 sc, *2 sc in next st, 18 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 9 sc --- 120 sts.
Round 21 *19 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 126 sts.
Round 22 10 sc, *2 sc in next st, 20 sc* 5 times,2 in next st,10 sc --- 132 sts.
Round 23 Change to Blue *21 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 138 sts.
Round 24 11 sc, *2 sc in next st, 22 sc* 5 times,2 in next st,11 sc --- 144 sts.
Rnds 25-30 Sc around – 144 sts.
Rnds 31-34 Change to Yellow Sc around – 144 sts.
Rnds 35-39 Change to Blue Sc around – 144 sts.
Round 40 Sc around in FL only! --- 144 sts.
Fasten off, as by Color Changing and weave in the remaining yarn.

Bunny paint an Easter egg 13 Designed by Crea-Me © 2010

Inner Egg Bottom (Make 1)

Round 1 In White, make an adjustable ring and work 6 sc in the ring,

do not join, using the stitch marker to mark the first stitch of
the next round --- 6 sts.
Round 2 2 sc in each st around --- 12 sts.
Round 3 *1 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 18 sts.
Round 4 1 sc, *2 sc in next st, 2 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 1 sc --- 24 sts.
Round 5 *3 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 30 sts.
Round 6 2 sc, *2 sc in next st, 4 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 2 sc --- 36 sts.
Round 7 *5 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 42 sts.
Round 8 3 sc, *2 sc in next st, 6 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 3 sc --- 48 sts.
Round 9 *7 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 54 sts.
Round 10 4 sc, *2 sc in next st, 8 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 4 sc --- 60 sts.
Round 11 *8 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 66 sts.
Round 12 5 sc, *2 sc in next st, 10 sc* 5 times, 2 sc in next, 5 sc --- 72 sts.
Round 13 *11 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 78 sts.
Round 14 6 sc, *2 sc in next st, 12 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 6 sc --- 84 sts.
Round 15 *13 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 90 sts.
Round 16 7 sc, *2 sc in next st, 14 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 7 sc --- 96 sts.
Round 17 *15 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 102 sts.
Round 18 8 sc, *2 sc in next st, 16 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 8 sc --- 108 sts.
Round 19 *17 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 114 sts.
Round 20 9 sc, *2 sc in next st, 18 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 9 sc --- 120 sts.
Round 21 *19 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 126 sts.
Round 22 10 sc, *2 sc in next st, 20 sc* 5 times,2 in next st,10 sc --- 132 sts.
Round 23 *21 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 138 sts.
Round 24 11 sc, *2 sc in next st, 22 sc* 5 times,2 in next st,11 sc --- 144 sts.
Rnds 25-39 Sc around --- 144 sts.
Round 40 Turn your work inside out and push Inner in Outer Part! Sc around
true white and front loop from Outer Part (Round 39) --- 144 sts.
Rnds 41-46 Sc around --- 144 sts.
Round 47 Sl st around --- 144 sts.
Fasten off, as by Color Changing and weave in the remaining yarn.

Bunny paint an Easter egg 14 Designed by Crea-Me © 2010

Egg Zigzag Decoration 1 (Make 1)

Round 1 In Yellow, ch 87, start crocheting in first ch do not join, using the
stitch marker to mark the first stitch of the next round. --- 87 sts.
Round 2 *4 sc, 3 sc in next st, 4 sc, sk 2 st* to last st, sk last st.
Round 3 Sk first st, *4 sc, 3 sc in next st, 4 sc, sk 2 st* to last, sk last st.
Round 4 (Half round, do not finish!) Sk first st, sl st in next st.
Fasten off, as by Color Changing leave a long end to sew decoration
on the egg.

Egg Zigzag Decoration 2 (Make 1)

Round 1 In Yellow, ch 175, start crocheting in first ch, using the stitch
marker to mark the first stitch of the next round. --- 175 sts.
Round 2 *4 sc, 3 sc in next st, 4 sc, sk 2 st* to last st, sk last st.
Round 3 Sk first st, *4 sc, 3 sc in next st, 4 sc, sk 2 st* to last, sk last st.
Round 4 (Half round, do not finish!) Sk first st, sl st in next st.
Fasten off, as by Color Changing leave a long end to sew decoration
on the egg.

Egg Zigzag Decoration 3 and 4 (Make 2)

Round 1 In Yellow, ch 208, start crocheting in first ch, using the stitch
marker to mark the first stitch of the next round. --- 208 sts.
Round 2 *4 sc, 3 sc in next st, 4 sc, sk 2 st* to last st, sk last st.
Round 3 Sk first st, *4 sc, 3 sc in next st, 4 sc, sk 2 st* to last, sk last st.
Round 4 (Half round, do not finish!) Sk first st, sl st in next st.
Fasten off, as by Color Changing leave a long end to sew decoration
on the egg.

Egg Zigzag Decoration 5 (Make 1)

Round 1 In Yellow, ch 164, start crocheting in first ch, using the stitch
marker to mark the first stitch of the next round. --- 164 sts.
Round 2 *4 sc, 3 sc in next st, 4 sc, sk 2 st* to last st, sk last st.
Round 3 Sk first st, *4 sc, 3 sc in next st, 4 sc, sk 2 st* to last, sk last st.
Round 4 (Half round, do not finish!) Sk first st, sl st in next st.
Fasten off, as by Color Changing leave a long end to sew decoration
on the egg.

Bunny paint an Easter egg 15 Designed by Crea-Me © 2010

Egg Zigzag Decoration 6 (Make 1)

Round 1 In Yellow, ch 98, start crocheting in first ch, using the stitch
marker to mark the first stitch of the next round. --- 98 sts.
Round 2 *4 sc, 3 sc in next st, 4 sc, sk 2 st* to last st, sk last st.
Round 3 Sk first st, *4 sc, 3 sc in next st, 4 sc, sk 2 st* to last, sk last st.
Round 4 (Half round, do not finish!) Sk first st, sl st in next st.
Fasten off, as by Color Changing leave a long end to sew decoration
on the egg.

Egg Dots Decoration (Make 39)

Round 1 In Pink, make an adjustable ring and work 6 sc in the ring,

do not join, using the stitch marker to mark the first stitch of
the next round --- 6 sts.
Round 2 *2 sc in next st* to end --- 12 sts.
Fasten off, as by Color Changing leave a long end to sew decoration
on the egg.

Paint Brush (Make 3)

Round 1 In Dark Brown, make an adjustable ring and work 6 sc in the ring,
do not join, using the stitch marker to mark the first stitch of
the next round --- 6 sts.
Rnds 2-6 Sc around --- 6 sts.
Round 7 2 sc in next st, 5 sc --- 7 sts.
Rnds 8-12 Sc around --- 7 sts.
Round 13 2 sc in next st, 6 sc --- 8 sts.
Rnds 14-17 Sc around --- 8 sts.
Round 18 2 sc in next st, 7 sc --- 9 sts.
Rnds 19-30 Sc around --- 9 sts.
Round 31 2 sc in next st, 8 sc --- 10 sts.
Rnds 32-36 Sc around --- 10 sts.
Round 37 *2 sc in next st, 4 sc* 2 times --- 12 sts.
Rnds 38-39 Sc around --- 12 sts.
Round 40 *2 sc in next st, 5 sc* 2 times --- 14 sts.
Rnds 41-43 Sc around --- 14 sts.
Round 44 *sc2tog, 5 sc* 2 times --- 12 sts.
Round 45 Sc around --- 12 sts.
Round 46 *sc2tog, 4 sc* 2 times --- 10 sts.
Round 47 Sc around --- 10 sts.

Bunny paint an Easter egg 16 Designed by Crea-Me © 2010

Round 48 *sc2tog, 3 sc* 2 times --- 8 sts.
Rnds 49-50 Sc around --- 8 sts.
Round 51 Change to Light Brown Sc around --- 8 sts.
Round 52 *2 sc in next st.* to end --- 16 sts.
Rnds 53-54 Sc around --- 16 sts.
Round 55 *sc2tog, 6 sc* 2 times --- 14 sts.
Round 56 Sc around --- 14 sts.
Round 57 *sc2tog, 5 sc* 2 times --- 12 sts.
Round 58 Sc2tog, 10 sc --- 11 sts.
Round 59 Sc2tog, 9 sc --- 10 sts.
Round 60 Sc2tog, 8 sc --- 9 sts.
Round 61 Sc2tog, 7 sc --- 8 sts.
Round 62 Sc2tog, 6 sc --- 7 sts.
Round 63 Sc2tog, 5 sc --- 6 sts.
Use tweezers to stuff Paint Brush.
Close the hole and weave in the remaining yarn.

Metallic Part (Make 3)

Round 1 In Grey Ch 10, wrap around thinner part of Paint Brush and start
crocheting in the first ch that you made (you will crocheting the
metallic part around the Paint Brush.) do not join, using the stitch
marker to mark the first stitch of the next round --- 10 sts.
Rnds 2-5 Sc around --- 10 sts.
Fasten off, as by Color Changing and weave in the remaining yarn.

Colored Paint Brush Point (Make 3 Different Colors)

Round 1 In Paint Color, make an adjustable ring and work 4 sc in the ring,
do not join, using the stitch marker to mark the first stitch of
the next round --- 4 sts.
Round 2 *2 sc in next st* to end --- 8 sts.
Round 3 Sc around --- 8 sts.
Round 4 2 sc in next st, 7 sc --- 9 sts.
Round 5 2 sc in next st, 8 sc --- 10 sts.
Round 6 *2 sc in next st, 4 sc* 2 times --- 12 sts.
Round 7 Sc around --- 12 sts.
Round 8 (Half round do not finish!) Ch 3, 3 dc in 3th ch from hook, sl st in
last st from round 7.
Fasten off, as by Color Changing, leaving a long tail to sew on the
Colored Point to the Point of the Paint Brush. Weaving in ends.

Bunny paint an Easter egg 17 Designed by Crea-Me © 2010

Paint Bucket (Make 1)

Round 1 In Grey, make an adjustable ring and work 6 sc in the ring,

do not join, using the stitch marker to mark the first stitch of
the next round --- 6 sts.
Round 2 2 sc in each st around --- 12 sts.
Round 3 *1 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 18 sts.
Round 4 1 sc, *2 sc in next st, 2 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 1 sc --- 24 sts.
Round 5 *3 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 30 sts.
Round 6 2 sc, *2 sc in next st, 4 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 2 sc --- 36 sts.
Round 7 *5 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 42 sts.
Round 8 3 sc, *2 sc in next st, 6 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 3 sc --- 48 sts.
Round 9 *7 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 54 sts.
Round 10 4 sc, *2 sc in next st, 8 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 4 sc --- 60 sts.
Round 11 Sc around in FL Only --- 60 sts.
Rnds 12-14 Sc around --- 60 sts.
Round 15 Sc around true this round and BL from Round 11 --- 60 sts.
Rnds 16-25 Sc around --- 60 sts.
(For 2th Bucket Crochet 5 more rounds and for 3th Bucket crochet
10 more rounds, continue the pattern.)
Round 26 Sc around in FL Only --- 60 sts.
Round 27 *9 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 66 sts.
Rnds 28-29 Sc around --- 66 sts.
Round 30 *9 sc, sc2tog* to end --- 60 sts.
Round 31 Sc around true this round and BL from Round 26 --- 60 sts.
Fasten off, as by Color Changing, weaving in the ends.

Paint Bucket Handle (Make 3)

Round 1 In Grey, make an adjustable ring and work 6 sc in the ring,

do not join, using the stitch marker to mark the first stitch of
the next round --- 6 sts.
Rnds 2-36 Sc around --- 6 sts.
Use tweezers to stuff Paint Bucket Handle.
Close the hole and weave in the remaining yarn.

Sew on the Bucket Handle on both sides from the Paint Bucket,
Do this before you start stuffing the buckets.

Bunny paint an Easter egg 18 Designed by Crea-Me © 2010

Paint For Bucket (Make 3 Different Colors)

Round 1 In Paint Color, make an adjustable ring and work 6 sc in the ring,
do not join, using the stitch marker to mark the first stitch of
the next round --- 6 sts.
Round 2 2 sc in each st around --- 12 sts.
Round 3 *1 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 18 sts.
Round 4 1 sc, *2 sc in next st, 2 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 1 sc --- 24 sts.
Round 5 *3 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 30 sts.
Round 6 2 sc, *2 sc in next st, 4 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 2 sc --- 36 sts.
Round 7 *5 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 42 sts.
Round 8 3 sc, *2 sc in next st, 6 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 3 sc --- 48 sts.
Round 9 *7 sc, 2 sc in next st* to end --- 54 sts.
Round 10 4 sc, *2 sc in next st, 8 sc* 5 times, 2 in next st, 4 sc --- 60 sts.
Round 8 Crochet in FL Only! Play around with sc and dc’s.
(Make a note what you did!)
Round 9 Sl st in every sc from Round 8 and 2 dc’s in every dc from Round 8.
Round 10 Sl st around and make Drops where you like.

Drops Ch 3, dc ore more dc’s in 3 ch from hook, sl st in same as dc’s made,

sl st in same st as last sl st made from Round 10.

Fasten off, as by Color Changing, leaving a long tail to sew the paint
in to the bucket. Weaving in remaining ends.

Thank you for purchasing a Crea-Me pattern.

If you have any questions or feedback regarding the pattern,
please feel free to contact me.

Yours Crea-Me.

Bunny paint an Easter egg 19 Designed by Crea-Me © 2010

Bunny paint an Easter egg 20 Designed by Crea-Me © 2010

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